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Posts posted by simeo77

  1. Yes, I agree that armor scaling is an issue and removing it would make a lot of weapons more viable for endgame/defense.


    However, this thread is about the akbolto being useless against kunai. There is no way to defend the kunai; try comparing their stats and tell me one thing that is better about akbolto. So even if armor scaling is removed, kunai will still be way better.




    Edit: If anything the harder it is for a weapon to grab the more powerful the weapon should be. AKBolto has numerous steps to receive. The Kunai is a simple market purchase and 12 hours later. 


    The Clan, Void and Stalker weapons ought to outperform all the market weapons.... So I wouldn't be mad if Despair were more powerful than the AKBolto. But the Kunai/Haikou?

  2. If you want to talk armor scaling, we can talk armor scaling. Right now, we aren't. We are talking about how the Kunai and Despair make everything else feel like a marshmallow gun at higher levels. And there is no way to properly defend it, even if you create some kind of scenario where every other gun has armor ignore and the Grineer are lovable chaps.


    My point exactly.


    They're not 'okay' right now in any conventional sense of balance - they chop through all enemies faster than my boltor does, and that's even with a 10-clip size and a slower ROF. They go through entire rooms full of enemies like a hot knife sinking into butter.


    Which is why I use them. I'm unashamedly taking advantage of the fact that they're easy to obtain and laughably overpowered. I'm a casual player with only about 50 hours of gametime since I started playing this June, and I don't really care if it means I have no 'skill' or 'pride' or whatever. If it's efficient and deadly, I'm game for it.


    Of course, it does make levels ridiculously easy from time to time. When I'm feeling like I want a challenge, I just don't use them, and stick to my boltor/latron.


    And my point exactly as well. 

  3. and you know thats happen cus armor scales like shiet dont you ?


    It doesn't matter. Kunai and AKBolto are armor ignore. The damage on Kunai is higher, the fire rate on Kunai is higher (gameplay fire rate, not wiki fire rate), and the reload speed on the Kunai is faster. AKBolto lose even without the armor scale issue. 


    This is the same issue you run into when you compare Kunai to any other sidearm (and even rifle). 

  4. The game is still in beta. The glitch is just another thing which needs to be fixed before 'final release'. I'd say this one is pretty important because it deals with mechanics of our weapon availability.


    Maybe one bandage they could do to make the fix is up the fire rate on semi-autos? So if the listed fire rate is 10 the actual will be 6. If the listed fire rate is 20 the actual will be 12, etc

  5. I'm ok with akbolto being semi-auto and seriously inaccurate at range. But there should be a tradeoff of increased damage.


    From my experience, akbolto with a catalyst and forma-ed twice can't out-damage plain kunai at rank 30.


    +1 to this post, the one saying "one sidearm to rule them all" shouldn't be, and 99% of the previous posts. Semi Auto AKBolto just feels "right" but there should/could be increased damage to compensate. Fully Auto throwing weapons make no sense either....


    Armor vs Health scaling makes complete sense as well. I think making health scale rather than armor will make more weapons much more viable without having to individually tweak weapons. 

  6. I know, but to say "Akboltos are made from Lato" is incorrect thou. It would sound more correct to say "Akboltos are made from 2 Boltos (where it is made from 2 Latos)" rather than "Akboltos are made from Latos".


    You're splitting hairs here. It takes 12 hours each for Lato to Bolto, then I think it was 24 hours to AKBolto plus all the materials to make each stage. Kunai is instamake, practically and because it's fully automatic and reloads so quickly kills AKBolto in damage.


    +1 to the other above posts. AKFuris, Twin Viper, Twin Bronco and even Boltor, Braton Prime, Latron Prime, etc are all beat by Kunai's dps.


    Kunai, as Khaos said above, are boring. You just need to hold down the mouse button and hold the reticule in the general area of the enemy to do serious damage.


    But now if I use anything else simply because I enjoy it I feel as if I'm handicapping myself big time. Takes the fun out of the secondary weapon.


    My favorite weapons are Lex for sidearm and Braton for primary or AKLato/AKBolto for sidearm and Snipe Vandal as primary.... however because of dps I have no choice but to use Kunai for the sidearm and Boltor for primary 9 times out of 10.


