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Posts posted by Lickity-Split

  1. Add me ingame.


    Couple of my mates and I enjoy doing long Survivals just for the hell of it and long T3 Defense/ODD.

    Not so much ODS because its broken... Hardly any Personal Life Support drops most of the time.

    I don't get to do it often because Work -> Gym -> Family -> Game time and sometimes Bear Grylls or Top Gear is on.


    But there are a few people on my Friends list that don't use the forums which I can introduce you to that do the long survivals & defense's almost every night.

  2. This has been delayed several times over the last few months already. They built and entire flashy webpage showing off content counting down to today. This is a new level of incompetence even for DE.


    The 'effort' they are putting in is not good enough. This forum is full of fawning yes-men already, at this point a little dissent is more than justified.

    Personally I'd rather wait the extra couple days/weeks for a fully functioning update rather than have a rush job full of bugs and then have endless forum posts about the bugs.


    Although I do agree with you on the "Fawning yes-men" part... A lot of people dont seem to understand that constructive criticism is the life support of any Beta Game and just mindlessly agreeing with everything isnt actually helpful to anyone at all ever...



    Back to Topic - Cant wait for Devstream or MMOBOMB Finals!

  3. and Nexon who Bribe they player is =u?

    We stood together as a community... 

    Not because we were offered some trinkets but because we truly enjoy our game and want to show our appreciation to its creators.


    Weather we win or loose at this point we have done this and most of us have done it with our honor in tact.


    We let them know that they can bring 5 games against our 1 and we will still take the fight to them!

    They have to bribe their communities to vote while ours Unites under a common cause for no reward.


    No matter what that poll says at the end of voting we have already won.


    All that matters is for us to keep it civil now!

  4. If there was a surge it was probably some bot :( They'll remove those votes.


    How ?

    The poll doesnt belong to them its a free online polling system on a completely independent site.

    Unless Im wrong they have no way of knowing where the votes are coming from they only see the end result.



    Not saying this because I'm going to run off cheating or promoting it, just figured it was a sensible question...

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