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About darklord122

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  1. The representation is what is deemed to be seen as false advertisement in a court of law. To continue the quote as you can not search things up yourself even when I provided the source: To determine whether a representation is false or misleading, the courts consider the "general impression" it conveys, as well as its literal meaning. This means that they take the meaning in its entirety and consider weather or not it can be seen as a false advertisement to the consumer. The exclusivity of prime access can be brought forward to a judge but if the general consensus of exclusivity having a differed meaning that also has FAQ'S and information to show its still accurate towards what it advertises they will most likely judge it to be not false advertisement. However one cant fully know with this example it still would probably be in DE's favour. However when looking at an advertised product were statements such as "Never will return" Is to be concerned they take that into account. And thus the past heirlooms would have a way higher possibility of false advertising in a court of law than the prime access as the meanings and information related are completely different. In a court of law nothing is guaranteed but that's also precisely why companies wont take the false advertisement route generally, And with Canadian law I highly doubt DE will as well, You really think they don't make changes to their programs without any type of consultation? I never applied a double standard. If you need to read up more unless you skip most of the thread as usual, you can read up more at the deceptive marketing practice page on the competition bureau website, Its really not hard to find. And as stated time and time again, Even without the legality in question they wont return them. It's been stated, Over and done with Fomo or not, while that is a shame. And they would dig themselves a grave since the founder pack falls under the same category and we don't need that bag opened again. But I'm officially done here, This thread is devolving as is and I've already made my point.
  2. You overstate Exclusive meanings, As the term is less literal than you think it to be. Them adding the prime vault is not false advertisement as it still falls under the prime access category, Its just a re-occurrence of the prime items as the more you add the more you have to cycle them. But nothing changed in terms of pricing and the items in said packs outside of inflation. This argument is a very bad one as they are both 2 sides of the same coin more or less. The statement of exclusivity changed but the actual exclusivity did not, Therefor not false advertisement. It's very much different when they specifically say that these things will only be available to certain things, But by adding "exclusivity" as a forefront instead it becomes more ambiguous in terms of what one can do. If it actually said "These exclusive Prime Access items will never appear outside of the prime access program" Or lets take a more direct approach "Ember prime will only be available through prime access" Would leave things way less ambiguous and more restrictive, As not only would it only be tied to a monetary storefront it will also be restricted to be un-farmable as relics would be seen as another acquisition method. "Exclusive" and "Limited" items have generally lost their meaning in the modern day in any games, and now its more down to the actual specifics of their statements. And when something has in big bold letters "This item will never return" That states more than "This exclusive item pack" Or "Limited time only". If the support packs or prime packs ever had this kind of limiting FOMO stated people would have been fuming and still would be right now, But no-one really is. I don't see mass complaints about exclusives coming back because the wording has never specified they wont. Or every support pack added to this day would cause literal threads. Also you only showed the exclusive title but nothing from the FAQ or anything in the prime access that shows any kind of limiting factor that would suggest they would not return or be acquired by other means. Now we can bicker back and forth but whats done is done, No matter the legal jargon we throw at each other, DE themselves are firm in their decision. Care about or don't but they are pretty adamant about their statements. Last time they made such statements was with the founder packs. So there is not really much up for discussion. Even if it sucks with FOMO, People did win by changing future Heirloom packs. But the past one is pretty strongly staying the way it is. Ciao.
