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Posts posted by Ralsk

  1. While it is possible with random groups if you get lucky (because it's the only way I've ever fought him) I do think there are serious issues with the fight.

    For one I feel there is far too much incoming damage on you at any given time.  I play as Nezha and I can get absurd amounts of Warding Halo hp if I time it right (well over 20k for instance) and yet even with that much extra damage reduction I feel like that can be shredded in seconds.  I think this simply stems from too many enemies spawning at once.

    With all the incoming damage and enemies and whatnot there is no other mission that has ever required me to spam health and energy pizzas the way this mission does.  It's absolutely absurd how quickly you can lose health and energy both from all the chaos going on.

    There are also too many nullifying bubbles and then there are the enemies (I don't remember their names) that disable certain abilities but not all of them...usually my 1 and 3 which knocks out my Warding Halo.

    Overall I think the amount of enemies and/or their damage needs to be toned down a bit.  It could definitely still be a challenging fight without it seeming stupidly imbalanced in favor of the enemy.  Exploiter is 100x easier than Profit Taker.  Heck, I can solo Exploiter but I don't think I could do Profit Taker on my best day.

  2. Not a bad idea and I do like the concept though it reminds me of grinding for Shining Streamstones in Monster Hunter World and how awful it is to get the one to drop for the weapon you actually want to upgrade...and that game has far less weapons to dilute the drop pool.

    I don't think infinite capacity would make a huge difference.  In my experience with enough formas I've never had to leave off a mod because of not having enough capacity.  If anything I've had to leave off certain mods simply because there aren't enough slots.  I would say change the infinite capacity into 1-2 more mods slots.

    Older weapons really do need some life breathed into them though.  My poor Latron Prime.  It served me well for so long and yet it's been neglected by DE for years.  Even good rivens can't fix what are simply subpar stats compared to newer weapons.

  3. 3 minutes ago, IIAc3sII said:

    Still better than only excluding new people while the majority has them, but I agree, re-introducing them would be preferable.

    When they removed the blueprints from PC they did so without any announcement, I even made a petition right after to ask if they could give me the blueprints and subtract the correct amount of standing (was still on wiki, I calculated it all) and even this simple and fair request got denied.

    So judging from this, I don't expect much anymore.

    Ever since that whole thing with Hema and the absolutely absurd amount of Mutagen Samples it cost to research and how DE never lowered it I don't really ever expect much quality of life fixes in our favor.  If anything, their "fixes" usually add more grind as has happened here with the bait change.

  4. Radiation proccing on your frame has always been dangerous for this reason.  I've done quite a few Sorties with Radiation hazard and have been insta killed by a Mesa on my team.  That being said as far as I understand it this is how it is intended to work.  I've honestly never seen anyone troll with those lasers via radiation proc.  Usually if anyone does troll with them they are simply going for a quick team kill.

  5. 90 is the max?  Seriously?  Dang and I'm already over halfway there.  That's definitely not enough slots IMO.  I didn't think there was a limit to it especially since it's a way for DE to get people to spend more platinum.

  6. I disagree.  ESO is made to level gear and I would have no reason to go to it if I couldn't farm xp and focus there.  I do use it for lvling stuff but I always bring at least 1 or 2 weapons that still contribute to the actual killing.  And you know what my experience is with about 75% of public ESO?  My help isn't needed anyway cause there is usually a Saryn on the team who melts everything on her own and has thousands of kills by the end of the game where I can be lucky to get a few hundred depending on what I'm using.

  7. Personally I love using Armored Agility and Umbral Fiber on my Nezha.  More speed on him along with more armor is always welcome.  If I played as Rhino or Frost I'm sure I would probably include it on their builds as well.  That being said I think it would probably be a bit OP to have such a good mod on the Exilus slot.  Not saying I wouldn't like it, I'd actually love it, but even I think that may be going a bit far and I doubt DE would allow it to be used there.

  8. I agree I think it was a dumb move to remove the blueprints.  What's worse is the "why" behind their removal.  You are now forced to occasionally grind standing on either Earth or Venus to buy bait when before you could obtain the materials yourself without being forced into bounties that you have no reason to play nor interest in doing so.  I'm glad I have the few blueprints I have but it's complete crap that they were scrapped to now be bought only with standing.

    • Like 2
  9. A lot of good suggestions have been made already so most of my focus here is how I feel about the new system.  Overall I can't say I enjoy Nightwave at all.  It's so depressing to not see any alerts and the navigation console feels empty when I go up to it.  Nightwave is just another faction to grind standing in as if we don't have enough of that already.  What's worse is you complete the daily challenge and it's like "Ok, so now what?"  There's nothing else new that may pop up later, nothing to stick around for until tomorrow.


