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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. - Paris Prime or Amprex ( Normally use Volt with it )

    - Lex Prime ( epic weapon )

    - Dual Ichor


    Well nothing wrong with that layout. I suspect people are highly biased towards which frames they think can handle Tower 4 keys. So as long as it is their key you are at the mercy of the host. Sad but true.

  2. Posted 07 August 2014 - 09:52 AM

    Current Status (August 7th, 9:55AM EDT): The team is finalizing localization and technical requirements before sending the build for certification mid next week.  

    I will update this thread as the build status changes.
    DE has not announced that they have sent update 14 to Sony for verification yet.
  3. You're not really missing much. A lot of waframe fans have a far higher opinion of dark sector than it deserves. The game suffered from being shoehorned into a genre it didn't belong in and although DE did a better job than most would making it work, the game still reeks of wasted potential.


    I bought it on release and actually think it is one of the most underrated games of it's time. It is a great action game with some interesting mechanics. Controlling Hayden's powers is a blast and nothing is more fun than severing limbs with the glaive. If you look at a highly praised game like the Batman Arkham series. Dark Sector already had you controlling the Glaive's flight, bouncing off elementals to gain electricity, fire and such quite a bit before the batarang moves of those games.


    Graphically it also looks very good (for 2008). It plays and handles similar to Resident Evil 4 and also shares abit of the dark tone and feel of that game. In addition it is quite a gory game. You can also move and shoot at the same time unlike Res 4.It is also a game that does not feel the need to hold your hand and push you in the next direction at all times. All in all it was a solid action game that stood out of the crowd at release and that maybe made it a bit too different for people to get into.


    I feel that most people that damn that game started out playing Warframe and then going back expecting a Warframe prequel. That is definitely not the way to go. Even though it ended up being the casting stone for much of Warframe's lore and concepts none of that was know at it's initial release in 2008. That probably clouds a lot of players judgement of a underrated great game. Currently it stands at 72% rating for the PS3/360 version at metacritics and that is not a bad score.

  4. I'm drowning in them. Have like 20 sitting around somewhere.

    But thats only because I don't need them for anything.

    Whenever you need something its impossible to find but whenever you don't need them they're everywhere.


    I would hardly call 20 Neural Sensors drowning in them, I have 100 at the moment so I must be submerged beyond belief then.


    Anyway I have done some farming comparison and discussed Neural Sensor drops before so check out this thread:



  5. There will come a time when you have an overabundance of Forma BPs.


    Keep playing. It will happen.


    This is true. They also appare frequently on Alerts and invasion missions so not that hard to come by if you play a fair bit.

  6. I have a problem. I have a Loki Prime Chassis, but i cant trade it. Why? In foundry appear, but when i want to trade, i dont see it. Can someone tell me what is happening please?


    When you say it appears in your foundry is that by any chance because you have built it?

  7. Orokin cells are rather easy to farm after they included Dark Sectors actually. Ceres - Seimeni has 35% resource drop and is one of the most popular nodes as well so should be no problem getting Orokin cells from there. If you get bored with defense run the survival instead


    If you have Distilling or Titan extractors you should have them running on Saturn and Ceres frequently as well. Once in a blue moon the deliver you some cells.


    Vor in T4 also either drops 1 orokin cell or 1 argon crystal each time you kill him so if you run a lot of T4 they should be adding up.


    Finally invasion missions normally tend to have Orokin cells as rewards at one point, most likely offered by the Grineers so always watch out for those as well.


    So all in all they are really not that hard to come by and does not need to have their drop rate increase in my opinion.

  8. ummm.... is that so? i thought you always have to input it yourselves? wat i mean is a automatic fuction that keep posting every 10s until u log out or turn it off :D .............................

    ....yeah. it's a bad idea. :D


    Like we don't already have enough spam in the different chat tabs

  9. if u so afraid of auction house then how about auto-chat that only for trading channel or something. so you only have to wait for someone to pm.


    That is already what is happening in trading channel. You list either WTS or WTB and wait for someone to PM you. Trading is a "small" feature of this game and should not be made a big feature.

  10. Auction house is not a good idea for Warframe or in general. Just take one look at Diablo 3 and it's quite evident that it's counterintuitive to the very core of a farming game. The same logic can be applied to Warframe


    Why is the auction house system being removed from Diablo III?


