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Posts posted by CTanGod

  1. I propose something better: He throws hundreds of shurikens in a 60 degree cone 12m long that stun enemies and causes a bleed proc which slows enemies, that would give Ash utility and free reign for the devs to mess around with BadeStorm.

  2. Before the rework on how we obtain prime parts I did understand the reasoning behind it: too many rotation C and the rework itself but right now vaulting primes is problematic.

    Firstly the Void Fissures turned obtaining Prime parts into a potential 3 step process due the Void traces but those are good change however now we waste more relics for less rewards which is not a good thing since this shifts a lot of the grind towards relics rather than primes. I can see the reasoning behind it: breathe new life into star chart etc. etc. but even like there are still plenty of ghost town nodes since nobody runs Exterminates, Captures or Mobile Defences because all they give you is a bunch of credits and that's it.

    Now since Mag Prime, Boar Prime and Dakra Prime had their own Relics and since they will be gone (are gone) from the drop tables this should raise some flags because it's safe to assume new primes will have unique Relics too which isn't bad but what irks is me the whole Vault them anyway. To that I say a resounding NO. It's time we stop if they already have their own relics to drop from it's fine.

    Now I can see the problem with making tons of Relics which is Relic dillution but to that problem there are 2 options as far as I can see:

    1. Place Relics in the reward tables of non endless mission types (am I aware that Spy missions and possibly Sabotage missions do give you rewards) such as Exterminates, Captures and Mobile Defences, heck Exterminates and Captures could even give people double rewards if they were done with no alarms and Mobile defence is long due for a change in it's drop tables I mean we waste over 10 minutes in Mobile Defence for a damn credit reward....

    2. Alternatively make Baro sell those Vaulted Relics every time he comes for a reasonable price like 100 Ducats for 5/10 Relics.

    I'm guessing this post will probably be ignored or get a lot of hate or I'll be warned that there are other post blah blah I get it but I made to vent my frustration over these Prime Vaults since even though I have every prime item in existence (except the Founder Pack) it still makes me mad because now I can't be a good person and just give new players some Primes to help them out because they might be vaulted and will be a major pain to get back not to mention I will feel remorseful because I could have made a plat out of them.

    This is not okay in the slightest and it shouldn't have even been a moral dillema to begin with!

  3. Just now, LuckyCharm said:

    Currently my build is Malignant force, High voltage, Terminal velocity, Vital Sense, Heavy calibur, Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike. 

    I'm not sure what's causing the low damage, mods are all max rank and I was hitting less than 2k on most things. May have been a bug but it happened in more than one mission too so it could be an issue with my modding


    Maybe you have a Dragon Key equipped? That's usually what makes people believe something was nerfed.

  4. God knows how we all managed before we had AFK Farming. Back in my day things like Viver and Draco didn't exist and nobody complained, what I say is that you get used to the way things are and stop being lazy, just because you can't max rank a weapon in 5 minutes doesn't mean the game will die.

  5. Covert Lethality is something that people can only benefit from if they:

    A. Use Daggers.

    B. Play full stealth or have frames that open enemies to finishers.

    Besides it's instagib component it's not something you see regularly, if Covert Lethality was such a massive hamper then everybody would run around using Ivara/Equinox/Excalibur/Inaros and just Spam Sleep Arrow/Sleep/Radial Blind/Dessication left and right but as far as I see it Covert Lethality only exists for niche personal challenges like 6hs T4 Survival or something. As it stands it's a crutch mod but that way melee stays balanced since melee weapons are the only weapons that HAVE scaling damage.

  6. Everytime people complain about enemy scaling is when they do endless modes, it's never when they do something else, the thing is endless modes have scaling enemies for a reason, it's meant to force you to leave not stay there forever and ever, heck even the AI is changed for these modes since normally enemies will prefer to back away and seek cover rather than charge at you which enemies do in these endless modes and this also makes everyone assume enemies are dumb.

    If anything the only nerf enemies need are the following:

    - enemies can now be interrupted no matter what action they are performing

    -enemy explosions will not by pass walls

    - Ancient Healer aura will not redirect knockdowns and ragdolls (they are supposed to prevent elemental effects and dmg not litterally everything that isn't a blind or stun, this will also end up buffing Mag Pull and Crush and Hydroid's tentatcles)

    Other than that maybe rebalance Corpus so that they don't spam Nullifiers so much and everything will be fine.

  7. The explosion after the duration expires seems to not affect enemies behind walls but it will still damage and destroy objects. So either the bug is that the AOE doesn't dmg enemies through walls or that objects shouldn't be damaged.

  8. Just make Reckoning blind enemies that don't die from it for 15 seconds (yes I know it blinds enemies around the effected enemies if they don't die but that blind is next to worthless). It would pretty much fix everything in my opinion, he still gets to do his thing as a jack of all trades but also doesn't fall off in late game as bad.

