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Posts posted by (PSN)korm-2_0

  1. yeah, and he can do it while sliding :3 Knee slide anyone XD It will work like Banshees #4 but be a little faster. Because Banshee isnt invincible while doing her #4 either. 


    EDIT: the scream stagger is meant to help keep him protected while he finishes the animation.


    O: .


    *Slides* *Stabs stomach with knife while sliding*  *Kills everyone* 

  2. Heres my Idea for his #4, I would be called Seppuku.

    - Typhus falls to his knees and takes out a knife (similar to how Ash always has those hand blades always on him) he will fill it with energy then stab it into himself. The stabbing would take a chunk of his heals scaled to the level of the mod and other mods equipped and feed it into damage.

    - As he slashes it across his stomach a shriek is heard from the void, which causes all enemies within distance to be staggered.

    - As he finishes the slash spikes filled with energy would come shooting out of his body, hitting all enemies within range, skewering them to walls and such, the spikes will then explode within the dead enemies bodies making smaller spikes shoot out and kill or harm the surviving enemies.

    - All enemies killed by the spikes have a high chance to drop health and energy orbs.

    - All surviving enemies are hit with a bleed proc and viral proc.


    when the scream is going on, the lighting in the room will take a dark green tint further adding to the feel of agony typhus goes through.


    I hope you like this ability, I though since he was based slightly off a Samurai that this would be an interesting ability.


    While the animation, is he invincible? 

  3. TheImmortalHotDog Nova is made under prerequisites we are creating something that would be compared to a calculated by infinity in customizing Version of  Windows PC operating system


    (PS4)korm-2_0 hmm like Kamen Rider Decade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap_CRESxNFE



    Warframe X nice name,community should pic his/her name


    Summoner could also be a cool name.

  4. Fifth Characteristic. Is OP because it's made by the community.


    Skills : 


    1) Warframe X summons a level 800 stalker, he only disappears after his death. (25 energy)


    2) Warframe X uses every ulti that the other warframes has. (50 energy) 


    3) Warframe X summons every single Warframe in the game, in his mission. All the warframes will be level 1200. (75 energy)


    4) Warframe X summons every single Boss, Mini boss, Warframes in the game, in his mission. They will all be level 2000 (100 energy)




    Not OP at all

  5. Gave some thought in regards to the 4th ability, and figured I'd deposit my brain-fart.

    "Hakai no harakiri" (Disembowelment of Destruction)

    In an act of nigh-mutually assured destruction, Typhus manifests a wakizashi, made up by an extremely thin blade of Void Energy.

    As he plunges the blade into his abdomen, his parasitic nature attempts its utmost at sustaining the now dying Tenno - and thereby itself. Blood enriched with the Typhus strain rushes to the wound, but because of the Void nature of the blade, it is unable to close it, thereby spilling out in huge quantities.

    As the blood gushes around the blade, additional Void energy is deposited into it; gradually growing it from the size of that of a wakizashi, to that of a katana, and finally that of an odachi.

    As the blade grows, a pool of Typhus' parasitic blood oozes out around his feet, starving for life-force. As a result, as the blood comes into contact with any foe foolish enough to step into or be caught by the blood, minute filaments seep into every crack and crevice, and begins a gluttonous race to absorb whatever life-force might be available within.

    When Typhus withdraws the blade, the wound immediately closes, and the pool of blood becomes inert; but the blade - no longer being nourished by Typhus blood - begins to rapidly lose structual integrity, and the accumulated Void Energy becomes highly unstable, resulting in an eruption of all-consuming energy, should Typhus wield the blade.

    In in-game terms:

    The ability is essentially channeled; either manually, or untill either a set percentage of life remains, or a timer expires.

    An area centered around Typhus grows as the ability is maintained; applying a moderate DoT on foes, and in return, the number of foes affected applies a proportional HoT on Typhus, effectively allowing him to either nullify or even regain health by using the ability.

    When the player stops channeling the ability, the result is your idea; a cone-shaped burst of damage, again proportional to the amount of time the ability was channeled.


    In other words, it becomes a situational ability, that excels at either sustainability (leeching life from large groups of enemies), or crowd control (huge amounts of damage to foes in front of the player). The drawback is, if you opt to use it as a damaging ability, you'll likely lose quite a bit of health doing so, meaning you have to use the other (parasitic) abilities to make up for the health spent on the high damage. Or you forfeit the damage in favour of healing more.

    It's biggest drawback would be, that if Typhus is faced with a single strong foe, the damage dealt and the damage sustained by Typhus is more or less equal, making it a "last resort", or a device of M.A.D.

     This is an awesome skill :D .


    When Typhus will be in game, his theme song (For me) will be Last resort \m/ . Fits him pretty well.



    <---- Last resort :3 .
  6. I LOVE the design of this frame, but I'm not so sure about his abilities. Several of them seem like they would work better in the hands of different-themed frames, or even dangerously similar to existing frames.

