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Posts posted by simeo77

  1. haha now ash's skills feel a little underwhelming...


    I'm just frustrated because I was so excited for Ash because I love my (lvl 30) Loki. I thought "What's missing from Loki is at least 1 or 2 attack skills and a little more health." Enter Ash. The idea of him was awesome and I worked towards getting him for 3 weeks (with some slight detours). Now I have him and I'm disappointed. His health/shields/stamina/energy/armor is perfect..... but I have no functional skills.


    Shuriken is hit and miss. Smoke Screen is short. Teleport gets me killed. Blade Storm is all I have and even that is meh.


    PS I edited my above comments to include some helpful suggestions instead of just criticism.

  2. Shuriken: In my opinion Shuriken has nothing wrong, full upgraded can hit for a 1000 headshot.


    Shut your mouth. (I say that with lots of love)


    No but seriously, are you missing something about how horrible Shuriken is compared to the other Warframe first abilities? 25 power... count it.... 25 power from Ash's already scant energy pool to hopefully line up a single target for a headshot?


    Let's talk first abilities here for a moment and I'll only speak to frame I currently own:


    Rhino Charge/Excalibur Slash Dash: Beautiful abilities able to wipe out at least 4 enemies at once. If not just turn around and spam again.


    Banshee Sonic Boom: AOE Ability for mob control at only 25 energy from her HUGE energy pool


    Loki: Decoy to draw enemy fire from ALL surrounding enemies. Players rely on this extremely used skill even at high levels! Only 25 power from his huge energy pool.


    Ember: Fire Elemental damage PLUS burn damage incrementally?? Not to mention painting a huge target "Hey guys let's shoot the big giant fireball running around our screen!" "Ok!" Did I mention the energy pool?


    Trinity: 25 Energy? Child Please. Just spam cast Well of Life on the giant boss standing in the middle of the room and the team fills up health just for shooting at what they're already hitting.


    Ash: 25 Energy... from my tiny energy pool. One small line vs mob of death. Yea I'll save it up for my severely underpowered ultimate for 100. At least I'll be able to kill 3-4 rather than most likely miss with my Shuriken. 


    But hey, Ash has a huge health pool to draw from so it's all good right? I mean, we were trying to create a ninja warframe? He looks pretty incredible but his skills make him no better than a glorified marine.

    Edit: I'm sorry, I just realized I didn't have any creative/helpful input to add. Here are some suggestions:


    Shuriken: Option 1) Wider field of damage via energy cloud surrounding it or throw 3-7 at once. Same damage. Option 2) Keep it same as it is but only 5 energy so we could spam it a bit. Option 3) Create a different skill we can complain about.


    Smoke Screen: Above all maybe let us see him a little. Option 1) Keep it the way it is but 25 energy cost. Option 2) Increase melee attack speed while invis to make up for short invis time, keep energy cost Option 3) Lengthen the invis time Keep energy cost


    Teleport: The above was a good suggestion


    Blade Storm: Option1) Create a larger area of teleporting Option 2) Multi-hit targets if no others are available

  3. Unless I missed it somewhere I don't see any threads on frame buildouts stickied but I see dozens of "How should I build out my................" threads being created daily.


    People post these questions a lot because they're looking for the direction they need to take a certain weapon or frame. Playing now 6 different frames and having Ember build on the way I noticed the frames for the most part could be moded in at least 2 different directions. Having three times as many weapons I really start to see the differences. On the flipside sometimes a weapon/frame feels completely useless without the correct mods.


    I've seen quite a few very helpful and long threads made by players which have sunk into oblivion.


    Please create this section. It would contain sticky threads as people posted helpful ones like:


    - Dual Zoren (Crit Build)

    - Dual Zoren (Speed Build)

    - Rhino (Tank Build)

    - Rhino (AOE Build)

    - Paris (Headshot one shots)

    - Paris (Elemental damage build)

    - Ash (Stamina Build)

    - Ash (Warrior Build)

    - Loki (Decoy Build)

    - Banshee (Boss Fighting Build)

    - Banshee (Solo Build)

    - AKLato (Effects Build)

    - AKLato (Damage Build)

    - Viper (Elemental Damage Build)

    - Viper (Crit Build)


    I know sometimes things could overlap but I'm just putting out ideas to help the forums and players more.



    Doing something like this would create a great resource for players. There are dozens of frame/weapon combinations and having build infos and suggestions could help the players a lot and give them some direction on frames.

  4. ...


    I get paid $300 a day, Saturday is 50% extra and Sunday is double, that makes $1050 in two days;

    And I offer you a nice gesture by reducing $50 off, make it $1000.




