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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. I am really bored running the Corpus/Grineer ship tile sets.  After doing 4 invasions this weekend (2 on Phobos and 2 on Sedna) I never want to see the Corpus ship tileset with its 50000 cameras, or the grineer ship/mining maps with their 80000 arc traps.


    I don't know if Arc traps are randomly spawned, but I think they are, and their placement is often asinine (seriously? an arc trap on a door and it doesn't go away after you kill it so you have to run around it through the open door even though the arc trap is dead?)


    I agree the Codex sucks.  Having to scan every freaking enemy is a stupid waste of time and I hate it and I don't do it and I just look on the wiki if I really need to know.


    I'm annoyed how there are 5 different types of swords, but the game doesn't tell you what kind it is.  You only learn based on the animation/moveset, which means you have no way of knowing the Nami Solo is a machete until you've crafted it.  There needs to be some kind of descriptor in smaller text or brackets "Nami Solo[Machete]" so you know what you're making before you get it.  I figured since the Skana and the Galatine use both hands, they'd both use a sword stance mod.  I was mistaken, but having a weapon-type under the weapon name is something that is LONG overdue.


    I'm really tired of the procedurally-generated maps.  I understand that you guys are working on this procedurally-generated tileset mentality, and I think that was fine for the earlier iterations of WF.  The game is growing and expanding now.  Hire a level designer.  Or, if those are the folks who are in charge of designing the tile sets, reassign them to building actual levels.  I'd like for Mercury and Saturn to look different.  I think you (DE) do, too.  New tile sets won't fix this problem, we need actual, distinct levels.  If we're looking at the solar system and we're looking at planetary scale, one square mile of each world is not going to suffice anymore.


    I understand that everything in containers is randomly spawned based on the drop tables, but when there are areas of the map that I need to wall-run through a window, and unlock a door from  the other side, I expect unlocked lockers and good stuff inside.  24-150 credits won't do.  This complaint was addressed slightly in the gatecrasher missions, having to explore the void for hidden caches.  I'd like to see more of that, honestly.


    One thing I DO like (I hate to be all criticism) is this one tile on phobos where it's this expansive desert with 2 or 3 outposts.  I felt like I was actually exploring a planet, even for a few minutes, and I'd love to see more of that.  This is where having a level designer and building actual distinct levels would really come in handy.


    I'm sure there's more, but I think I've vented enough for now.

  2. Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait...Didn't Archwing JUST come out on PC?  How can you call it a tumor or whine about how little content there is for a new mode when it JUST came out?  


    Isn't that the point of this beta? For DE to make this game, to make new things, and have us players try it out for feedback?  I barely know anything about game design, but if there are 2 each of archwings, primary, secondary, and melee weapons, maybe those are the things they've had time to build and balance before giving to us?


    At update 15.0 on PC (I don't even have Archwing yet since I'm on PS4), I'm thinking it's a wee bit premature to dismiss this entire segment of the game.  Sure, at update 15 AW isn't integrated into the rest of the "main" game, but maybe by update 20 we're going to have much more complex missions.  To think they're going to leave all the broken stuff broken while they put out new content is absurd and short-sighted.  You may not like the new mode, but I think you should have a little more faith in the developers before passing judgement on something that just came out...in a beta.

  3. FYI they recently changed lato. It used to dismember enemies and corpses, bisecting them and blowing to pieces. Now it doesn't. I had a lvl 30 lato with catalayst already so I've decided to forma it after getting the pack, that was when I've noticed that it lost the only thing it had going for it.

    I didn't use Lato very extensively.  I ditched it as soon as I learned the Lex was available as an option with credits.  At this point, I'll deck it out with my super-powered pistol mods and see where it lands me.

  4. I purchased the Renown Pack II this weekend for the plat, and I noticed that a new Unranked Lato and Skana (I'd sold the ones I had) were placed in my inventory after purchasing the Renown Pack.  I decided to use them since I could use the Mastery points, and it turns out that they both have catalysts installed.  If nothing else, this is incentive for me to try out these old weapons with my current mods just to have fun with them.  Not sure if there were any other takers, but this is a very interesting turn of events.

  5. Moved to Weapon Feedback. Not a bug, but definitely an issue with the Angstrum. 


    "Not a bug" probably means "the code is doing exactly what we told it to do - we understand why this effect happens, and there is nothing broken as far as the coding is concerned".


    "Definitely an issue with the Ansgstrum" probably means "whoopsie-doopsie, we didn't think of that when we wrote the code - which, again, does exactly what it's supposed to do".


     Exactly. You're right, Dhrekr.  It's an issue with the design, not the code (hence the move to feedback). It isn't a bug that can be fixed by adjusting some broken code. 


