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Posts posted by Lickity-Split

  1. Frost with minimum speed and max stamina is very good for this. Try it.



    This is how I done it...

    No tricks or constructive usage of bypassing game mechanics...

    Its actually very simple with a really slow Frost.


    You end up with all the time in the world to coordinate yourself for the next jump...

  2. Exclusives make some people believe they are special which makes everyone else see them as chauvinistic morons so no...

    Please no more exclusives....

    Its difficult enough trying to deal with the balloon-skulls that for some reason truly believe they are better because they have outdated, overrated and obsolete weapons...

    Lets not make anymore of them please. 

  3. im personally glad tht charge attacks are being taken away no more galatine noobs

    I have a feeling that Jat Kittag is going to suffer from this...

    Thats why I was so eager to see what they are doing with it while the stream was on... But alas I can wait a couple more days.


    Hopefully Jat Kitty is still going to be awesome.

  4. In the stream it was said that there would be no more charge attacks, but what I'm not sure about is whether they meant while the weapon is equipped or not at all, if anyone has any information please clarify,

    Preferably provide some proof, not just a link to the stream.

    The only actual proof of what you are asking is in the Stream links since thats the source...

    How can we prove this to you without that ?

  5. Don't you think its kinda overkill to give a potato alert while there is a potato alert on after a potato alert before a forma alert ?


    Fair enough Glaive may not have been the best option... Maybe an awesome Mod but you cant possibly be asking for another potato...

    All those Carbs are bad for you!

  6. it's not free stuff... alerts are a common part of the game... and we actually go and do the missions and spend resources making the items themselves, im  not saying OP is right but you are wrong aswell.

    I may be wrong now but you look like a Goat...

    I can delete my post and I will no longer be wrong but you will still look like a goat!




    Disclaimer - If this doesnt give you the clue that I honestly couldnt care less about the alert or your pettiness then I'll get a picture involved!

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