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Posts posted by CTanGod

  1. So far everything is alright however Ensnare is still lack luster and bugged (if enemies have been CC'ed in any way the drag and chain effect won't work on them regardless if they are no longer CC'ed). I believe the best way to make Ensnare better is to rework the way it works (again):

    On cast it immediately ensnares all enemies in its radius then starts pulling other enemies, when the enemy that it was cast on dies the living metal thing should spread to any other enemy in the radius stunning it for its remaining duration and instantly dragging enemies in its radius.

    Also some synergy with Strangledome would be nice something along these lines:

    Casting Ensnare on an enemy affected by Strangledome will immediately drag all enemies affected by Strangledome to that target (preferably it would force enemies to phase through walls) and apply the dmg increase to those enemies.

    I believe that Venari's various postures should give Khora some benefits aswell either in passive buffs or slight changes to how her other skills work, as an example:

    If Venari is in her attack posture Khora Whipclaw procs slash everytime it his enemies or maybe it gives Khora a 30% dmg increase.

    If Venari is in her defense posture, when casting Ensnare on an enemy Khora also gains a living metal effect around her which passively drags enemies around her every second or maybe it gives Khora a 30% dmg reduction.

    If Venari is in her heal posture Strangledome heals all allies in its grab radius for 20% of all the damage it deals or it gives Khora a passive 3hp/s regen.

    One other change should be making Whipclaw's strike radius affected by range mods or melee weapon reach mods.

  2. If it makes you feel any better Excalibur only need Radial Blind to be relevant, hell, you can go vs lvl 200 enemies and not need Exalted Blade so long as your melee weapon is decent. The concept of Exalted Weapons is kind of fun but only if the frame doesn't revolve around the Exalted weapon.

  3. I think a small change that can make a huge difference is changing the target selection method of Blade Storm. I believe we should change the targeting reticle to work like Mesa's Peacemaker but to keep it at a small radius like 5ms affected by power range and thus transform the reticle into a "tube" of sorts. This way it will allow us to select enemies we don't really see with our eyes but the game does have line of sight on them. Right now the current selection radius is quite small and it's really hard to use it for multiple enemies.

    I don't believe this change will make Ash broken in anyway but it will just make him more useful for group play without needing to stick to Smoke Screen since like that he's just a Loki without utility.

  4. A lot of people don't play Ash anymore because the new Blade Storm requires erratic movement of the mouse to mark enemies, this is simply cancer for low end PCs, also marking enemies costs 15 energy so marking 18 enemies with just 1 mark takes more energy than it used to, now you can only strike an enemy 3 times so if it's too tanky you're gonna waste a lot of energy, it's also slower to execute than before because of the marking thing, it's no longer LoS-less, it's difficult to mark groups of enemies when they stay close to each other and he got very little compensation for this loss of power.

    All these combined have made Ash unappealing because he has a hard time doing his only role: Damage.

  5. 1 minute ago, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    high rof weapons for nullifers and its back to square one.

    Disruptor ancients only stop dmg abilties 

    You can still cheese them with the room cc abilities i mentioned

    Disruptors reduce the duration or those CC abilities by a metric ton bro also 3 nullifiers stacked together is nearly impossible to do with a ROF weapon, ya gotta go in with a melee or something.

  6. Just now, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    lvl 100s are meant to be challenging thats the point. It would make no sense if end game levels were cakewalk easy

    cmon man that's like game design 101.

    Just think of the Eximus enemies marking thing really fast


    Lvl 100 isn't exactly easy even with those AOE because you still need to be on the look out for people who will shoot you since you die in a few hits, you probably play nothing but Invisibility Loki/IronSkin Rhino, Chroma, Wukong or Valkyr, you don't understand how any of this works do you?

  7. 2 minutes ago, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    If that were the case they should have just removed the cutscene 

    Really? so you think its fair to lock an entire room down at just a push of a button? 

    You might as well call it target practice because all threat has been removed from the game

    Which is why I'm advocating for this QoL buff to be applied for all abilities, no more mindless spam.

    That's exactly what Nullifiers and Disruptor Ancients were made for!

  8. Just now, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    It isn't that difficult your reticle just has to touch the enemy and its already marked. You could do this while shooting your weapon or meleeing.

    If the enemy dies your energy gets refunded anyways

    I don't think we gave DE enough credit guys, they thought this one through.

    Indeed they thought about everything on how to make a frame completely useless. The point is: Why bother with BladeStorm when AOE weapons are faster, cheaper and more reliable? Might as well spam Shurikens and it will probably be better.

  9. 1 minute ago, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    Its not click and wait. You could still move around and shoot things just as before while setting it up.