    I don't want to get bogged down in semantics.  In my understanding, logic errors are still bugs as it's an unintended effect of the code.  


    That said, I wanted this to get some attention from DE, and my report/feedback has been seen and added to the "the list."  Y'all will fix it in due time.  It's not game breaking, and I can equip a different secondary while I have vectis equipped, or a different primary when I have Angstrum equipped (I've been going Tetra/Angstrum for almost the entirety of Gate Crash) so I already have a workaround in place, while others are exploiting this glitch/logic error/what-have-you.


    Thanks for looking into this, DE. I look forward to having this fixed so I can carry my launcher in with my favorite rifle.




    As such you now have the max ammo allowed for your angstrum.  It doesn't get restored when you switch because both weapons draw from the same ammo pool.


    To fix this DE needs to make it so that launchers don't use sniper ammo, but rather make it so that they use a special pool similar to how bows use arrow ammo.

    Oh certainly, I understand the nature of this problem, but it's apparently more complex than I thought.  In my opinion, rifle/sniper/shotgun ammo should just be "Primary ammo" and pistol ammo should be "secondary ammo."  Then, when getting the respective pickups, the game will always put the proper ammo in the proper pool.  


    This would change the balance of the game, however, because of the ammo mutate mods, and that's a can of worms that I won't even touch, even hypothetically.


    In a proper beta this issue would have been put high on priority list and probably fixed within the first month after the first reports came in...

    This does not contribute to the conversation in any way.


    this bug/design was a rookie mistake one that probably never should of been made in the first place , and should of been easily fixable in the second place and in the 3rd place if something will never be out of beta is still a beta? 

    1) "Rookie Mistake?" Maybe, but that's not your place to say.  Anyone could have made this mistake, regardless of how expierienced a programmer they are.

    2) "Should have been easily fixable" based on which code you've seen?

    3) It may still in Beta, but while it's in beta, it will likely always be free.  Why are you here trolling when you can go play something not in beta? 

    Good to know that this has already been reported.  Please bear in mind that I'm a PS4 user, so I'm an update or two behind you PC players :)
  6. I was talking with one of my friends about this glitch, and he connected some dots that I think might be worth investigating.


    I told him about another glitch I was having, where having a sniper rifle and the Angstrum equipped causes them to share the same pool of ammo.  It's possible that since my primary and secondary weapons had the same type of ammo, the game saw this as getting a kill with primary AND secondary.  My number of kills may not have been doubled, but the number of kills with a specific type of weapon may have been, since both weapons use the same kind of ammo.


    Other folks who got the trophy didn't have a secondary weapon equipped, so maybe a logic error made the game think that no secondary weapon means primary and secondary weapon use the same ammo?


    It was an interesting thought, so I figured I'd pass it up the chain.

  7. When I equip the Vectis and the Angstrum, since they both use sniper ammo with the latest update, when I switch from the Vectis to the Angstrum, the amount of Vectis ammo I have drops to 30.  


    To clarify: I start a mission with Vectis equipped and have a max of 72 rounds (71 + 1 in the chamber).  As soon as I switch over to the Angstrum, my ammo max for both weapons is 30.  If I fire off a fully-charged Angstrum shot (3 rounds), both the Angstrum and the Vectis use 3 rounds, so I'll go from 30 to 27 for both weapons.


    I understand the nature of this bug: since launchers and snipers pull from the same pool of ammo, the game only assumes you'll have one of each type equipped.  Since you guys made a pocket grenade launcher, no one anticipated bringing a sniper and launcher into battle simultaneously.


    Please resolve this as soon as possible.  I sometimes forget to equip a different secondary with my Vectis equipped, and then I cripple my max ammo for the rest of a mission.



  8. Plenty of room for Hush if Serration isn't maxed out, lol.  Also the mod that ups crit% so the Vectis crit chance goes from 25-50 :D  Also boosting Slash, Impact, and puncture with the individual mods all multiplied by Serration is a thing of beauty, and still plenty of room for Hush.


    Now YOU hush :P 


    Edit: To elaborate, I stealth-killed just about every enemy in a solo exterminate mission with my Hush'd Vectis.  When you're playing with a group, Hush isn't really necessary, but playing Solo and trying to not get squishy Nyx killed makes Hush a necessity.

  9. ive been ready for rank 8 and every time I try to rank up it goes to loading screen then brings me back to ship and says I need to wait 24 hours to retest Ive even tried to change the matchmaking to solo and I still cant get through to the test. 

    You might want to make a new thread under feedback or bug reporting to ensure the devs see this.

  10. Vectis FTW (great sniper rifle, use with charged chamber).

    I love my Vectis.  I used a catalyst, and with +serration +impact, +slash, +puncture, +hush (Silencer), that thing does a mean ~500 per hit, and it's only going to get better as I level up Serration.  Its achilles heel is that it's a single round magazine (reload after every shot) so if your accuracy is for tripe, it may frustrate you.  Additionally: The Vectis requires insane quantities of rare resources (4 neurodes and 4 orokin cells, if I'm remembering properly).


