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Posts posted by Neuroszima

  1. I will not repeat myself, instead i will post whatever i posted elsewhere, since i keep my decision about the shieldgate:

    shieldgate thread:



    Hotfix thread:



    "Mainline 24-hours" thread:



    Reminder: In 2 of those, once i say .3 seconds of shieldgate in conclave is enough, in other i beg for it's removal. I am strongly against keeping it in conclave, but if there was an only single option, that is option for it's tweak, i would go with .3 seconds as it is with partial shield restore gate

  2. On 2020-03-02 at 6:35 PM, [DE]Bear said:

    Shield Gating: Friend and Foe
    Friend: First, let’s answer ‘What is Shield Gating?’ when it applies to you as a player. In this implementation, Shield Gating is the mechanic of preventing an instance of lethal (‘1-shot’) damage if you have Shields active. Simply put, the goal is to reduce the number of ‘1-shots’ you take when your shields are up, particularly for Shield-based frames.

    When any shields are active, an incoming hit that depletes your last bit of Shields will not continue into your Health pool, and also triggers a brief time where your Health is protected. Once that period is over you can take Health damage normally. Additionally, you will no longer take Slash Status Effect damage to your Health while Shields are up. 

    Foe: Enemies - Corpus in particular - also have received a bit of a Shield Gating, but with skillful gameplay you can overcome this. Any Headshots or shots to Weakspots  completely bypass Corpus enemy Shield Gating. In addition, 5% of the damage dealt when hitting the shield gate will target enemy Health - this allows you to take your Forma fueled weapons back to low level enemies and hit them hard instead of hitting the shield gate.

    The goal here is to make Shields a mechanic you want to play against with Mods (Auras, Elemental) or to bypass with skill (Headshots). Slash Status Effects will now deal damage over time to Shields, Toxin damage remains as-is (bypassing Shields to directly affect enemy Health). Damage from Warframe Abilities will ignore the enemy Shield Gate (i.e if an instance of Damage from an ability is greater than the Shield value, it will go into health as well). 

    Giving both Friend and Foe shield gating has two purposes: we want to reward skill a bit more in all Corpus missions, and give the ‘squishier’ frames a bit more viable edge and a chance to really explore Shield-focused builds. Toxin Damage and Status Effects are still your friend against Corpus or Shielded enemies! 

    Please remember to leave your feedback in a constructive and civil manner! Remember, this thread is for FEEDBACK ONLY. If you have a bug, please make sure you submit your bug on this thread and follow the new guidelines!

    Well, with skill you are right.

    Try to aim a headshot on one of the conclave players.

    Huh? you say you can't? well "just tap heads LMAO"

    In more polite words. What you created in conclave with this change is you dramatically increased skill gap between pro and noob-skilled players. Nice move.

    • Like 1
  3. Yes i totally agree

    Battlefield 5 had the same problem. In one of the patches, seemingly aiming at lower skilled players, they increased TTK by decreasing damage of weapons across all of the classes.

    Results were tremendously bad. People with already godlike aim had only 1 or 2 shots more to deal, which was no problem for them. But for new people, instead of 2 or 3 lucky shots, that ends up with kill. It became 5, which already prolonged the series of misses, and noobs died even more due to lack of skill.

    Also this update rewards precision, while not rewarding precision. Bodyshots doesn't matter, you are forced to "tap heads" which before the update seemed like a joke, but now seems like a bad irony.

    What is also mindbending is that i can't see other solution than removing this mechanic. Or introducing proper matchmaking with balancing weapons, which has never been that crucial propably, looking at history of this mode. Now most Pros will still tap heads, while noobs like me will not get any benefit from shooting seemingly correct body shots.

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Tyreaus said:

    Just to be clear on this: headshots negate the shield gate in Conclave? I know it's supposed to work that way for Corpus but...that'd explain why I get knocked down to ~90 health (from 120) immediately after losing my shield.

    yes, you bypass shieldgate by headshotting enemies. it takes away shields and bit of health, or all the health if target is squishy

  5. 3 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

    I finally set this up. Only 3 years late 😅

    Nice that we got that. Does it mean DE crew will more often look in Conclave subforums? Todays update kind of rose our hopes for better future of this content.

  6. From what i have heard unfortunately, some of the "rebalanced" status effects have spilled over to conclave.

    The shield gate has created a bigger skill gap for me, since if i have to basically constantly "tap heads" with sniper rifle, to negate the effect of shield gate, it is so huge unconvinience for a new player like me, that i can't really do much to counteract high mobility system. Most experienced people utilize it and still can shoot me. On another note it might provide more time to escape from previously lost situations.

