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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. A combo I like to use when there's a big group of Grineer: Charge bow> Target enemy> As you release the arrow, teleport to that same enemy (basically you become the arrow!)> Smoke Screen + Spam melee (either charged or normal attacks).

    I gotta try this. Thanks for the idea.

  2. I think all invulnerability in the game should be removed. Or at least limited to a point where you can't chain it together repeatedly.

    So I find this 80% damage reduction for Iron Skin heading in the right direction. Though as a tank that is supposed to CC he can't do that very well when knocked on his &#!. So the imunity to knockdown, and stagger should come back.

    As for the toxic damage from toxic ancients that people who used to love Rhino really dislike all of a sudden. I think I have a solution that would help alleviate the sore bruise Rhino players got to their egos after the last patch. It would be neat to have nice health regen during Iron Skin's duration. Something similar to shields when you haven't taken damage for a while.

    What do you think?

  3. Lots of changes are on their way. It is beta. So don't expect anything to stay the way they are now. But for for rhino he is being reworked right now. He might get better he might get worse. Frost is pretty good for ranged tanking right now.

  4. I think there is a huge misunderstanding to when devs say they will do better in the future. I don't think they mean they are going to ring your doorbell, set up your gaming machine, fluff a pillow before putting it down on your chair, and then asking what you would like for breakfast when the alert YOU are looking for comes up. They just meant they will do a better job of telling people that new things are going to be in the alerts.

  5. It's a valid point but the answer to an issue in the game should not be to stop playing the game. The goal is player retention and the worst way to achieve it is to drive players away. Problem is, many who "take a break and then come back later" do the first part but not the second. They take a break and go play something else that draws their attention, get hooked, and never come back. Not always, but sometimes.


    I do agree with the main point which is that when you're trying really hard for something to drop, it seems to never happen. When you pray to RNGsus and he doesn't seem to answer, go focus on something else like leveling a new weapon or frame or filling in your mod inventory or do a random alert or whatever. Sooner or later you'll get want you need but trying too hard to force it almost never seems to work.

    I'd rather they play a game they enjoy more than play a game they are getting frustrated over, and then giving a bad impression of the game to other people who might be looking into it.

  6. I highly doubt it.

    Think about this, if someone went up and told you that there's an ability that grants you COMPLETE AND TOTAL invulnerability to everything for 15 seconds and ONLY cost 50 power, would you think it's a balanced ability? I was not surprised by the move on DE's part on the subject.

    I too was not surprised. What did surprise me is they let Trinity slide.
  7. It's fine. I remember when I could take a coffee break every time I used sound quake. Now it's not a one button wonder. Just have to find the right spot to use it before using it. It goes through walls, and it has the farthest range of all AOEs. So use that to your advantage.

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