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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. Looking back I found out that I have Rhino Roar because I found it randomly without noticing. I got this Rhino since the Beta of Warframe before Mods were a thing and back then I had every ability. Since they introduced the Mods I lost all of my abilities, My codex can't tell me anything since it's far from complete. I guess my only option then is to Trade these things.

    I think doing missions with your Rhino will get the mods you need. If not, try to ask random peeps on chat to give you the mods. Never seen skill mods for sale, I think people will give you for free.

  2. Consider this, with the amount of bugs there are in Warframe would it be the players fault if we encounter a problem. Like in this case, I would never check how many keys I have left because I have many, I would continued on oblivious that I'm doing a wrong and getting vague error messages isn't helping.

    Like those poor players that got banned over the catalyst alert and kubrow egg quest fiasco. Aside from the dodgy OP posts, DE you want to be more lenient on auto ban since bugs are on a rampage.

  3. Yes it was, and if that daycare feature was a real thing, that would be the easiest place and people like you would use it instead.


    Then again, it's no longer a thing so you have to find the new easiest place I guess.

    Nope, never use or will use such feature. Never would pay for short cuts. To you I may come as a lazy gamer, but when it comes to grind I play it smart.

    Then again it's changed, I'm definitely going to look for a new place to grind.

  4. Since the patch I've only taken Carrier or Helios, it seems the Carrier is more affected by them. With equal distance my Carrier will take damage but my Helios don't.

    Forgot to add: my frame shield didn't budge as in no damage recieve while my Carrier is taking damage and died from them.

  5. Yes it is bad. It's just as bad as a feature that lets you put your gear to daycare and get them back after X hours, leveled up...

    No it's not, when it comes to grinding you will look for the easiest place and mobs that gives decent amount of exp and that was dark sector infested.

  6. Except the (Ak)lex, (Ak)Lato, regular Sicarus, Spectra, Acrid, Tysis, and Ballistica.

    I fare better with Lex, hitting enemies with Seer it's just...horribly hard with that travel time. Don't know about the others that you've mentioned, just finished wih the Lex going to build Aklex but will surely build the others. Ranking the Seer was not fun at all.

  7. Not a strict definition but: sit on high ground, use aoe to kill, not having to care about any threat

    You should get the idea.

    And that's why I use this to grind exp. Is that bad? Makes my gaming life easier considering grinding and farming is tedious, repetitive and boring.
  8. You can do it in Kappa like how the old guys did.

    1) Put Decoy at terminal.

    2) Use disarm

    3) Shoot rocket.

    Being doing that since U8.

    Can do, if you just wanted to farm with loki, but if I wanted to grind exp for any warframe and a bit of farming at the side, I would have gone to dark sec defense with ogris. Such a shame.
  9. If you guys wanted a challenge then this change is okay. To us that needs to grind exp for lots of stuff it's bad news. I could grind and farm any dark sector solo, the most tedious, repetitive and boring aspect of the game, but now they have made it a pain. We can kiss it goodbye to our little niche place. So long Ogris, time to retire, you were wonderful while it last.

  10. He is easily killed with Corrosive projection if you are in team.

    I am considering switching ALL my warframes polarities to - now.

    Yes I've read the posts, getting the others to agree on auras is another thing players like me (pub player) don't like, to much hassle. But does not matter to me I have the stance and nekros from it, just feel bad for the other players that still need to face him.
  11. Well it's all good n dandy now, but what if RNG hates you and you still missing the stuff you want from it. Farming him would be a pain in the arse. 2 to 5 times fighting him would be a challenge, beyond that would be annoying.

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