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Posts posted by Lickity-Split

  1. Uhhh, no.

    Actually the word you're looking for is yes...


    Structured PvP brought a balance between PvE & PvE that no other game could.

    Show me another example of a game that has managed to Balance PvP in a way that it doesnt effect PvE at all, one that hasnt just used the same Structured PvP system as GW2 and I'll accept your criticism but you cant just say "Uhhh, no" because someone once whooped your &#! in PvP in GW2 and you feel you were cheated.


    Since the thread is about Balance between PvE & PvP thats what my reply was based on, GW2's structured PvP system is without doubt the best answer to that.


    But like I said before because of the type of game it is Range will always have an advantage over melee but Warframe wouldnt have that problem because all Frames are both Ranged & Melee.


    Not ranting at you or taking the p*ss just saying you cant say "Uhhh, no." to what is clearly the best answer to PvP/PvE balance.

  2. I wouldn't give GW2 so much credit. I hear a lot more negative things about GW2 PvP.

    I'm not necessarily talking about the balance of a group fighting another group (I didn't really delve into the PvP enough to judge that), but the way

    the only gametype in the competitive PvP was set up. It was more about grabbing control of points than it was about battling the other players is what I hear from those who played it supposedly at higher levels.


    But then again (more recently I think?) people have been able to set up matches for dueling or strict battling on their own right? I don't know how that aspect of things goes down,


    Also a lot of people don't like there being ONLY normalized PvP. But yeah, it's a lack of variety there that was the issue.


    I'm not really saying anything about the point you're making, just kinda rambling about the PvP in the game. I agree completely with the point you're making, although it needs variety and at the side a non-normalized environment for more laid-back shenanigans.

    Yeah there is a lot of complaining about it because Range > Melee.

    They will never be able to fix that because of the type of game it is so they just throw bandages all over the place.

    But their PvP balance system is the best one out there other than that.


    Yeah they can now (At the cost of Real irl money) set up their own arena/BG's. but it ends up terrible.


    Intercept would make an absolutely awesome PvP game...

    Some capture the flag would be great too...


    omg you've made me want to PvP!

  3. There actually is a way to balance it... Guild Wars 2 done it.

    GW2 is widely recognized as the best PvP balanced game online.


    Basically as soon as you step into PvP you have a max level Frame & all Weapons. 

    Some Mods & Abilities become unavailable.

    When you step back out of PvP you get your normal stuff back.

    Basically exactly like Guild Wars 2.


    This way PvP doesnt effect PvE in any way at all and its actual Player vs Player rather than Player vs Higher level player or Person with the most OP Frame.

    No one has any advantage at all... it all comes down to skill!


    All you would have to do is decide which abilities to remove from which frames.

  4. Seems legit.


    I'll have a go at the Survival one for you...


    But that defense on Jupiter is just so damn slooooooooooow... Seriously someone should look into this.

    Dont know if its the layout or what but those waves take forever and theres nothing to fight...

    Its like you just stand around for 5min and it says "Wave Cleared" eventually.

  5. Depending on the content, of course it matters.


    Okay seriously though you would take a Braton Vandal into content where Dps matters ?

    Since thats what this thread is about...


    In all honesty though I dont have time to get stuck in a Dps debate over a useless outdated weapon like Braton Vandal...

    Something new would be awesome is what I was trying to say.

  6. I take it that you like Karak, a weapon with similar dps to Braton Vandal and less damage per bullet.

    Looks and sounds better.


    If I wanted to kill things quicker I'd use my Loltor Prime or Penta... You really thought Dps matters ?

  7. Braton Vandal seems like a useless PoS that would only serve as an inventory slot holder for something better...


    Would like to see a Karak version though... That would interest me.

  8. Defense & Survival mission on Ceres work really well.

    Used to do Mimas & Helene on Saturn but the drop rates there started to suck recently so moved to Ceres.

    The drop rates on Cells on Ceres seem much higher but sadly not a whole lot of groups there because difficulty.

  9. Then it would encourage people to just rush ahead anyway.

    Said earlier I don't mind rushers, its their playstyle on maps that dont require teamwork.


    Suppose I need to clear up that I only actually play Defense & Survival missions. (Invasions obviously) 

    So rushers arnt actually any problem in my life.


    Its the door hero's that irritate me.

