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Everything posted by OgreEye

  1. Circuit had me wanting to blow my brains out already, forcing me to go into the game with things I didn't want to use, most of which flat out did not work - to see that you decided to include something again with that restriction, but without decrees to even mediate it is mind boggling. I must've missed the part where this was discussed, because I was really looking forwards to more challenging content, and the concept I did hear of "netracells but harder with better rewards" sounded great, I was hoping for a bigger challenge to really use some of the higher end stuff I have, but seeing the gear matching BS is legitimately the first thing in this game that has made me want to uninstall. Weapons in this game with the highest end mods can vary by multiple orders of magnitude in efficacy, and that's not an exaggeration - if they were even remotely balanced this would be fine, but they aren't, so it isn't. Worse still is doing so with warframes, with many being completely forced into shield gating in higher level content, something that's about as fun as jamming a toothpick under your toenail and kicking a wall. I understand this is """optional""", but you can't get max rewards without it, so it really isn't. There's a really easy fix for this - like the title says, just let me take more debuffs to pad out my research points instead, I will gladly do so. I'm going to shoot for max rewards either way, I'd just really prefer to not end up standing around uselessly for the mission and praying my teammates are good. I cannot emphasize enough how much this killed my motivation to play the game. With this seeming to be the projected course of high level content, I am very seriously considering just cutting my losses and uninstalling right now. I have 0 desire to play a very large portion of the frames in this game and being forced into them to not miss out on considerable rewards is causing me more stress than it's worth.
  2. I mean the point is being more functional. If you were to have the ability to make all of your mods just health and armor that's great, but you won't really do anything. However, the healing over time is a consideration I have had that I admittedly did fail to mention, and I do think the only way for this to work is for it to disable any heal over time effects. I'll add that to the original post. With that in place, I think it becomes a pretty reasonable tradeoff, as you'd have to active get health orbs or other ways to heal. But I do maintain any investment in durability that's not necessary is wasted potential that could be range, strength, or duration, all of which are much more impactful on actual gameplay, and even with insane armor values makes it difficult for you to stay alive forever
  3. actually the numbers being like that is semi-intentional. in the example your provided, you're sacrificing much of your mod slots, using multiple maxed primed mods, and using another arcane for survivability, and that's basically pointless pre level cap. Like, let's be flat right now - does nidus even feel anything coming at him barring like 2+ hours in? It's massive overkill. and making level cap easier to get to isn't really a concern, because again, revenant still does it better. A lot of the reason I propose it also was for squishier frames to be able to actually eat hits with proper investment, which we're still about right for now; I could probably see it becoming 500k/350k/200k push comes to shove though. However, honestly speaking. this is a PvE game, and every game mode except capture/exterminate have a secondary objective besides "don't die", even survival requires you have a minimum killrate. You could probably make someone completely, literally invincible and it wouldn't actually be disruptive (not that I'd advocate for that). You want to get only as much survivability as is comfortable so you can put the rest towards functionality when building, for different people that looks different.
  4. I will fr buy $100 in plat right now if you change the DR to 90% so I can actually play the like 2/3 of the cast that has to shield gate otherwise. please it would be so nice
  5. thing is, at 50% heat, I Have a whole 70% DR; that cuts my EHP down to 1/3 of what it was, and there's a very big window (probably about 30minutes to 2 hours) in a run where that's very important
  6. Yeah it removes 50% heat. You know, the stuff you need to keep your DR up? The difference between the DR I have at 100% heat and the DR I have at 50% heat is VERY much the difference between life and death. It leaves me too vulnerable to be regularly used. Now if it scaled in a way that made sense and I could get my lower end DR above the absolute piddly 50% it was capped to that would be fine, but it doesn't, so here we are. Also, frankly speaking, I would be very surprised if you've spent 1/4 of the time I have on the wiki, I basically have lived there since I started playing the game.
  7. Spoiled I guess. I hate how energy is handled in this game more than either of those though. energy nexus is the greatest idea warframe's had in a long time, and I really wish that it was basekit, but even that doesn't deal with the fact that for a lot of people you just have to spam something to stay alive, or the fact that channeled abilities turn off everything that isn't an orb, or if you're someone with a relatively low impact damage ability you'd like to use consistently that for some reason costs an entire orb to use at base rank. you'd still be sacrificing a considerable amount of your modspace to be building the efficiency, and to be 100%, a lot of the best frames don't even really care about it. But with the upcoming nourish nerf, I think I'm far from alone as someone looking for more options to deal with this.
