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Posts posted by simeo77

  1. I'm a little niffed so I'm hoping y'all could help me.


    I purchased an upgrade with 20 plat for my Lex because I really like the pistol and got it to level 30. Now when I try upgrading it (specifically for armor piercing) the upgrade doesn't take and I have a UI Ghost until I enter a mission. Screenshots posted.







    If it matters, I didn't add the upgrade until after the pistol reached level 30.

  2. Er, shotguns are bad at long range because of their spread, not because their bullets' momentum decays rapidly. I don't care that they are trying to make shotguns weaker, I care that their choices are just...stupid.


    I don't know when the last time you shot a shotgun was but when I shoot mine I don't care how powerful the round is.... the shots fall after less than 50 yards. Their choice in making the shotgun rounds drop adds realism.

  3. Changes:


    - Moved Objectives to later part of missions so the route to extraction is shorter after objective is complete.


    - Added damage fall-off to all shotguns--no more shotgun sniping.

    - Removed pit under Jackal spawn to prevent any accidents.


    Thank you!

  4. I solo everything with a Loki armed with a Paris/Hek and Afuris/LatoVandal, whichever I feel like.


    This was the direction I was going to point you into. It really doesn't matter which warframe you choose. It just depends on what your gaming style is. I prefer to move slowly and more stealthily in Solo. My Loki does good on that. (Ash would work for you) I slowly make my way forward now with a Lex Pistol. Decoy and run to a safe location or Invis and crit melee on mobs. If any are standing after invis melee is over I carry a Strun to finish up the rest.


    I'm still trying to find that "ideal" melee weapon. But suffice to say, it all depends on your style of gameplay.


    Like to rush and don't mind getting hit? Use a tanky frame. Rhino, Trinity, Frost


    Like to take it easy or don't like getting hit? Use a stealth style. Loki, Ash, Banshee


    Want a little of both worlds? Use a balanced frame. Excalibur, Nyx, Mag


    Want to use elemental/ skills? Use a "magic" frame. Volt, Saryn, Frost (?), Ember


    Warframe is a great game with a lot of possibilities. I hope this helps.

  5. Regardless of my negative opinion towards the devs choice regarding mission loot/failures, I still enjoy this game and hope it continues to improve and evolve.


    @Developers: You guys are doing a good job, please keep up the good work and continue to do your best to improve the gaming experience!

  6. Regardless of my negative opinion towards the devs choice regarding mission loot/failures, I still enjoy this game and hope it continues to improve.


    @Developers: You guys are doing a good job, please keep up the good work and continue to do your best to improve the gaming experience!

  7. It was the whole reason I shelled out so much on the game, to be honest. Having a hand in the development direction was well worth it to me.


    I understand.


    In a way I wish I was able to contribute more to the game because I truely enjoy it and I hope it succeeds well. Because of my current priorities in life I can't invest $100-$250 into a game just so I could say "the warframes skills need to be developed" or "hey, please take a look at the control modules getting lost mid-mission." but I hope the people who were able to spend that much keep everybodies interests in mind.


    The suggestion of a general polling area was only one to open up to the general community and I truely believe a general polling section would not take away from the exclusivity the wealthier founders may enjoy in their more specific Design Council.

  8. Do not test my patience, puny mortal, for these fabulously dangerous beasts will kill on my command!




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    My brain just exploded.

  9. I apologize for the double post but I have an update and my thread seems to have been buried under the din of people just now realizing that the game has been patched and they all need their own personal threads to complain that wave dashing doesn't work anymore, or they were doing a defense mission and failed.

    I am quite disheartened, as interest in Warframe has almost completely evaporated in my circles.

    Until 7.8.0, I had been playing several hours every night with groups upwards of 8 different people splintered into 3 or 4 man missions, all keeping in touch through Mumble.

    Nearly half of them had minor connection issues to start with, but it didn't matter much before.

    Now they don't see the point in playing when they could be dropped at any moment.

    With less people to play with, more friends lost interest, to the point where hardly anyone even bothers to check for their log in reward.

    I had completely forgotten that I had a finished Ash warframe, just waiting for me in the foundry, until just now.

    What seemed to be a promising staple game is already dissolving into a flavor of the month.

    I understand if you think I'm being melodramatic, there's always time for change, but for now the excitement is gone.


    +1 This is how I feel. I was putting serious hours into the game. My wife was wanting me to come to bed and well... I didn't because I was playing warframe. Since this last patch, my marital relations have been much better. (Now if only we could do something about the in-laws.....)


    And as a side note, I like how SparklyNoises is not only colorful with his posts... but makes complete sense. I want to join your clan... and if you don't have/in one.... make one because... yea.

  10. Perhaps a "refinement" option in the foundry. I believe ferrite says something about used in grineer crafting, and alloy plate says something about heavy plates used in grineer armor. Perhaps refine ferrite into alloy plates using a bp from the market. Rubedo, like orokin cells and nano spores (i don't know). you get the idea.


    That's a good idea! I have tons of other resources and I'm sure everybody does. It would be good to be able to refine those resources into other "more useful" ones.

  11. You would be looking for Design Council. Part of the Master and Grand Master founder package


    $100+ ?

