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Posts posted by sherif3000

  1. With augments being reworked – Please consider my proposal for an augment rework for Banshee’s “Resonance”        

    Idea, when Banshee’s sonar is activated, weak spots that are hit and trigger another wave of sonar spots not only activate another weak spot, it also “resonates” with Warframe armour, so allies caught in the ‘triggered’ waves also get an armour buff.

    The armour buff last as long as Banshee sonar does. This will require active gameplay and perhaps further incentivizes allies to hit sonar spots. As well as, an active Banshee would receive an incentive of the said armour buff.


  2. Twin Basolt/Rift strike – pirouette before the teleport

    So the Twin Basolk equipped with the rift strike mod…when charging to do the teleport attack it used to be stationary (a stationary pirouette), it’s been changed so now the pirouette moves you while you are doing the charge before the teleport.

    Please revert it to the old mechanic, the new slide/move before the teleport throws off your aim, it impedes gameplay.


  3. I agree with all of you, If you guys do not agree with the melee swing bar that’s cool, (..there is a mechanic that’s in the game at the moment like it aka Bows and charged shots...just saying) but I can understand that you guys are not feeling it. However, the broader point I'm trying to make are suggestions for melee 3.0, and how a HUD prompt could aid in better gameplay. To further clarify,  I did not mention earlier, the prompts I hope to see are not the God of War type prompts i.e.  press “X” prompts, rather animation type prompts e.g. finisher animations etc…In other words Warframes own mix of HUD elements + animation prompts

  4. Yes i agree which is why did put " (note, these are suggestions an exact mechanics can be discussed for future reference)" my point for suggesting this is to get a better flow for melee combat, perhaps the player is rewarded for timing the combos correctly with higher dps, if you don't you still get your set dps output.

  5. Melee 3.0 / Melee Overhaul

    Let me preface by saying that it is unusual that DE is so torn on how melee should, they have all their other systems mathematically working in top notch order e.g. Gun, Warframe, Movement and other system but when it comes to melee they seem in the dark. However, I would like to look at this in a positive light as it would mean that DE indirectly acknowledges that there is much work to be done and not just tuning of the current melee system.

    Some of my thoughts on the current melee system… melee is tied to a stance system with a few variations of attacking such as charge, channeling and maybe slide attacks (basically melee 2.0 – reference the Warframe Wikia for more info). I think imho the biggest drawback of the current system is that most of the melee gameplay is tied to the stance – there are no chaining of attacks other than it being tied to the stance e.g. I think only the parry attacks and finishers are gameplay elements that are somewhat “satisfying” (underwhelming really).

    I think melee 3.0 requires a dramatic change WHILE keeping most of melee 2.0 elements (e.g. stealth, charge, channeling etc). Some inspiration that comes to mind is the movement 1.0 < parkour 2.0 – a dramatic change that was very well received. I think you can do this DE:)

    Some suggestion…so DE themselves said they look at other games for inspiration e.g. Bayonetta, God of War, Devil May Cry, Dynasty Warriors…so I’d like to mention one more Onimusha and their critical hit system – totally different from Warframe.

    Furthermore, and some of the bigger changes that I think WF’s melee system needs, HUD elements that can aid in melee combat, for example: a melee swing bar, kind of like how golf games work you have on the bar that shows you when the optimal time to ‘hit’ is (note, these are suggestion an exact mechanics can be discussed for future reference). Another HUD element could be a display of the attack speed (a metronome of sorts – maybe a blinking dot at the very basic) cause who knows how fast 1.25 per second is, this could aid in melee combat flow, rather than frantically button mashing.

    Mechanical suggestion, “Block” + ”counterattack/Deflect”. Ancients and Grinner Scorpions have a grapple hook attack that reels in players imagine, when we block that grapple hook and then counter their grapple hook (block + ‘e’) and reel them in for a ground finisher. Bombards, imagine we blocks the rockets and in a short time frame (same: block + ‘e’) we could deflect the rocket so as to take as minimal damage as possible. Corpus, Moa ground shockwaves, imagine we block the ground shockwave and again in a short window of time we get an opportunity counter with a dash attack of sorts. There are more interactions like these such as absorb elemental damage as DE have hinted at in the past.  

