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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. Negative, a turkey sandwich with two slices of turkey is likely to cause you to take a nap faster, and taste much better.

    Yes, but you are not better at making turkey sandwiches just because you put an extra slice of turkey in it. You have not demonstrated master craftsmanship in your sandwiches.

  2. To add to my point, Mastery level is a way to represent how familiar you are and how well you can utilize the things offered in this universe. Why than is my mastery the same over the Volt the same as my mastery over the Ember, which I have Forma'd twice? 

    I would think that the Mastery should increase as you have put forth the extra effort to maximize the potential..?

    Because a turkey sandwich one one slice of turkey is just as much as a turkey sandwich with two slices of turkey.

  3. No. If you understood why the current system does not allow you to gain mastery from re-leveling polarized weapons, or frames then you wouldn't need to come up with a solution.

    The idea behind mastery rank is to show that you are experienced with many types of weapons. Not just a few.

  4. DeadlyNerd, on 21 Jun 2013 - 10:36 AM, said:

    Um, you do realize that there are countless depictions of ninjas throughout the japanese and foreign media, both animated and filmed.

    Your argument is that something isn't possible just cause you haven't seen it happen. You christian by any chance?

    Just to warn you; Religion is a topic that should not be discussed on these forums.

    Anyways. I've read about ninjas, and there is speculation that ninjas were nothing more than "Boogie men" fathomed to scare kids into being obedient children. This is not an assertion that this is true.

    Also the art of shinobi at the core is to be unknown. So you as a non-ninja to say you know anything about the ninja is to make that thing you claim to know to be ninja not ninja.

  5. Radial Javelin doesn't propel you off of ledges, now does it?


    Boosting Damage is always a good thing.


    Rocketing yourself clear across a room and off a ledge (or out of the map if you run into one of the many terrain glitches) is not so good.


    Tho, on a sidenote... wouldn't it be nice if there was some way to cancel the dash early? Is there a way to do that? They could make it so that pressing jump causes you to end the dash and jump.


    That way, Continuity would rock and you wouldn't have to worry about flying off ledges.

    No if you think about it it's the same thing. If you are boosting your damage too high (higher than needed) those are points going to waste that could be used for more useful things.

    I've never actually had a problem with slash dashing off a ledge as I am playing a ninja. You use your skills with precision.

  6. The problem with making Slash Dash go even further, is sometimes it goes *too far*. Like.....right off the edge of a ledge too far.


    In fact, earlier, no Continuity and just Slash Dash Lv3, I did a Slash Dash and I Thought I had enough room..... uh, nope. Went right off a ledge and fell down to the bottom of the room where there was more crap waiting for me at the bottom. lol.


    So yeah I probably won't be using continuity. I'll take regular ole Lv3 SD as it does plenty just like that.


    I will most likely Forma the other checkmark slot, not sure to what yet. Either a triangle or a line. I'll have to take a look at mods I'd almost always use in any situation and make my decision then. If I really really really wanted a continuity, I'd just use a regular non-polarized slot for that or something.







    Seems kinda silly that there are only THREE mods in the entire game for Warframes that use that polarity, but yet how many lines and triangles are there again? A whole crapload of them.

    Well with that logic might as well not use focus either because radial javelin already does more than 1000 damage. Normal enemies (which you will be fighting the most) don't even have half that much. So boosting it's damage is damage gone to waste.

  7. Sprinters in the obstacles race, in athletics, do consecutive sprint jumps without rolling. It's safe to say ninjas were more than capable of that.

    If ninjas truly did exist. And if they did how would you know what they did. If there is anything known about ninjas to non-ninjas it would not be considered ninja.

    I think you should argue form a game mechanics standpoint rather than trying to argue "These people don't do that."

    A rogue couldn't really cloak, and teleport but that doesn't stop Cryptic Studios from giving these abilities to rogues in Neverwinter Online.

  8. Nope, Xoxile. You're wrong. I will give you another analogy:

    You are a homeless bum. I am a generous man with expendable resources. I tell you I will give you something useful for free once a day if you come ask me. The first day I give you a can opener. Well, you don't have one, it's useful, no? The next day I give you can opener again. And the day after that... can opener! They are still useful, no?

    While rewards are free, they are rewards for commitment. But they are not equal, as some of them loose their value dramaticaly after first reward. So are you saying that someone who got a lot of items should get crappier rewards despite him displaying no less interest and commitment than freshly joined player?


    I'd pawn them for a pack of smokes.


    For free? What's free?

    Designers want to keep their online levels high to attract more players to earn more money. So, they provide reward for logging in daily. Fair exchange, no? And you actualy have to do something. Login. I for example prefer to play on weekends, but with current game logic player who logins only on weekends will fall back behind those who play everyday, even if their playtime through week is equal. Are you happy with game rules forcing you to do what you do not plan/want and then getting S#&$ for your effort to try it?

    For example when Moa event started I was on vacation travelling (planned months prior) so I missed it completely. Let's say the only way to get Frost Prime is to participate in that event. So, what, your argument would be hey, they effectively gave it for free, so what are you arguing with? 

    Sorry, but I don't want to plan my life according to game. So, when I do something that I'm not really interested in it's me who's helping developers, not other way around. That's what login reward is for and it should be proper.


    You could, if it's not too much trouble, just log in for the rewards, and then just not play.

    Many multiplayer games set up special events that can only be played during certain days. The people who set these up are in no obligation to work around your schedule. Just like they are in no obligation to give you what you want for a daily log-in reward.


    Anyway, being free never justifies lack of quality. Or what, complaining about social programs being poor  like housing for eldery, free medicine and such is wrong, as they are free?

    I would agree with you... If we weren't talking about a video game.

  9. Analogy:

    You are a homeless bum. I am a generous man with expendable resources. I tell you I will give you a sandwich for free once a day if you come ask me. The first day I give you a tasty chicken sandwich, and you don't starve that night. The next day you come again, and I give you another tasty chicken sandwich. However you reply "I had chicken yesterday. Give me roast beef." in which I reply "It's free. Take it, or leave it."

    Tenno are homeless bums that prefer roast beef over chicken.

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