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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. Like I said in my op. Even if you have mutants, and clone soldiers and other sci-fi stuff, you must have an physics system (and this game want's to have it, for example the body shattering, the hull breaches, rangrolls). You must have a system like ff, or fall damage (here it may be up to discussion as we don't know entirely the lore about the warframes, they may have an system in their suits that removes the fall damage) and other things like that. Common sense things. They didn't say it is an arcade game where go like "physics? what is that?"...they said it is an fast paced action game. Action games have common sense physics(more or less) that don't depend on the lore and also an lore.


    Ar at least if they don't add ff, to make some good story of how they are able to create intelligent bullets/arrows/melee weapons that are able to detect friendly proxy and not do damage.


    And yes, it would make it harder in a good way because, as I stated in my op, it will force people to have some discipline, to think where they are aiming, to conserve their ammo, to be a team. To be a true space ninja.


    In this game atm there is only chaos. Total chaos. Everyone runs where they want. Everyone shoots all the walls. Everyone goes yolo style and die.


    This may be an only online game, but to think the ocean is dirty because of a few petrol spots...well...I rest my case.

    You do not need a system that reflects as much of reality as possible. Fall damage is easy to explain. They are ninjas. As for FF. There is none because it's a video game.


    It would not force discipline on anyone. It would force people getting frustrated, and leave for a game that has no FF.

  2. Advantages...well it make the game harder and nicer and more real..


    About the realism and gore system....well...you can do that irl if you want ...not in one strike though...but still...you can do it :)

    You should just stop right there. You are talking about a game about space ninjas that fight cloned soldiers, mass produced robots that may or may not turn on their masters and enslave the human race, and some kind of biological experiment gone wrong turning living things into zombie like things. Do NOT relate it to real life.

    And now think about the game. Yes FF would make the game harder, but is it making it harder in a good way? Is it fun to get shot in the back by your "team mate" while you were engaging an even greater threat? If you answer yes then you are playing the wrong game.


    Toggleable sound good too ..

    I can see it already. In the beginning of every online mission every one is shooting each team mate individually to see who has it on, and then if finding one telling them to get out because they don't want to deal with a liability.

  4. Before you ask YES I am playing the crit damage/chance game with my mods.

    There's your problem. Instead of using two mods (point strike, and vital sense) which if maxed would total 18 points you should use (if you are not already) split chamber which maxed costs only 15.


    For a Grakata max crit mods would boost it's crit chance to 22.5%, and the crit damage to about 400%? Which is an appealing number BUT with split chamber it's a 90% chance to do double damage. Not only double damage but proc any, and all elemental mods twice.

  5. I like this idea. To further expand, I think the Orokin Catalysts/Reactors should remain account bound if a person does salvage their warframes.

    I'm certain all catalysts, and reactors will be untradable considering every new account made starts with 50 platinum. You could figure out the loop hole there.

  6. Focus will increase the damage of shuriken (a really bad power no matter how much you buff it), and Blade storm (a power that already does 1000 damage so doesn't really need to do more).


    As for continuity that would increase the duration of smoke screen which is very useful.

  7. What's a tactic polarity?


    Edit: Oh you mean the bar polarity. Ash doesn't have those polarities. He has two V polarities.

  8. Inquisitioner, on 05 May 2013 - 01:19 AM, said:

    That's weird, when I go to colors I got a 1st and 2nd page. All old colors at first and smoke on second alone in my case. Got Easter or Valentines colors?

    Yeah I have all the old colors unlocked, but I scroll over to the second page, and the smoke colors are locked.
  9. She can fill all 3 roles. But not so much the DPS part as she lacks an AOE damage skill to clear a room which makes her rely on weapons, taking a bit longer and little more effort than pressing the 4 key. Also, there are downsides to her tanking such as a Disruptor Ancient hitting you while link is down. Or even being sniped by Grineer/Corpus with nothing in range of you to link to. Sure you can heal it, but at high enough levels will be instant death.

    Yep. Bad things can happen to all the other frames too.

  10. I find it funny how Trinity can fill all three roles of the "MMO trinity". She can support, tank, and DPS all at the same time. Granted ANY frame can DPS with any well modded weapon. It's still something I laugh about when I play Trinity.

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