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Posts posted by matthew1280

  1. I have been losing infinity and credits boosters over this the time is still ticking on my boosters that i can not use do to this problem ,i have tried ranking up my mutualist carnos all morning till 12:00pm im done trying when my progress is never saved .

  2. This even happens to me even playing a void used my key and then after doing a tower survival  45 min run on completion screen shows up ranking up and my earnings then the second screen says"failed to update account progress not saved " this happens no mater what planet i play now ,please fix .

  3. I have differing opinions based on what I think would be better for the game as a whole and what I personally would like...



    For the game: I'm going with removing it. Although it is meant to be a limited resource, stamina limits too much in terms of gameplay style, and it just ends up making movement through large tilesets daunting and unnecessary. Losing all stamina during a run ends up in a simple "Sprint-Crouch-Sprint" mentality for most people as the fastest way to traverse a map - and this doesn't give a natural flow to the mission. IMO, stamina isn't the sole issue - the way it interacts with gameplay needs to be considered. It's a combination of factors - coptering, sliding, tile design, mission length, etc. - and to put it short... If the objective is far away from me and the journey there isn't interesting enough to keep me back, what's stopping me from just blazing through everything? WARNING: Whoever is reading this from DE probably knows this doesn't equate to "make more blocking doors/events". I'd rather have more freedom to showcase individual talent and choice in movement.

    As a Speedrunner: I do not want to remove it. My personal playstyle favors challenge, and I like the idea of stamina as a resource only. The way it was implemented could be tweaked. As an aside: I don't mind nerfing coptering, but I really would like to see the ability to stop on a dime or have player velocities resolved in a better manner.


    + Do not have stamina be required for actions. Have stamina determine the strength of actions (e.g. faster sprinting/coptering, stronger attacks, etc.).

    + Remove stamina altogether, make repeated action use become less effective over time (promotes movement diversity).

    + Stamina reduction is to be tied with weapon strength during use. This gives rise to more mod possibilities (stamina efficiency in use, stamina efficiency in power, etc.).

    In any case, please do not overly nerf the speeds we can attain currently! Going fast or slow is a player choice, and I feel that keeping options wide open is a good thing.


    StarChart 3.0

    For the Game: Current "idea" of 20-node system w/ randomizations is bad. In a nutshell, it trivializes the Alert System and makes players lose interest in the game if their item choices are impossible to obtain in the current rotation. I'm not quite sure how this would work well with DE either. From a gameplay perspective, being at the mercy of time can be easily worse than being at the mercy of RNG if the time interval is too long. From a business standpoint (eh, just a thought), active users may drop down if players don't even want to run missions for specific rewards in the current rotation... I don't mind reducing the number of nodes, but there needs to be a unique method of progression. For now, the StarChart merely encourages moving from node to node - the only reason to unlock planets and missions are for the tilesets, bosses, and alerts (which most of the time aren't desirable, speaking from a player who has almost unlocked everything). Progression may be great at the beginning, but the saturation of missions over multiple nodes is not a good idea. It makes going through the nodes more of a chore. Hence, either the tilesets need unique events and mechanics or the missions themselves need more diversity (and the StarChart better interaction). IIRC, Scott explained that the StarChart should be calling me to action and I should be able to influence it directly.

    As a Speedrunner: As long as you don't make bosses randomized on tilesets or occurrence, I'm happy. I'd love to still run All Bosses as a category you know D:



    I like mysteries and challenge. My first attempt at the first raid was a disaster though. I don't mind having little-to-no-information, but I want raids to have elements of surprise in it... Moreover, I'd like to see raids be more connected to each other. Raids really just don't stand out vs. regular missions as opposed to the difficulty posed in it and the 8-man possibility. More importantly, raid phases just feel too modularized. To me, this doesn't set it apart as a special mode - it just makes it another mission to finish.

    As a Speedrunner: Keep options open, but I'd like to avoid having RNG drastically change raid events and phases. No major problems here.


    LV. 30+

    I'll just bullet-point this...

    + Focus System! :D

    + Someone once proposed a hexagonal modding system. Maybe this can be somehow adapted into the current system to allow for small increases to stats?

    + There's no reason to create duplicates of weapons unless we need different builds. This delves into the mod power issue, and I won't go crazy into it here. However, I'd question what to do with the 10+ Gorgon BP's I have from login rewards. Selling them is besides the point - maybe I can do something with 2 of these weapons at full rank?

