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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. If a player 'stumbles' upon a Platnium-only weapon, the first time, their first impression is: "Wow, that gun looks cool, and requires Platinum. How do I get it? Oh, it's the Premium currency for this game... Lame! Game is probably Pay to Win, if my ONLY access to this item is the Premium Currency..."


    Not: "Wow, that gun looks cool, and requires Platinum. How do I get it? Oh, it's the Premium currency... Awesome! Let me explore and see if I can get the weapon using credits! *click, click, click*"


    Having a "Buy with Platinum" and "Purchase Blueprint" next to each other is a VERY elegant solution, as mousing over the Blueprint would inform the player that they could construct the weapon using items found in-game, as well as consuming time... Or, they could buy it immediately, for a bit of Platinum.


    Splitting the same weapon into two different categories isn't sensible.


    My issue is that some weapons appear to be plat-only.  The Glaive doesn't have a blueprint in the store, so I didn't think a blueprint existed.  Turns out, my friend got a Glaive blueprint as a log-in bonus.  NOW I know the Glaive can be obtained for free, but damn I'd have to be lucky to have gotten that as a log-in bonus.  I hate to use the word "should," but I feel like every weapon that can be obtained with plat should have a blueprint, too.  Otherwise we end up with this "premium paywall" attitude and folks can lose interest.

  2. I ran into a "New Player Growing Pain" yesterday with the stalker enemy.  I understand that when you beat a boss the game says "your actions have consequences," but I think sending a high-level enemy into your missions at random is enough.  If he kills you, you fail the mission like usual, fine.  


    I think it's unfair that he slaps a restraining bolt on your warframe and that the blueprint for the bolt remover requires an insane amount of rare resources.  Neural sensors and neurodes are nigh-on impossible to come by.  Oxium isn't so bad to farm since you can farm the Oxium Ospreys on Venus, but 20 Oxium? Really?  Control chips aren't so bad since you can farm infested missions.


    Granted: All of the above resources can be found on Jupiter, Earth, and Venus, but if you're going to penalize the player like that, at least make those resources a little easier to come by.  Is there a certain level this guy shows up and starts terrorizing you?  Because when it happened to me, I felt like I was being punished for doing well at the game (by beating bosses).  When I told my friend about this (he hasn't started playing yet) he said, "The more you tell me about this game, the less interested I am in playing it."


    If I didn't have Nyx and Valkyr under construction when it happened, I would have put this game down forever.  Not only did I fail the mission, not only am I branded, but I also have to acquire rare resources WHILE CRIPPLED to get the stupid bolt off!  None of that sounds like fun.  Do other MMO games (MMORPGs like WoW or MMOFPS like Dust512) do this?  Because I feel DE needs to take a good, hard look at their model with regard to how this kind of thing is implemented.  Requiring the player to use rare resources to build the bolt remover sounds like a horrid plat trap of at least 40 plat for the neurodes and neural sensor, and more for the oxium and control chips.

  3. I see your point, but understand we are in every position to voice or opinions about everything, cause if it were not for us as the customers, they would not have anything.. So I have every right to voice my opinion..I was not telling them to do anything, at the end of the day its my choice to keep playing or not. Thanks I do appreciatte all the advise though about other aspects I did not know.

    I absolutely agree you have the right to voice your opinion, and other players have the right to voice their opinions, too.


    Based on the way you write, I assume English is not your first language?  If I am wrong, then I'm sorry to insult you, that was not my intent.


    The thing is, there are "judging" words and there are "critique" words.  When you use words like "ridiculous" and "insane," you're making a judgement.  You are saying that your opinion is right, without creating a proper argument.  If you re-read my post, you will see that I use words like "Dislike" or "should," indicating that it is my opinion, and how I would like things to be, but don't expect them to change.


    For example, your original post: "Example…Things like, just changing your Alias(in game call sign), and Clan name and uploading a photo,   All costs real money to change…That is ridiculous!"


