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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. I guess you ppl realize how ridiculous it is to compare real world goods, to virtual items?


    Micro-transactions are by their very nature fine-grain goods transactions, made possible specifically because they have no associated logistical cost.

    I pay for their services. And they are free to package their services any way they wish. From a business perspective this is currently working for them as long as there are a significant amount of people willing to pay for it.

  2. Yeah guys! In a game that's engine is based on parkour, and where melee is really good you all should sit on your hands at the pod to give all the kills to the snipers. The audacity of some people. Geez.

    I like to snipe a lot. I don't have this problem. I've sniped over my team mate's shoulder essentially stealing their kill. Maybe you should just be a better sniper.

  3. Nice to have, but not necessary:

    1) A polarity.

    2) Be able to score critical hits.

    1) Forma

    2) Criticals on a flame thrower doesn't really make sense.

    The rest I might get behind with.

  4. Fusion core packs? What's next? Affinity packs to level up your weapons and frames?


    Let's just play our game from the menu.

    I have a feeling some people want to play without ever logging in. In which case I would suggest just cut to the chase, and stop playing now.

  5. Pretty sure you didn't specify anything other than the words; these warframes are trolling in these ways.  I was giving ways that the skill might be useful or why they do what they do ie: frost.  There was no misunderstanding.

    No I was saying these frames have some way of trolling. I wasn't saying that the players who play these frames do this. My point was not to just pick on Loki.

    I then stated despite all these ways of trolling I have ran into very few times when this has happened.

  6. I can understand how a frost would want to put a snowglobe around something, could it be he might want to get a few kills himself with maybe a melee weapon or he just might to kill something without everyone trying to be all Rambo.  Frosts are slow I understand this concept.


    Never meet a mag that would do this, but if you are not in a position to keep shooting a boss no matter where he is...  your doing it wrong.


    Vauban,  I can defiantly understand why you would be upset at him.  He can cover you in tesla coils to prevent you from getting melee kills, he can make you jump at will, and his ult. screws up with your abilities.


    And as for Loki ... I have no idea.  I find his skills very useful especially in the void.  Especially when there is a room with a locked door and the only way in is through the window, Loki can make it so everyone can get in the room.

    I think you misunderstand me.

  7. Frost is trolly too. He can place snow globes around the enemies so you can't shoot them.

    So is Mag. She can pull a boss into cover so he can regen shields.

    So is Vauban. He can make you jump at any given time.

    Out of all the time I have played I've only ran into one Loki that kept switch teleporting people needlessly. And only one Frost that placed snow globes all over the map in Xini. These occasions are so few, and far in-between that I don't understand how it is threatening.

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