    The Vulkar, conversely, is a great anti-corpus weapon, with a high base-impact damage made better with serration and the mod that boosts impact.  A six-round magazine with a decent fire rate makes it a no-brainer for Venus and MAYBE Jupiter (but I had a hard time with it on Jupiter, honestly).


    Again: I love my Vectis, but if you want to snipe and think your aim sucks, cut your teeth on Vulkar, first.  Once you're confident in one-shotting some baddies, and you take a liking to sniping, go for the Vectis.  If you decide sniping isn't for you, I would not recommend it.  Also I think you need to be rank 4 to get the Vectis.  Vulkar I think is Rank 2.

  11. Ended up going with the Grakata since I had the BP.  Wow, does it ever chew through ammo fast.  I'd never run out with the Braton.  Should have gone with the Karak, but I ended up getting an argon and a whack of control modules.  Even though I'm still pretty new, I built the incubator to prevent the argon from rotting, as well as the components for the Valkyr, and a catalyst.  Not enough leftover for the Karak lol.  Today I farm up a few more creds to complete the Valkyr, and save up for a sentinel while leveling it.


    Biggest question now, is which sentinel?  I'm thinking deathcube.  Second question is credit farming - best sources, I get kinda nervous doing alerts. 

    If you want a good anti-grineer assault rifle, go with the Tetra.  It's relatively inexpensive to build, and has really impressive puncture damage.  The fire rate is okay (can be boosted with fast trigger mod), but the clip is 60 and you carry 600 into battle (540 max, plus 60 in the gun).


    As for which sentinel, I went with the wyrm because of the aesthetics.  Since you get in enemies' faces a lot, you might want to consider shade, since its ghost ability will cloak you when enemies are near, and so you can avoid taking fire until you're right on them.  Carrier is another good one for utility purposes because it will suck up resources in the stage, which is super useful for farming runs.  I'm building a Dethcube right now, and will let you know what I think of it when I have a chance to level it up some.  I have to admit, I like the appeal of the MIGHTY DETH LAZORS that it has, but we'll see how practical that is for me when I actually use it.


    A minor complaint that I have is that Wyrm has a laser rifle that uses the same mods as my sniper/assault rifles, so if I'm trying to mod my rifle, I have to take the mod off my sentinel rifle and put it on my tenno rifle.  It gets obnoxious, and I hope they patch it out, but as it is, it can be annoying. That said, the Carrier Sentinel uses a shotgun, so if you want to get around that minor inconvenience, that's one way about it.

  12. Over the weekend (yesterday specifically), I was doing the Charybdis invasion on Sedna.  Fighting on the side of the Grineer to push back the Corpus, I noticed the screen shaking a lot. At first I thought it was a bug, but it was happening in time with explosions, and so I found it to be a cool effect.


    When I get to the cause of the shaking -- the Grineer invasion pods -- the framerate went down the toilet.  I was meleeing all of my enemies because trying to snipe them was out of the question.  Running with 3 other Tenno and a boatload of Grineer, the game couldn't handle all the players, NPCs, and the pods all in one place.  That's not taking into consideration sentiels and kubrows, too.  Once I got off the pod, the framerate continued to chug until the conclusion of the level.


    To clarify: I think this was really cool.  Being able to hop in the pod and go from Grineer tileset to Corpus in a few seconds must have taken a lot of work on your part, DE, and it shows.


    I don't know how it can be fixed, or if it can be fixed, and I feel like something this epic deserves more love.  Please fix this cluster-mess so subsequent invasions run more smoothly.  Is this new to 14.8.1?  I've never experienced it before yesterday, but I thought it was really cool!

  13. I see both sides of this.  On the one hand, just about everyone gets a Skana and a Lato to start (unless you picked different weapons in the tutorial), so anyone who buys this can use it.


    Conversely, in the last renown pack, we got an exclusive Sydana, which I don't think is available on PC or XB1, so weapon skins for two weapons a lot of folks don't use anymore is a disappointment by comparison.


    That said, regardless of whether you want or use the skins, you're still getting plat at 20% off :3

  14. So is the OP rank 5 yet? This thread was started in August, lol.


    On the upshot, Update 14.8 added a little green line so you can see where you're pointing the analog stick to turn the correct node.  It doesn't make hacking any easier per se, but it makes it a lot clearer.


    Also: The Mastery 5 test was easy, I took it a few days ago and passed on my first try.  None of the tests yet compare to the crushing difficulty of trying to master rank 1 with the MK-1 Braton, lol.

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