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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. Right tool for the right job.  I take my hushed Vectis into extermination missions (especially when I need to solo) and I take my Vulkar into survival missions on Venus when I need to farm for circuits.  As great as the Vectis is, it will never have a magazine capacity greater than 2; my Vulkar will one-shot every Corpus on Venus, and I can take down a small squad if I'm aiming properly.


    The name of the game, ladies and gentlemen, is crowd control.  Any gun can drop pretty much any standard enemy one-on-one, but how often does that situation really come up unless you're in stealth mode?


    Jus' Sayin' :)

  2. Actually, yes, I do think that elemental bullets should deal less physical damage.

    If elemental bullets dealt less physical damage, then this game would have to start using actual science.  Considering it calls Europa and Eris planets, I'd say actual science is out of the picture.


    ...That, and all of the warframes, infested, half the weapons...

  3. To piggy-back on this topic, I'm frustrated with modding my Sentinel weapon vs. my Tenno weapon.  I frequently go to my mods for my rifle, try to equip one and it says "Already on Sentinel Laser Rifle."  This is a little obnoxious.  If I can't equip it, why is it there?


    Having an "equipped on Sentinel" icon of some kind or having the mod not appear at all would alleviate this minor inconvenience.  

  4. I keep seeing "I want a challenge!" threads from folks who complain about a certain element of the game making it too easy.  If you think that piece of the game is making it too easy, then don't use it.  Take vanilla weapons into battle, scale your damage to the level of challenge that you want.  You want hard? Take all MK-1 weapons into battle and let us know how you do.


    I, for one, want to one-shot everything.  I want to Mod the ever-loving crap out of my Vectis, until it can one-shot bosses (I don't think that's possible, but I'm just saying).  


    When you're bored with the game, take a break from it.  Go play Destiny or Diablo, or one of the 380 million indie games that have come out lately.  Keep your ear to the ground and come back after the next update, and maybe you'll rediscover your passion for it.

  5. Yeah, that's why I dropped a potato in the vectis.  Its base damage for slash, impact, and puncture is relatively high on its own, and boosting each of those with their respective mods just makes this a great all-rounder for one-shotting.  And that's not even touching on the crit, Serration, fast reload, etc...

  6. The problem with that is that Mastery Rank/Conclave isn't indicative of skill. No numerical value in this game is good enough to indicate the skill of a person. One could easily become Mastery 17 because they do the following:


    1) Level up a weapon by taking low levels to high tiers and letting their teammates do most of the work.

    2) Finish a mastery rank test.

    I understand that Rank/Conclave are not inherent indicators of another player's skill, but I feel something needs to be done.  Maybe since you've played the game so long you don't recall, but playing in a squad where everyone has a prime frame (but me) and prime weapons (but me) and everything dies as soon as the doors open (I killed nothing) is no fun.  I don't WANT to be the guy in your first bullet point, but I have ended up as that guy by accident on multiple occasions.  When I'm farming bosses for Orokin cells and Neural sensors, that's fine, run ahead of me, go nuts, I'll keep up and join the next squad of superpowered badasses when you leave me.  But when I'm trying to enjoy the game for its gameplay, this model of "follow the plow" just doesn't work.


    Since Warframe is not an RPG, it's impossible to matchmake based on levels.  Mods, weapons, and frames all have their own levels.  The sum total of those levels is reflected in the conclave rating, yes?  I'm not talking about skill, I'm talking about potential damage output. Yes, a grand master with conclave rank 400 will do more damage than me, but while grandmaster is melee'ing everyone, I can snipe the ones out of his range, giving it some semblance of balance.  I'm not saying it's perfect, even in theory, but it's some kind of metric as opposed to "whoever's there with an open slot."

  7. i think this has the same case with the interception problem, theres so much mobs spawning at once, for older players, its fun to just to pull out the gorgan and mow them down, but for newer players, its too hard for them


    ive also notice how the maps are quiet large, during the event, it shinked to about 3-4 different maps, now its like 8-9, having to run all over the place

    As a semi-noob, I can remember with clarity being crushed on Mercury's Interception mission.  I know it's not supposed to be easy, but really? MERCURY is that tough?  I haven't tried excavation yet, and I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't.