  3. Re-read. Your supporter pack argument is not a good leg to stand on as they have had no ties to actually limiting it to a one time thing. Only 1 per account basis. Find more specific wording that said they would not return and maybe you can use it as an actual argument. And no, Not "Until they are gone" type arguments as advertisements like those are used all the time for products that return but have either limited supply or a limited sale window. Both digitally and physically, both inside Canada and outside of it. And find other examples instead of saying "Many other examples" If it was so rampant we would have had these issues way more often and people screaming FOMO at the top of their heads for exclusive packs, but we don't. Any and all returning items that have had exclusivity have never stated they would not return and have just been based on personal assumptions. But apparently they have for you? Where? Show it. But no instead of discussing the supporter packs or any other exclusive item that came back with no statements otherwise, The most popular things instead to discuss are Founder Packs and Heirloom Packs that pop up fairly regularly, Which could not possibly have anything to do with the specific wordings in the advertisements for them stating that they never will return. But hey, Never means Someday for you right? Just because legal actions have not happened does not mean they will not and companies know this, As not only can individuals file lawsuits but other companies, Governments and even the FTC can as well. Or even the competition bureau themselves. You saying consequences wont happen is not something you can be sure of. And you claim that they have broken laws and agreements already due to my law argument, but the only argument you put forth are exclusive items. Nothing about them stated that they would not return and you have yet to actually prove otherwise. And just because things have not happened legally, Does not mean they will change advertisements just because of a chance that they wont get punished. Its never a guarantee you want to #*!% with company wise. If you believe otherwise then maybe some real world things are needed for you. Its not a sudden change specifically for heirlooms, its just the only one we have had for a while, the only other one being the founder packs that have also been stated to never return and they never have nor will. Before someone says "But, Founder packs are not the same as Heirlooms" No they aren't but the inherent promises are. You break one you break the other. But keep going in circles with your support pack argument that hinges on ambiguous wording at best. DE already does not intend to re-issue those heirlooms and have been very firm with it, so fundamentally this argument is useless to have. Ive said my piece but feel free to argue against the brick walls, Points have been made and the current Creative Director of Warframe is against you in terms of statements. It literally could not be served more clear for you.
  4. You have legitimately put forth the actual legality the FTC represents and still try to claim that it would not be false advertising with the implication of never returning products as that is a claim that is advertised for the consumer directly, As its plain language for the consumer. You have however only put forth the general terms of the FTC and not the actual laws that DE will fall under which are a bit different, So let me show you, In Canada where DE does reside false advertising if proven to be as such can put forth penalties such as: "The Competition Act contains provisions addressing false or misleading representations and deceptive marketing practices in promoting the supply or use of a product or any business interest. All representations, in any form whatever, that are false or misleading in a material respect are subject to the Act. If a representation could influence a consumer to buy or use the product or service advertised, it is material. To determine whether a representation is false or misleading, the courts consider the "general impression" it conveys, as well as its literal meaning. " "Under the criminal regime, certain practices are brought before the criminal courts, requiring proof of each element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. On summary conviction, the person is liable to a fine of up to $200,000 and/or imprisonment for up to one year. If convicted on indictment, the person is liable to a fine at the discretion of the court and/or imprisonment for up to 14 years. " "Under the civil regime, certain practices may be brought before the Competition Tribunal, the Federal Court or the superior court of a province and require that each element of the conduct be proven on a balance of probabilities. The court may order a person to cease the activity, publish a notice and/or pay an administrative monetary penalty. On first occurrence, individuals are liable to penalties of up to $750,000 and corporations are liable to penalties of up to $10,000,000." The people and or persons representing DE would be the ones to fall under this and their corporation itself, and can at any point be brought up to a court of law by a single person if change's where to be made to an already existing agreement. And even on the Canadian's deceptive marketing practices page they specifically have a page for what not to do. Such as: "Don't make any materially misleading product warranty or guarantee, or promise to replace, maintain or repair an article." This includes the specific wording for "Never returning" Items. "Get them before they are gone" is not a sufficient argument for this as its a term used a lot in advertising that essentially just means "Gone for now" or "Limited time." And is a blanket term used for a diminishing supply and or limited time offer. As the wording does matter the context does as well. "Never returning" is an explicit statement for the consumer that has an implication DE cant get away from. The changes to the supporter packs had no such statements in them and now even has explicit information about what items will not return to the market and which will: "Note: items marked with * will be exclusive to this pack for a limited time. All other items and Customization's are available for purchase with Platinum in the in-game Market."