    If you can read: ALL TENNO MUST


    Common sense called. He wants his shirt back. -_-

  5. I don't understand why there is such an uproar over Frost Prime. Look, people "EARNED" the prime by participating in the event and killing at least one Fusion MOA. You all should be happy you weren't forced to spend your plat on a new Prime.


    This forum should be filled with topics of "THANK YOU SO MUCH DEVS FOR BEING AWESOME".


    Instead I'm seeing topics like "Such a disappointment" and "Now my Frost (Regular) is worthless" and "I wasted so much time" and "Well thanks for nothing." and "........................."


    So ungrateful.


    I don't see this much of an uproar over Excalibur Prime. How about the devs just take your Prime back and make you spend another $50 and support the game instead of leaching off of them?

    How much does an XBox game cost in store? How much money does Steam beg off of you every time you (steam users) close your Warframe down? How much money does it cost to own a computer with the ability to support this and many other games?


    Then lets look at this. You really think the Devs, grown adults with bills and lives, should starve so you could get your kick 1 hour per day? You think Digital Extremes runs on Twinkies and Lilipops? No freaking way. Buildings cost money, computers cost money, staff have a salary, DERebecca needs to buy new clothes! Steve's pink shorts cost somebody, somewhere money!

    On top of the new frame (which I'm sure the component BPs won't be insanely hard to acquire), they gave you 100,000 credits just for killing ONE Fusion MOA. How about saying "WOW THANKS DEVS. Now I don't have to grind for 100k or wait for a 10k alert mission to pop up every couple hours!" They practically handed you everything on a silver plate and said "Here's out gift to you, our awesome players." And you said "I'm so disappointed."


    Go cry somewhere else.

  6. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it all.... you jerk.


    This game is in beta with a bunch of new players coming in and insulting a players style, warframe, or loadout is not the way to promote the game, help it improve, or help the other players. Seriously, when you flat out insult somebody while they're playing the game, do you think you're helping them? Do you think things will grow if you go around saying "This ____ keeps getting in my way." "Hey moron, why don't you stop getting yourself killed." "This banshee........" etc etc.


    I've had comments like this said to me and I've seen other players insulted in-game and it is NOT helpful at all. If you want to be a prick why don't you go play WoW.


    Here's a few suggestions to say instead: If somebody seems to die a lot say something like, "Hey _____, stay close to the group." Or, "Don't rush the mob" and if somebody has died 4+ times in a map just stop resing him/her. But don't be stupid about it.


    If the group wants to go stealth here's the suggestion: Go Private Server and invite your contacts


    If somebody has weapons you think "Suck Balls", instead of saying, "Hey, your ______ sucks balls." Say: "What level are your _______?" Then if you have creative advice say something like, "Try adding _______ mod for this map." or "Try upgrading them to (name SIMILAR style weapon here) when you have the credits"


    If somebody has a warframe you think is not fit to wipe your ____ with... don't say "Hey your warframe isn't fit to wipe my ____ with" or "Wow, you must be epic because your using the worst frame ever" or "Your frame must be level 20+" Instead... leave the game and never come back because all the frames are more or less equal and just because it's not your playstyle does not mean it, or it's player are below you.


    I think that's almost the end of my very edited rant.....


    Edit: Just to say where this came from, I've mostly seen other players cutting down another player but I've had off comments said to myself as well. This morning I received my Ash after waiting 3 days for it to be built and started leveling it with some of my low level weapons in Mercury just to start learning the frame. Then I noticed an alert mission in Jupiter and jumped in... not remembering my frame was only level 3. To my benefit I had one of these "pleasurable" players playing in my group. Yea, I died a lot because I only had 1xx health/shields but I didn't D/C because I didn't know who the host was (if I was) and I didn't feel like screwing up somebody's game. Instead of helpful communication I had to deal with a jerk until I finished out the level.

  7. I think the more appropriate word may not be "scary".

    More like "atmospheric".

    It doesn't necessary have to affect the gameplay (difficulty or flow).

    I suggest explorarion of audio, which seems to be the "key". When I think back and compare most of the other atmospheric games, seems like it is the sounds and audio that stands out (assuming that the visual are not too far apart).


    Even using this game as an example, frankly speaking, Stalker sounds scarier than he looks or behave. If he just appear and attack the players, he may be treated as "just another heavy/boss".



    A good discussion here. Silent Hill was, for me, the scariest game I had ever played... until Silent Hill 2 lol.


    Our sound guys regularily patrol the Sound Feedback subforum on here and it might find its way to them quicker if you have any specific suggestions for that aspect :)

    Since I made the original post, I reposted in the sounds forum per your suggestion to add to the infested sounds to make the mood scarier. I think audio is big to help set the atmosphere as has been said but to compliment the audio needs to be a few map changes as well. There have been a lot of great suggestions in this topic and I think a strong look at the map design of infested needs to be had.

