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Posts posted by (PSN)korm-2_0

  1. So I came here just to see how many people got trolled..


    I'm glad there was no PS4 players.


    "Hey look, this guy is on PC ! And he said "Get 250 free plat!"  Does that mean we can now trade stuff with PC players?"  "ERMAGERD" 


    Sorry, just had to..

  2. Why is this here? This should be in players helping players.


    You're obviously an amazing help to the community!


    Going to use this now, and I'll beat Phorid Nightmare boss with only 6 Castanas.

  3. The prizes you get are solely dependent on your highest single score in the event,as well. If you want the best machine gun in the game that isn't the Soma,then you need to get that core to extraction before it drops to half health on the first Cipher mission. The second Cipher mission nets you a swanky badge if you do good enough.


    Yeah, I only asked this because I saw some people in my clan that had a badge that didn't look like the clans ^^. 


    So I thought somehow some people got the prize.

  4. So I'm doing the new event on PS4 (Can't spell it, tehtra's doom? Something like that) And I have a question. Do you get the rewards at the end of the event?


    Just asking this because it was supposed to end a few days ago, but they added more time to finish it (April 9 if I remember well)

  5. Love it ^_^  its always much better to have friends with you to do these things ^_^


    True ^^ .


    If it would have been with a random, I would have probably been pissed off but laugh at the same time.


    With my friend, I laughed my arse off.


    Funnier when someone else is laughing with you ^^ 

  6. ^_^ It really is not good to do that. I don't really have a lot of outlets. which is I guess why I get like that from time to time at video games. ^_^ 


    It's "kinda" a healthy expression. Plus it shows you are passionate ^_^ Let out the rage. Kill some lvl 1's with ignis


    lvl 1's with ignis.



    When I'm not playing with friends. I like going to the easiest boss in the game (The one that drops Saryn) Use my Kestrel and throw her on a rock.^^


    The she wiggles and poof, she evaporates, giving me my vitality mod ^^' .


    When I play with my friends, I sometimes like to throw castanas at them, (5, just to throw one at an enemy) and I tell him to run close to some enemies while I throw my last Castana to the corpus.


    No hud (I enjoy it more) and a friend that loves trolling.


    I'll let you guess the rest.



  7. His weapons sure looks interesting.


    Well then, hopefully in the next update Typhus is up. 


    And hopefully Leviathan will be an enjoyable Frame.


    Objective : Bringing every Frame in the game to level 30.


    6/23 - 6/24.






    Hopefully he'll be powerful. -The descriptions they give him at the end of the link sure makes him look strong - 

  8. Darkz build *_* .


    So if I had Darkz build, but without a Continuity, Fleeting Expertise and Narrow Minded? (I'll add Dive Bomb back, I dislike missing some powers)


    What should I add for the other 2 slots?


    Build : http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Zephyr/t_30_12004130014_1-3-10-4-8-5-5-7-4-13-6-3-14-1-5-37-10-5-49-4-10-55-2-4-259-9-2-261-0-3-262-5-3_261-5-14-5-55-10-1-14-49-8-262-7-13-7-5-8-4-9-259-1-37-14_61/en/1-0-22/0

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