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Everything posted by Gepsal

  1. Cetus Zaw arcanes, Quill Onkko operator arcanes, Little duck operator arcanes, not time gated acolytes arcanes. Are you sure I'm the new one here, because with such egregiously wrong statements I don't think so...
  2. I like grinding, but I dislike wasting time for nothing. This game has a lot of stupid and sometimes incomprehensible decisions behind its systems, but ok, the idea is to keep you playing, but each grind, each little thing, every goal I ever wanted to achieve, I completed it, except *Eidolon arcanes*. A lot of people say: "Railjack sucks, Rivens shouldn't exist, profit taker is too difficult", but no one, well, almost no one talks about how atrocious, boring and inherently bad designed Eidolons are, oh yeah... and time gated, and please, let's not talk about Orphix Venom, I'm not farming those arcanes with worse drop rates. So there are only a couple of reasons why Quill Onkko do not sell this set of arcanes (like ALMOST every other arcane in the game) for Radiant Eidolon shards or any other sentient related currency: 1- Mystification around these Arcanes inflates the prices, contributing to platinum sales. 2- DE likes to do a little trolling. Bye :v/
  3. I lost to nihil once, my first time, it was fun, because it was the first challenge this game put me through. Learn how to move and stop complaining about Nihil, and start complaining about Ediolons' "miserable drop rates".
  4. 1- First, Specters damage, let's say I have a Kuva Nukor modded with heat damage, if I create a specter with this Kuva Nukor will it deal heat damage, not only that, the railjack crewmate that you can summon works the same way? If so, do this weapon's damage updates to another one if I change mods? 2- Is the weapon damage of the Kuva Liches affected by the percentage of that weapon after converting them? If, for example, I convert a Lich with a Kuva Nukor with 25% heat damage, will it be treated the same as if I convert another with 60%, when you summon them with the "on call crew" or when they come to support you? 3- Which Warframe is the most brainless to beat Granum Void, Mesa or Octavia? I hope to see some good answers, have a nice day.
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