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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. The easiest, most useful, and most supportive for a team would be Nyx. Chaos to reduce the incoming fire, and strategically mind control enemies that will benefit your team (like healer ancients)

    The most damaging one would be Ember. World on fire, combined with Overheat. Done.

  2. What about Fast Deflection?


    I find fast deflection useful on any frame as long as the play style works with it. You have to be ducking in, and out of cover for it to show any kind of effect.


    Silence doesn't even work on her...

    Works for me.

  3. That response, like the auto banning system in place, seems automated. Would appear they get this a lot, and like anyone else who does a repetitive job will get lazy. That's not to say this action is just. Just pointing out it's human nature.

    As for editing values on client side. Warframe doesn't store account values on client side. It is all server side. The part about banning because cheatengine is running isn't because cheatengine works on Warframe, but it is about crushing all potential hackers with a Fragor instead of strategically removing the true offenders with a Snipetron.

  4. These suggestions sound good, but I would change two things.

    The magnetize power should still knock enemies down as pull does since that part of pull is very important.

    Also I would change the part about bullet attractor. The path check for bullets should track collision with mobs first, then bullet attractor second. Example: If the bullet hits the target in any part whether it be the leg, or the head it would ignore bullet attractor. However if it misses the target, but still goes through the range of bullet attractor it will act like bullet atractor now.

  5. Why didn't you just stop before you started making fallacies and the subsequent deterioration into nonsense..?

    Why did you make an incorrect assertion which could be refuted with a simple "no"? Pull is not useless. I will admit it is out preformed by many other first powers in terms of damage, but that doesn't make it useless. Pull is seriously the only reason I pull (haha) mag off the shelf these days. It has it's utility, and I make the most of it.

  6. Pull is basically useless except for saving teammates who get themselves into more than they can handle, and I've never once got into a situation where I've felt "damn I wish I had Mag so I could Pull him/her out of there and revive him/her safely". I can always kill whatever it is or hold out long enough to revive them then make myself scarce.

    Why is pull so useless? I have tons of fun using it offensively. Especially using fist weapons with it.

  7. Do bow mechanics from Team Fortress 2 count? If yes then I'm pretty much already used to it already lol. How come it isn't practical if it's a good bow? Do you mean that it's a very situational weapon? If so, how? And thanks!


    Oh I see.


    Yeah they're my favorite and I usually put em on everything (as long as it doesn't look ridiculous). But it's totally not worth it to use 150 plat just for two colors lol.

    I don't know. I don't play TF2. I looked up a video on youtube about FT2 bows. To me it would appear that Warframe has more generous bows as their arrows fly straighter. A lot less curve.

  8. Arghhh I cant deciddeee >_< I just want good a good dps meele weapon because I cant stand the cronus. Orthus seems so goodd q_q but i cant overlook that +10 more dmg on scindo

    If numbers is all that matter to you then get the scindo, mod it to do great charge damage, then just keep doing charge attacks.

    If looking masterful is more important then get the Orthos, mod it to be balanced, then use a combination of light melee heavy melee and dual pistols.

  9. Dread isn't as much about being good with a frame, but more about being more of your play style. It's not a practical weapon, and takes some getting used to if you are not used to bow mechanics. But aside from that it is a good bow. Grats on picking it up.

    Clan weapons require high mastery rank. You don't need to take them into consideration at this time.

    Do you really like those colors? Are they worth 75 platinum each?

  10. Viper/Twinviper are at this time one of the top burst DPS sidearms. Furis/Afuris is quite similar except it is more for sustained DPS rather than burst because of the magazine size reducing the amount of times spent reloading. Also It's crazy less accurate. I'd recommend only using Furis/Afruris for short range.

  11. All of this. When it comes down to it, the only melee weapons that you shouldn't use are glaringly underpowered *coughANKYROScough*, otherwise your melee weapon is literally just down to personal preference.

    I'd just like to disagree. Try Ankyros with Mag's pull. It is LOL.

  12. To be fair the red crits from Orthos is not the end of Scino. It's just a fun new toy we have. Eventually it will get old, and the use of weapons will even out again until we get more new fun toys. There is no overall deciding factor to have the Orthos over the Scindo. Only preference.

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