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Posts posted by S0V3REiGN

  1. 2 hours ago, Ogarra_Remaellus said:

    Personally I invite the grind, it isn't that bad. 

    Wait until you see how many murmurs you need to unlock all 3 needed mods, then figure out the right order, then get the enemy to spawn, THEN get the lich with the right weapon out of 13 and if you don't you have to start from the very beginning again.... Its literally hundreds of hours. 

  2. I forgot to mention the farm for Grendel. I was able to get each mission done in one run each but at least one thing needs to be changed; On my survival mission Stalker decided to show up... the guy is ABSURDLY tanky with no Tenno or mods at your disposal. Took us a long, LONG time of running around like headless chickens to finally vanquish him with damage. In the end two of my squad mates were so demoralized that they abandoned the mission so I had to finish it with a friend. I can’t imagine the hell that solo players have to go through to finish this. Please remove death squads from spawning in mission.

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  3. I have been playing this warframe for many hours now and its really underwhelming. The massive health pool masks what is a rather poorly working warframe. His first ability gauzzels energy, even with a max efficiency + duration build. His 2nd ability recharges very little health, you have to consume a lot of enemies to give you back all the health back (added problem since his 1 is already an energy hog). His 3 is entertaining but in reality it does almost nothing., bad CC, bad damage and it requires two forms or resources (energy and consumed enemies). His 4 is probably the worst, I honestly don't understand the logic behind this design. Warframe is game about speed, power, mobility and control all of which is completely absent in Pulverize. This ability in its current design does NOTHING in the game, I can move faster and be more agile without this power. I can do do more damage and even control if just decided to melee. About the only thing it does better is take damage but that's not saying much since Grendel has a massive health pool + armor to begin with. Biggest issue with Grendel is the energy efficiency when we already have to deal with a 2nd energy resource.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

    Just to clarify, Energize does a lot more than its description which when paired with it's rarity is what gives it value.

    A single R3 Energize has a 40% to give you AND any nearby teammates (can't remember the range)100 energy on an energy orb pickup. This energy is gained even with toggle abilities on which is something Zenurik can't do. A 2nd R3 Energize gives you a 64% of energy gain.

    Should also be noted that it gives you an extra revive at rank 3. 

  5. Its a really good way of passively getting energy with little effort to no effort. I have had double max arcane energize from almost the very beginning when the raid was available so I am very familiar with them. Are they mandatory? Absolutely not, I have a lot of warframes that do not use them. I think they are better then HA because you dont need to wait to take damage to get energy, you can just wipe the map and replenish on the go. They can get you more energy than you can even spend sometimes, i have had random players sometimes ask how are they getting so much energy and this is something HA cannot do. Getting them is expensive or alternatively can take a long time to farm, so ponder whether this is something you want. They are NOT mandatory but they are really nice to have.

  6. It’s a fun but the weapon is weak imo. I have a 7 forma build with a riven for it and it just doesn’t compare to my other weapons. I do like the finesse of the single shot bolt action as well but don’t expect to go far with this weapon.

  7. Like some else said probably just habit. I enjoy a lot of the new things but I quickly get reminded why I don’t like the game anymore; the grind sucks, they some times give you missions that makes you just not want to play the game but you have to do 30+ times just so you can get the loot you are looking for. Constantly nerfing all the gear that I worked hard to get because it’s too strong. Nerfing farming efficiency because to them content is locking something behind time gates with .2% drop chance. And bugs, soooo many bugs...

    there is a lot of good in here though but those things make me wonder why I still stick around. May be one day I will just say screw it and blow up my account.

  8. To nitpick Nezha is a “he”


    with said i like Hildryn a lot but I feel like she lacks in a very important category, synergy. Most of it was covered by the OP so I am not going to repeat it. It think DE took the wrong approach in designing her; it’s clear that they wanted to make a mainly shielded-tank Warframe work and they’ve achieved that but it came at the cost of abilities that don’t work with each other. I think the ultimate fear was that they didn’t want to make her overpowered or unkillable and she feels awkward to use at times, animations that constantly interrupt gameplay and abilities that feel half useful.

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