* The Deimos supporter pack is the only valid argument you have in terms of the supporter packs, Even then their wording was not as such that it would never return. Again wording matters in these cases and all other supporter packs state nothing of not returning and some of them even have implicit text I already showed to refer to that shows the packs themselves will return while specific items in them will not. So this is not the end all be all of an argument in terms of advertising. However the advertisement page also includes a list of things not to do in advertising in regards to false advertisement such as: "Don't forget that no one actually needs to be deceived or misled for a court to find that an advertisement is misleading." The FTC may be lenient in terms of the actual penalties but if the FTC were to get involved Canadian law would have a much harsher reality for anyone who does conduct false advertisements. The EULA will not matter in any of these cases, As the game itself and the advertisements for products for said game are fundamentally different. Saying that the EULA is something that protects them from a lawsuit no matter how ridiculous you think it might be is a very stupid argument to make. If the EULA protected any company from false advertisement laws then we would have it as a rampant problem which we very much do not. This is why they specifically can not return the packs if we get down to the specifics. They also have on record to say that the heirloom packs and founders will not return which can also be used in a court of law as evidence of their original intention. You can make the argument that "of course no one would actually sue DE" but that's not exactly how things work as they have to be prepared for any case scenario. No matter how ridiculous you think it is. So there you go, No matter how much you care or do not care about the statements and words that DE have used for the heirloom pack the penalties are very harsh within the Canadian law system. It is what it is. If they were to ever reverse the heirloom pack advertisement as well it opens a brand new argument for Founder Packs which I've already stated is a pot DE does not want to stir as it falls under the same things stated here and in terms of their own words. And as I've already said before, Just because these heirlooms wont be available for Mag and Frost, that does not mean they will not make new ones for them which I honestly believe they might do as nothing stops them from doing that. And it might be a better thing to advocate for, rather than items that can possibly get them into trouble. Even if we disregard all of this and argue on for eternity DE has explicitly already stated they will not return the packs. This is not something they have said before not even with the supporter packs and its a statement you should respect. You not caring about it wont matter. DE has already made up their minds and have been very firm about it. Do with that as you will.
  5. Digital goods or not a product is still a product so the legal jargon does not really change unless stated otherwise from what I know and, While I'm not an expert when it comes to it I know a bit to the very least. For advertisements conflicting I'm not sure what you mean as, While DE has had repeated events of returning things that are exclusive, they have never returned something they explicitly have stated to never come back. Necessity for sustaining themselves as a business does not really matter in terms of legality, It was a decision they made and while it wont be a continuous revenue source it did bring in money, If that was the point or not who can say but there is not much legal room for them. The founder program itself had a bunch of advertisements towards its limited access and exclusivity in its items even when it was extended and then finally had gone through its run. Thus they can not return and I believe have been stated not to. For legality in terms of law suits, Not only do they have to think about the possible thousands of players out of the millions we have, They also have to consider the advertising laws. As DE could be investigated by government or the FTC. So even if not a single individual would actually sue DE they can still get in very hot water with a single report and get slapped with fines that are very hefty. It can also lead to more legal actions I believe but I'm not entirely sure. They don't mention the legality of it because they do not really need to in reality, And they have probably their own reasons for it I really can't say. But even if we disregard most of this, They have already stated on stream that it wont come back. Several times now. There is no ambiguity in their message of not re-releasing it. It would also probably drag out more problems for them, Such as founder packs. Because if they break one promise of a never returning item then what stops them from doing it with the founder packs? Its just another promise after all. But its not so simple in reality. And its not a pot that DE wishes to stir. And just because those heirlooms wont come back that does not mean they wont make new ones for Mag and Frost. Just that they can not bring back the old ones. For those who own it and wants people to be able to have it that's great. But the ones who don't want it are also valid in that opinion no matter the FOMO. Some things people have to accept when it comes down to it. FOMO is S#&$ but it happened and we gotta move on from that. They already changed the future of the heirloom program at-least so the possibilities are endless.
