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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. Well the job creator could be a lazy rich dude, or he may be a busy person irl, or he is sick n tired running the same thing over and over again but have money to spare.

    On OP's post, I thought about your idea and basically you're asking to open up resource for trade but in a fun way. Is this good or bad idk.

  2. Vectis for the true feel of a sniper rifle, I just played it again today in Sinai Jupiter dark sector infested defense. It has an open field, fits very well with snipers. Perched on a high ground and took out all the Ancients with headshots, and left the others to be killed by my team mates. Liked the feel of playing a supporting sniper, sadly would not bring it to any other mission.

  3. Note that i am not looking for what secondary would be best for t4 defence and such by the time i reach that meta of this game patch 15 will have come and gone.


    Well im only rank 4(rank 5 after take the rank test later today) and since im not part of a clan i dont have access to much more then the standard blueprint weapons on the market.


    Built the angstrum, hate the mechanics of it and want to hear your opinions about what secondary weapons i should build instead.


    Right now i have a lev 30 lex (to slow) lev 30 Azani(last me 2 sec since i dont have the pistol mutation mod) and of course angstrum which does not suit my playstyle at all. 


    of the ones i have used so far i liked the lex the best but its to slow for me to use when my primary runs low on ammo on when im downed.


    I dont like to run and gun so much and tend to lean toward a more marksman playstyle with the latron or dread while i wait for paris and cernos to be built.


    But i still have not played enough to know which secondary weapons work well to unlock the star-chart and which ones are just mastery fodder.

    Then the Marelok suites you very much. You will not be disappointed.
  4. ^ That.


    Basically you can think of the combination of the two as adding your energy bar to your HP bar. Or, twice your energy bar to your HP bar.  It's effective if you add Equilibrium onto there because it allows you to double-dip on pickups, and REALLY effective if you have high armor rating too, but now you're dealing with a huge expensive stack of mods that could probably be more elegantly replaced with using power efficiency and just spamming your abilities to avoid taking so much damage in the first place.

    Still using qt rage and equilibrium, very hard to dodge stuff when they're shooting at you in every direction. They are still worth the high price. Oh and also I run my Nekros with it can't really spam my CC.
  5. I can't run with a group, my internet connection currently sucks due to me living in the country side which is the reason why I play solo. DE needs to make solo more viable, especially when some of these missions have to be between a certain conclave level...


    Looks like I'll have to drop a mod or two and try not to die despite those damn hyenas op attacks...

    Solo is viable, you're not there yet apparently. So yeah sucks to not be able to participate. But this is the first of its kind, better be ready for the next one. You'll need a good weapon.
  6. I'm going for headshots w/ the Soma. Will Heavy Calibur give any noticible accuracy loss, or can I hit heads just fine? I'm looking for 20-30 meters headshots.

    Not that I've experienced, got a rank 9 HC on mine and I can snipe pretty well with it at very long range.

  7. well, this escalated quickly.


    i'm expecting a lock in the near future.


    i still don't understand why people get so frustrated about nerfs in this game.

    there is no end-game to speak of. (i know, i know, endless defense / survival, etc)

    but even with mk1 weapons you can go through t4 missions easily to 30 minutes or so.

    a good group could go an hour. (or more)


    so by nerfing, all you're doing is decreasing the time-expenditure necessary to reach difficult content.


    oh, and making things ever-so-slightly more difficult on new players. kinda. maybe. with that single weapon. ish...


    i'll say it again, your expectations aren't being met, and you're upset about it.

    i understand that attitude, but i don't think it's really going to be beneficial to the larger game.

    My concern are on point 3 and 4 from OP's post. I can't know if something is good - too good - OP - Or even broken and will be nerfed at some point in the future. I can't know what the majority of the community will say on a frame/weapon, and then rate it broken and need to be fixed (nerfed). Before I didn't think about nerf before I choose to upgrade anything, it was "I like it" reason was enough. But now I have to guess if this thing is going to be nerf or not. This for me is a valid concern.

  8. Yes it is, do you think DE enjoys all the whining after they nerf something? if it wasn't necessary and if they didn't care they wouldn't nerf anything,  because nerfing IS NOT FUN, it brings all the angry incompetent exploiters to the forums to complain about not being able to exploit a broken mechanic anymore.

    So broken mechanics must be avoided, yes?

  9. 3) Nerfing will destroy buyer faith in in-game content.


    If this nerf train doesn't slow down, then eventually nobody will buy in-game content. Why? Because that thing they want to buy is going to get nerfed a week later. It doesn't foster good faith between consumer and buyer. Every time you buy something is a gamble, since it could be as weak as the MK-1 braton come the next hotfix. This is probably the aspect most threatening to the game as a whole. Without a sense of stability, a sense that the thing you're buying is going to be the thing you're buying and not a shell of what it once was long term, then why should any of us put down real money?


    4) It's destroys incentive to customize.


    This ties in largely with the point above, but so long as there's no compensation available, every nerf is spitting in the face of anyone who actually put a lot of time, effort, and potential plat into the honing of their favorite weapon or frame. Does it really make sense for anyone to bother with catalysts, reactor, or forma when come next update all that effort is flushed down the drain? Without the option to recover those resources, the whole process was a total waste.

    For me personally is this, I'm actually (not kidding) afraid on buying and putting potatoes on new frames or weapons now. I don't have the piece of mind to do any of it. Now if DE ever guarantee us, or make it right the first time when they introduce something into the game, that will be great. But slim chance for that I guess.

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