  9. We all know that Magnetic damage is horrendeously overpowered against us and it's quite vestigial against Corpus (since we can bypass shields with toxin damage) and useless for everything else and thus I propose a rework to  the Magnetic status effect.

    My idea is to make the following adjustments:

    -It will still reduce shields and scramble our HUDs

    -No longer drains energy (I mean come on, enemies don't have energy....) it can still drain it conclave however

    -It will proc in a 5m AOE around the target

    -all enemies who suffer a Magnetic proc will be staggared and be magnatized spawning Bullet Attractors around them with a 2m AOE, all projectiles redirected to 50% more damage

    All of the changes mentioned above apply for enemies and Tenno and I believe these changes will make Magnetic procs less powerful in the hands of enemies and make Magnetic damage a more viable choice against all other factions because of it's potential CC.

  10. So DE just stealth buffed Hate and Reaper Prime.

    Here are the new ingame stats:

    Hate: 70 base damage, 20% crit chance, 2.5x crit multiplier, 15% status chance, 0.917 attack rate.

    Reaper Prime: 75.1 base damage, 20% crit chance, 2.0 crit multiplier, 12% status chance, 1.07 attack rate.

    So finally scythes got the buff they needed. My only question now is if this is new or old news because I just noticed this today. If it's old news, I'm sorry about that...


  11. Atleast DE has the decency to not ask their consumers to buy the latest PC as far as specs go just to play the game and have it look good because graphics and stuff.


    Honestly, would you prefer Batman Arkham Knight PC version of optimization on PC or the current one? Graphics and eye-candy aren't everything, if the game runs like crap and plays like crap then it is crap.

  12. I believe the reason why Bursas do not respect the original concept 100% is because it just wouldn't work, that's why DE reduced the size of normal Juggernauts because they couldn't move easily in the narrow hallways of the infested ships so this would apply to Bursas aswell.


    In truth I believe Bursas are a genius addition to the game since it finally makes Corpus overpowered as they should be, I mean for Christ's sake they got the money and the tech of course they would have weaponry that would make the Grineer Queens cry themselves to sleep.


    While I agree that multiple models are reused that's because it takes time to make multiple models, hell even most Grineer units are just recolored versions and of different sizes I mean look at frontier versions and default ones nothing but a camoflage change.

  13. This is the third time they appeared IIRC, and they still aren't balanced.


    - isolator bursa spamming shockwaves still

    - lv 15 bursas can survive a multishot paris prime modded for crit+radiation (stormbringer + hellfire), and a single shot from a magnetic+heat sancti tigris


    Other broken things but these are the biggest problem/s.

    They are supposed to be tough also don't try to shoot them in the front, their pads make them invulnerable, also they are vulnerable to CC (Drover Bursas having diminishing returns) so bring something that can Stun or Slow them and you are golden. I recommend Radial Blind or Prism since these make the Bursas completely docile.

  14. Draco is only annoying because Recruiting Chat is constantly spammed with requests or hosts for it and in general Draco denies people the ability to really develop their skills at Warframe and thus it leads to bad players that constantly moan and complain about every little detail when they find out things aren't as easy as they seem.


    Can't wait for the rage everyone will unleash when they see that Bursas aren't any pushovers.

  15. Focus gains where reduced in 75% to be exact. On that thread Rebecca answered a few times one of the players pointed it out.


    Now the grind is insane and not at all worthwile.

    But didn't DE say that Focus is now gained even when other people kill enemies? If so then the focus gain is almost the same as before the changes if you group up.

  16. Unless Sentients bring Nullifiers, Sapping Ospreys and Techs of their own they are subpar enemy faction, even normal Stalker is a bigger threat than Sentients.


    Lotus knows the Nullifier and Sapping Osprey spam needs to stop in high level Corpus, they just encourage you to use camping or cheap tactics like Naramon, Wukong, to some extent Valkyr or Mag to deal with, it's just filthy.

  17. To be honest I find this whole "New player Experience with Warframe" thing really hypocritical. The Souls series doesn't teach new players more than the basics of combat and movement and then hurls them into the challenge and yet everybody praises the series for bringing real challenge into games yet when Warframe does, because let's face it the game is quite nightmare-ish for new players because they have no resources, mods or good gear to work with but it's not on souls levels of hard, everybody complains about it.


    I mean come on for the Souls games you have to explore and find for yourself what everything does and so does Warframe because it expects you to look around and find how everything fits into place, it doesn't hand hold you like a creepy prom date, hell Warframe atleast has a manual on how to do everything in the Codex menu but oh wait, I have to actually search the game to find out how to master the game's mechanics?!?! Preposterous!


    Also the grind in Warframe is only for Prime Parts and arguably for rare resources and Archwing Stuff but those only cover up 1/3 of the game so the other 2/3rds are mostly general stuff.


    Also you don't need plat to enjoy Warframe, yeah it limits you a bit since Warframe and Weapon slots can only be acquired with plat but you can always just use the frames and weapons you like best, this IS a Co-Op game after all.

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