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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. Really boyo? That's your focus from all what has been said? So narrow minded that can't see the point? Want to replace that for the Pay2Win paradigm? Where we can enter an endless and pointless exchange, about how a PvE can't be Pay2Win but still works as if and limits the F2P playerbase?


    Let's try to keep the focus on the constructive ideas shall we? I'd rather not engage in pointless discussions derailing the thread. If anything, go watch that link they posted about Extra Credits.

    You try to keep focus. You are the one bringing up free to play.
  2. You are missing the point. If DE is gonna choose Pay2Play, then make it official and do it right..... don't mask "F2P" with lies and spins. I am completely sure than a lot of players would pay a subscription for this game.


    Are you playing the game? Are you paying for it? Then it's free to play. Nothing else is required to fall under this category.

  3. What do you expect when people keep saying this game is too easy, and "threaten" to leave if no challenge is added. The devs are just making changes, and seeing how it flows. More changes are to come to hopefully make everyone happy.

  4. For the prices. Yes. Spot on. I'm with you.


    For the alerts. I don't know what the problem is. It's RNG. It's no different that forming a 40 man raid party to do a 5 hour raid to slay the last boss to find out that the boss did NOT drop the one item you are looking for. The only difference now is that your misses are in your face. You are now aware of your missed opportunities so it's more painful.

  5. You'll have 60 points if you super charge the frame/weapon. But as for what to do after? Well if you think a game lasts only as long as you are not max level then there's not much you can do sadly. You could make a new frame perhaps.

  6. Would you complain this much if a rogue in your party kept rolling natural 20's, and you rolled mostly 5's or below? It may seem there is some conspiracy that EU is going to dominate the US in Orokin potatoes, but some times people on the other side of the world are just luckier than you.


    Also think about the people in EU who stay up all night waiting for good alerts, and then give up the wait to sleep all day but then miss three catalysts. They are just in as much pain as you... Which is none at all... Because it's just a game.

  7. Sadly it's working as intended. The percent you get from mods is a multiplier of the base crit chance. For example a weapon with 10% chance to crit gets a mod that increases it by 100% is then 20% chance to crit.

  8. Help with what? I can compare the two guns I guess.


    Latron is nice for people who really enjoy head shots. Very accurate, low recoil, decent magazine capacity.


    Snipetron is for over kill. You can easily do thousands of damage with one shot with the right mods. Makes most boss fights trivial if you ask me.

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