    Thank you staff for taking note! :D

    Thank you fellow players for awesome suggestions (keep pushing for it and making points!)

  8. I think the more appropriate word may not be "scary".

    More like "atmospheric".

    It doesn't necessary have to affect the gameplay (difficulty or flow).

    I suggest explorarion of audio, which seems to be the "key". When I think back and compare most of the other atmospheric games, seems like it is the sounds and audio that stands out (assuming that the visual are not too far apart).


    Even using this game as an example, frankly speaking, Stalker sounds scarier than he looks or behave. If he just appear and attack the players, he may be treated as "just another heavy/boss".


    You're absolutely right. The stalker is much scarier to me than the infested. Mostly because of the anticipation. I hear him, but I don't see him 'until it's too late'.


    Even Corpus scare me more because the velociraptor scream the MOA's make in the distance. I know I'm about to be swamped in 'oh crap'.

  9. I need to earn a bunch of credits so I'm wondering what mission type earns the most?


    I remember running some missions I've received about 7k from but I don't remember what type of mission they were. Any other way of earning credits?


    I appreciate any help/advice.

  10. You know it would be scary if we have:


    - A unit that can collect the dead bodies of other infested and reanimate them.

    - Replacing lockers and containers with Infested sacs, so when you approach they may burst out randomly.

    - An infested that can move on wall and ceiling.

    - When there are mixed enemies (Grineer and Infested, Corpus and Infested) some dead Grineer or Corpus will be reanimated into infested.


    The infested crawling on walls and ceilings seems to be a very common request. I hope the devs pick up on that one! Truely would make you freak out having to always look up or around. But make it only attack you if you see it! So it's targeted your warframe and follows you around. Eventually you have about 5-10 of the crawlers following you and finally you turn around and/or look up. Total collapse.


    Lights are a serious thing I believe. Flashlights so definitely be optional and there needs to be a lot less light especially in certain areas. Imagine you're walking in a hallway towards the J3-Golem and then the door opens to his room and.... lights out.

  11. I'm trying out the Viper but occasionally the reload hangs.


    The reload icon will just keep spinning and spinning and I'm unable to reload for the rest of the mission. Sometimes I'm able to interrupt this by using my melee or ability and it will reload and fire for a few more reloads until it hangs again.


    Just thought I'd report the bug. This has happened during quite a few missions the past couple days.


    Thank you.


    Edit: This is a known bug.


    From the wiki: Some have experienced bugs with this weapon's reloading. Try and stop pressing the sprint button while you reload. For some reason if you reload and sprint at the same time you might have some problems with fast reloading weapons. NOTE: This reloading glitch is also caused by game lag and low framerates, and can become so troublesome you can stand in place and it will constantly do the reload animation indefinitely or until lag improves. It is not recommended to use this weapon if you have problems with lag or framerate issues as this may become near usless in combat.

  12. lol wow I didn't realize. I don't know but the only thing that makes infested scary for me is when somebody on the team has enemy radar and see all those red dots on the minimap.


    Maybe I'm getting numb to it? I remember when I first started the game I couldn't handle infested. Now they're one of my favorite to fight! I just keep wishing they freaked me out more. Even my wife was like "That scares you??"


    I only had the Stalker hit me up (literally) once. :\

    I just hate Ancients because they die so hard, not because they scare me.   :(






    the first time you got caught in a room and the lights went out and all you could see was the muzzle flashes from shotguns and the glow from imps fireballs while hearing all the growling/snarling/grunting/screaming OMFG


    that S#&$ was real terror

    THAT'S what I'm saying! Make the lights go out completely sometime so we have no choice but to rely on the flashlights. Let's hear a few screams in the dark. That sort of thing.

  13. I was playing infested missions and I thought... this should be scarier.


    I mean, these are creatures who take over other lifeforms and mutate. I would imagine to make infested missions darker. Make the flashlight more useful/needed.


    Probably thinking along the lines of Doom 3 type scary when you play an infested mission.




    Note: I'm not the type of guy who tends to play horror type games. I just thought with the concept of what infested are... the infested missions should be scarier.

  14. Thank you for putting it this way.

    It literally calls for this image:






    Look up the worst tattoos in existence. You will find that there are pretty damn unique concepts amongst them (if not all of them). Too bad that most of the guys involved with them do everything in their might to hide them.


    TL;DR: Unique and well designed are not mutually exclusive concepts.

    You do not need to ruin something just to make it unique.


