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Everything posted by Em4n3m

  1. Tested it again, it's really bad. Just go in the simulacrum (SP 190, elites), and activate iron skin - it will go down so quickly that you won't have have a chance to activate again, because the shield gate wouldn't have formed for second time and you just get killed. No adaptation will save you unless you also build a ton of HP, which goes against Rhino's builds. This is sad and disgusting how DE have nerfed Rhino. Is DE even testing what they claim in the patch notes?
  2. Look, it's very simple: jump into a group of 20 Elite lancers in the simulacrum (level 190 SP). Pre-patch you would Iron Skin and accumulate not only a huge iron skin value (40K+) but also this would take time get depleted by all the lancers. Try the same test now, you may end up accumulating 15~20k overguard, but it gets depleted in <1 second, so that even shield gate can't proc the second time (you would have used a shield gate the first time to apply Iron Skin). It's now so pathetic that you basically die because the overguard gets annihilated so quickly the second shield hasn't even fully recharged yet. It's a joke. It's this bad, Rhino is now a tier 3 tank.
  3. If before you had 10K of Iron Skin, it would go through your armor values (usually with Rhino relatively high - i.e 75% or more), hence your EHP were almost 3x or 4x or more. Now, the overguard doesn't apply your armor values and what you see is what you get. In short, a proper nerf.
  4. I think before, ferrite armor would still apply armor damage reduction to the Iron Skin, thus increasing EHP. Now overshields don't even have a 25% reductions which shields have...
  5. This. It's absolutely useless now, and Rhino is much less tanky than before. Sad DE messed Rhino up.
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