    Am I describing exactly what Design Council is? I thought what I was suggesting was a very generalized poll forum to help "point" devs in the direction of the community, not what a handful of people with cash want to see. (I'd upgrade to Hunter package and am doing my best to help the community but I have a baby on the way and a hundred on a game.....)


    Maybe an example would be to say Design Council is like the Senate and Forum Polls is like the House of Representatives if that makes any sense?

  12. Ive spent far more time in games past farming resources for days, maybe even weeks to make something. This games grind is nothing to complain about for resources.


    Now the drop rate of some blueprints needs to be looked at. I was lucky on my frost blueprints. Some people have run that assassination mission close to 50 times and only have one part. Now that is a issue, not killing mobs and checking lockers for resources.


    I actually have not had any issues with BP drops. Sure I had to run the mission a few times but it wasn't so bad.


    The MMO games I ran in the past did have a lengier grind on some resources, but there was a trading system and game economy where players could trade/purchase resources from each other. I have 10k Vitality mods I may never use. I'd gladly trade one mod for even 10 rubedo.


    Edit: I've never run for Frost BP's so maybe it's just frost? Trinity, Volt, and Rhino BP's have been easier to find for me than Rubedo.

  13. I really dislike the idea of losing everything on forfeiting. This makes resource gathering incredible lame and time consuming. For example: I need 500 rubedo for an item, and it almost took me 1 hour to farm that, include that with missions that take 20+ mins, where you get like 20-50 rubedo every time. At least lower the foundry costs, or increase drop rate/ amount



  14. Just saying a "polls" section written by the developers so the community could vote on new additions, fixes, etc.

    Poll topics would be written only by mods (devs) and would be something along the lines of:


    What new content should devs focus on:

    - New Warframes

    - New Abilities

    - New Weapons

    - New Maps

    - Deeper Storyline

    - Clan System




    What is the primary bug effecting you?

    - Disconnects

    - Global Chat

    - Spy Control Modules Going Missing (grr....)


    The current feedback system in the forums seems like a mass BLOB of people complaining or suggesting and we don't really know what the devs are reallllllly focusing on. Polls put out by devs give us direct feedback to them in a simplified manner and this way the community would be able to more easily help the development of the game.

  15. Very good post though. I agree with what's being said. Resources need to be distributed and repetitiveness needs to be minimalized. It does get boring after a while going back to Earth over and over again for Rubedo. (and now with the new patch it's killing me even more)

    Note: I like the restricting idea. Some of the missions I've had the most fun on are with only myself and one other player with near equal levels. We need to use strategy a LOT more to manage mobs and ammo. There's also much more comunication between players this way. Super fun.

  16. "- Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded"

    BIG BIG BIG mistake....


    I just had the game "crash" on me in 4 different missions. Well.... two crashes and two where the control module in the spy mission went missing and we needed to abort because of it. Do you know how bad this sucks now? This stuff shouldn't be implimented in beta. It's bad enough we have to deal with glitches but to take ALL our rewards too? -_-*


    I hope the devs remember the players help them to develop the game during beta... we shouldn't all be punished because of a few jerk players or lose everything during a mission because of a glitch.

  17. When I farmed for resources and BP's I did it solo so I didn't screw with other people's games. Perhaps solo missions could/should be reverted. I understand it's no good to D/C on a group but this game is very grind heavy (especially the Rubedo). Some of us have a method to collect Rubedo and it doesn't bother anybody but ourselves. I don't understand why you'd have to take this away from Solo missions too?

  18. I actually was very happy that I did NOT need to sink my hard earned cash to win at this game. I don't mind "grinding" for items because it helps me become a better player and I'm very glad most items I could just craft. I did become a founder and I do have my badge (unlike you). The only thing I've 'needed' to spend plat on are item slots to fill my completed BP's with.


    Go home and stop ragging on a good game.

  19. I actually have never run into this issue yet. I guess I've had mostly good teams to play with? Have Trinity Blueprints, Cronus (duh), Rhino, and Volt.... I'd have to say the system is good the way it is except yes... make it about 2 tiles to extraction. Sometimes it takes WAYYY long to get to extraction.

    Edit: When I did my Cronus farming and Rubedo farming BEFORE this lame update I did it on Solo so as not to screw up other people's game. Thanks for killing it for us. -_-*

  20. Yes, the game has a terrible lack of story at this stage. However, I've heard tell that the devs are working on that. Including some sort of territory control mechanic that should lend the game some much needed structure.


    I really hope so. I feel this is the strongest point the game is lacking in to make it "complete" and to keep people involved.

  21. Yeha after completing the original star system, I found most of the tidbits given by lotus or the bosses didn't really mean anything.


    Right? I used to actually think when the Lotus was warning me of something..... something was going to happen.

  22. When I started the game in Mercury I was drawn into the storyline.... The Tenno reawaking into this war. Grineer troops trying to take over, etc etc.... then I realized that's about as far as it goes. There is no on going storyline and the game is just about running around shooting the enemy I choose.


    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the game! My wife seems to tolerate me playing it well enough and I've gotten pretty deep into it already. I just wish there was..... more story.


    Anybody see what I'm getting at or am I just shooting in the dark here?

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