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Posts posted by TychusMechanicus

  1. What a relief!

    I was grinding the Snowday Showdown event like crazy for the emblem points and got pretty much burned out. Resetting the emblem points there made me pretty salty and just thinking back at that grind is making me sore. Thanks for confirming it early and fixing it!

    I can safely sit this one out unless there is a really enticing reward.


    Don't get me wrong, I kinda liked the Snowday Showdown version, FFA is just a bit too much for me. I am just not that big of a fan of pvp in Warframe in general but I don't want to trash all the work the pvp team puts into the Conclave game modes.

  2. I started to run dry and I am also really curious about the secret gift reveal so I figured I'd put up my wishlist here too in case there are more people who can push their wallets:

    1: Forma or Forma bundles  

    2: An Apoxys syandana and embolist armor set for my Nidus

    3: Riven slots maybe

    4: Even more forma :3

    Thank you for anyone who can be a Secret Santa! :)

  3. 1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    By now, I wouldn't believe them.

    I started digging - perks of not having much to do at work between the holidays - and I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/5km7y0/there_is_no_concrete_evidence_that_spreading_the/

    I am feeling a bit better. I may go ahead and test this theory today if I have time.

  4. 1 minute ago, Headcrabwarrior said:

    Actually, I've infected a couple people already, trying to get my alignment closer to moon.

    As a straight-down-the-middle neutral, I saw 0 change whatsoever.

    I hope that it was only the Glast Gambit bug that freaked out everyone regarding this.

    People removed the alignment change part from the Wikia as well. I may even venture ahead and do a control test today.

    I'd be a lot more at ease if there was an official update from DE that this has no ties to the alignment and the reason people freak out is still TGG bug.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Headcrabwarrior said:

    Oh. In all honesty I didn't read the whole alignment change part, I just like infecting people.

    Infestation best faction.

    Never heard of anyone besides the infector getting an alignment change, got any proof?

    Problem is it is inconclusive as the Glast Gambit did screw up a lot of people's alignments and around that time a lot of players bought Nidus then sat in the chair and spread this before the people started noticing it.

    Now neutral and sun tenno did not dare risk their alignments messed with further and moon tenno cannot give any results obviously.

    So far my complete sun reputation seems to be intact after getting infected but I have not spread this cyst and didn't sit in the dentist chair with my Nidus.

  6. 4 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Because you're willfully propagating what is either a glitch or deliberate shenanigans by DE. Provide proof that the Alignment changes will be fixed, or continue to get shot on sight.

    You! I like you!


    Side note: got my Saryn Prime infected unintentionally and my alignment didn't change.
    decided to not sit with my Nidus in the chair and kept Saryn in quarantine / played solo. Waiting for DE confirmation regarding the alignment issue. But it seems that infecting people or getting infected doesn't taint your alignment. Still, better be safe than sorry. 

  7. I just really want this alignment affecting side of it to be cleared up. Officially, by DE: what it does to your alignment, what it should do and all. 


    Right now I feel paranoid because I don't want any blips of Moon alignment and there are conflicting reports on it messing with your alignment without having any sun options to this.

  8. YcGKusH.png

    I had to double check. 

    Don't know if it is the design of the dial or it is that 1-2 pixel difference. I did draw a small red line over the edge and it is not perfectly horizontal. My eyes pick this up as a tilt but I'm posting this here so other Sun tenno can see for themselves.

    I'm sure that just like the youtubers the support from DE are under lockdown and cannot confirm or deny anything so far about these cysts and the infection. So we have to figure this out for ourselves.

  9. 1 minute ago, rand0mname said:

    Same, only i was neutral. I do not even have a Nidus yet. Also, i do hope that we will not have to wait for a way to deal with this thingy as long as we waited for infested door to open. Pink do clash with most of my frames colors.

    Getting infected should not tilt the alignment... actively infecting should. This is what bothers me the most now.

  10. 54 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

    My path is pure sun and it didn't change a bit after I infected dozens of players.

    There was a bug which counted evil option instead of neutral in the latest quest. Perhaps this is what happened to some players.

    I have been pure sun as well, my operator and Saryn got infected yesterday and now there is a slight dark tilt in the dial on my profile. I have not infected anyone, but got infected unwillingly and it has a tilt. Not sure if I like that at all.

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