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Posts posted by Lickity-Split

  1. I agree. Would help make me feel like it wasn't as much of a waste, too.


    I don't feel the skin was a waste, would've bought it anyways.

    I just think a Proto Excalibur profile Icon will make the Iconic Skin live on forever rather than be left in our frame wardrobe eventually.


    Please DE can we get the Icon.

  2. Have you try Rhino+ Iron Skin + Max Rush + Marathon and Quick Rest mod.

    Try fast run it see if your team mate like it?


    They liked it and want to run with me some more.

    Thank you for the build information.


    Edit : Personally I didnt like it though... Don't like rushing unless on Volt!

  3. Don't know why people get so hyped about old obsolete and to put it bluntly useless things.

    They serve no purpose in progressing through the game.


    How about changing the focus of the Hype to wanting "New" things... Now theres a concept.

    Instead of making DE have to waste time thinking which old obsolete item to bring back rather just leave it alone and help them think of which new and improved item to produce...


    Seriously, are so many people bothered because someone has something that they don't ?



    Plot Twist - 

    If there comes a time where you cant get to the current Mastery cap then yes I'd say we have a problem because these obsoletes are now effecting actual gameplay... But until then, why bother at all.

  4. Kids on the internet.

    Nothing interesting here.


    A man and his wife are sitting in the bedroom talking.

    Wife says "I wish I could make my Boobs bigger".

    Husband calmly replies "Well you know what to do then don't you ?"

    Wife is like "No, please tell me".

    Husband replies "Take a bit of toilet paper and wipe it between your breasts everyday".

    Shocked wife answers "omg does that really work".

    <Trollface.jpg> Husband says "Well its been working for your &amp;#&#33; all these years"



    - Hope this helps.

  5. Hoping that Dev's are still able to find the "Prot Excalibur needs profile icon" post.

    Thats one that I think the entire community that purchased it or not can agree is acceptable.


    We wont be able to use the Iconic Proto armor forever because lets face it we use other frames but the Iconic profile Icon would be used forever by the people that purchase this armor.


    Would be nice if DE considered this.

  6. Welcome back.

    My thoughts on your questions.


    1a - Although all the bosses do still drop Blueprints for various frames and weapons as well as there being more in the Void and Derelict there are some (Zephyr, Volt & Banshee) and a load of weapons that can only be obtained via clan research.

    While you can't trade these with other players there are a few nice guys out there that will allow you to join their clan to purchase them and then leave afterwards... Or even stay if you need a clan and want to stay.


    1b - You have access to them immediately.


    1c - Don't think of it like that. Clans are made so that you can form a trust and friendship between people you otherwise would not have known. These people will be able to help you when you need help, play with you when you cant find a group, trade with you when you need something badly and help you through events etc.

    While you can accomplish all this without a clan you loose out on the trust/friendship factor.


    2a - The 2 you mentioned are now easy to collect as well as the other normal mats however there are still some rare materials like Neural Sensors, Neurodes, Oxium and Orokin Cells that are slightly harder to obtain however not to a keyboard through the monitor degree.


    2c - No comment on the extractors... Mine keep dieing because I forget to collect them. They arnt really required.


    I hope this helped.

  7. The day I got through a hardcore timed parkour lazor death trap of doom room in the void and at the end there was like 20 containers and they all had platinum in them instead of credits...


    LOLJK! but wouldnt it be awesome...



    Really though its a funny story.

    My line was bad that day and we were doing T3 Capture, myself, my bro and 2 mates... 

    They DC'd without me even knowing... I had even DC'd off of our Mumble without knowing.

    Stalker spawns and I start shouting for us to group up... Had an Epic little battle with him and won, he drops Despair.

    2min later I reconnect to Mumble and tell them the story.

    -5000 DKP

  8. I got all of his parts using those apps.  My phone made a loud blaring noise and a count down timer.  Maybe some changes have been made since you used those two apps?

    Oh I still use them and I can set them up to make loud blaring noises and timers but if you think Im waking up at 3am in the morning for an alert when I have work the next day you're very much mistaken...


    Like I said Vauban just isnt important enough... The only thing I need it for is the Mastery other than that its useless to me.



    Back to topic I do agree that the Alert chance of the helm is ludicrous (3 Alerts in 8 Months)

    But I also agree that rare things should be rare and give you something to look forward too.

  9. Just ignore it. The description states that only your powers will be weaker next time you fight them. So wear it with pride until you have the spare resources.


    According to Wiki it lowers your power against all Grineer.

    Don't know how accurate that is but if its true that might make fighting your way to Jupiter a little bit challenging.

  10. This is hilarious... Sorry not taking the piss out of you, just the fact that someone who doesnt have access to the only place that drops Neural Sensors can actually get this bolt on them.


    Try find a nice willing group in recruit channel there should be a couple guys willing to help, Im at work or I would.

    They should be able to take you to the places you need to get the mats to remove it.


    You'll have some fun along the way too.

  11. Check out some of the Warframe alert apps.  You can filter and get alerts for Vauban parts only on a couple.  I use Warframe and Warframe Nexus from the Android app store. 


    Doesnt help... You just get to see when the helm ended.

    If you look back at the Twitter feed archives the helm is Elusive.


    Last one was a couple weeks ago yes at 3am Europe/Africa time, the previous on before that is 2 Months at 1am Europe/Africa time and the next one before that is 5 Months...

    Thats 3 Vauban helm alerts in the last 8 Months 2 of which were inaccessible for 1/3 of the Planet and for another 1/3 of the Planet most of them wouldve been at work.


    Not complaining, rare things should be rare but this was just hilarious when I seen it.


    Basically soon as I noticed this I decided screw Vauban dont need it anyways.

  12. Still not got this thing since I started playing...

    Not even mad...


    In all Honesty I wish all the bosses had something like this that was a minuscule drop chance with diminishing returns. 

    Would give us all a good reason to go back.

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