    If I were to change your original post to use critique words instead of judgement words, it would look something like this: "Changing your alias, clan name, and uploading a photo should be free, in my opinion." And then go on to explain why they should be free.  Saying "It's ridiculous to charge money!" is just screaming into the wind.


    Considering you have been responding to everyone in this thread, I believe you're looking to critique, not judge. :)


    Edit: With regard to why I say I'm in no position to critique the pricing structure of Platinum: I've never owned, built, or moderated a game like this before.  I have no basis for comparison.  I cannot compare Warframe to games I have paid for (Diablo 3 or Destiny) because the stuff you get to do "for free" is included in the $60 price tag.  Warframe is free to play, with no upfront cost.  What free-to-play games have you made that let you do everything for free?

  4. I think many of you, have missed what I was trying to say, and took instant offense to something that was suppossed to constructive..

    The way you phrased it came off as inflammatory.  More to the point, I didn't see anyone taking offense, but rather explaining to you what you apparently don't know.


    I personally agree that plat is too expensive (Warframes costing the equivalent of $10-$15), but I also feel I'm in no position to tell the developer how to price their goods.  The game is free to play, but there is still money to be made, or the game will fall apart or simply shut down.  I think if a weapon sells for 170 plat, then a warframe should be no more than 200.  


    However, now that I've learned how the game functions (for all intents and purposes), I don't really need the plat I have except for weapon slots (though I dislike charging plat to add inventory slots) and warframe slots.


    Since I'm a PS4 player, I tend to buy plat with the renown packs, so that's $8 for 170plat, plus an item or two (usually decorative).  IF I buy renown pack 2, that will be $16 for 340 plat...not bad, IMO, especially if you're frugal with it.


    Edit: Also the thread title "Financially not good" has a connotation of saying the developers did a bad job with their pricing structure, when you (and I) are not in a position to dictate such things.

  5. You *must* rank up the shield mod to play mag.  MUST.   Redirection is the name of it, and by rank 4 or so you will have enough shields to take some hits from the enemy -- you should, with that, be able to solo  the easy missions (try exterminate or sabotage on mercury -- exterminate is easier as sabotage spawns more enemy at times).<snip>ot (its as good as leveling a warframe!) and while the robots cost a bit up front, they have no maintence and don't have any issues from dying a lot.

    THIS.  All of what you said, but ESPECIALLY THIS for Mag players.  She goes from wimp to goddess with a high enough redirection.  Hell, by level 2 or 3 her shields are pretty ridiculous.

  6. Don't feel bad. Today I died 3 times. And I have been playing since game came out from close beta.


    Don't forget to make your frames/weapons stronger, by using mods. <Snip>


    Sometimes you will get swarmed, so use your powers. Stay behind cover when shield is getting low, so it has time to recharge.



    With regard to these things:

    I died last night twice because I got swarmed doing a survival mission against Infested.  I was playing with three other guys and they just couldn't get to me in time without dying themselves.  It's a tough call to make, but sometimes it must be done when you're the one standing and you can't get to another player bleeding out.  When you die, don't feel bad, but also don't get mad.  It's not your fault you died, you miscalculated in your (newfound) tactics.  It's not your allies' fault you died, they just couldn't get to you.  It's not the game's fault you died, that's just how it happens sometimes.


    Whenever I get a new weapon or frame, I chronically forget to put mods on it as it gets stronger.  I'm used to other shooters/RPGs where stuff gets stronger as it levels without any input from me.  Warframe isn't like that, and as soon as you understand it, you'll be modding your stuff and one-shotting foes with your guns and melee.


    Using your powers is definitely something to not be shy about.  I also have Mag as my starter frame and just recently maxed her out.  Learn how to fuse mods and use fusion cores to power up Pull and your other abilities.  One of the times I died last night, it was because I didn't use pull before trying to activate a life support module.  it was my own dumb fault, and I got pounded for it.  These things just happen :)


    Use your powers more, Mag has some really sweet powers that let her deal with large crowds. Her first ability, Pull, is a good panic button that knocks everyone on their butts so you can either shoot some of them or retreat to safety.