    + We can always prestige weapons to add in a slot for aesthetic changes. Make it so we get more customization options that don't directly impact stats as we rank to 30 as an alternative to simply using a Forma.

    I agree please do not remove stamina and turn warframe into a slow pace none skilled hobbit like game ,i have been down with warframe since beta and we have already lost enough tennos to the cause of nerfing out warframe. i spend over $500 a month on warframe and losing stamina to a bunch of none skilled whiners that cant keep up , that is what the solo option is for .

    Stop the nerfing start making the game more exciting and more pleasurable , look at how many have voted for stamina to be removed completely and most of them dont even have a clue of what stamina is or does with out stamina we are no longer ninjas but hobbits .

    Unless stamina is removed from screen and it would be like we always have full stamina in run and melee actions but i doubt it would be like that would be to easy to fix but even easier to just nerf nerf nerf like always .

    I hope the stamina mods like Acrobat Maraton Quick Rest Shield Flux etc turn into somthing usefule afterwords.


    Saying “so long!” to Stamina
    The pros and cons of stamina have been in various hot topics for a long time. The source threads for this topic offer some opinions about the recently announced changes, and what they’ll mean for various aspects of Warframe. The following excerpt is from the Devstream 53 overview:

    During our revamp of Parkour 2.0 we've been keeping a close eye on how Stamina plays into player movement -- what works and what doesn't. To find what works, we’re currently experimenting with: not having Stamina in-game, fixed distance leaps, blocking, and many other mechanics. It's our ultimate goal to ensure Parkour 2.0 gives players the same empowered feeling our current movement 'features' allow for. That means everyone should expect a change to Stamina, as well.

    The change to Stamina is still a work in progress, but assuming it does get removed, what changes and/or mechanics would you like to see implemented instead? How would you change Mods and effects that currently rely on Stamina? Do you think Stamina has value? If you had the choice, would you modify it instead of removing it? What do you think the benefits to removing stamina are, if any? Please, post your thoughts/comments/ideas in this thread. 
    Source threads:

    Wish Upon a Star Chart
    The announced changes to the Solar Map have galvanized many Warframe players. I only included a couple hot topics in the source threads, but I know there are many more on the forums. If you’re unfamiliar with the proposed ideas, I’ve included the excerpt from the Devstream 53 overview below.

    We recognize that our current Star Chart needs a change, and we love to keep an open discussion on what kinds of changes we're looking to implement. That said, until the final version of our Solar Map is made live anything and everything discussed is to be considered a work in progress.
    We know there are lamentations of the old Star Chart, and we are looking at bringing back the Solar Map that many players enjoyed but didn't quite have the functionality we were aiming for.
    We want the new Star Chart to improve world building and include Mission modifiers while removing unnecessary redundancy -- it can't just feature planets with labels.
    Once we get closer to a final design we'll share with the community for feedback.

    The proposed Solar Map rework is a relatively blank slate, with the goal of streamlining and optimizing missions nodes. If you’re fearful of the proposed changes, what would you like to see change, if anything? Do you like having an abundance of nodes of each mission type? Do you think condensing nodes will create a more unified play experience? Do you think condensing nodes will make finding groups easier? If you were to create a more dynamic Solar Map with varying mission types and modifiers, how would you do it? What nodes or aspects of the Solar Map do you think are redundant, if any? 
    Source threads:

    The Trials are finally on all platforms, so we’re able to discuss them now with the community at large. The source thread for this hot topic suggests that the Trials ought to have more instructions to help guide players. What do you think? Are the Trials too mysterious? Should they have more instructions? Do you think they are too easy to figure out? Should they be more vague/complex? Post your opinion in this thread.  
    Source thread:

    Warframe after 30
    Like Logan’s Run, a significant number of weapons and Warframes are at the end of their days once they hit 30. The hot topic for this thread suggests a few potential ways to extend the progression of your favourites, instead of being finished at 30. Would you prefer to continue leveling your favourite gear in lieu of leveling new stuff? If so, what kind of progression do you think makes sense beyond 30? How would you balance 30+ weapons and warframes? What other things need to be considered? 
    Source Thread:


    The new update is going to stink up warframe just imagine being a space ninja with no stamina wont be a space ninja no longer but a bunch of week warframe hobbits with guns since melee uses stamina guns do not , Dev please do not take out stamina if you have not noticed after the last few nerfs warframe lost millions of tennos to that cause that was a everyday gamers ,whats up with the nerfing warframe instead of making the game more pleasurable.

    if stamina is removed some mods maps will be impossible or take forever to walk threw since running take stamina .