  10. I was being sarcastic, I know I'm not the only one who uses the chat.


    Anyway, I'm gonna have to disagree with you, I've been playing for a good while now and I can count the douchebags I met in game on one hand (The forums is a completely different matter tho... I wonder why?). In my experience most people apologize and explain that they were zoning out and just murdering everything that moves.

    I just get the feeling people are complaining for the sake of having something to complain about it. Because why the F*** not? Let's complain!

    Its true there are more on the forum than ingame. But thats because only a tiny percentage of the population actually use said forum.


    For some reason you seem to get "Just leave the forum dont talk here" or "Go play another game" a lot on these forums... Its almost like the community dont want people to play Warframe... Kinda anticlimactic for a new player coming to the forum and getting that response.

    IMO comments like that should be censored not words like #$&(%. 


    Either way Door hero's are an issue and the easiest fix is to expand the XP range that it covers the entire level.

    No matter where something dies on the level you get XP for it.

    Then I wouldnt care what youre doing by the door because hell I dont care who go the most kills at the end of the mission its a Co-op game.

  11. that's exactly what I mean tho. Everybody says this, can you see the problem with that? A small stupid piece of bullS#&$ that 90% of the game thinks is true (where the F*** did this come from anyways??). I was in a defense run earlier where some guy called this loki with a penta who was just destroying everything a door hero. Then he rage d.c'd. The Loki then asked me wtf was a door hero. He doesn't read the forums, he had no clue it was even a thing. He was mastery rank 9!

    A lot of people on the game don't know the forums exists, don't see all these people complaining about it, HECK THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW THERE'S AN EXP RANGE MOST OF THE TIME. Instead of people just doing the obvious (or what I thought was obvious) and asking them not to rush/split up/door hero, everyone just rushes off to the forum to make some ridiculous rage post over nothing (most of the time at least).

    Y'all should just try asking them, THEY WON'T BITE JESUS.

    Maybe, just maybe in the time that this game has been around the people that say this have actually tried talking to them and are sick and tired of the "lol shuddup noob go play another game if you dont like this" answers that you get from them.


    Yes you get the 1 or 2 nice people that listen, hell Ive even had full pug groups where we sit and chat about random junk while doing our thing.

    But yes, most of them dont.


    Please don't fall under the delusion that you are the only person that has ever used the chat function.

    The people talking here might just have a little bit of experience on this fact.

  12. I will tell you all my super secret ability I use to fight off door heros/Rushers. Trust me it works 100% of the time, it's extremely complicated so I highly doubt anyone else has tried this insanity.... but just in case you have, let me ask.

    HAVE YOU EVER TRIED ASKING THEM TO NOT run off? -crowd gasps-

    yes I know, the thought that other people are actually decent guys/girls who zoned out and wandered away from the group (or that you're just too @(*()$ slow) is CRAZY.... I too assumed everyone was an idiotic douchebag who wasn't interested in sharing exp, but apparently that isn't the case??!?!?!



    For the first time in my life, I decided to be a brave pioneer and use the chat function that everyone in this game forgot existed...... I...... talked with squad.........




    Most don't listen. Like the much larger percentage of Door Hero's in Defense & MD just laugh you off and call out noob etc.

    My reply to them is standing dead center with Nova or Volt and blowing the entire defense map up as they spawn... Most Door hero's leave at this point (No kidding the actually abort because of this).

    Thing is you get the stubborn ones that just go closer to spawn and end up dead (I never ever under any circumstance revive a door hero) or they afk at which point I leave the objective to die with my last chat message being "From the way you guys were playing I didnt think we needed to protect the objective".


    I feel my method has created at least 1 or 2 team players out of the door hero's.


    Rushers I have no problem with at all... Its their playstyle on a map that doesnt require teamplay so who am I to tell them not too.

    They dont care if you lag behind and do your own thing.

  13. Sounds good. I also want resources removed from the rewardtables. No one is happy to get control modules, morphics and gallium. Cells maybe.

    TBH I wouldnt mind a Neural Sensor but for the love of all things good remove the damn credit cache's.


    I don't see whats wrong with replacing them with a Common #1 Fusion core... I'd prefer the Fusion Core.

    Done a 45min to chill out last night, got Dakra Blade, Latron bit and an Orokin Cell, the rest Credits... 

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