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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. Once you buff the Mk1 people are going to feel that their Bratons are not strong enough, and ask for those to be buffed. Then people who love Gorgon, or Supra are going to get scared because the Braton is creeping up on their favorite weapon's efficiency, and then ask for their weapons to be buffed. And then the people who love Mk1 will feel like the are doing poorly in games compared to the people who love the Braton, Gorgon, and Supra so they change to the Ogris to show hose elitists who's king of the score boards. And then people will ask for a nerf to the ciphers.

  2. Same way as game is not revolving around you either. And most people find it ridiculous to get XP for item that is already 30 without  a chance to apply it to other at least.

    Hey! That's great because I don't think the game revolves around me. I play with the system. Not against it.

  3. No, you are just unmotivated to do so, and I can assure you as I've been in your shoes even when you get all mods you wan't you still be unmotivated. So, let's not bring personal lack of motivation to do so as argument.

    Funny coming from a guy who is unmotivated to try new things.

  4. As to your latter point, are there damage skills that don't drastically lose effectiveness by wave 40? (seriously, this is a question, not an argument.) 

    I've found, at least in all the frames I play, and I believe I have 7 or 8, that only Nyx truly stays completely effective in higher defense waves as Chaos and Mind Control are just as, if not more, effective on higher level enemies as it is on lower level enemies.

    Loki's abilities never reduce in effectiveness due to enemy level. Also Radial Javelin ignores armor so it will always do at least 1000 damage.

  5. Ember.

    All you need is overheat, and world on fire.

    With a max focus mod overheat will reduce all damage dealt to you by 91 percent. Even damage dealt to you shields. Focus will all also as expected increase the damage of world on fire. Power duration, and some energy management mods would also be advised. Also Redirection would be a good mod to use.

  6. thats what i have been saying. each time a forma is used it halves the mastery points earned per rank of the new repolaritized frame or weapon.


    i dont want people to have a loop hole to rank up. i am just saying make useing a forma abit more rewarding till after the 4th forma.


    5th forma and on you get 0 mastery points.

    An extra polarity is reward enough. If you don't think so I'm sorry to hear that.

  7. So perhaps a 10 damage buff is too much, but the Braton is still sorely lacking in damage when compared to the Braton and the Latron.


    Perhaps a 5 damage buff with the crit buffs I suggested. The thing with controlling recoil is that at longer ranges it becomes a huge problem when trying to land your bullets, which makes the Latron shine.


    You didn't mention how the Braton can go full-auto, which is a huge benefit for it. The fact that the Braton is less accurate makes absolute sense, but as it is the Burston simply can't keep up with it because of the pause between bursts and the sad 1 damage per bullet over the Braton.

    Basically what I'm saying is the Burston is a middle ground between the Braton, and the Latron. Braton, and Latron are two completely different weapons, and the Burston combines them quite well. There is no need to make the Burston on par with either the Latron, or Braton as it has it's own mechanics and play style.

  8. Adding a reactor, or a catalyst is basically doubling the level of the weapon, or frame. But like others said previously you need to fill those slots with mods, and rank them up to make those levels count.

    Also taking on mobs higher level than you is a thrill to some people (Myself included).

  9. Rather than ignore armor, what if the Burston simply had a much higher base damage than the Braton? 10 more would do it I think, putting it between the Braton and the Latron at 30 damage per shot. This would match the in-game description of the Burston being a nice middle ground between the other rifles, and we all know how much of a difference 10-11 damage can make by looking at the Supra and Gorgon.

    Problem with that is the Burston already does more damage than the Latron, and even Latron Prime per pull of the trigger. It's also more accurate than the Braton when you control the recoil. So I see no problem with the weapon as is.

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