  8. As a melee only, no pet bringing tenno, I approve of this.


    It will help me steal all the kills of equal conclave, but much less powerful Tenno. More so than I already do.




    It would be cool to have matchmaking though admittedly. Especially for void runs.

    Maybe it'd be simpler to have a filter based on Mastery Rank, Mr. Gold Hunter? :P

  9. Sorry to make another 'matchmaking' thread, but after playing for two and a half hours last night, I got frustrated playing the tactical alert on Jupiter because the guys are so much stronger than I am.  I would frequently join squads, and spend the whole mission running behind them or catching up, following the trail of destruction in their wake.  Before they all bailed on me because I don't stack up to their gear, I saw at least one of them had triple my conclave rating, maybe even quadruple (mine was ~400 and he was ~1200-1500).  The other high-scoring player of that match was double my conclave rating


    The first time I ran the Saturn boss, I didn't even SEE him or the Orokin cell he dropped.  I went into the mission, everyone zoomed ahead of me, and by the time I got there, he was dead and they were halfway to extraction.  The same thing happened when I ran the Mars boss.


    I propose a new option to match-make based on conclave rating.  I don't know if the system already does this behind the scenes, but if it does, then we need to make it an explicit option.  I'd rather have my matchmaking type set to "Public[Conclave]" and then play alone than be so dramatically outclassed that I literally can't keep up.


    To clarify: 

    1) I know there is a solo mode, but none of my frames are equipped to do defense or mobile defense solo

    2) I know that conclave rating is not a tell-all of someone's playing ability, but this could give players the option to run with people with like-minded objectives (i.e. I'm leveling weapons or I'm new) aside from the mission objective.

    3) I know that it's hard enough to get matched up with a squad with the current 'public' infrastructure, but this might be ideal for the more popular missions like the tactical alerts in order to keep similarly-leveled players together and keeping the challenge and fun factor consistent.

  10. 1) I want to buy some melee weapon blue print but it says xp locked so how to solve this? my friend said u need to increase ur mastery rank or whatever - but how to increase it?

    2) In my profile I have daily quest to rank up? Is it mastery rank up quest? whats benefit of that quest?

    3) I m xcaliber class and still learning about game - which weapons and pets are really good for him? blueprints made only please. 

    4) In how many Earth missions we get kurbow egg? just asking about general drop rate.

    5) Is there any mode and upgrade guild for xcaliber here - preferably according to latest patch. 

    6) Where is xcaliber combo guide? Other frames which are low lvl then me but still killing enemies so fast - how can I do that too? or just my frame xcaliber sucks or I suck lol.


    Ty in advance

    Since 1 & 2 have been answered in great detail already, I'll answer the others a bit more...


    3) Based on your play style, I'd say the Strun (shotgun) and Lex (Semi-auto pistol) might be more to your liking.  Strun has pretty fast fire rate, and a reasonable reload speed.  You may want to get a blueprint for the Bo staff weapon.  The Corpus are vulnerable to impact damage and that may be more effective than the Skana.


    4) For this, I direct you to the Kubrow MegaThread.  A LOT of folks are not a fan of the drop rate of those eggs: 


    Edit: I hear that the drop rate is better on Everest than the other tiles on Earth, but your guess is as good as mine.  I just hope your luck is better, lol.  That said, you may want to invest in a sentinel, when you have the credits and the resources to build one.  Sentinels have a similar overhead cost as a Kubrow, but none of the maintenance cost.  It seems to me that a Kubrow is a more late-game investment than something for us lower initiates.


    5) Not sure I understand this question.  If you're talking about an upgrade guide, you'll want to look at your mods.  


    6) You have to get a stance mod for your weapon for a combo guide.  The higher the mod, the more combos.  


    ty for help guys 


    I m still confused about which primary, secondary and melee weapon should I make for my xcaliber lvl30 now. Please dont say its personal preference - give ur suggestions :)


    My play style is more like yolo - rambo diving with melee weapons. Fight enemies head to and never use stealth. I will find out which mode are suitable for me but I need help with best end game weapons (melee, primary and secondary). I dont have much resources so I wann make one time and final weapons only. I m still using basic weapons from start.