    Should these be coupled to the current system of stances? Again imho I don’t think so, how would it be decoupled from the stances if it should be? A secondary melee mode, how? While melee is active push the mouse scroll button (then the frame would go into a “Frame Fighter” mode:). For the most part the stance’s attacks would still be active only now a whole new set of mechanics become available.

    So there’s my 2 cents in the melee discussion, I hope melee 3.0 becomes something special.

  6. Ok maybe let me take a step back from my previous points, I blame DE for allowing the Zephyr changes to be a point of contention between players, it’s been more than 2 years of speculation (with no affirmation from the Devs), that has lead us to where we are today. More power to you Thaylien for trying to get a cohesive plan for the Zephyr changes I can’t hold that against you. It was inevitable that all the speculation would create a rift between players. I don’t know what DE has planned for Zephyr – My own speculation is, they may have something big planned because we know the DE team have pitched ideas since the reveal of the Zephyr’s deluxe skin as well as the recent Mirage prime leak (i.e. they skipped Zephyr Prime) implying they haven’t forgotten about Zephyr. My point is they definitely have some sort of idea of where they want Zephyr to be, the problem is they are allowing players to speculate on changes that are neither here nor there, these speculation on what the player base wants have clearly caused a division in the different views. I don’t think there is a solution besides the Devs clarifying or at least giving us something solid to work with…Until DE does that there is going to be continued unnecessary “criticism” (unnecessary in the fact that if we knew what to ask for most of the speculation would be clarified)…So I believe it is up to DE to clarify on where they going with Zephyr. The problem is that they are simply not saying anything wrt Zephyr and clearly we need some direction.

  7. @(PS4)RenovaKunumaru Ok sorry, but its coming across as if any idea that doesnt fit the "Zeph Squads" ideas then they are either invalid or the Zeph Squad needs to validate them. which i dont think is the right way to go about it, I also think that this debacle about Zephyr's changes are because DE hasnt been open and transparent as usually are so, That is why I thank @Caelward for bringing this up to @[DE]Rebecca we have a bit of the Lord of the Flies situation where with out supervision chaos reigns. Only the Devs can give us clarity on what the deal with Zephyr is.

  8. @ThaylienLet’s both agree that passions are running high where Zephyr is concerned. If this was any other frame I wouldn’t have added my 2cents (not because I don’t care – I main Banshee) but this is Zephyr. A frame that has a very passionate player base. However, sorry to come across as blunt but when passions run high, sometimes its best to lay out the honest truth (albeit that be my honest opinion). Your ideas of what you believe would be good for Zephyr is exactly that, your ideas. Your ideas are totally subjective to you, no matter how much you explain different variations, those ideas are from your perspective. It is impossible for one persons perspective to give the view of the whole i.e. who knows how many play Zephyr, ima suck a number out of my …thumb and say out of a Warframe player base of over 30 million maybe 100K highly passionate players play as Zephyr (totally random number, factual numbers would be nice). My point is what might be good for you or the few who agree with you might not satisfy for the larger player base. As for what you should do (again my blunt opinion), you have expressed your opinion and I am sure the devs have seen it, they’d be blind if they haven’t. There is honestly nothing more you can do i.e. you’ve done your part in expressing your concerns. Sometimes players won’t get what they want that’s a fact of life, not just in Warframe, but at least here we get to ask for totally weird and wacky things. Don’t be that guy that says they can’t have it.

    Don’t get me wrong I’d love to have the passion with which you express yourself, don’t change that. And this is just about a Zephyr forum so let’s leave it at Zephyr.

  9. Thank you for this @Caelward,

    The “Zeph Squad” patronizing other players ideas should realize they doing more harm than good, they keep bringing up their ideas as if they were the “self-proclaimed board of Zephyr aficionados” We all love Zephyr and have our vision of what we want, They have brought up their ideas a million times i.e. on just about every Zephyr post. To the “Zeph Squad” if you truly love something let it be (we’ve all heard you loud and clear) the analogy of the “over bearing mother” comes to mind doing more harm than good.