    A good one is nerf to spin2win tactics in there. And because of shield gate working on melee, 1hko slams will not happen i think.

    All in all i think meta shift will undeniably happen, heard about Staticor acting weird, but that is not damage related.

  7. 28 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


    I hope this update will not screw conclave.

    I see your attention for conlave rises. First with some lunaro fixes that we experienced at the Melee 3.0 phase 2 release. And now you actually reduced dual sword spin damage.

    Would like to get those 2 devs that were pulled out of there again. Or some information if this situation will continue - with more fixes delivered to adress problems there. Would like to see some megathread created for that as well.

  8. On 2020-02-17 at 7:37 PM, (PS4)CMD-Savage856NJ said:

    Indeed that melee 3.0 straight up busted the whole thing. I mean I’m fine without unstables but it’s annoying now because I miss popping nonstop unstables on them folks but also I’m also the other main reason why they also stopped playing lunaro on ps4😂

    Rejoice, on PC somehow this bug got silently fixed. Propably you will get the hotfix with that patch soon, and no, i am not joking now. No soon(TM) or anything.

  9. Maybe a debuff that you/fellow tenno can't be invisible? Or that certain damage type vs. enemies doesn't work? Enemies can't be taunted at all? (protection from lets say, Octavia Mallet that way) (I know that you said less effective, but it still would be a bit too vague, like "how less effective")

  10. 10 hours ago, Voltage said:


    Let me preface by saying I don't own a Primed Chamber. Now, I understand the players who legitimately earned one of these is in the extreme minority, and it's nice to get one for myself, but I cannot help but give objective feedback that this does not respect the former rarity and aquisition for years. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but just letting players have this for a measly 2,995 Ducats and 1,000,000 Credits is quite lousy. I think a cool way to implement this could be something like future Operations give this to top 100 players on each Platform, or top 10 players on weekly leaderboards for any mission can get one. Something fair but still nodding to it's original addition would have been nice. 

    The time put into getting the Platinum is one thing, finding someone with one for sale is extremely hard, and overall this mod had a cool value associated with it. That's all been obliterated as it's now purchasable from Baro and holds none of that achievement anymore.

    This was a poor implementation of the mod back into the game. This is a blind-sided punch to the stomach to a very specific yet dedicated group of players. Though, I do understand that it had to return at some point, and it was inevitable for it to return, it's just the "how it was added" that I disagree with.

    After reading several replies, I came across the very feeling I was trying to describe:

    to be honest, i feel like conclave community could relate to post you made.

    Not with wholesome of this, the exclusivity of rewards in conclave is nowhere near this mod was, but with the original point of this - exclusivity and the value of items you sacrifice time to get, and somehow how much them mean to one.

    I am just a conclave noone. I try my best. I had to literally start my adventure with aim trainer, to even stand any chance. Yes, I like conclave, and i like to treat it as a challenge. And i belive people also belive in the value of challenge. No matter if it is 5 hour survival, that i absolutely can't do myself and i would fail after like an hour or so. No matter if it is speedrunning Incident_whatever_number_it_is_but_it_is_misson_from_simiaris. No matter if it is playing conclave and fail. It always in it's core matters one. A challenge of beating one enemy, yourself.

    If I spend time in conclave, wether it is private match or public, i get wrecked, but with a hope to get better. And i sacrifice said time, that a guy in the OP creator citation mentiones. And it starts to mean SOMETHING, that i get this skin knowing it is, maybe, a prize for me? That i have gone through some improvement and i feel it? I dunno, i feel like this and i would like to see the solution for the top whatever % players on whatever category to get this mod.

    I kinda foresee that next step might be conclave rewards losing it's exclusivity. I was strongly against that, but one of the veterans actually pointed one thing out. That the Conclave is so terribly balanced nowadays with melee spammers and whatever else (Like Kuva Bramma 870 damage 7 meter AOE when people have like 250 HP at max shields+health) (I will not mention how many other things, it is not the goal here), with that kind of "rework" it could finally get some devs attention. So i guess, if that would happen, veterans will still play regardless of the removal of the Conclave exclusive rewards. And if i could enjoy conclave that is balanced for once, i could agree to this as well. And that is what differs us from that very limited numer of people that originally obtained this mod before what happened today. Also rewards from Cc are constantly available, while this mod was raffled or given from contests.

    So as i say, the level of exclusivity is not compareable by any means. But the idea of time investment and sheer exclusivity is.

    I wish that your post would have been better received.