    The gold and real-money auction houses have provided a convenient and secure system for trading, but it's also become increasingly clear that despite the benefits they provide, they ultimately undermine Diablo’s core gameplay. A big part of Diablo is the thrill of battling demons and finding epic loot. While buying epic loot in the auction houses might be more convenient, it doesn't feel anywhere near as heroic as plowing through a pack of fearsome-looking monsters and having them drop that one awesome item that seems like it was made for your character.


    Warframe is at it's core a farming game that gives you incentive to play the actual game to get what you are looking for. So instead of people farming for mods, keys, prime parts to sell to make some platinum. People would just start flipping in the Auction House instead. Thus making it a market simulator rather than the game it is now.


    Having all things in the game available to purchace within 2 seconds is also not a good idea. It would ruin a lot of the new player excitement and why would they really want to farm XXX hours of anything if they can simply obtain it by buying it. As it is now you will have to spend quite some time bartering and looking for the right seller / buyer to get what you want. That generate interaction with other players and makes trading a bit of a social thing. Having to met up in the dojo at the trading post to exchange goods. That part of trading would also be gone and you would be left with a inventory browser with a buyout option.


    I played Diablo 3 since release and the only way to earn a living and be able to afford upgrade there was to flip. All due to them including a Auction House. Flippers controlled the market and it further widened the gap between those who had and those who did not .While you might think it is a good idea I would think very long and hard before you think about supporting something like that to Warframe.





  11. So, you're just ignoring that it's silly to expect people to conform to your sense of order when you have already said they just do what they want anyways. You've already explained why this happens. Consider your issue solved. You can be mad about it, but you clearly already know why it happens.


    A request for players to not move about and stay within a confined area is silly while requesting them to refrain from using lasers is a feasible and minor option.

  12. This doesn't make sense. You're basically saying you expect everyone to play their own way, except for when you try to set an expectation at the start of the match. You already expect people to play wildly, so why do you think they'd listen to your "No lasers please"? If you're right and people do what they want, they won't. So, you kind of answered your own question.



    Playing wildly is not a hurdle, killing 2-3 of your teammates in the middle of a wave is.



    Using lasers is legit - once a certain lvl of difficulty is met.


    And I'd rather tell the players in the group to stay in the middle first.

    Or if they are okay with the use of lasers.


    I hate it when people use lasers without a warning.


    Once a certain level of difficulty is met is the key. As I have mentioned several times, there really is no need for lasers at wave 1-20.

  13. if the choice is


    save the wave by lasering that Rhino off by himself     OR

    Mission Failed


    what do you think is gonna happen, especially with newer players who might not know how to handle a huge pack of Corrupted Heavies in their face?


    You did not answer my question:


    When was the last time you had a pub game where all 4 never ventured outside the perimeter and everyone is 100% in tune with each other???


    Also as I said: Who needs lasers at wave 1-20???


    So long before you even come to the scenario you mention between Save Rhino / Mission Failed there is no reason to apply lasers.

  14. the better question is why arent you BEHIND  the lasers/cover like you are supposed to instead of running off and getting pwned out in the middle of the open field


    When was the last time you had a pub game where all 4 never ventured outside the perimeter and everyone is 100% in tune with each other??? Please do tell because I have never ever seen a single game where that has happened.


    "Powerful / efficient when used correctly" seems to be the common denominator in the replies here. Obvious they come in handy when dealing with level 50's enemies but who needs lasers at wave 1-20???? Furthermore as I specified in my original post I always give a heads up when we start by typing "No lasers please. For the simple reason to avoid being lasered in the back without notice.

  15. This constantly frustrates me during any Void Tower Defense. I always give a heads up when we start by typing "No lasers please" but no matter how many times you explicitly tell them not to. They still (or always one guy) use them even after killing several teammates numerous times.


    I can understand low ranking players doing it once since they might not know better. Still it took about one game for me and my friends during our very first void defense mission back in the day to understand that it was not a good idea killing each other. The only place I can find a use for them is for soloing missions.


    So am I just extremely unlucky with who I encounter or is this a persistent problem for you guys as well?





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