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Posts posted by (PSN)korm-2_0

  1. I want a gun that shoots lucky charms.


    If you shoot them at enemies, they'll get a damage boost and a armor boost.


    If you shoot them at team mates, they get an armor reduction and lose 10 energy per second, and they get a damage reduction as well.


    P.S   If you shoot it at the Stalker he'll turn into Derf Anyo, Son Of Nef.

  2. This is brilliant. Everything in game is excessively gritty and serious. we need some comic relief and we need some sort of proof that every faction in the game isn't just some mindless fascist regime bent on conquering everything solely for the sake of conquering with no civilians or free living individuals, just new tools for their government to use as they see fit.


    Seriously DE. the storyline is wrist slitting levels of depressing once you think about it. Add this.


    This ^ 


    Some quotethoughttanking by me. Feel shame at the amount of references I tried to squeeze out.




    Ooo! Ooo!

    Can I has your autograph!?!'


    'My name is Derf Anyo Montoya.

    You killed my father.

    Prepare to die.'



    Do you like my... wait.

    Aw crap! Wrong fanfic!'


    'Awesome! Tenno are here!

    Hey, what ya doing? Can I come along? Huh? Huh?

    ...Wait. Why are you looking at me like that?'


    (If a Rhino is present)

    'Rhinos. RHINOS.

    Our enemies hide in metal boxframes! The cowards, the fools!

    We... We should take away their metal boxframes...'


    Battle Quotes:


    'I like swords.'

    'Man, all my friends were telling me you guys were just something that people told to kids to make them scared!'

    'Do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?'

    'I wonder if your helmets could be made from styrofoam...'

    'Yay, it's fighty time! Fighty time! Fighty time!'


    Clumsy Slashdash


    'HACK SLASH HACK SLASH HACK SLASH! Ha! And they say fighting is hard!'

    'That's it! FIGHTER-DOKEN!!!'

    'I'll catch ya this time! TENNO AWAY!!!'

    'Stop running! LEEROOOOOOOOOY-!!!'


    Ash's Teleport


    'Telehpoart Mareho!'

    'BAMF! Cool, ain't it?'

    'Don't ya wish you could pull THIS off?!? Wait, ya can? Aw hell...'





    'A momentary setback! I will return to haunt you again!'

    'Wow, I wonder if the Stalker ever feels like this...'

    'If you strike me down, I will become more powerful then before! ...Ow. Asprin...'


    'It's not a retreat! It's a tactical withdrawal!'


    'I-I promised I wouldn't cry... *sniff*'

    Also this & 

  3. ^ I love this guy right here. but saddly we are getting a water themed frame next.


    Awn :3 . But awn :( . 


    Why water? That's so.. Mainstream (Te-eh ) 


    This is bad :( .


    Is DE going to make a new frame for each element ? 


    Rhino = Earth, Ember = Fire, Volt = Electricity, Zephyr = Wind, Nekros = Darkness, Frost = Ice, Mag = Gravity (Now gravity is an element)


    I think we got enough for the moment. 


    Hello players you're here a little sorry that professionals create new topic but I have a bad English and understand at least buddy helps me to translate and I still can not figure it out how to find the stalker still love to read more of posts here but I do not understand: (
    1.If lvl do I need to be discovered Warframe, Melle, Prime, Secondary 
    2.If bosses to kill, how many times? 
    3 how the map should appear Stalker? 
    Thanks to all who advised me I will be very grateful thank you :)





    I'll go with the info (That is maybe confirmed maybe un-confirmed) that I have.


    Stalker comes up many times when you're "training" ( Frame level 0-10, weapons 0-10) 


    The more progress you do on the solar map, the more chances Stalker will show up (Not really sure about this one)


    When you kill a boss, you get a 2.7% chance of getting marked with a Death Mark (I think this is out-dated) 

  5. Hmm I'm guessing you might have seen my concept as that #3 skill is basically exactly the same as my #3

    3) Quantum Entangle - Cost 75 energy

    "Binds the particles of two enemies together in a quantum state, causing both enemies to take the same damage simultaneously."



    Trinity : Hmmm I guess you copied my skill called link and tweaked it a bit? 

  6. Well, it has only been around since February of this year, but it has gained A LOT of votes and support in that amount of time, a little over a month(348 upvotes and a 23 page long thread). While Zephyr was around since October and has 598 upvotes and a 21 page long thread. Really, at the rate that Typhus is gaining popularity, I can't not see DE adding him in at some point. I mean, seriously, in a month and a half, Typhus has gained almost half of the upvotes of Zephyr and a longer thread, while Zehpyr was around for five months(not to take away from DrgaonKnight525, it's great that his idea got into the game, it's just that Typhus is gaining momentum at an exponential rate)


    This speaks the truth.

  7. Not following as you said your clan will have all the Zephyr part BPs in a few days.  So why do you have to contribute 160 to the clan if all the parts building is underway?    I think I contribute about 180 oxium to my clan to help get the part BPs started, then the 600 for my build.  Still a lot easier than leaving the chance of getting parts to RNG.  Reading all those posts of those farming for some of the prime frames and weapons and having that one part not appear mission after mission after mission and running out of the necessary key need to farm doesn't sound worth wide to me.

    Well typo on my part if I said the parts were under way ^^' . 


    Still missing 1000 oxi in total to complete the BP's in clan.  (And a few injectors, 2 fieldrons and 200K credits)

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