    And yes focus on upgrading your mods so they become more efficient. That goes for your weapon mods and warframe mods.


    Try to work towards a second frame (Rhino for instance) so even if your Mag runs out of revives, you can still play with your 2nd frame.


    Feel free to add me in-game, my username is Bassem, and I love teaming up with new players.

    Pull is particularly good in combination with the Strun.  I have found that if I use pull, most enemies are pulled behind me, and then I can turn around and shoot each of them once.  Since the Strun is a shotgun, aim for the body.


    I have learned the most effective strategy for most boss fights is to never stop moving.  Hit-and-run tactics are your friend against bosses like Vor and Alad V (when you get to him).  


    Dying in pretty much any game is frustrating, but remember that you're new, and you're going to get better following all of this advice :)

  7. I picked Mag as my starter frame, and I didn't like her at first.  I generally play as a tank, and kept dying.  As soon as I learned how to fully take advantage of Pull, and got better weapons, though, I felt like a god(dess).  Pull is just so versitile, especially when you apply the Stretch mod.  I was doing defense, and I pulled like 8 guys off the pod and then finished them off with my rifle.


    I have zero interest in playing as Loki, though, and while I wish I'd picked Excalibur as my starting frame, I'm glad I didn't.  Slash/dash and Radial Blind are good abilities, but I like Mag's abilities better.  Loki's design is gaudy to me.

  8. Your idea sounds nifty but DE will probably never make it that "complicated". This simplified version probably has a better chance of being implemented:




    Bird of Prey

    [Kestrel] Rare

    When thrown, the Kestrel homes in on the nearest target then ricochets towards [X] other targets before returning. Punch Through mods have no effect while using this mod. Higher rank means more enemies are hit before returning.

    Actually, that does seem a little more balanced and streamlined than my idea.  In the end I just want something so my boomerang doesn't whiff, lol.  I know it's a balancing act (Glaive throw damage is something ridiculous like 400) so they make it a slow-throw/low-accuracy/high-damage kind of situation.  But if I can't throw it with any reasonable accuracy, why be able to throw it at all?

  9. My main issue was the frequency with which he would be yammering.  At this point, he's popping up less, so maybe DE already modified something.  It's different for each player, but it seems clear that Ordis is a very "love it or hate it" kind of idea.  Once he started complaining about turning into a petting zoo, that's when I lost it.  If you're part of my ship, you're there to serve me, not complain about a dog (that I will likely never get due the ridiculously low drop rate).

  10. My starting weapons set (including frame) is:


    Mag frame

    Lex sidearm

    Strun primary

    Nami Solo melee


    The Mag is great with the Lex as a ranged weapon and the Strun as the in-yo-face weapon.  The Lex/Strun/Mag combo was good enough to allow me to farm for the Nami Solo resources.


    Also: I spent plat on the Glaive and am very happy with it, but I excluded it from my starting weapon set since I figured we were mentioning early-going weapons with blueprints that can be purchased on the market instead of just found.

  11. My first post on these forums was a rage-dump.  After I calmed down, I realized how lucky I am to be able to play such a great game for free.  I've been spending a lot of time on here reporting bugs, making suggestions, and contributing to conversations.


    I wanted to just say thanks, DE, for the balancing you did to the Vulkar.  The 6-round magazine and 3-second reload time (in addition to the proper mods) were just what the gun needed to be super-fun.  It's powerful, its range is impressive, and I can no-scope kill or hit a lot of enemies with fantastic accuracy.


    I'm still relatively new, but I just wanted to say what a great weapon you guys fashioned.  On more than one occasion I've exclaimed "I love this gun!" in the middle of a mission.


    Thanks for everything, DE!

  12. I concur, trying to slice the lower-to-the-ground Infested crawlers is a pain in the neck.  I swing at the little punks repeatedly and whiff while taking crucial shock damage.  


