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Posts posted by (PSN)korm-2_0

  1. So, yeah title says it all, but I guess I'll explain a little.


    Booben vs Phorid 


    Booben wins.


    Booben gets no nyx parts.


    Booben sad.


    *Repeat 13 times* 


    Ash vs Phorid


    Ash wins


    Ash gets no nyx parts 


    Ash sad 


    *Repeat 4 times*


    Alright, so here's the question : How does one simply get Nyx ? (Had her before, sold her because of Nova.((Worst choice I ever made in this game)) ) 

  2. Personally I run Zephy (especially against corpus, honestly try her 3 against them. It's god mode) but yeah, Rhino is the more 'one size fits all' frame. 

    -1 for lack of originality I guess.

    If you got a good weapon and like to knockdown enemies > Banshee 


    If you like using a slow, way too tanky (In my opinion) Frame > Rhino


    Vauban got an amazing skill set, but he's slow :( 


    Zephyr is amazing, no need to explain why I guess.


    Nova if you're a fan of nukes.


    Maybe Nyx? 

  3. "need to strengthen sound quake" Sound quake deals more damage then a Rhino Stomp in overall dmg plus neither can be spammed too quickly, the only major difference is that sound quake deals less dmg to far away enemies.

    It also does blast damage so only effective against Infested ancients pretty much. As a result low dmg similar to rhino stomp. Also if you use sound quake try to get behind walls or cover then use or else you're just a sitting bullsye for enemies


    Sonar and sonic boom are both really good CC abilities. Sonar with a max dmg build (blind rage max, and intesify max) will do an extra 1000% dmg when hitting the glowing spot. Not only that but you can see enemies at far distances even without stretch and even through walls,floors, roofs. Max range is somewhere around 70-80 meters. You can use sonar to help find ways to survive since she is slightly lacking in shield/health category. Plus it's a good move for solo play or Group play.


    Silence is trash at the moment, but the DE said they will be reworking that along with the Hysteria on Valkyr.


    Sonic Boom is good for knockdown and it also has decent range (although somewhat low dmg)


    All in all, I like using her on survivals late game so if you can get good mods and weapons she is definitely a decent late game frame (in my opinion)

    (don't mind the people who say to get rhino over her, cuz then you'll prolly get called a "Rhino Noob")


    Also Look at the warframe wiki and read up on her abilities, it will teach you a lot 

    I dislike rhino. His abilities are meh, and he's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to slow in my opinion 

  4. If they rework her, yes, but actually I use her only for the fun ( but she is pretty powerful and useful)



    She is a great late game frame her damage amp plus a a sniper or bow makes her deal tons of damge if moded right.


    I guess I'll build her after I get my Zephyr.


    ^^' or at the same time .

  5. So, Banshee was my all time favorite Warframe before it came out on PS4 (By that, I mean before I even started playing the game, she looked good). But most people seems to say it's a "Meh" frame. 


    So can some of you give me opinions of what you think of her? (And if she's good for level 40 and less enemies ) 


    P.S Extremely sorry for these kind of threads, but I'm not the most experienced player out there ^^. And since I only have 3 Frame slots, I think it's better asking for opinions.


    Thanks in advance. Again.

  6. hi every1, i have been playing this game for quite some time now and am wondering how and what is the fastest way to lvl warframes like trinity with no offensive abilities.


    I sold trinity when she was lvl 13. She's too suporti-ish for me. Spam link, while playing linkin park. Take a good primary, secondary and melee (Dread - Despair - Hate) 


    Then put some cool colors and play with some friends. 

  7. Zephyr was one of the most enjoyable frames I played with, I put 3 forma on it and it was a joy each time I leveled.


    but recently I haven't really used it and found that I can't really choose it over another frame for "serious play"

    That's perfect. I never play seriously except against bosses. And even against bosses there's 1.5 chance on 3 that I take a serious Frame.  + She's fast and she has turbulence. And she has tornado  (Knocking down enemies For the win) 

  8. Nova is extremely good damage wise. I'd just farm rare mods/prime parts and sell them til you have the plat to buy her.

    That would be my last resort ^ .  



    Yeah Nova is good damage wise but in my opinion Ember is wayyyy better. And She's "Funner" to play with.

  9. there isn't any possible way to not have fun with zephyr. some think shes great others not so much but you will enjoy this frame I guarantee it. I suggest joining a better clan as a side note but I know that its not about the research when it comes to clans usually. try to run kappa on sedan as much as possible for improved oxium runs. it shouldn't take that long to farm if you run it around 15-20 times.

    Kappa is broken on PS4, the best is Misma(Or something like that) on Saturn.


    Well, thanks for the reply's everyone! I'll keep farming her. 

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