    It's no secret that I'd like to see Nekros get a Viral damage group-healing life drain (though to be fair, none of the abilities in the OP heal allies, making this still possible), but even outside of that:

    - Cataclysm seems like an attack for an Earth frame, barring the life drain

    - Symbiosis literally IS Contagion

    - Delirium is a combo Chaos/Terrify

    - Heavy Fever is Molecular Prime without the explosions


    In addition, several of his abilities seem redundant of one another - deal damage, heal self. I don't really think he needs three of them, but that's just me.

    Cannibalize actually sounds like the most unique one of the bunch, and I like that it pairs really well with the abilities that deal damage to himself, like Boiling Blood. If you combined Meat Shield with those two, he sounds like he'd be an awesome Dark Knight-evasive tank hybrid: Redirect all incoming damage into enemies, use your shields/health as an offensive resource. I would absolutely look forward to playing that!



    But almost every frame in the game got the same powers, but it affects the enemy/ team mates differently.


    Slash dash - Rhino charge - Tail wind .


    I'd name more, but I don't know the name of the skills :3 . 

  7. A dragon frame would be really cool.


    But from which boss would he drop? Or would he drop the same way Vauban does?


    I would probably do this while playing with my friend V . 




    Then I'll play the song Nightmare \m/ 


    EDIT : Can anyone teach me how to do spoilers?

  8. Well, his skills could go like this : (Lets call him Knight for the moment)


    1)  Knight transforms himself into a Tenno Horse, increasing his speed and stamina. 


    1a) Knight rides a horse for ( Insert duration) He can still attack, as a bonus, if the horse hits an enemy, the enemy will be pushed on the ground, and be dealt 50 damage.


    2) Knight stabs the ground with his shield, which creates a shockwave in front of him, causing (Insert damage here) and knocking down the enemy.


    3) Knight increases every team mates armor and shield. 


    4) Knight stabs his sword on the ground, which creates massive lances (Don't ask why) in front of the enemy, stabbing them on walls, and their own team mates making a stick of meat ^^ . 

  9. So I have been farming a low lvl nightmare mission for on and off now a few hours trying to get shred. My only question is this. Is this mod just that rare that I have to keep farming for it, and why do people try and rush nightmare the same way they do any normal level?




    The only thing I get from nightmare missions is Shred...



  10. microsoft will not allow for such an awesome game to release for free on the xbone.




    Price : 80$ with a 3 days xbox live membership.


    Have to pay 15$ each month.


    Game releases with Update 9 and gets updated each 5 months.


    If you ask me, it's a pretty good deal.

  11. I had made a similar thread in the Fan Zone section but I'm not sure if it was the right one. I'm opening a thread here and see if it's the case.


    By the way... hello Warframe community! I come here with a request for the whole of you.


    I'm making a new video to "celebrate" my latest achievement, reaching Rank 15. And this video will be particular, in that YOU will choose how it's done! Precisely, there's a series of parameters that you'll have to decide.


    Watch this video and learn what is it about.


    Please, keep your suggestions in this thread or in the comments. I will sort through all the choices and choose the most voted one, or the one who looks the best.


    Thanks for your attention, and I hope to receive a lot of suggestions!


    (regarding to when the video will be made - I might move it to Monday)

    The amount of books you have..


    Take my sub and my like to have a 1:1 ratio.


    Books for the win.


    And Wattpad.


    Never forget Wattpad.


    And you should solo the boss that drops Nekros with Nyx or Banshee.


    With of course, the best weapons in the game, The Skana, the Braton, and the legendary lato.


    Have fun :) .


    EDIT : I forgot the songs.. How could I..?


    Linkin park : Bleed it out : 


    Simple Plan : Me against the world : 


    Skillet : Hero : 


    Skillet : Monster : 


    Arrows to Athens : The waiting : 


    Fireflight : Unbreakable : 


    Skillet : Not gonna die : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY7kmYUQkjU 

  12. What would be really fun, is a special invasion mission.


    Where every boss is in 1 mission, except Phorid, the one that drops Nekros.


    And that maybe (Just maybe) You could have 6 Tenno's for this mission.


    And as a reward, you'll get a random blueprint from every boss.


    :3 . 


    And to increase the skill -set for the Tenno's, the bosses should work together.


    For example, the hyena pack freezes you, Vor and Krill will start attacking you.

  13. Probably not. Microsoft has a clause in their contracts where if an independent developer wants to release on the Xbone, they can't have already released on another console earlier... something like "If you want to have your game on Xbone, either it needs to come out on Xbone first, or the same time as other console(s) or else no" or something silly, from what I've heard.


    Plus with Xbone, you'd HAVE to pay the Xbox Live fee, while on PS4 you don't have to have PS+ to play Warframe online.


    This sums it up ^ 

    btw Isn't warframe coming to xbone already?...


    O.o' .


    0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000........0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002% chance that it's coming out on the Xbone.


    I hope not, or Xbone drones will have another "reason" to "attack" the PS4.


    "Ahaha, we have Warframe AND Titanfall!! What are you going to do about that PS4 ??? " 

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