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Posts posted by EX-Zanki

  1. "She's just like the leader of a mafia"  ------ And you are one of many henchmen.

    "I'm with the Stalker and Teshin on this one: Lotus is the bad guy in this story" ----------- Stalker has no business with the lotus, he wants to kill you.

    "If I could join the Stalker" --------- He would kill you before you even start speaking.

    "If Teshin started a rebellion" ----------- No, if he started a rebellion and he became a target for assasination, you would bring fire and storm to kill him along with others like you, know why?... because lotus would offer you a badge and a set of mods to buy you.. that's your price...  


    And you now everything is true.... Tenno...

  2. Well this is not new, most people that tried sword alone (or any melee alone) know it's potential to be very fun, but there is tthings that must be checked in order to make it playable:


    Why sword alone?, because it's fun or at least it's meant to be fun...

    Why check it?, because it's not completely playable, details below...

    Why I'm posting?, i'd like sword alone to be fun and playable with every warframe.


    Sword alone it's a ¿game mode? that depends largely on stamina to perform most things, want to counter? stamina, want to block? stamina, want to run to avoid being hit? stamina....


    So what is the problem with stamina?... it's mechanics are obsolete to the evolution of the game...


    In the beginning of Warframe there was no proper melee play, it was just slash slash slash until death...either of you or your enemy... so stamina was there to control your sprinting.. aditionally it was there to control your blocking capability IF you had the block mod equipped... and nothing else, but overall it was a more friendly place to just melee given the fact there were less enemies and less capable enemies, stun wasn't there, area of effects attacks didn't proc explosive, and except the scorpion and the shield lancer you were always on your feet... infested were very very easy to melee...


    But the game evolved, new enemies, new mechanics, a first attempt to create a melee system and with that...stamina became a catalyst to new moves above described...


    Melee 2.0 was a step forward to promote this kind of gameplay, but actually if you decide to use just a melee weapon, you are getting yourself at disadvantage... stamina runs from fast to very fast depending on Weapon (because some weapons consume more stamina), enemies (laser tech guy or corpus in general), and warframe (some frames got it easier than others).. yes there are mods that counter this same disadvantages.. but that gain is little to nothing if you run missions past level 20...any faction...


    Channeling is another good idea that in my opinion never went full circle.. actual channeling mods and channeling overall is very lacking for it's potential... that mod that allows you to do damage while blocking is could also be tweaked..


    I think this actual game has made gun play the norm and semmingly punishes those who dare carry just a melee weapon... should it be like this?...I propose simple changes that would open new worlds of possibilities...


    - Change stamina consumption on block to average damage.. to number of hits..

    - Increase overall stamina for every Warframe on sword alone.

    - Increase regen rate of stamina on sword alone.

    - Decrease stamina consumption per hit on every heavy weapon..

    - 30% damage increase on sword alone...

    - 30% speed increase on sowrd alone...


    I think that wouldn't make melee play op...this game is forever beta so we can test... of course there are more things to try...


  3. I was hyped for volt prime for half a year now, but he got me disappointed. 200 starting energy and 100 armor buff is good, but it still lacks of his main parameter- speed. Volt is the speed warframe, and I always wondered, why loki has more speed than volt. Its unlogical. I was hoping de will fix that with volt prime. Sadly, they didnt. I am writing this topic hoping, that someone from warframe stuff sees it and shows this opinion to volt prime characteristics designer . I am hoping volt to get max 1.25 speed in one line with loki prime.


    Say what?, he's got armor, energy above most other frames, Volt Prime stands on his own....but you think he should be flash and want speed?... he is not a speed frame because speed frames would be good for rushing past every mission... he's got a speed ability that's different ...


    300 starting energy plus 100 armor is just good????... man that is awesome!!!...

  4. white knighting and borderline metacomplaining. no reason for this thread and nothing constructive about it. the damage is done and people are unhappy for a good reason.


    the one thing that rustled my jimmies was the kohm change. i never used the original kohm but i did love the only good shotgun in the game. it only looked op and as of now buffed on paper. in practice, it's much worse and no fun now.


    consider that the massive, over-the-edge rants is what gets the attention of the devs who probably don't play the game in the way non developers do. they keep making the game more grindy, more work, for less rewards.


