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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. 1. If you're going for melee all the way, just give your frame survivability. Powers which may give them survivability is also good (iron skin, turnbulence et cetera). Stamina mods since melee eats stamina.

    Let's say I don't play the usual frame for melee, say I use Excalibro, do you think it's Reflex Guard is good to mod in for survivability? And which stamina mods do you use?


    4. Speed is essential since you'd have to get to them first before they get you. Or you can block while trying to get close to them. Hence, Reflection mod is a good choice. You're modding your frame for a melee run anyway, you better make space for Reflection. :)

    Do you mod for speed too or you just do fast maneuvers?


    Honestly it doesnt matter too much on how you mod your frame

    So you just basically mod base on the frame powers you're gonna use, say you going with a Loki you build it base on invisibility?

  2. So I get to like melee more and more everyday, gotten bored with shooting. So to survive in any situation that depends mostly on your melee weapon, how did you mod your frame?

    1. What specific mod did you use (inc rank) and why. Did you use Reflect Guard, QT, Reflection, Rage, Constitution, Handspring, Quick Rest, etc?

    2. How did you handle flying mobs? If you shoot it, did you use Speed Holster?

    3. What aura mod did you use.

    4. Is speed important in melee frame build? If yes state the reason.

    5. Any advise or issue that I didn't list here?

    I'm trying to know which mod is mandatory, which is optional, and which mods compliment each other for a frame melee build.

    Added: I'm not going to use channeling much except for life strike. As for survivability is Reflect Guard good? I read somewhere that it doesn't mix well with Reflection.

  3. Play Style. 

    Spamming one ability is not a style worth mentioning in my books. Please say how you use it, combinations you do with it, etc.

    ie. like the Shield Flux Iron Skin combo.

    But people are talking about about 'Rhino has 'multiple' styles'.  Which is true. But purely spamming Iron Skin is something... well... not worth mentionning, I think.

    Then I must ask for your definition of play style. For me a play style is how you play this Warframe game with the given tools as a whole, such when using a Rhino I will use Iron Skin+Roar+OP Primary+Stomp for my 'Don't care n lay waste style'. If I want to exclusively use melee I can choose Rhino with Iron Skin for up close and personal style of fighting without the worry of taking damage, proc, and negative status effect. Or if I want to snipe head shots without dodging incoming fire I can choose Rhino for marksman style. Of course you can do most of this with with other frames to achieve the same play style. For instance I can use my Nekros and do the up close and personal melee style by using desecrate, terrify and energy restore to negate any negative that comes to being close let's say the Ancients 2.0.

  4. WHERE!?!


    Everyone keeps saying eximus drop him...but I've only gotten 2 parts after killing hundreds of eximus. is it a certain level range?

    They are right, any eximus on any level drop them. Just keep trying or don't try looking for it, the good thing about Oberon parts is you can get it in any mission you do. So just do missions and the parts will come to you eventually.

  5. Oh, oh I get it now. Your main problem is the effect, not the explosion itself.


    Yeah I agree. But then again that effect might be connected to other things that shake the screen which are used for balancing purposes, like recoil and so on. But if you were able to disable just the explosion effect shake, then I guess that should be fine. I love that effect myself; it's one of the things that makes Ember's Fireball feel meaty.

    Just finished building Attica, bought a catalyst for it, slap it with Thunderbolt. Whip out my Mirage and proceeded to level it up at a DS defense, went for 3 mission with this Valkyr, of course he was using melee. Sure enough he said to me at the third mission "You know, it's no fun to use explosive when you can punch the enemies". I agreed lol. He didn't say about the shaking effect 'tho, I was careful not to spam to many explosions.

  6. Perhaps remove explosions from Hall of Mirrors when using Attica+Thunderbolt, and only have the explosion on the main shot?


    People will RAAAAAGE but it's a viable solution to me (and yes, I've used Mirage+Attica+thunderbolt. In fact I'm currently finally working on my first ever "OP" weapon, which is a 5 forma Attica THunderbolt build.)

    It's not just Attica, HoM does not go well with weapon that shakes the screen. Your solution is viable, but it may take the fun out for some Mirage users. Maybe give us an option to disable explosion special effect from my end.
  7. You guys that says she's not OP are all wrong, really. Ever had a squad member use a Mirage with a blazing fast Attica+Thunderbolt? If you do then you will realize that she is OP. Why you ask? Well what can shake your screen constantly and make constant dizzying noises and literally makes you physically ill, I consider that OP. Nerf her!

  8. Took 600 hours before Despair dropped for me.  Brakk is still teasing me with 5/6 parts and zip on the barrel.


    Without Clan access I'd go with Bolto or Ak version but Hikou or Kunai are both good if you can lead your target.

    Guess I'm lucky then, 500++ and gotten all assassin's weapons :) hope you get the Brakk soon. But still prefer the Marelok over Brakk or Despair, Detron is ... meh. It is such a good gun for a marksman, love it.
  9. I can confirm this, was gonna make a post and saw this thread. Was at Caracol - Saturn DSD, every time the host leave and there's a host migration then all Ancients just stayed in the spawn room, only the regular infested came to the pod. We had to hunt each one of them in every room. 

  10. and thats exactly my problem. why not make a fkn vauban day each week where an allert will pop up for one of the 3 bp? Its not hard to make and its halfway between allerts + total stupidity (Giving it randomly)


    Also dont be so sure about the allerts beeing completely random, why I never see usefull allerts at really low trafic hours? Because the allert bot obvioysly work with some paramters. They wont put in oroking reactor at 5 in the moring on a wednesday. so its not 100% rng...

    I often had 4 to 6 of Vauban alerts in a week, or even 3 in a day, so yeah random. But suit yourself, if it is your opinion that this suck then write a post in the feedback subforum.
  11. Farming them? No, I get nano spores in most missions. But I still need them to make energy restore thingy and it fuels my liset or there would be hell to pay, Ordis would just not shut up about the dwindling spores stock.

  12. It's just only one frame that you can only acquire through alerts. When it's multiple frames, then yeah I can see a problem with that. Took me more than 500 hours of play time to get him, and that's without a notification helper just pure luck to stumble upon a Vauban alert. I didn't use any because didn't want Warframe to dictate my activities outside it. Just be patient and wait for it like the rest of us.

    If you can't wait then by all means buy it, help DE financially.

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