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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. You fail to grasp what we're telling. We aren't asking to get everything for free instatntly, we do ask for provided rewards to be consistent with each other. Currently, some rewards are way better than other, while chances of getting them are nominally equal.

    No I fully understand what you are talking about. You don't want to get XP for an item that is already 30. My statement still stands that the log-in rewards do not revolve around you.

  2. But this is a free to play game, no?

    Why provide feedback and bug reports then? Shouldn't you be happy  with 0.1 version?

    I'm saying the daily log-in rewards is not a reliable source for things you want. It was never intended to be. If you want something work for it. That includes reactors, and catalysts. If you don't have the money to buy them then find a way to get the money. Log-in rewards are essentially a lottery. You win some, you lose some.

  3. To me that's about right. Yes those ice levels are annoying but at the rate at which I get thrown into one of those isn't enough to prepare for it. If I was forced to play those levels more frequently even then I'd rather use other mods to help me survive.

  4. Despair is far from useless against infested. With damage, multishot and elemental mods it one shots light infested up to level 40. How is that useless? It does less damage to them, true, but it still does quite a lot of it. I think this is a nice trade of for the insane damage it does to armored opponents such as Ancients and Grineer, which are by far the bigger threat than some squishy chargers or leapers. I have yet to see someone with kunai out damage my despair in high level defense missions even against infested.

    When playing the number games like despair vs kunai, kunai are far superior the higher the level of enemies you are fighting. Despair does armor piercing damage which is considered an elemental damage when applying to enemy resistances. At a point the enemies will have enough resistance to only take 1 damage from any type of damage even those they are known to be weak against. The kunai ignore all resistances. It is not labeled as any type of damage so it is not supbject to any type of resistances.

    So either the people you are fighting with are using despair too, or poorly modded kunai.

  5. Those thrown sidearms are a funny subject.

    The kunai is better for late game since it ignores all armor. When fighting things above level 50 their damage resistance is very annoying so you will be glad to have something that bypasses that.

    The despair is better for early game with it's higher base damage.

  6. Radial disarm is not meant for you to get into melee range easier. It's meant to debuff your foes so your team wont be pinned down by heavy weapons. So cloaking, and then running into a group to radial disarm is perfectly fine. You are looking at it from a solo perspective. Sure if you are cloaked you can just slice everything, but that isn't helping your team mates as much as removing all their weapons.

  7. Fair Point. I actually really don't want to argue that point because I see the value (in those terms) in keeping that intact.

    Touché with the "e-peen"

    You have spoken to my inner gamer, that said-never question my sandwich making skills again...lmao.

    I'm sure your sandwiches are delicious. Was good talkin' with ya.

  8. Aero-929, and I am saying mastery rank has it's purposes. It's one purpose. Your suggestion will water down what it stands for now.

    There are people (myself included) who see mastery rank as this one message "I have done many different things". This is our badge (or some may call "e-peen"). A change like this will only make it weaker (and my e-peen smaller).

  9. Interesting shift of thought. No, I'm not looking to "Catch up." Yes other would be able to achieve the same bench makes with this matter of thinking, however, the application is just to gain some value out of re-leveling weapons with Forma. There is no desperation, just need for direction, when I am faced with leveling a new weapon or re-leveling a Forma weapon, I pick the new weapon so as to 1) get a feel for the weapons so I can discuss them 2) being a long time gamer gives me a need to be a completionist, so I am forced in my nature to put things I would prefer to do on the back burner.

    Does that make sense?

    1) Is the point to mastery rank.

    2) Well being a completionist you would know what it takes to complete something. Giving extra mastery rank for re-leveling the same gear would push that goal back farther.

    So you are saying an extra polarity slot is not gaining value? Do you think people just polarize just for the grinding levels?

  10. /vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

    And the purpose of you advancing in mastery rank would be what? To be on par with the people who rank up using many weapons? Well you wouldn't be because if it was possible to gain mastery rank from re-leveling polarized weapons the people who have leveled all the weapons, and frames to 30 will now proceed to re-level all their gear several times over, and their mastery rank will increase exponentially (Thanks Lotus). I'm willing to bet when you see that happen you are going to ask for another way to gain mastery rank that YOU want to do so you can avoid doing things you don't want to do. What is it about mastery rank that you need so desperately?

  11. I'm reading these, and thinking people just pass the word "Useless" off as "Not good".

    Mag is not useless in terms of getting the job done. Same goes to a rock is not useless when hammering a nail into a board.

    She is outperformed by many other, but not useless.

  12. ...even so, you can only get so far even with adding forma to weapons, before you have to move on anyway. Granted I am only Mastery 8, but playing through all of the weapons, there are just some that make it painful to level. I just think it would be nice to get a little more out of the weapons People like. It would help endure leveling things that are less FUN to play with. By decreasing the amount of mastery you get out of leveling them, it is still better to play with new weapons, and you still get a small incentive to continue playing with the weapons you like.

    I just think with a decreased value you could put a lot more value on the things you enjoy playing with to curb the 'unpleasantries' of leveling those that are less so.

    Well then let me ask you this. If you are happy with the weapons you are currently using what use do you have for mastery rank that you will get more enjoyment out of the game from.

  13. Well played.

    But If I made one turkey sandwich, it might be okay, but as I continue to make turkey sandwiches I get better, they taste better. I start to understand the amount and value of adding condiment's lettuce and tomatoes. A Forma is like adding ingredients to make the end product better. Making my sandwich better and adding to the craftsmanship of my sandwich.

    Yes you can get really good at making turkey sandwiches, but you aren't going to be renowned as a master chef if all you ever make is really good turkey sandwiches. At most you will be a guy that makes really good turkey sandwiches.

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