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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. Decoy decoy decoy. You can do lots of neat things with it. You can get to higher place by placing a decoy then using switch teleport on it. You can turn a shield lancer around to make him face his back to you. You can draw enemies out of cover with it. It's a really neat toy.

  2. So you rushed the game without killing anyone?i do that somethimes



    On a serious note though I was actually on Banshee spamming sound quake so that's what gave me a WTF face.

  3. Don't forget; "I'm leaving"

    *Swooooon* I'm having so much trouble. I can't play this game anymore. Pitty me as I list things wrong about this game, and expect them to stay this way forever so instead of making suggestions on how to improve the game I will say it sucks you all are stupid for playing it.




    *Comes back every few minutes to read if some one is apologizing, and is offering free reactors/catalysts for compensation*

  4. or that you dealt 3% of the damage with 3x the number of kills your friend got :P

    On a serious note though I was actually on Banshee spamming sound quake so that's what gave me a WTF face.

  5. Another difference between Loki, and Ash invisibility is with Loki your senses get dulled. This might be a hardware dependent feature, but to me when I stealth with Loki my screen turns fuzzy and yellow and all the sound gets muffled. It's not really a huge handicap, but I see what they were trying to do there.

  6. I got to thinking, does a healer really have a place in Warframe? It's not a typical MMO. We have regenerating shields and red orbs, and the game is balanced around those for parties that may lack Trinity. More importantly, if healing does become important, you'd see the situation where she becomes mandatory for high level missions, and that's no good. I imagine warframes should be balanced around a gameplay niche first and an "element" second; I think that's why her skills are so fundamentally flawed.

    She's very useful in higher waves of endless defenses. Besides effortlessly chaining link in bosses faces I think those defenses is where she was meant to shine.
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