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Posts posted by (PSN)korm-2_0

  1. Hi, 


    I really want Zephyr, but farming it will take me up to 2 Months (Half of the clan members don't even contribute) 


    So I wanted to know, should I keep farming? Or should I just forget about her ? 


    I heard that she's quite fun, but I also heard that about Nova and she is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad (In my opinion of course)

  2. How people want to play and what they want to get out of the game will influence these choices. I know it influences mine:


    1. Volt: I actually didn't care for him early on, but when they made Speed Boost something you SHARED with the team rather than being another warframe that let other players rush ahead and ditch/not mark boss BP drops (which is now also dead)? I slapped on the Pulse Helm and make with the love. It's fun to help a lagging player/slower Warframe keep up with the team.

    2. Vauban: Traps. TRAAAAAAAAPS. Traps errywhere. Trap Zappy Balls on Rhino. Big Dumb Bounce Party On Exit. Big Dumb Bounce Traps On Defense Stairs/Climb Points. Bastille Juggling. TRAAAAAAAAAAAPS. He's just too fun as a support frame to not break out.


    3. Rhino: He's the big friendly slow swiss army knife of a Warframe that can juggle support and offense oh-so well. He's the guy you want when those surprise bleed procs down you and you need to get back up. I've actually enjoyed popping Rage to help out as well, and don't miss the old powersets as much as I thought I would.


    1. Synapse: I'm a sucker for biological designs; I wish more weapons were cool, freaky half-living researched stuff. It's so freakin' neat, and it's a great short range critical damage spitter.

    2. Kestrel: I wish I'd made this sooner. Melee weapons with useful utility? Yes please. With my preference for support frames, a quick panic throwing weapon that can bounce even the biggest brutes on their butts for a bit is SUPER useful. Check it out if you haven't.

    3. Spectra: Oh, Spectra. I wish I could use you. Nerfed to near uselessness atm, I still keep it just because I love the idea of a repurposed welding weapon. It's a neat style that I hope one day gets buffed. It's a clan weapon, for crying out loud. But anyone whose a fan of continuous clan weapons already knows my pain.

    I had Volt but sold him for I think Trinity. ^^'

  3. hmmm my top 3 warframe: Trinity, Vauban and Volt in no specific order


    top 3 weapons would be : Synapse too *high five*, Tysis (RAGDOLL MADNESS) and Fang prime (cause it's sexy)


    sentnel : Carrier because I'm lazyyyyyyy.

    I want Fang Prime but I'm missing 2 blades and 2 handles for it.

    And I'm going to build Tysis tomorrow ^ .

  4. So *Drum roll at a completely bad place* 

    What is your best Frames, And weapons (1 Primary, 1 Secondary, 1 Melee) And if you really want to, your sentinels.

    My top 3 frames are *Drum roll at the right moment*

    Nova (Just replaced Nyx by her, she's amazing ) Booben (Well, enough said he's amazing) And Rhino (I'll replace him by Zephyr when I get her, I dislike 100% tanks) 

    My top 3 weapons are *Drum roll*

    Primary : Synapse, I just got it, pretty fun and it's good.

    Secondary : Hikou, don't ask why, It's the first secondary I built and my only one too.

    Melee : Kestrel. That boomerang is amazing. 

    Sentinel : Carrier for the moment.

    And if you want to, give some reasons why you like them, I didn't because I can't find any good reasons, I just like them like that (Except the Kestrel for that power and Sentinel for that pickup ) 

    - Yes this is a useless thread, but it can help some people choosing their frames/ weapons / sentinels/ in the future.

  5. So I got a Vauban build which is bad, and I would really like it if someone could tell me what mods should I put (Take in mind I don't have any Corrupted or Nightmare mode. And Physique is my only aura mod. ) And I'm not fighting any thing higher then level 60 (For the moment) 


    This is my build : 


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