    Kunai should at least not be full auto. They are a throwing weapon, not a sub-machine gun.


    AKBolto should have a damage increase vs the Kunai. They are not full auto and they fire a propelled projectile. Nobody's arm throws harder than a gun.

  7. Please tell me I'm wrong but I spent bookoos of time building the AKBolto from Latos just to get outshined by an instabuild, fully automatic throwing weapon.


    I 'enjoy' the feel of the AKBoltos much more than the Kunai but I can't justify using the AKBoltos instead of my Kunai in any scenario yet. If I am wrong please please let me know where the AKBoltos are better. (Edit: or at least equal)


    And why is a throwing weapon fully automatic?

  8. +1 to this post in general.


    I loved the idea of a bow when the Paris came out but stopped using it when I realized my Braton was more effective at putting down high level mobs.


    Stalker dropped Dread for me and I was able to make it but stopped using it when I realized my Boltor was more effective at putting down high level mobs.


    Thunderbolt mod dropped for me in Xini but when I realized it not only didn't kill like it "should" but somehow managed to kill my teammates I stopped even trying with the bows.


    I love the idea of the Paris Prime comming out but then I noticed we now have a Braton Prime as well and.... you know how that story ends.


    Bows need love.

  9. Thanks for making the above post Hauteclere regarding stats. I would just like to see her a little faster. I would figure for such a nimble looking frame she'd be faster. ((PS I wish you had a key for the abbreviations you made above. You lost me at "7 - 0" "7 - 2" and lists of frames))


    In playing through Mag 3 times to 30 I never felt squishy. I did feel slow. She is small/skinny/nimble. She shouldn't be Rhino slow; imo.


    Stats are important to talk about because we're looking at the frame as a whole. Following this topic since page 2 I think every area of skills have been exhausted several times.. I shouldn't get flamed for bringing up stats at this point. -_-

  10. Dude, her shields are absurd. She has the potential to be as tanky as Frost or even Rhino if you can max Redirection and Fast Deflection. She also has a 1.0 base speed. Health and armor are the only things Frost has on her. Honestly, I would say her stats are fine as they are. You have to keep in mind that Mag isn't built as a tank like Frost and Rhino are. Considering that she's actually pretty bulky.


    Oh I know her shields are fantastic. Here's what I'm trying to say:


    Rank 30

    Stat: Mag/Frost/Rhino

    Health: 225/300/300


    Power: 150/150/150

    Armor: 50/150/150

    Sprint: 1.0/0.9/0.9


    Stats wise Frost and Rhino have everything Mag has and more with a very very tiny reduction in sprint speed. Does that look "balanced" to you? She needs either a high speed boost (most likely) or more power.


    I think the speed boost only makes sense. She's a much smaller frame so she should be much more nimble.

  11. I think they're gonna buff it on U9.


    Reaper Prime was a U8 feature not a U9 feature.



    Impatient much?


    I would expect if during the livestream the guy says "I'm going to work on it right now" he's talking about a hotfix for U8.


    What do you mean by the "elusive" update 9?.....


    It's been mentioned but no release month has been pinpoint nor what U9 will cover. I only say elusive because U8 was like that so I assume U9 will be the same. Remember U8 "We'll make the update within the next week." "We'll make the update within the next 2 weeks" "We'll be updating soon..." (soon meant 1 week after "2 weeks"). But then when U8 came in we all crashed on launch because they released it "too soon". I'm just setting my expectations low this time is all. ;)

  12. Stalker? What's a Stalker?


    No but I could understand that about the Hate that doesn't exist maybe not being the same as the Reaper Prime which does exist.... albeit in another dimension... I'm thinking they should probably both be 'equal' but different as aforementioned.


    But seriously though. When is the reaper prime being buffed or was that an evil tease we won't see until the "elusive" update 9 and then end up being a huge disappointment?

  13. What I absolutely do not understand is how Volt's energy tops out at 150 at rank 30.  His element is electricity, he has tesla coils covering his arms.  He should have the most energy out of all of the warframes, and yet he's on par with Rhino in terms of energy.



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