  8. I'm not gonna lie, energy economy is easily one of my least favorite problems I have to deal with in this game - largely because at high levels of play, no energy VERY quickly translates to being on the floor. As it stands, our only options are streamline, which I would say is begging for a prime (please I would be so happy), Boreal's hatred, which is nearly inconsequentially low, and fleeting expertise, which, aside from being designed in such a way that you never exactly hit the 175% you want with streamline at any rank, also reduces duration, you know, the other stat you need to help energy economy? You just have very few options to build it properly at the end of the day, and priming streamline as well as adding maybe an augur mod that does like 20-25% would be a huge help.
  9. The idea is pretty simple - as it stands, EHP is very much a "it works until it REALLY doesn't" situation, and that's because enemy damage scaling just gets too high. My proposed solution is simple Arcane Indomitable: you can lose no more than ([300,000|200,000|100,000]/armor) health per second. You can no longer gain health from any heal over time effect this would apply after all other defenses (so it'd go through your armor, DR, etc before it applies the cap), and would be functionally useless in early stages of the game as you're going to be taking less than that anyways, but in the lategame, this gives frames the ability to actually take hits, while still rewarding them for investing in tank stats, and letting them get hurt enough that damage is still a very, very real threat. As it stands, you can run triple umbral, adaptation, 5 armor blues, and arcane guardian, and for half of the frames in the game you're still in range to get instagibbed by an errant bombard shot or similar. I'm getting kinda sick of revenant being the only practical choice I have for the truly long longruns I do, but even outside of those, this would open up frame diversity so much for other steel path players who, like me, just hate how tedious shield gating is, and want investment in tankiness to actually mean something.
  10. 10 per second is already brutal, the fact that it keeps growing on top of that is really rough; The effect just isn't strong enough to merit it, and it's weird as hell that the fire warframe gets punished for being on fire. Can we just axe this antisynergy? plenty of other frames have considerably more manageable 90% DR options.
  11. Maybe an uncommon opinion, but railjack missions are actually pretty fun, mostly the ones that don't involve you just going in to do a regular mission past a point. It's definitely something where you want to get a bunch of your buds to coordinate, but if everyone's on the same page it's legitimately some of my favorite content and I'd like to see more. Ideally at least some steel path so we can get even more endo and resources from it, but any expansion to space piracy time is welcome.
  12. Every time I reluctantly boot up duviri because I want to grind out an adapter for another weapon I can feel my instincts fighting me. Somehow, despite me having dozens of weapons that could slaughter steel path enemies without issue, it's about every other run that I get literally nothing usable, and the default modset on weapons you don't own is about as effective at killing armored SP enemies as a balloon animal would be. More painful still is getting frames I don't own with no survivability baked into them, forcing me to jump around all game and do nothing but be a leech until the first round is over and I can get a reroll. Nothing has ever made me feel the urge to stop playing the game more than this, and I've taken multimonth breaks because of how burnout inducing it is twice already. I of course, then, have to spend hours on end grinding out far too sparse resources I need far too many of after going through that immense pain. It's clear at this point you have no intention of changing it further, so please just give us another option to earn them. Anything at all where gear isn't randomized, that's just such an incredibly terrible idea for steel path.
  13. Don't get me wrong, I'm hamstringing myself asking this question, I have a statstick riven with 500 rolls on it. At the same time though, not only are they incredibly obtuse to new players, but they're also just just handled weirdly. For example, despite already having an exalted melee that is used visibly for the ability, excalibur's slash dash still goes off of the mods of your equipped melee weapon? While I would like to make it so every warframe with a so called "pseudoexalted" can just mod the ability directly, I would appreciate if we just made it so at the very least there are more mods you can put on your melee weapons that will actually help out psuedoexalteds so it doesn't feel like one or the other; make attack speed just another multiplier to the damage of these since they won't be attacking faster, same thing with faction damage, let range impact the AoE of them, etc. Ideally though both of these changes are made
  14. In my opinion, equinox is one of the coolest warframe concepts, but their current state is both seemingly against the spirit of their very name as well as very obtuse to use. I've got something of a wishlist here for changes I'd like to see made to them 1. Above all others, just get rid of all the falloff in their kit. There's no reason for it to be there, and it makes them very frustrating to use. To be specific: make it so the form swapping buffs from their 1 don't decay over their duration and make it so the pacify damage reduction isn't range dependent. 2. Make their hybrid from usable in mission. For a frame named equinox the really feel more like solstice, as you're only ever one or the other. I would make it so holdcasting 1 puts you into your hybrid state, where, in exchange for having neither of the night or day bonuses (and not activating the augment), you can cast the abilities of both. Tapcast would be the ability of your default form (as detected by emission color already) and holdcasting would be the other. 3. Redo the calculations for pacify so that it doesn't require as much strength. Currently, to get the "standard" 90% DR out of pacify, you need a whopping 400 strength, more than any other frame does for such an effect, on top of it having range falloff, a constant energy cost, and it only being usable in one form. 4. Bump up the juice on their passive by a good bit - while it fits flavor pretty well, 10% is literally only half of a single standard purple archon shard, and that's a sad state of affairs for an entire passive ability.