  11. 11 minutes ago, mario410 said:

    This. The reason why i agree on removing the rewards is because conclave is filled with people who don't actually like playing conclave at all and are there just to grind the rewards. And in order to waste the less time possible in this boring activity they use broken weapons and stuff. If you remove the rewards you both don't give a reason to these players to play pvp if they don't want to, and let conclave players enjoy playing in public lobbies as well.

    yes and they ruin experience for me, that actually want to try this as a challenge

  12. 31 minutes ago, Genitive said:


    As long as there are issues with lack of dedicated servers and questionable balance, pvp will stay unpopular. As the post above said, removing exclusive rewards won't change anything. Maybe even the opposite, fewer people will play because there will be no reason to play.


    Mainly the point with exclusive rewards was brought up here, because of the "flex" value people percieve toxic. On many different occasions across the time i played conclave i seen comments pointing this out, since it creates "elitism" and all the things ranging from comments of "you want the rewards? Get gud lol" which some people bring up as well, up to the problem of farming lobbies, which players attending to them doesn't even want to put work in playing for real. They just want the rewards and "be done with this grind" as they don't perceive it as any challenge. Getting rewards like skins out would provide less incentive for farmers, which aren't and never was considered real conclave players, most of it was fodder for statistics, however terrible it might sound, but it is true if you look at it honestly.

    Triplinster is a veteran, and veterans will still be playing regardless of removal of said rewards.

    • Like 1

    On 2020-01-27 at 5:52 AM, (XB1)Cephalon Vol said:

    I know a few people who have the syandana and have extreme disappointment over the fact that you HAVE to play conclave daily to keep its glowing beauty. I’m thinking that since conclave is a ghost town that it be added into the next night wave asa reward and that it ALWAYS stay lit up rather than doing certain things to keep it going.

    it would be ok to have something like a "Nightwave cape" instead that gets lets say, darker and more menacing (like in the word "Night-Wave") the more ranks in current "season pass" you have. Wouldn't it be more appealing to you? rather than just get next syandana that someone can't activate flames becuase that one absolutely hate PvP?

  14. 3 minutes ago, Stormdragon said:

    Warframe's PvE doesn't enciurage the player to improve in a mechanical way. There is no need to learn parkour when powers can be used to go from point A to B faster (like wormhole or the pre-nerf CloudWalker); No need to dodge when you can simply be immune to damage or have health regen strong enough to surpass any damage dealt by enemies (Inaros and Hildryn with the respective double HP or shields regen arcane sets come to mind); And no need to aim when you just nuke everything by pressing a single key or certain sequence (add to this last point that warframe has an awfully high sens scaling that most players don't touch and that DE keeps messing randomly and there is another reason why the skill floor is perceived as higher than it actually is)


  15. 33 minutes ago, VenomousValentine said:

    I would say siege would still be harder than reworked conclave. the difference is one is strategy and the other is fast twitch muscle fiber.

    Not true at all actually, I will agree with @AlmightyPancake, and as a fresh - ANNIHILATION Conclave player i will cast some light on this matter and share my skill development process as it was untill now.

    It all started when I started playing lunaro. It was very hard for me to do anything, because there are two things that practice mode for lunaro doesn't teach you. Those are scoring unstables, and how to do the dribble.

    I started by joining the Lunaro discord server, as one of the veterans just stomped me 16-0, when he clearly could do about 22-0, but he was just toying with me. He said, "hey you tried your best, mbe you want be better". I accepted the challenge. From then on, i basically had to figure out everything myself. Well, mbe not entirely, but i had to figure out everything by just looking how others play from the look of a person that just stands by. There aren't any videos that teach this properly from 0-100%. It took me about a month to figure out how to do unstables reliably and i still performed very poorly and lost to EVERYONE. It didn't matter what i did, nothing worked, I was very predictable and my skill lacked. I was mostly playing as a host, with no reaction delay, so you can imagine how, even 100 ping, destroyed basically everything i learned in practice mode, and everything that i practiced with for hours, only to make the ground unstable, or the one from air, more reliable. It felt terrible after several dozens of matches lost in a row with no victory. And you know what? I still can't beat anyone, after about 4-5 months, because of how much of a gap it is to play against a pro players.