    Agreed. I worked to get Trinity to have a support warframe and even changed color to black.... but I can't get past that nasty tail. PLEASE do a reskin or something.

  15. You have the wrong idea about what we're saying. You're in the mindset that higher mastery frames should be better than lower mastery ones. We're talking about having higher mastery frames be the harder/higher skill floor frames so you don't STILL suck by the time you get them. It's not about rewarding people for playing more, it's an experience gate: you must be at least this good to play this frame because it's harder than the rest. This cuts down on players like this Frost I had on my team earlier today who honestly thought he was helping us out by constantly freezing and snow globing the Jackal, preventing us from attacking it.


    On your note, no we absolutely should not intentionally be creating warframe tiers. Tiers pop up anyway due to balance issues (for example it would be difficult to suggest that Ember can truly stack up against Saryn), but no frame should outright be designed to be better than any other (Excalibur prime excluded). Warframes should represent different playstyles, not power levels.


    Gotcha, I understand what your saying. I wasn't meaning tiers in the pure sense of the word (ex. Excalibur turns into Rhino, now Excalibur sucks and Rhino is awesome) but more tiers in the sense that Excalibur was level 1 XP locked and Rhino was level 2 XP locked so Rhino will have a slight leg up in some area/type of gameplay.


    Like what you're suggesting though "You must be this good to play....", I then believe the one who is that good to play and able to play it well should be rewarded. Frost, Ember, Saryn and Volt all have clear elemental properties, so they should be level 2 frames because those properties are that much stronger against their respective enemy. (I'd argue Ember is much more useful against Infested than Volt is)


    Currently I think there are only 15 frames but in the future there will probably be 25-30 frames. What then? Should frames be able to upgrade to a "prime" level after achieving level 30 and mastery rank 7? (for example)


    Edit: +1 to the OP here. He got the idea of what I'm trying to say plus more: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37216-going-beyond-level-30-on-your-warframe/

  16. Mastery Rank should only unlock harder frames? All frames should be equal no matter the skill? I understand skill to use a frame, but with that skill should come reward.


    Spamming a boss gets you the right to use a certain frame? I have sat in on missions with a level 2 frame and wrong load out I accidentally entered with and never had to fire a single shot to receive the BP drop. This earns somebody the right to have a new frame/weapon?


    You guys sound like a person should be punished for being a better player. Why the heck would anybody want to work harder at the game, play longer, and support the game ($) to have a difficult to maneuver, squishy frame which would get the "whole team killed if improperly used"?


    Remember, a lot more warframes will be developed as the game progresses. I'm just looking to create examples to create more depth for the players.


    I'm honestly shocked at the feedback I've received.

  17. I understand right now for beta testing having them all unlocked at level 2 mastery rank is 'ok' for testing, but when things get going most frames should be locked.


    For example: Loki is a beginning option. Loki can invis and is a stealth frame. But so is Ash. Ash is not XP locked (if I'm correct), but Ash is described as a Loki that's "not so squishy". So Ash would arguably be an upgrade from Loki. Banshee is touted as a "stealth" type frame. But she is not XP Locked either.


    Ember, Frost, Saryn, and Volt are all elemental warframes. None of them are XP Locked.


    Trinity is they only support warframe which would lend a group of Tenno at a great advantage in High level Defense and Boss Missions. Not XP Locked.


    Rhino is extremely slow but is meant to be a "tank" class frame... however for some reason his position as this is compromised by the Frost. Rhino is XP locked at level 2 and rightly so.


    The only starter frames (level 1 IMO) should be the starters we are given the option of. 1 pure attack (Excalibur), 1 Pure Stealth (Loki), and 1 "magic" type (Currently Mag) (and maybe one available for unlock)


    The next rank should be upgrades from any one of these: Attack -> Rhino, Stealth -> Ash, Magic -> Ember, Frost, Volt, Saryn


    Level 3 should open up more options: Attack -> ?, Stealth -> Banshee, Magic -> Nyx, Trinity


    This is just my opinion but I feel it would do the following benefits:


    - Add more structure to the game

    - Lessen the complaint about Overpowered frames (because if you leveled higher/worked to receive the frames... then why not? You earned the frame so you should rightly have more power.) I feel this is the most important reason.

    - Give you a GOOD reason to increase your master rank


    To understand how I'm able to make this post and where I'm coming from: I'm almost Mastery Rank 4 and honestly... I don't see what it matters. I don't get anything for the higher level. My frames aren't stronger. I don't have "secret" missions available to me. No new weapons are achievable at level 4.... etc. I have 3 Frames, Banshee on the make and Ember, Volt, and Ash Blueprints.



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