  15. I like I like this, except it begs the question of what happens to pre existing rivens with them; either you grandfather them in and misguided newbies complain, or you change the stats and everyone complains. Aside from that, it depends on the magnitude of the bonus I think; if it's only a universal, say, 40% or so, I'd argue there's usually another mod that could outdo them. This is definitely muddled by facdmg's interaction with DoTs, but with corro direct damage being viable now, I'd say it's not an insta slot for *everything*.
  16. TL;DR: add a farmable item that allows you to change one faction damage bonus on a riven to a weaker bonus to faction damage against all factions In the current state of things, with the "endgame" almost universally being considered to be either netracells, archon hunts, or steel path void fissures, faction damage bonuses on rivens - mods that are arguably the most time intensive and thus endgame focused pursuit - have become nearly useless. Barring the one use case of non-corrupt enemies in SP void fissures, none of the factions that rivens can get a damage bonus to are relevant to what they're actually being used for. To this end, I'd like to propose a new item; not sure what you'd call it, but I'd like to say it would drop from the indifference bosses, just so I can make the joke that it makes your rivens "indifferent" to enemy factions. By that I mean it's something you can apply to a riven that changes a faction damage bonus to an omni-faction damage bonus similar to rhino's roar, but with a decrease in the bonus's strength (probably about 20% of its value, so a 50%->40%) because of its large increase in versatility. This would only be able to apply to one stat (so you can't get a riven that's just three of the same bonus), but is a very elegant solution to address the problem, because it being something you choose to apply over a change to rivens in general means people who are reliant on negative faction damage rolls to weaker factions can simply choose to not apply it, it'll result in FAR less stat clog than adding in the new factions would, and it gives endgame players something else to do with their time.
  17. The way in which stacks decay in this game is wildly inconsistent across things that feature them and it's extremely frustrating how important it can be to the viability of the feature in question. I'd like to propose that the standard for stack falloff becomes: one timer for all stacks if timer elapses, lose one stack refresh stack timer any time you meet the conditions to gain a new stack, even if you have too many to actually gain more this, for examples, is how stacks are treated in merciless arcanes. Certain things - adaptation, galvanized scope, a few arcanes - have other ways of tracking stacks that dramatically lower their usefulness despite having no mention of that. This will make them stronger, and they may need to be retuned, but I believe that's definitely worth it for the clarity to a player who might not want to scour the wiki for how these work.
  18. I've had this idea since the ammo rework, and even though I'm sure it would be very niche, I also think it would allow for some really fun interactions and some extremely satisfying headshot numbers, as well as allow some guns that would really love the galvanized status mods to use the more effectively, because I still am a basmu fanboy. Because its bonuses would be massive on weapons that don't have a radial damage profile, it's necessary that it can only be equipped to ones that have one Internal Propellant +5 punch through +300% ammo pickup weapon loses its radial attack. The damage of the radial attack is added to the projectile to get into the details of this, again taking the example of the basmu, it would lose its radial attack on its main fire, meaning it would go from 39 electric on the projectile and 19 heat on the radial to 58 radiation on the projectile. the alt fire would be unaffected, though it would benefit from the punch through. On, say, the stahlta, this effectively turns its altfire into an 1800 base damage sniper, which would allow for some very funny headshot numbers. EDIT: there's a part of me that wants to say it gets PT equal to the radius of its radial attack profile but I feel like that might be too hard to code
  19. Give me steel path archon fights with guaranteed taugorger and make everyone happy
  20. I took a few months break fairly recently because duviri burnt me the hell out and just made me not want to touch the game. I just got back from my first stint in it since then, and it's somehow worse than I remember it. Clearly, the entire concept of it simply is not for me - I want to use the gear I find fun, this is in direct conflict with that. However, I am forced to suffer through it because incarnon adapters are locked behind it and only it, so until they add in an alternative (please I am BEGGING for anything else to do), there are problems that aren't just me hating the game mode, but actual flaws in it, that should be addressed. #1: Simplest one, give us a circuit where XP gains are lowered but you actually get to bring loadouts in. All things considered the circuit besides the gear randomization is actually pretty fun, I don't think I'd even mind having to stay longer if I actually got to bring in equipment