  6. In terms of legality and advertising laws wording does matter when it comes down to the specifics. If something says "Exclusive offer" Or "Limited time offer" Or "Exclusive items" It can definitely mean a product comes back as those terms have a fair amount of ambiguity and are used all the time, Coupons being a prime example. But if said advertisement states it will only sell a limited amount, or that it will "Never come back" In specific terms that changes a few things law wise and DE could very much look at a law suit depending on the individual. Its precisely for that reason that the founder packs have never come back due to that specific wording and promise. One can easily say a promise can be broken but law wise its not that easy and its something people have to accept. And for past things such as limited time offers and exclusive packs DE have had the legality behind them but here not so much. Especially since DE specifically have gone on record to say that they will never come back. There is no ambiguity, no matter the reason they gave for it weather its fair for the people who bought it or not. And while that is a shame there is nothing one can do about it.
  7. Try bullet jumping as you draw the bow for example, Or sliding. I said movement not specifically walking. And if the bow itself is slow to draw then add mods to decrease draw time.
  8. You are literally hang gliding in place and you do not even need to reside were your 4th ability is located at, At all as zephyr has no such requirement. Its not about being situated in 1 singular room no thats completely fine but if you stay confined onto one spot and do not make an effort to move around or go after the eximus unit to make it stop whatever its doing its a bit on you unfortunately. Is the ability annoying at times? Yes but it gets exasperated if you dont do anything about it.
  9. People tend to forgo the fact that all of them have LoS requirements, And it only feels as if they ignore LoS in the new mission type because its a vertical space so they have a lot of room to look straight at you without you seeing them. And the fact that they can indeed move away after spotting you makes people assume they just outright ignore LoS.
  10. You do realize you can charge bows while in movement right? It's not like you have to stay arbitrarily still nor move slowly.
  11. While I will say the lasers do have issue's, The aforementioned orb clipping being a glaring one, I will say that this direction for an eximus unit is in fact a good one. It incentivizes you to play the game differently rather than just stay still, Though you can still very much do that with the right build ^. It makes you make use of warframes movement system that is a core mechanic, It makes you find said eximus and kill it rather than just ignore it and it makes you time your abilities more. Stationary play becomes harder but still very possible. It also forces most AFK'ers to actually do something now. And while it still needs tweaking the moving laser honestly is a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the eximus units that you can just outright ignore 10 times out of 10, even on steel path. Honestly even with the higher damage bug I enjoyed all of this generally, I had to play warframe in a way I had not needed to in years and it felt good. And I hope for more enemies in the future that will shake up gameplay more.
  12. You ignored the literal part of me addressing the orb clipping, I however did not address the LOS because I honestly dont think its that big of an issue but it could maybe use some tuning. But thats my opinion. Also funny that when someone gives you advice on the counters to it you take it as a "Git gud moment" But thats down to you. So git gud at reading comprehension first of all, then maybe the game after. 👋
  13. I feel like at the very least, If you have already forma'd every single slot in a warframe, Just allow us to swap them. Because then you have already invested several into one warframe thus the investment should justify the reward. Thats atleast my opinion.