    It's also a literal pain in the neck of having to look down all the time. /joke

  13. It doesn't and yet it absolutely should exist. You've earned my +1, good sir.


    Thanks! I know I'm not the only one who loves the Glaive, and I want my 170 platinum (and everyone else's) to really shine!


    IF it's implemented properly, then yes, +1


    Oh certainly.  If it's implemented at all, I imagine the higher-level stuff would be cut (damage to multiple enemies, etc). Even if they took my suggestion and made it up to level 3, that would be a massive improvement on a near-perfect weapon.


    Another option would be to have a blueprint to build a Telekinetic module for the glaive.  Are there blueprints to build mods?  This could be a groundbreaking change :)

  14. I think the Dark Sword is pretty lightsaber like, and it does radiation damage.  But frankly, I agree, I'd love to have a lightsaber in Warframe (or have DE make a Star Wars game since Lucas Arts shut down? lol)


    And I believe the lightsaber noises are copywritten somehow.  They may be owned by ILM and have to be used with permission.  In Smash Bros on N64 the beam saber sounded like a light saber in the Japanese version, but the US version had the sound changed to avoid just such an issue.

  15. I bought a Glaive back when Renown Pack 1 came out on PS4.  I love how similar it is to the one from Dark Sector, but it is missing some of the original weapon's nuances.  The key feature that's missing is after-touch.  If you're of the opinion that after-touch is simply not a viable option in this kind of game, I'm inclined to agree.  The crux of this post is on the multiple occasions that I've thrown the glaive, only for it to whiff completely when the target moves one or two steps to the side.


    Instead, I suggest a mod that automates the process.  Instead of the player manually steering the Glaive, allow the weapon to lock-on and then seek out the target.  Some specific suggestions are:


    Mod Name: After-touch (allows Tenno to control boomerangs telekinetically)

    -Rare Melee Mod (Boomerang type)

    -Level 1 - Lock on to enemy after reticule is on them for 3 seconds

    -Level 2 - Lock on to enemy after reticule is on them for 1 second

    -Level 3 - Lock on to enemy instantly, will track around walls*

    -Level 4 - Lock on to enemy instantly, will track around walls, bounces off of nearby enemies**

    -Level 5 - Lock on to multiple enemies, track around walls, no longer bounces off of enemies


    *Example: I'm locked onto an enemy, and he takes cover around the corner.  I throw the glaive straight, and it curves on its own to hit the enemy


    **Number of bounces would correspond with the "quick return" mod


    If a mod like this already exists, I'd like to know.  Otherwise, I'd like to see this implemented sometime :)

  16. One "quick" solution to this is to make more weapons like the Lex or the Strun that can be purchased with credits.  If more powerful credit-weapons are available for the early-goers, they'll have an easier time of things.  One of my primary frustrations is that I felt like I was shooting blanks.


    I put "quick" in quotes because I am aware that "make more weapons" is neither a quick nor easy process, but I lacked a better term :)


    As of now, there are 3 primary weapons (MK-1 Braton, MK-1 Paris, Strun), 4 secondary weapons (Lato, Lex, a third handgun, and MK-1 Kunai), and 2 Melee weapons (MK-1 staff and Skana) for purchase with credits.  Perhaps an additional weapon in the primary and melee categories will help balance the credits vs. plat disparity, and also introduce new players to the store without feeling plat-trapped?


    I'm not sure what I'm asking for on the part of new players, except maybe more powerful weapons being avaiable until they get the hang of farming for resources and building blueprints.

  17. Is that the same dog that was on search in XP?



    No, that's the search companion.  I kind of liked him, but I'm a dog person (without a Kubrow! The injustice! lol)


    Sometimes I wanna dig thru the ship to find Ordis's CPU and put a blend of toxin, heat, ice and electricity after the ice melts :)


    LOL, good gravy I don't want Ordis corroded, burned, frozen, and shocked.  Just want an off switch, lol.

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