    Man, the OP post his opinion, it just ask you to be patient...


    "the damage is done"---- yeah unlucky us because there won't be any other update to the game... and it's a video game for god sake!!!


    I absolutely hate what was done to excal... but there is a chance to be revised... or a complete rework of the frame.. i don't know..

  5. Sorry DE I don't believe you... you "forgot" the most game breaking change of Excalibur the poster boy... yeah right... no LOS in radial javelin was part of the buffs in Excalibur the poster boy... and now you change it... if that's so... I demand.. (yes demand) a new revision of Excalibur the poster boy...


    Lastly... you know how much of a fire you get when you "forget" to add something in the patch notes... it happened before... I refuse to admit you still incur in the same mistake...

  6. Nyx: has no problems, the community is just come up with random/arbitrary reasons why she needs to be changed

    True story.....


    In my personal experience playing nyx, i have seen some things that could be better:


    Mind controlled enemies AI, main thing to me is lack of aggression, maybe this could be fixed simply by not allowing the enemy affected to take cover and it would be really good if it could have higher target priority than nyx (right now is about the same or lower i think), that way a nyx player can protect herself using this ability. This way her augment would increase her chances to stay in the battlefield, right now it's like a bad bandaid that kind of makes mind control more "spammable". Additionally reduce initial stun duration, for stun i would use chaos.


    Psychic bolts, i feel that it depends on an augment to be useful, personally a enemy debuff would be better but that's probably just my daydreaming, definetly the ability that should be looked upon first,


    Chaos. Chaos by itself works good, it draws enemy fire, short stun, scale ad infinitum and the more enemies the better, only thing found is that sometimes i need to recast it but two enemies are still affected and alive so i should hunt them to recast, not a big thing and a smart player can work around this. Recastable?, i prefer not because for balance reasons DE would reduce radius (less unique).


    Absorb. haven't use it, prefer to use chaos so i can't give much feedback on this, but 10 m radius (according to wikia and warframe builder) seems very short and not efficient at dealing damage or at least a knockdown, increasing her radius to say 15-20 meters would allow to increase her effectiveness...not just in damage capabilities, but at least to trigger an always safe knockdown to enemies.


    In all Nyx is a good frame, but suffers from lack of ways to stay alive by herself, her 15 armor it's part of the issue but i prefer to depend on abilities than buffing her stats because i think 15 armor it's part of her uniqueness in conjunction with her being psychic.


    This is not about other frames or who is stronger or fanboyism , it's about making nyx useful in many levels, not just for one ability.

  7. Hey other warframes are in need (some of them desperate) of attention (nyx, nekros, excal, volt,  you named it) and we are fixed on a warframe that works good... yeah its easier to nerf a good warframe to the ground than buffing the others, all in order to be equal to the above mentioned... that's utter bullfrog...


    By the way anyone that says "IMO they are fine" better explain, one trick ponies, useless abilities (i'm not saying situational). This is getting really annoying at least to me...


    Sorry for the mostly off topic post...but this has like twelve pages and other topics refering other frames have like three or less...

  8. I'm a reasonable man, i like playing solo because it allows me to play at my own pace, because it feels quieter than playing with every rhino and nova of the warframe world shooting their boltor prime everywhere.


    I also like exploring the map, i like to find every room and climb the higher possible and find those places where nobody cared to put a single texture. That's why i use to like sindicate exterminate missions, it gave all of that plus those little objects to find around, but since some updates ago there have been two sindicate guys that even when playing solo are there using their noisy and sometimes too flashy weapons, staying in front of my aim ( not that i tried to kill them), being spotted, and throwing MY fun through the boat.


    I understand they are there to help someone in need and there is nothing wrong with that, but i just don't like them, so DE, why don't we have a middle ground and allow players to choose whether we want their help or not?


  9. what about loki is for advanced players? he can work better than other frames with non corrupted optimized builds, and comparing corrupted builds he gets even better. he is very easy to mod, and extremely easy to play. its true many frames have been called op but some wrongfully so, that does not discount that loki is genuinely op.