    I agree with you Caelward DE has allowed too much angst to build up around Zephyr, this is the most hush they’ve ever been, even more so than umbra. DE should quell this uneasiness they have caused around Zephyr and throw us a bone.

  10. They maybe ambiguous when when it comes to Zephyr, but what we can confirm is that the skin (a passion project) is coming with a rework #confirmed. I honestly don't see all the effort they're investing in Zephyr ending with a revisit. I'm still sticking to my guns and saying major changes are coming to Zephyr.

  11. BTW, Steve also hinted at a glide mechanic wrt to Zephyr's wings on her deluxe skin. Also Mynki said in an older interview he wasn't happy with Zephyr (quite sure he was referring to her abilities) as it was rushed out due to time constraints.

  12. Iv heard Scott say that about frames in general on a devstream, however Zephyr's deluxe skin appears to be almost complete, there is no way a skin gets a passion project, the closest might have been banshee when they 'outsourced' her artwork to get a deluxe skin, Zephyr being an older frame seems only right that she gets rework, hence the passion project.

  13. I'm not saying anything about your rework, I'm just noting that people are missing the fact that Zephyr is actually getting special attention unlike any other frame before her. Therefore it is unlikely that she'll get a 'revisit', I'm expecting nothing less than a major overhaul - without loosing the 'essence' of the Zephyr frame.

  14. Thanx and duly noted, originally thought of by kgabor asking for an innate covert lethality mechanic. I think my post is productive as it should, the previous posts are going into detailed mechanics of the sniper rifle which are not the topic of this post. Anyway if the idea is realized myself, kgabor and hopefully everyone wins

  15. I disagree with it possibly being the most broken mod in the game, invisibility is the cheese we've all become familiar with I to enjoy that invisi-cheddar, with it you can do sortie spy undetected ala loki hushed invisibilty. I reckon the same feat without invisibility is impossible.

    For example the only place I can see the mod truly shining is at exterminate and spy missions, any other mission eg Defense, Mobile defense, Survival. there is no way to keep up stealth headshots or even standard headshots even the best would die in say a level 40 trying to maintain that headshot mechanic. which could make for interesting gameplay ie taking out that heavy bombard in higher missions - depending if the mechanic requires stealth.

  16. Invisibility adds cheese to whatever you having already so imho invisibility shouldn’t be a reason for this to not exist, and this sort of mechanic already kind of already exist i.e. convert lethality. For those that are not using invisibility trying to stay stealthy plucking off enemies this could be hellafun.

  17. Covet Lethality Mod for snipers

    I think a covert lethality like mod for sniper rifles would be an awesome addition to gameplay especially with PoE on horizon.

    How I think this mod should work – Unlike single daggers that provide an instant kill (irrespective of the enemy level) when a finisher is performed, the sniper version would gain an instant kill via either/or a stealth headshot or a standard headshot via aiming/no aiming required (not sure of the mechanic but a headshot is required).

    I think such a mod would increase enjoyability of stealth and solo gameplay.

    Just dropping off this idea here thanx for reading.

  18. I do not see how the mods cost and ability for the mod to be placed in a exilus mod slot affects the above discussion. The Exilus mod slot is meant for eligible utility mods. Furthermore, the mods in question provide a 24% boost in mobility AND adds an elemental damage type (+275%) which is more than a slight boost it is actually significant.

  19. Ember: Any time Ember suffers a heat proc, she gains  25% power strength for the duration and regenerates 10 points of energy for every second she is ablaze. ,

    Frost: Any melee assailant that strikes Frost has a 10% chance to be temporarily frozen on impact.

    Saryn: Possesses the passive ability of increasing status effect duration by 25%. (although i don't see why she or Nidus does not have any interaction with toxin from the infested)

    Ash: Any slash Procs inflicted by Ash (from both weapons and abilities) deal 25% more damage and last 50% longer. i.e. He already has slash damage as a passive also slash damage is a physical damage type not an elemental type.

    *info as per the wikia

    Furthermore the mods in question are specific mods e.g. Firewalker provides a fire proc irrespective of the frame. I did not want to go into specific frames and their elemental interactions, however there are some interactions such as when ember receives a fire proc.


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