    After lunaro basically got destroyed by U26, this was the beginning of my journey with conclave annihilations. I started joining random public matches of 1vAll, when someone invited me to general conclave server. I was getting destroyed again, 25-0, 20-0, 15-0. I couldn't aim at people at any point with nothing. I was lucky when there was a player that played this mode CoD-like - basically standing and doing ADAD moves, since i could groundslam him, or have at least a Chance of shooting that guy. After that i met some people willing to help me, which basically were acting like "..." when saw my aim. You know why is it hard to learn this properly? Because you die to pro players before you even stick your crosshair onto any of them. I had to basically go outside of game, start my adventure with aim-trainer, to get proper tracking/click-timing excercises. With no downtime, as my usual lifespan in conclave is 2 seconds, and i wait 20 to watch killcam, select loadout, respawn, find my next target and die again, not even getting a Chance to train aiming. Add bulletjumps, doublejumps, rolling in any direction you can possibly make, YOUR OWN MOVEMENT that you have to compensate in order to even hit someone standing once, but making them harder to hit you, and you get yourself a cluster!@*)(^!$@AMP of an action that none other PvP shooter on the market has. And that's just a movement system that i covered, not even Warframe passives/abilities/a little bit of modding and so on...

    Aim trainer helped me a lot, it's initial boost helped me with tracking SOOO much i was basically able to hit people. But to get outside of the game, to get myself a proper training, because whenever you try to train aiming in-game, you have only 2 seconds if you are noob and you die? It is not training at all. You don't progres fast. You have to be already good at tracking/click-timing (flicks and all that stuff) from other games, which i didn't have much experience in. since in other games, like BF1 I also die, but those are as well more static sometimes (camping ftw in a few maps if you know spots, etc.).

    Hope this will bring up some light FOR EVERYONE so that you can see my path to being better. I propably have an enormous mental capacity to endure what i do in here. And balance issues doesn't help with learning how to aim at people at all. I have to endure what other pro players have to endure in public matches - melee spammers, Hydroid cheesers, spin2winners. But do i have a means and wits to fight them? hell no. I am just a noob that tries my best. And still fails and fails.

    That is the ultimate experience of conclave right now. From my perspective. If you want a video proof just ask, i will post anything you would like to see. I upload daily basis from conclave.

    Also i hope my 1000K/2000D that still grows will convince you at least a little that I actually DID TRY conclave, as a whole, lunaro/annihilations.

    • Like 1
  16. I stated it in a few threads befroe so lemme just compile what i wrote in a few places in short points, and add some new ones

    55 minutes ago, VenomousValentine said:

    Bonus Suggestion: Ranked.

    • ^ this, ranking, 4-stage ladder system, with modding selections reduced to bronze mods, 2nd rank up to silver and 3/4 rank gold included, with each conclave mission rewarding mods based on the given tier
    • include optional Nightwave PvP challenges. Example: (PvE) Kill Profit Taker, or (PvP) kill one Tenno enemy in Conclave with sniper rifle headshot.
    • (other person mention) Server browser, with min, max, avg, ping statistics visible, to reflect server stability at least a little (also capacity/mode, for example 3/8 FFA)
    • (other person mention) Seasonal events - Snowball/Opticor variant, back in the game
    • Kovaak-FPS-aim-trainer-like arena practice mode with bots to train aim/dodging, with simillar to lunaro consoles with tips on how to improve, where to shoot, what to be aware of.

    those are i think one of the few additions i would like to see

    But ofc yeah, balance first, and it doesn't take that much effort imo

    EDIT: one can also put veterans to already higher ranks on launch based on their performance/kills from profile stats

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  17. @[DE]Bear Regarding economics in the Railjack, here is a nice thing you could implement in regards to overflowing amounts of Dirac players like me, who already upgraded all the avionic slots to R3, could do. (also it is very easy for me to now upgrade avionics, which i don't have to do anymore)

    Implement a mechanism of upgrading (NOT REROLLING! For the love of god, please, do not make us repeat the same proces as with rivens) already repaired wreckages with Dirac, at the cost of Dirac being exactly the same, as salvaging values from a given tier.

    Lets say player would like to upgrade their MK3 Zetki reactor, which got rolled at +20 capacity. The maximum roll for the given item/tier/school for this stat is +50.

    Use the formula of upgrade_value_increase = floor((max_statistic - current_value) * 0.3) per each level of upgrade, for a cost of Dirac that is equal to the wreckage salvaging values from a given tier. Here it would be 225 Dirac, doubling the price with each upgrade made.

    The upgrading will look like this:

    1. floor((50 - 20) * 0.3) = 9, 20 + 9 = 29 avionics, cost of 225 Dirac.

    2. floor((50 - 29) * 0.3) = floor(6.3) = 6, 29 + 6 = 35 avionics cap, cost 450 Dirac.

    3. floor((50 - 35) * 0.3) = floor(4.5) = 4, 35 + 4 = 39 avionics cap, cost 900 Dirac.