  14. I will mention if you encounter several Jade Light eximus in a normal mission and you chose not to deal with them, That does not = Spammy that just means you have neglected to kill them as they do not spawn in groups on their own outside of the mission unless you outright let them pile up, I run SP solo often and I rarely see more than 2-3 pile up at a time unless I let them continue to stack up. Even then the lasers are so easy to kite around having 5 lasers moving behind you at the same speed has the same amount of danger as just 1 if they cant even touch you in the first place. Movement is your ally in Steel Path and it always will be, As being stationary in the hardest mode should not incentivize you to just stand still. There is a time and place for any ability and if there is a problem in doing that said ability then that is something you have to deal with first, Not a privilege to have open to you at all times. Your examples of standing still are lackluster at best, Mesa's 4 can be cast mid bullet jumps for movement based shooting and you should not be standing still like that anyway in SP. Nyx only benefits from the jade light as it boosts her damage faster than it normally would the only issue being the energy usage, Dont even know why you brought this one in. Again Garuda being a prime example of an ability channel-able during movement, And an ability you should time better or use against the enemies that are causing you distress. Resurrecting teammates and hacking are two examples that can cause issues however, can also be mitigated by thinking ahead. Kill the problem before you do either, Go into operator and do either, If the jade light is chasing you have someone else do it for you if you are in a squad. If you are solo, deal with the problem first hand as resurrecting will not be on your priority list. The mitigation through silence and or invisibility was suggestions and not forced play-styles, However the invisibility one is something literally anyone can do. Your operator has intrinsic invisibility, Thus if you go into operator>Go invisible>move away = laser off your back. Its not a hard problem to solve in that regard. I see you and other people complain about the parkour aspect a lot. In, a game. Where one of the center focuses is the movement. Just because elements of stationary exist does not mean the game itself is a stationary haven. There is a time and place and its up to you and your teammates to make that time and place happen. If the devs add something that disrupts a majority stationary play-style then that is something one has to live with as the game can not stay at the same state year after year, Things need to be mixed up period. Ill also mention, The jade light literally can not one shot you. The damage calculation to kill you takes time to ramp up, Plus there is shield gating that is very prevalent in the game. Stop with this argument as the game gives you a very lenient set of windows to live through these things. Even before the hotfix. There are problems yes, Such as objectives being very vulnerable to them as they are the only forced stationary object in the game. However I have no doubt that DE will either add a set of damage reductions to them or something else to make them less vulnerable to them. Forcing the unit to stay in one mode is a very shallow argument. Other problems such as the orb clipping through geometry needs to be fixed, But having it as an argument to not shoot the orb is a very stupid argument to make as its not the end-all be-all. Will not discuss Revenant as that is an entire boring play-style in and of itself that does need to be looked at, and I never even brought it up in the first place. You and plenty of others act as if there is no counter to the Jade Light simply because it does make you go about situations differently. But there are so many ways to counter it, It honestly baffles me. And after the hotfix most counters are not even needed anymore. You can literally and its not a hyperbole walk away from the laser to stop it from damaging you. How on earth is that a hard ask from the game. Let me list more. Kill the eximus. Kill the orb. Move. Jump. Use ability when jumping. Operator. Any warframe with healing. Any warframe with over-guard. Any warframe with invincibility. Any warframe with invisibility. Any warframe with movement based abilities. Any warframe without movement based abilities. Any warframe with damage based abilities. Any warframe with buffing based based abilities. Did I just list every warframe? Cause I just did. Whats my point with that? Every warframe can be used against the eximus or the jade light, Its not a limiting of play-styles if all play-styles can be used. If something requires you to be stationary then time it. A difficult mode should not spoon feed you opportunities for this, you should make those opportunities yourself. You cant have difficulty and ease of access in the same package. You have to make that happen. There is a reason plenty of other veterans including myself praised the Jade Light for acting the way it did, Because we actually had to do something. Every other eximus in the game no matter the difficulty you place it at can be face tanked by basically any warframe with any SP based build. Jade Light actually forced us to go after the eximus and that is literally not a bad thing when eximus units were always meant to be a hard enemy to deal with. The only inconvenience with eximus units now? Overguard and even then that can just be melted. I did not know the big bad boogeyman of warframe was a change in direction in the way people have to look at an enemy. But I sure do now. Feel free to respond with another list on every aspect you don't want to utilize in the game. However this will be my final comment on this whole thing, Thread has gone on long enough and the hotfix trivialized the units in SP either way so we are right back were we started.
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