that works and I enjoy using. #2: Let us create the default mod set for each weapon class. I'd be more than willing to burn the forma on it. As it stands the current default mods for the circuit leave the weapons 1000 times more useful with the barrel pressed up against your temple to put you out of your misery than trying to chew through absurdly bloated SP armor values, and having mods that actually do something would help tremendously. Same with warframes, I'm sick of getting a pre-modded frame that's made out of tissue paper, at least having triple umbral, adaptation, and arcaguardian on everyone would make it so I could survive while I'm suffering. #3: Let us designate weapons in our arsenal for it to pick from. I'm thinking it's a minimum of 10 for each of primary, secondary, melee, but you're guaranteed to get one of those 10 for each weapon type, and the rest can be random, so you don't get left with something useless. Same thing with warframes. Finally, I'm not numbering this one because it's something that just needs to happen. Duviri resources need more spawns and more drops per spawn. Tasoma especially needs to be tripled at the MINIMUM, and that's not an exaggeration. Even once you suffer through the SP circuit you can spend hours wandering aimlessly for the resources for one adapter if it requires the wrong things, and it's miserable.
  21. I was trying doing a steel path long run to try and see how far rhino could go. my comrades had to leave at 45, nbd I thought, I could easily keep going. malice spawns, I kill him, whatever. Except the shadow remains. I want to guide you down this death spiral he just looks like a regular guy, there's no marker, so i couldn't find what he was in the massive crowd he turned off all of my abilities, I didn't have the energy to recast, and I'm made out of tissue paper without iron skin he kills me I get back up he's still there energy pads on cooldown not enough energy for iron skin teleports me to him every time I try to just get to extraction my gun is incarnon and useless without it, in the splitseconds I have between spawning and getting killed because I don't have the energy to cast abilities, I can only tickle him even if I can see him rinse repeat until I've lost all 6 of my deaths and an assload of steel essence now I've mentioned this before but I firmly believe that ability null and energy drain are the worst mechanics in this entire game and desperately need to be removed, but until you come around on that idea, can we please at least have these guys leave when I die so players like me don't enter a literally inescapable chain? also while we're at it please make it so malice bubble is like, remotely visible, the amount of times I've died to an invisible threat there is frustrating
  22. I've said this a lot before, but I find chaining invincibility through shield gate and whatever else to be about as fun as pulling teeth with rusty pliers and a pile of salt in your mouth. That being the case, I've been thinking of ways to allow us to deal with that kind of damage without completely and utterly trivializing anything at lower levels. I also wanted to make it feel like it didn't make other investments in tankiness wasted, or that it made you flat-out invincible Borrowed Time You can lose no more than [(200,000 | 150.000 | 100,000)/armor] health per second (depending on rank). Any damage taken beyond this value will be added to a pool, and you will take damage over time constantly until the pool is drained To get technical with it: if you'd lose more than that much health (which is to say, after armor/resistances/etc), any excess post-mitigation damage you'd normally take will instead contribute to a damage pool. Until that pool is empty, at the start of every second, it will deal the maximum damage it can to you (as in, how much the arcane allows) and lower the value of the pool by that. Notably, this arcane only stops health loss, not shield or overguard loss, and does its damage directly to your health pool (because the number in the pools has already gone through mitigations, the damage you receive from this will not). While the main use of this is to survive at extremely high enemy levels, it's also useful to avoid situations like getting nulled and being instakilled because your defenses are down or having your irradiated ally friendly fire you and vaporize your health bar. It is however very dangerous, as many healing methods are lifesteal based in one way or the other, but the pool will keep damaging you until it's gone, so any break in enemy spawns can be lethal if not adequately prepared for. Also, because the incoming is limited by armor, you still need a large health pool to not be killed quickly, and DR abilities dramatically mitigate how much is going into the pool, I think it does a good job of still rewarding you for investing in other survivability options instead of invalidating them the way invulnerability tactics do.
  23. I'd prefer it be whatever the maximum you can get in a week is, but anything to speed up the slog is good
  24. see I hear you on that, but even SP lephantis isn't bad with the right tools, and I think they could simply lighten up on the damage atten for the archons in SP - it's not like they have that much actual health.
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