    Alerts always felt like something new and fresh and were nice, bite size content where it was easy to pick and choose what you wanted or didn't want.  I can't tell you how many times I'd be getting ready to log out and an alert would pop up that would make me play just one more mission and then another alert and another.  There was always a small thrill hearing "New alert marked on Navigation."


    This new system feels like a job.  Like I "have" to do as many of these tasks as possible and a majority of them are not fun.  And 60 minutes survival is way too long.  I don't trust everyone's computer in a team to stay connected for that length of time.  Heck, these recent relic alerts at 30 minutes made me hold my breath most of the mission.  20-30 minutes max I think for endurance missions or, as others suggested, make it cumulative from multiple missions.

    I just don't see why we can't have Nightwave AND the old alert system.  Best of both worlds, both sides would be happy.

    • Like 4
  10. A few weeks ago was flying around in Archwing in POE heading towards extract.  My Itzal got caught between two very small trees so what I think happened is I bounced between each one extremely fast taking chip damage till I died.  What it looked like on my screen was that I quite literally was insta-killed by running into a tree.

    Killed by a tree, I don't think I'll ever forget that one or live it down anytime soon.  Beware Tenno.  Those trees mean business.  My only regret was that I wasn't recording at the time.

  11. While I thought the whole operator thing was kind of cool at first, even during the first iteration of the Focus system, I now think on the whole they detract from the experience.  Focus went from something that complimented Warframes to something focused on the little people in the frames with a huge grind wall tossed in for good measure as a nice "screw you" to any casual players.  I think overall one of my biggest gripes is the increase of content forcing us to use operator form.  The Kuva siphons I could accept since the operator's needed function was so quick.  Get out, blast, dash, return to frame.  But now these Eidolon Teralysts are basically a boss fight built around the operator.  Lastly I think they are just way too jarring of a gameplay difference compared to the Warframes.  Once you hit that button way too much changes.


    1.  Shielded/armored, usually decent health pool, pretty sturdy overall.

    2.  Tons of mobility and special moves like bullet jumping or aim gliding all focused on speed.

    3.  Weapons that, especially when set up well or forma'd can make you feel like a god and can let you rain death upon enemies in droves.

    4.  Abilities that also make you, the player, feel powerful through their myriad of functions.



    1.  Very fragile and die very easily (they even take freaking fall damage).

    2.  Can't do parkour (can barely jump honestly).

    3.  Move extremely slow (compared to a Warframe)

    4.  Extremely situational weapon that almost seems like a gimmick.


    I play Warframe for the Warframes, for being a deadly, gun-wielding, parkouring space ninja.  The operator offers none of that.

  12. Assuming it's the gunship I think you're referring to then yes, it needs a huge accuracy or travel time nerf for its shots.  I can be all out sliding, bullet jumping, dodging left/right/wherever and the dang thing still can nail me with near 100% accuracy.  I thought that the whole point of our fancy parkour stuff was that enemies were supposed to have a harder time hitting us while moving?  It's absolutely a nightmare on the higher lvl plains missions.  Only reason I survive as well as I do is Trinity's Link but once that is down it is absolutely absurd how quick my shields and hp can start dropping even on lower lvl missions.  Also, no, shooting it down is not viable on higher lvl missions for multiple reasons.

    1.  They have a ton of hp or armor on higher lvl missions.

    2.  When they are a problem I usually have other things to deal with like the ridiculous amount of enemies trying to destroy a console I'm protecting.

    3.  Tying a bit into the above point sometimes there can be so many explosions of drop pods landing, mortar hits, and other random crap on screen that I can barely tell what way is up, let alone have time to actually look around and find an air target in the middle of all that chaos.  This also can make precision aiming at something like the turret itself near impossible as well.

    4.  Not helping this at all is that a lot of the enemies on the plains can also cause knockdown in some form.

  13. Anytime changes are made to improve performance but are really slight nerfs (changes to Mirage's clones for example) all in the name of performance if it really amounts to catering to people trying to play the game on a computer that was not made to handle running Warframe.


    The Ash rework that destroyed his fourth ability.  It's a PVE game people, it doesn't matter who gets the dang kills.  Honestly I never had a problem with Mesa's old ultimate either.  Made for a nice break occasionally.