  5. The new update is going to suck just imagine being a space ninja with no stamina wont be a ninja no longer but a bunch of week warframe hobbits with guns since melee uses stamina guns do not , Dev plese do not take out stamina.

  6. Can you relog to see if they appear in your inventory?

    No Pherliac Pods BP and i have all the scores but no BP.


    Merged, thank you.

    We are investigating and have leads to resolve this problem.


    Merged, thank you.

    We are investigating and have leads to resolve this problem.

    relog still no Pherliac Pods BP

  7. The counter is bugged for the Tubemen of Regor  it said 9/4 for me and now i logged back in it now says 1/4 wth this is a never winning thing with the counter broken .

    I have done them all more times then i can count and the counter still saying 1/4 for me i have already got the badge and it still says i have not done enough to get the badge or the the guns i have done them over and over about 50 times now each and still no change .

    Please fix and recount are winnings.

  8. I have already have done all the Limbo Chassis missions and build limbo maxed him out and still getting the limbo chassis misson alert and Orbis is driving me crazy about it Orbis wont shut up please fix.

  9. That's why I quit spending money on games, especially those which are quite long in Prototype/Alpha/Beta. Did that mistake investing more than 200€ into an online game, which's company corrupted that game by far with bots, goldbots, filling server capacity so people are forced to buy premium memberships to gain the access joining to the server lobbies, etc.


    I guess U16 won't be that "WOW"-like as people might call it.

    For real i feel like crying now took me 3 months some took since beta to get them all built the way it feels comfortable to me with the builds.:(

  10. Now i log into my account and my polorizations are missing frome most of my my weapons have screen shots to prove em all there is no way to depolorize are stuff DE wtf is going on im not happy took a long long time to polorize and rank em back up some was done 5 to 6 times and shows as no polorization and that means i got ripped off for my infinity boosters as well and the cash i used to buy my boosters and forma grrrrrrrrrrr.

  11. Thats why I gave up farming prime stuff in this game. It is miserable. It took me more than 3 months to get Loki Prime, just 2 weeks for Rhino Prime and guess what - I cannot duplicate Rhino Prime, since I have no spare drops so far ... they "fixed" it right I got my parts, which means in this case - making it freaking rare.


    It is always the same with this game. That's why I am waiting since 15th Dec. last year for a proper major update and haven't patched my client since then.

    Now 59 runs in t3s and no nova prime chassis drops and ran out of keys and no one is willing to trade me for t3s keys i will never spend another dime on this game wish i would have saved the $500 i spent on this game this year alone i guess i expected to much from this game , thinking  im gonna go back to blacklight retribution atleast they like to keeps their users happy and dont jerk us around or nerf the whole game out on their add-ons and patches, i owned every warframe and weapon in this game and i cant even get a nova prime chassis for my wife wtf is that , still today my profile is messed up saying my excal and all is unranked lol i polarized him 3 times now and ranked him back up to 30 long long ago. The only reason I have a Nova Prime is because I bought the Nova Prime pack. Its pretty bad i cant even get my wife Nova Prime because I cant even get a Nova Prime Chassis. My wife said she doesnt even want to play anymore because its just a waste of time.Its a shame that 16 people playing the same tower for the exact same thing couldnt even get a Nova Prime chassis. the drop rate for that particular part must be like zero percent.

  12. I have played 53 t3s and ran a few 50 min in them and no nove chassis just junk like orokin cells and a ton of frost prime helmets, DE please fix i give up on that nova chassis its not worth it now and them instadeaths at 49 min in omg.

  13. Seems to get stuck like that with all my warframes Nekros,Zephyr,Excalibur,Vauban,Frost,Frost prime,Oberon,rhino prime.

    Its the only Syandana i have had problems with though its the most expensive one out of the pack,which is verry disappointing ,it only started to stay stuck after the last update must be a codeing conflict problem or somthing like this from the update.

    Im embarrassed to use it anymore after the 20th bash about it looking like a rag that was dug out of the trash or from the goodwill after being stomped to death.

    Its a shame to be embarrassed about my Noru Prime Syandana it was my fav.

  14. Its always stuck like that not spazzin out just always looks bent up in game notice i only have my side arms and still all bent out of shape with the rhino prime that came with the prime pack .

    i will post a pic while in game play and still same deal :(

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