    As mentioned before, a great pair of newbie weapons are:

    Primary - Strun (shotgun)

    Secondary - Lex (handgun)


    They are both high-damage.  The Strun has good impact damage making it an effective weapon against the Corups.  


    The Lex is a low fire rate pistol with good puncture damage, making it an effective weapon against the Grineer.  It has a puncture damage rating of about 60, and that damage can be boosted with mods.


    Note: the Strun and Lex weapons (complete weapon, not blueprint) can be bought with credits instead of platinum, making them great early purchases until you can grind the resources for better weapons.


    If you have the time to grind on Earth, the Furis is a good sub machine gun (secondary weapon).  It needs 4 Neurodes, but once you build it, you likely won't need any other pistol for a while.


    With regard to end-game weapons, you'll need to get your mastery rank up first.

  11. Which means you have to buy slots, since weapons and frames sold for Plat (maybe besides the 75p frames) ere extremely overpriced and it is generally strongly adviced to just craft them.

    Preaching to the choir there.  I spent 170 plat on the glaive.  I'm happy with my purchase, but I wouldn't recommend anyone do the same.


    However, IF the OP felt inclined to buy a frame or weapon, I didn't want them to think they had to purchase a slot first :)


    (Edit: capitalized "if" for emphasis)

  12. Read my post about cloaks and capes; spoiler: he's wrong.

    I read your post, it was very educational :)


    And I just did a google image search, Alad V wears a coat, not a cloak, my bad.

  13. Ah, okay.  Yeah, I was fighting Kubrows on Earth with my Galatine and I was doing a cool finisher animation.  I can see both the necessity for toggling it manually as well as automatically.  Perhaps a manual command for not in stance, and automatic finishers when in stance?


    Cloak != Cape




    I don't see Grineer or Corpus wearing capes OR cloaks, do you?

    I agree, I always thought capes were thin fabric for decorative purposes, while cloaks are heavier fabric for practical purposes, like keeping warm or using as a blanket.


    Also, doesn't Alad V wear a cloak or a cape? A Clape?


    Edit: Also, this thread has been a fun read.  I find it hilarious to see so much snark over a cosmetic change/addition.

  15. I did a defense mission in the Void, and got beat up a lot (as is to be expected).  After wave 5, it said "continue, or exit and claim" as usual.  Because I got so beat up, I chose exit & claim.  The other two people in my squad selected "continue."  I didn't get the usual "mission complete," but rather got "mission failed."


    Was this a bug, or am I required to go 20 mins?  I understand that Void is different than normal missions, but I don't understand why I was given the option to quit and then was told that I failed.  If I'm not supposed to quit after wave 5, then it should count down the mandatory number of waves like an Alert.


    If it was a bug, well, bug reported, lol.

  16. I can see both sides of this debate, honestly.  


    On the one hand, I too am a relatively new player (been playing since April, but dropped off until someone I knew personally decided to start playing, too).  As such, there is a lot about DE's business model that mystifies me. You can grind to unlock everything in the game EXCEPT slots and colors (not sure about the sydanas, but I assume those, too).  So running into something that can't be unlocked without plat feels like a cheat.


    On the other hand, I enjoy this game and have put so much time into it already.  I spent $8 on the renown pack on PS4, and now there's another renown pack that I might buy (though I'm not interested in the skins, just the plat, lol).  $16 over the course of 6 months is really nothing to cry over, particularly since I've begun to learn the way of the grind.

  17. No you have to buy them  1 warframe slot costs 20 plat ,  2 weapon slots 12 plat


    i suggest  use your plat for slots first then cosmetics/potatoes

    This is the general rule of thumb :) Note that you do not have to buy a slot if you buy a frame or a weapon with platinum.  When you buy an item with plat from the store, it says "comes with slot and catalyst" or "slot and reactor!" It means that its energy capacity has been upgraded, and if your weapon/frame inventory is full, you don't have to spend additional plat to store that item.


    At this time, there is no non-plat way to get weapon/frame inventory slots.

  18. Another question came to my mind if I upgrade the 'ability' mods(frame mod abilities such as slash dash on excalibur)  do they get improved in some way?

    In general, yes.  There should be a tooltip telling you how the ability is improved as you fuse it.  For example, Mag's "Pull" ability has increased range and damage for each rank up.  Your mileage may vary, based on the skill.

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