    People wiping out all units anywhere nearby instantly with things like World on Fire then asking why my Trinity isn't giving them energy (apparently not understanding that I require living targets to cast Energy Vampire on).

  14. Another issue I have with being teleported back is not so much the 1-2 seconds of you getting your footing back but if you have any abilities active when you go into the reset zone they are dispelled.  I've died as Trinity multiple times from a stupid reset zone turning my Link ability off because reasons.

  15. Hello DE.  I wanted to leave this here in case anything could be learned on how to fix this bug.  Final enemy of a rift defense wave suddenly went invincible near the end of his health bar.  We tried basically everything to kill him for about 10 minutes including shoving him off of a ledge into a void which merely respawned him from a random door.  I have video of the end of the incident which fixed itself after the host decided to leave but still it would be nice if stuff like this didn't happen to begin with.  Thank you.


  16. 6 minutes ago, RacerDelux said:

    It fails to one shot enemies pretty quickly. In normal game play it is fine.

    Slightly confused by this response.  When exactly are you referring to it failing to one shot enemies if not in normal gameplay?  Raids? Sorties?  If that's the case I can't really comment on the viability of Opticor in those places.  I've never done a raid yet and most of the time sorties I take specific weapons (assuming I'm not locked into something such as a Bow only mission).

  17. On the whole the Opticor seems fairly solid as is to me in its current state.  The fire rate is not a problem for me just running with Shred and Vile Acceleration and the damage is already beyond massive when properly modded.  I don't see the reload time or the magazine size as problems to be fixed but rather I see them as simply the downsides for having a weapon that can basically one shot anything (except freaking nullifier bubbles).  You can't have a weapon be absolutely perfect, it needs some sort of downside to compensate for a huge upside that it has.


    I think my only complaint is that it's one of the few weapons that can use the Firestorm mod but it seems to be extremely inconsistent on when that AOE actually triggers.  Possibly its hit detection also seems off to me.

    I've had enemies die 3 feet away from where the beam passed them by on the way to where I was actually aiming...and I've also had the beam go right through enemies without it hitting them (and it's happened in enough multiple settings and times that it's not lag).

    I've hit the ground near a group of enemies and killed all of them...I've also done the same thing with the same type/level of enemies and killed none of them.


    So yeah, on the whole I love it as is.  It's my giant freaking death beam cannon.  But I just wish it worked in a more consistent manner.

  18. This is kind of an annoying issue I agree even though there is an argument to be made on both sides.  On the one hand IMO MR doesn't mean anything aside from you spending a large amount of time leveling a lot of mostly crappy gear.  On the other there is a good chance that high MR usually means you have played for a long time and thus know what you're actually doing.  The main point that people need to get is simply this.


    High MR =/= highly skilled player  (not automatically anyway)


    I've seen MR 17s and up that have been terrible and I've seen some 3-5s that have put much higher MR's to shame.  I've been proven wrong thinking I would have to carry someone and then they turn around and show me they can handle it.  For me what frame and weapons a person is using means a lot more to me than what their MR is.


    As an aside even though I'm MR 19 I refuse to join any group that asks for MR before they will give you an invite.  It annoys me to no end.

  19. Had this happen to a friend and I last night though I had the bonus of being stuck in a black abyss where nothing was on screen before I found myself outside the arena watching my other clan member fight the golem.  At least I could shoot into the arena.  Using the /unstuck command got us back into the arena.

  20. Since the wiki is still not up to date on this yet let me see if I have this straight because I really hope I don't.  You have to do the following.


    1.  Go to an infested mission on Eris and get lucky enough to trigger Juggernaut and then "impress" him with your kills to lure him out and fight him.

    2.  Kill Juggernaut and see if he actually drops the BP you need.  You will also need to farm him for the parts for the BP.

    3.  Wait 8 hours to build it.

    4.  Make more potent pods using 3 argon crystals (and presumably another 8 hours construction time?)

    5.  Finally be allowed to fight new archwing boss and get Atlas BP.


    The points I'm most concerned about are mainly these since the wiki has nothing on potent pods yet.


    1.  The wiki mentions that your Pherliac pod must have at least 1 charge to use it in the construction of the potent pod.  Does this mean that you lose the entire pod (any and all charges on it) when you create a potent one?  Or does it just use one charge to make it?

    2.  These potent pods that require 3 argon.  Do you get more than one per construction?  If so how many?

    3.  Do you require a new potent pod for each attempt at the new boss for an Atlas piece?


    Any clarifications here would be most welcome.  Thanks everyone.

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