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Posts posted by (PSN)korm-2_0

  1. No, since you don't have beat bosses or visit the Void for Warframe parts and worry about RNG not giving you that last part you need.  I farmed Mimas on Saturn for 3 nights for about 2 to 2.5 hours a piece.  Each night I had a part being built.  Fourth night, Zephyr was baking in the oven.



    Per run on Mimas I get (On average) 20 


    20 x 8 = 160


    Then I have to contribute that 160  to the clan. 


    That is without counting the chances o ending up with a bad or a good team.

  2. Well, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come up with some ideas for a Warframe concept. Settled on the idea of quantum theory as a base and worked from there. All skills are based on preexisting theories. Any way I'll begin...


    Bohr - The Quantum Warframe


    -EDIT 02-

    Just drawn up a quick concept pic to go with this...


    The lights in the chest are supposed to be particles being drawn in to the warframe to be used in the particle accelerator which emerges from his back. Ideally these particles would be animated and the halo on his back would consist of two counter rotating rings. The accelerator would use force fields to hold the particles within it.


    "Bohr, the constant, the uncertain. Master of the bonds that make up the very universe in which we exist; he is a powerful Tenno who can bend matter and energy to his will."


    Bohr is named after Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist who laid foundations for the understanding of atomic structure and quantum theory. Suggested stats and skills are...





    Shields - 120

    Health - 75

    Power - 150

    Armor - 15

    Sprint speed - 1.0

    Stamina - 80




    1) Particle Wave - Cost 25 energy

    "Creates a beam of light that is quickly converted to energetic particles, damaging all enemies within the beam."

    A linear attack skill, casting creates a light beam with a limited range directed at the crosshairs. After

    a short delay the beam changes to a quick laser like blast which can shoot through multiple enemies

    causing radiation damage.


    Unranked range 10 meters/damage 100, max rank range 25 meters/damage 250.

    2) Molecular Oscillation - Cost 50 energy

    "Causes Bohr's atoms to vibrate in unity with the surrounding environment, slightly reducing physical damage and greatly reducing elemental damage."

    A defence aura buff, once cast, if the player takes a form of elemental damage it adds a resistance to

    that damage type until a new elemental damage type damages the player. The initial elemental hit still does

    full damage to the player, but any additional elemental hits of the same type are reduced.


    Unranked damage reduction = 2.5% physical/20% elemental, max rank = 10% physical/80% elemental. Duration increases with rank.

    3) Quantum Entangle - Cost 75 energy

    "Binds the particles of two enemies together in a quantum state, causing both enemies to take the same damage simultaneously."

    Casting tags an enemy under the crosshairs. Once tagged, any damage done to another enemy by the caster will link

    the two enemies, causing damage dealt to one also being dealt to the other. Linked damage is not effected by

    armor or resistances (e.g. at maxed rank with a linked Bombard and Butcher, doing 1000 hp of damage to the

    Butcher will also do 1000 hp of damage to the Bombard).


    Linked damage starts unranked at 25% with 100% at max rank. Duration and link range increases with rank.

    4) Matter Conversion - Cost 100 energy

    "Rapidly converts the atoms in nearby enemies from matter to energy, causing increasing damage with explosive results."

    An AoE skill. Effected enemies receive a fixed damage DoT that rapidly increases in damage per tick. On

    death, target explodes with a moderate radiation based AoE blast, with its damage based on the total

    damage dealt by the DoT (not effected by additional weapon damage). Effect lasts a faily long time (perhaps a minute). DoT Damage value adds to itself with each tick (e.g. 100, 200, 300).


    Unranked starting DoT = 100, Max rank starting DoT = 250. Range increases with rank.




    A possible change for skill #4 is to change the explosive effect on enemy death to a damaging aura centred on the effected enemy that damages surrounding ones and ramps much in the same way as the original DoT, but at a lower % (so if the effected enemy DoT damage is 100, 25% of that damage is radiated from it to hit nearby enemies). Also, as the DoT increases, the light from the emitted energy makes the target glow progressively brighter. Radiated damage would have a fall off mechanic.



    Well that's the basic concept, I'd do some concept pictures to go with this, but alas my tablet is broken and I need a new one (if I do get one I will probably add the pictures at some point). Any feed back would be much appreciated. Thank you.


  3. Yes it will... but the time it took me to farm the Oxium is negligible when compared to the amount of time I've been using Zephyr, and the fun I'm having.

    Think about it: you can zoom from one end of a large room to the other, you can drop like a meteor upon your foes, and almost nothing gets through Turbulence.

    That would be a warframe dream come true..


    Is it true with Divebomb, the higher you are the more damage it'll do ?

  4. It is rather high. However, trust me, Zephyr is very well worth the effort. I'm a Solo player with a Solo clan, did all the research and farming on my own, and it's not as terrible as it sounds. Even solo, I got on average 30+ Oxium per run on Kappa, which is just 20 runs. You could have 600 Oxium in just a few days.

    That'll take some time ^^' .

  5. So your ultimate activates, except it doesn't use your energy and it doesn't use your colour.


    I'm going to go with "There is more than one Ember".



    Unless Ember now got a "Be invisible for a whole match" skill. 


    I only saw a Frost and a Valkyr

  6. I didn't feel it like being much. Running Kappa on Sedna was giving ~50 per run. so in really just two hours you could get it if you were dedicated to it.


    BUT I have no way to confirm you this works alike in the PS4 version (I can't even tell you if Kappa is a Corpus mission).

    Kappa doesn't work sadly :( .

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