    I think what most ppl forget is that you can still move freely while setting up Blade storm.

    Moving around makes targetting even more difficult and time consuming, might as well take Zarr or Tonkor and just murder them with those instead.

  10. 2 minutes ago, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    All the Youtubers say its great. A lot of Ash mains are praising the rework buff. 

    AoE abilties just promote mindless game play like Desecrate where you just press 3 and forget.

    There's no strategic depth to these abilities. 

    So say all AOEs are like BladeStorm then I tell you this: prepare your anus because those enemies won't show any mercy while you sip daintly from your cup waiting for you to set up your AOE.

  11. 4 hours ago, Midrib said:

    If you are taking 1 hour to do low level missions then its on you not on DE, no one minds you using nothing but your abilities but we expect a little thought put into using such abilities and not just clear rooms with a press of a button.

    They aren't stamping on unique features they are even expanding them by adding unique features to Weapons and unique features can still exist on non press 4 to win frames, not DE's fault that you aren't discovering these unique abilities.

    Abilities/weapons that trivialize content are bad abilities/weapons and they hurt the game that you love, People gravitate towards these abilities/weapons and suddenly you have a great amount of Frames/weapons unused because they already have that frame or weapon that clears rooms with a press of a button, why would they switch?

    Why would DE continue making weapons if everything that they make is mastery fodder compared to the weapon that kills a Lv100 heavy gunner with 2 shots?

    Why would DE continue making frames if everything they make is mastery fodder compared to that frame that clears a room of Lv100 heavy gunners with 1 press of a button that costs 25 power?

    Ash's rework is not perfect, I will not sit here and say it is, but the stupidity that was pre-rework Blade Storm deserved to get nerfed.

    The 1h thing was a hyperbole about how much longer trash lvl missions would take if we didn't have AOE weapons and abilities that are worth a damn. Also there is no such thing as trivialize content when the whole game is about grinding. This isn't Dark Souls. Also people will ALWAYS seek to use stuff that trivializes a game, violently murdering said trivializing item/combo into uselessness IS NOT how you fix it instead you keep that power but make it harder to use while Bladestorm has the same power it's simply unusable under any circumstance due to the S#&$ty targetting.

  12. First off how is the Ash rework a success when the majority of players say it's crap?

    Second of all this is Warframe, a fast paced horde shooter where the tactical decisions you'd make in other games are worthless because of the sheer amount of enemies. Your suggested change would force DE to rebalance EVERYTHING and that would take too much time and resources. In the current state of the game such a change as you propose would kill the game. Bladestorm is not good right now you can easily waste energy by marking enemies that would already die from 1 BS hit without refund, marking leaves you super vulnerable and it's pointless when you could just shoot them instead.

    In short this is a terrible idea and I suggest the mods immediately archive and bury this thread before more people start asking this because it would simply kill the game.

    If you don't believe me then imagine doing a lvl 100 sortie defence without AOE CC and damage, just imagine that.

  13. Why can't we just let damage frames do damage and be done with it? What fun-killing is there anyway? I doubt anybody is having fun needing to waste 1h to do low level missions because we don't have any good damage anymore. Why can't we let people use nothing but their abilities? This is what sets Warframe apart from other games. Why must we take a boot and stamp every unique feature that Warframe has because it's not like other games? So say we nerf all AOe damage frames and weapons what are we gonna nerf next? CC frames? Tank frames? What next?

  14. 13 hours ago, HazaRD-WARRIOR said:

    No, this was not the goal Ash was designed with. He was designed as a melee stealth frame with good melee damage. Extra durability makes him better for this, as he has to be up close and personal. Gets around fast. Has escape/relocate tactics, closes in on his enemy, and extra bleeding damages. Frames that are designed with the goal of dishing out damage are more squishy. Ash was never in that category to begin with, ever, from as far back as the first release. Others outdid him in damage. He is meant to give a balance of stealth offence, melee, and damage. This means he uses all the tools, and an all around warframe, not one that needs to excel at one thing or the other. Making him in the end, in fact, much more useful in this manner.

    If he was designed as a melee frame then why the hell does he have 3 abilities that specifically do damage while not helping him in melee at all and why does he have only 1 melee damage augmenting ability? Also he DOES NOT have all the tools, he doesn't even have 1 good CC move (a stagger on smoke screen isn't helping anyone). If you want a frame that was designed for a balance between melee and damage look at Excalibur before his reworks not at Ash.

  15. Ash was designed with one goal in mind and that was to do damage, now he can't do that efficiently anymore, the only way left to play him is Shuriken spam because in any other way he is outclassed. Good job community, let's murder all the frames now because that will make the game better! /s

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