    Loki is not OP, he is MasterRace... it's different...


    Give loki to a beginner... then post again... why do you think it was removed from the starting three?, because newbies couldn't play with him without switching to Rhino or other easy to play warframes or abandoning the game.. i personally met 3 of those guys, hence... it's for advanced players with the mods, knowledge, and certainly not newbie skills. Extremely easy to play... yeah whatever...


    And yes he is better than Excalibur...

  10. loki is the strongest frame in game atm and always was, he trivializes content, requires the easiest build and has the least downsides of a corrupted build, he also has instead of damage mitigation or reduction, his invisibility grants him damage avoidance with stealth and also grants him melee damage boosts with higher crit chance and damage. his #4 is probably the strongest in game, it has no duration can be infinitely spammed with no power in use mechanic once you have energy and the fact that it has no duration means a max rank fleeting wont affect it. he has the best synergy amongst his powers and he can solo every game mode with ease, yet you say he is not op? just remember excal RJ only works up to a certain mob level, all of loki's skills scale infinitely.


    Oh my,

    "loki is the strongest frame in game atm and always was, he trivializes content"  ----only your opinion, nothing else.

    "requires the easiest build and has the least downsides of a corrupted build" ---- You know there is a frame named Nyx...wiil give you a tip , she doesn't need strength mods.

    "his invisibility grants him damage avoidance" --- no, he becomes untargetable, is not the same.. damage avoidance is valkyrs thing...

    "with higher crit chance" , just no --- please inform yourself better.

    "his #4 is probably the strongest in game" ----your opinion again, there is nothing bad with that...but it's just an opinion.

    "and the fact that it has no duration means a max rank fleeting wont affect it" ---- like many other warframe powers that are not affected by duration, it is and advantage... but not a huge one...or unique...

    "he has the best synergy amongst his powers" --- that's right... you got it right!!! does that makes him OP?

    "he can solo every game mode" --- Like Nova?, or Nyx?,

    "with ease" --- maybe if the player is skillful enough, other frames are not excluded tough...

    "yet you say he is not op" --- Yes...

    "all of loki's skills scale infinitely" --- Yeah specially the decoy of doom!!!, ehmm.. I'm very sure other non damaging powers scale too...


    Opinions by themselves are not bad, biased opinions are dangerous.


    Loki is a very good warframe, irradiated disarm made him part of the "meta" that leads to players talk about nerfing... i like to think he is more than that..


    By anything... i prefer buffing other warframes instead of nerfing well implemented ones... of course not excalibur's kind of buff...

  11. To the op, first... that solo requires some skill... or you.. or your friends could solo escalation with Loki?... at least i know i can't


    Your arguments points toward his advantages... but you seem to neglect his weaknesses


    - Just by reading his stats he is very squishy (low health, low shields,¿armor?) the only things that keeps him alive are his powers.

    - He is very dependant on energy, one smash from magnetic proc and he is pretty much screwed.

    - None of his powers dispatch enemies whatsoever.

    - Requires late game mods to be usable in high skirmishes. (not newbie friendly).

    - Very limited usage in infested maps. (Radial disarm is useless here without augment, invis is negated by area of effect attacks, typical decoy tactics are useless here, switch teleport is not viable except to escape and you could still be surrounded)



    And that is great, all that (advantages and disadvantages including he not requiring strength mods are part of his uniqueness) yeah stay all the invisible you want until you are hit by a stray bullet...or area of effect attacks.


    Loki had almost no changes in two years you know why?... because he is balanced in comparison to early game rhino, valkyr invulnerability (not invis... here you do not take damage unless you are afk) or full cure duration trinity.


    It's funny... that same Loki you say is "too stronk" (hate that term) was demmed as under powered around 2 years ago...people said radial disarm doesn't kill anything...


    And please Loki press 4 to win?... ok go to any open map in the solar system... get enemies around you and cast full range irradial disarm, then don't do anything... go to the bathroom, take a glass of water or whatever you like, come back and see if you are not dead or being hit by the same enemies affected by your ID .


    ...then do the same with full strengh excalibur. Then tell me who requires Homer's drinking bird...

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