    4. ...

    and so on, until player is satisfied.

    This is the best compromise i could think of, and best out of the simpliest formulas i could imagine, at the same time satisfying your greed for "grind is content" thought, since costs after 4th and 5th upgrade will get pretty ridiculous. On the other hand, it will give us something to work on, and it will lessen the need of us repeating the same mission over and over again (Gian Point, only because it is the fastest, but extreamly boring and repetitive), since Dirac, with more or lesser numbers, could be farmed at any sector, wether we help new people showing them differences on lower levels, or introducing them to high lvl RJ. 30% gap-closer is also the best compromise between too-much-grind/too-ez-upgrades, something like 50% gap-closer (between current stat and maximum stat on component) will give players huge advantage. On the other hand any amount lower than 30% is just too much of a grind to be even concerned worthwhile.

    I would like this formula to be applicable to every tier of every possible kind of part. For multiple statistics it is up to you, wether you would like us to upgrade every stat on it's own, with every stat having it's own upgrade-counter (a shared counter on the given item, that increase no matter if we once upgrade avionics capacity, another time +flux, is waaay too much. There is only ever so-much upgrades with this method, because after 6th upgrade prices will get ridiculous to the point noone would like to farm 6 hours for 1 level of extra upgrade, tryhards aside), or upgrade affecting every stat of an item at once.

    Take note that this system could also work with something like Kuva-weapons/rivens, there the resource used is Kuva not Dirac, but we are here discussing railjack, so i'll leave it here only as a side-note


    Furthermore i would like to adress something that i read through the posts under the most recent 27.0.9 hotfix. The issue is you have purged everyones inventory from Rush-Repair Drones. Some people have had multiple ones bought and ready to be used for wreckages they interested them, and now, essentially, they lost they Platinum. Are there any plans for refunds for them?

    This is all i wanted to say… For now

    • Like 1
  18. My reply will mostly be a conclave one, since i focused my efforts on the lunaro before Update 26 came on PC. One of the biggest issues got resolved there, which was bugged stance/melee actions of arcata, as well as restored things regarding the mid-air actions.

    However several things, one very major, one mediocore and some minor things from lunaro, as well as entire annihilations part of the conclave did not get the treatment in any hotfix since U26, and we have now U27:

    • Damage on spin actions of melee weapons in conclave is out of this world. Even most tanky warframes like Rhino, with active Iron Skin, are dying from a single spin of the melee weapon like Dual Kamas prime, dual keres, Telos boltace, even single sword damages on spin are just broken. I consider this bug since before U26 weapons were considered broken, but actually did not oneshot anyone. Now it is straight out of control. Dealing 300-400 damage without putting any effort, on par with ultimate abilities like conclave's Oberon one is something that destroyed balance completly. Need to test it? See EE.log for damage numbers after slide-meleeing in private party any other player, and closing the game. Take note that average EHP of warframes in conclave is only about 280.
    • Telos boltace's special "lifted" status works in conclave, and causes imbalance that is hard to even describe and causes weird glitches. Want to test this? also invite a friend to conclave private party and slide-melee them for the effect to happen. On open maps, like corpus one, Warframes that are affected by "lifted" status IGNORE INVISIBLE MAP BOUNDARIES! Under that status a player falls 1 kilometer below the map, only to respawn in a different location and get thrown 100 meters away because again is affected by this status by another slide-spammer. This is not fun and needs to be fixed YESTERDAY.
    • 100% damage block works on rolling actions. I don't know how this made into game, but it works in conclave and is just absurdly effective. For the love of god, for balance purpouses revert this change and make it 65% like it was before. To test this just hire one person to roll in front with melee equipped while other person shooting auto-rifle to see 0's on screen
    • Lunaro bug when client player, checking the ball, gives no momentum to it. This action on the other hand works perfectly on hosts, and ball gains momentum like pre-U26. This creates a big imbalance when only one player can check the ball effectively, knocking all the other players on his way with purple ball, making them unable to defend their goal. To test this incvite player to private lunaro lobby and then tell him to check the ball in front of him. Repeat the same action as host to see the difference.
    • When in lunaro, when making a single jump while possesing a ball, launching a ball with light, quick press of Left Mouse Button launches it always to the right, when looking downwards at ground. Effect gets amplified the steeper the angle is, with maximum being launching under self. This mostly happen as host, since client desync make it so that game think you launch sooner and thus angle is different but i think should be replicate-able.

    For most of those bugs there are already respective videos and forum threads under bug/conclave sections made, i will link them in this very post for a visual information.

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