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Posts posted by Shaden73

  1. Hi...


    Question 1: How does melee work in archwing?


    Question 2: Will Archwing gear have their own mods or use the same mods as the other weapons?


    Question 3: Can we expect to have open-space exploration in the future? If so is it possible to incorporate Freelancers style of gameplay and features? 

  2. Hello,


    My original question was "How PWE's meddling is going to affect the game and developers" but I still have some faith that things will turn out ok . (In other words kick PWE out the door)


    Question 1. Will the assassination boss for orokin be the neural sentry mentioned by the lotus during extermination



    Question 2. Will there be free roam missions where we can explore, finding different routes to assassinate our target, avoiding enemies while securing data, discover intel that unlocks secret missions, weapon parts , blueprints etc.


    Question 3.  Can we get idle animations for melee aswell? - Or to differ depending on the stance mod.


    Question 4. With the new ships coming up is there any chance for space exploration or space battle?

  3. Name: Sanguine – The Red Mistress

    Description: Sanguine is an offensive type warframe who uses the blood of her enemies to fuel her dark powers.



    Concept art: Its pretty rough ( Mostly because it was done in paint )



    Still working on the prime version.




     1.Life Sap - Sanguine uses her tendrils to stab enemies and steal their health. – "The drink's on you "


    • Deals 150/300/400/600 puncture damage to a single target in range of 5/6/8/10 meters, healing sanguine for 20% of the damage dealt.
    • The amount healed cannot exceed 30% of Sanguines max health.
    • Power strength will increase damage but will not increase the healing percentage.
    • At rank 3 will have a 75% chance to cause bleeding.


     2. Blood Mark - Sanguine creates a pool of blood around her , enemies who step in it are immediately attacked by tendrils draining them of energy. – " Care to join me "


    • Creates a pool of blood  up to 5/6/7/8 meters that will replenish your energy by 1.25/2.7/4.2/5 every second for every enemy in the area of effect.
    • affected enemies will receive 20/40/80/100 puncture damage every second.
    • Power strength or range does not affect de range of this skill nor the energy gain.
    • The pool lasts 10 seconds and its not affect by skill rank, however power duration can still be used.
    • From rank 0/1 will cost 5% hp while rank 2/3 will cost 10%.
    • Sanguine takes damage while in animation but will not be knocked down nor interrupted. 


     3. Charm/Vampiric Gaze - Sanguine charms her enemies bringing them closer to their doom . (She releases a redish/Pink mist in front of her , enemies caught in it are immediately hypnotized and move towards Sanguine.) – "Death at first sight "

    • Releases a red mist in front of her , charming all enemies within 5/6/8/10 meters making them follow Sanguine for 5/6/8/10 seconds.
    • Is affected by power range and power duration.


     4. Blood Boil - Sanguine infects her enemies with a blood plague causing their blood to boil to the point they burst into pieces , damaging nearby targets.( enemies start to choke and attempt to flee while constantly losing life , if their health reaches 0 while under the effect of blood boil they explode dealing dmg AOE).  "Makes their hearts burst with love"


    • Deals 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 damage per second over 6 seconds within a radius of 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 meters
    • Sanguine is invulnerable during cast animation.
    • enemies are stunned for 4 seconds and don't receive damage from effect until they finish their animation.
    • When enemies explode, their explosion damage is equal to the number of health they had when infected with blood boil.
    • Enemies will start to run away after 4 seconds. (similar to Nekros's terror)
    • enemy explosion radius is 5 m and its not affected by range mods.
    • Killing an enemies under the effect of blood boil will still cause them to explode.( because of recent bug the explosion is delayed making their corpse explode after a while or out of thin air if killed with melee channeling.)  




    Health: 160 (480)

    Shields: 90(270)

    Energy: 100(150)

    Armor: 68

    Stamina: 100

    Sprint Speed: 1.0



    Here's a male version of sanguine.(Not really sure about the head.)



    Working on some alternate helmets and maybe finish the prime version.


    Alternate helmet 1 - Vile Sanguine



    Alternate helmet 2 - Terror Sanguine






    I think this suits her better than claws. What do you guys think?



    Feel free to comment . 

  4. Hi, there


    Q1.Will we have an option to choose how we hold our melee weapons when their sheathed? (ex. i would like to hold both of my dual swords vertically on my back instead of one vertical and the other orizontal).


    Q2.Can you add anime slash effects when hitting an enemy with sharp weapons,like the normal blue slash and the black red slash for critical? Ex:spark.jpg


    Q3.When the personal ship update comes, will we be able to fully customize it and use it in battle?

  5. Name : Grineer Sawblade


    Behavior: Since having only one weapon , meaning his sawblade , this type of enemy focuses on getting close and personal with his targets . Attacking from a distance is highly advisable because of his high damage and slow movement speed , but keeping distance will force him to initiate his lunge attack making it harder to fight while surrounded by enemies .



    1.       Does a 2-hit combo with his sawblade hand ( sometimes does a 3-hit combo ending in a 360 attack knocking every target down ) ** also knocks friendlies, but with no damage


    2.       Bashes his target knocking him down.


    3.       Lunges towards targets in a great distance ( has a 1 min cooldown )


    Locations: Commonly found on planets with great vegetation .

    Resistance: Since this type of grineer is used more for menial tasks instead of combat, he is highly resistant to environmental elements such as radiation and poisoning.

    Weakness: Due to his high armor , the best way to take him down easily would be the use of corrosive weapons.


    Picture:  http://i1259.photobucket.com/albums/ii553/Antoniu_Otelea/grineerForager001_zps4f1195b6.jpg


    IMG: http://s1259.photobucket.com/user/Antoniu_Otelea/media/grineerForager001_zps4f1195b6.jpg.html



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