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Posts posted by PETI258

  1. Yeah they definitely did but releasing new relics which contains only those can solve it.
    The bigger problem will be that not all can make it on a 3x common, 2x uncommon and 1x rare relic (or they might have to bring a lot of extra ones like the Vauban relics) and for easier drop placement they will make the rare to an uncommon.

  2. Since Volt has been vaulted I were thinking what will happen if Volt will be Unsealed again.

    So the current relics that drops Volt are:
    Lith V1
    Meso V2, V3
    Neo V1
    Axi N3, V1

    These relics will also drops parts for:
    Ash, Valkyr, Nyx, Nova, Nekros and Vauban

    And I am definitely sure that not 7 of them should return at the same time.
    Sure it can be easily done buy giving us new relics which will only have the unsealed drops but it will most likely result a Ducat change again and for somebody who farmed hard and did a lot of radiant relics to get a hold of certain rare frame parts to sell in the future those may end up being an uncommon drop in the new relic. So it will become less valuable (or vice versa if you are lucky and collected a bunch of uncommon which will become rare but I will doubt that will happen).

    And since those old relics may never drop again but will stay in inventory can result 100+ different relics and I am not sure but choosing the right relic in a long list on an endless mission is not the best option.


    So my suggestions to old and may never returning relics problem:
    -Baro could bring them back (one by one each 2 weeks for)

    For ducat price changes in the future:
    -Introduce the 4x common (24% drop each), 2x rare relics (2% drop each)
    -Introduce the 2x common (26% drop each), 4x uncommon (12% drop each)
    -Newer prime drops should already be common/uncommon or uncommon/rare when they are added to the game.

    And for the hundreds of saved relics:
    -A special player Relic Vault. Everything that has been put in will not show up during mission. Like putting all the relics except one will result only one selectable relic during the endless mission.

  3. Ok it has been 2 weeks since I wrote that support ticket and still no answer but I did get an answer for a mission end reward in 4 days what?

    This issue makes 30 players (yes that's 2 new members) unable to get any research or trade easily with a new player who doesn't have a clan.


  4. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)auwsomestgamer said:

    You have to do relic missions now, which are a lot more slow and boring. Also, warframe.market is a very unreliable way to sell your stuff. 

    Yeah relic missions my bad.
    Slow khm 2-4 min if you get a group that stay in one room kills the spawned enemies and gets out fast. Or the exterminate just go with ember and walk slowly start to finish that shouldn't take more then 3 mins.

    I have sold probably 1000+ items on that page (and using all my trades almost daily) the only thing you have to do before you log into game just log in there and the buyers will find you ingame and easy plat.

  5. It's so much easy to earn plat just do like 5-10 cap/ext void missions in public and you will most likely to get a rare part.
    You can sell those 40p+ like easy on warframe.market.

    Second you just have play the game to get stuff and almost everything can be sold.

    Edit: And buying something cheap selling it more its allowed just be aware of the credit costs (you have to play the game).

  6. For science :)
    (I turned on Nvidia Physics)

    Also before I updated my Nvidia driver I did get a Windows warning after then I turned off the Nvidia Physics and it worked fine.
    (Glen if you have a chance can you revert my dojo decoration builds since then we can not use our dojo like 400+ decorations)


  7. Since we got that ship decoration it has been "nerfed" twice.

    1. It had sound.
    2. It had lightning effect.

    I am not sure but in 2 month the whole decoration will be gone like Argon?

  8. I am guessing its a lower Barrack (Shadow/Storm) that you are trying to destroy.
    Unless you are trying to get rid of the highest one first this warning will pop up.

    Edit: Or its an Oracle room and you have at least one Lab in the dojo.
    You can build it somewhere else then destroy it that way this warning will not show up because you had 2 when 1 was queued for destruction.

  9. I have  feeling that I have opened the ticket on the wrong tab on support but I couldn't find the right one and it would be urgent because i would like to trade.

    So as the title says I start entering my dojo and like 10 sec later the window freezes and like 20 sec after I get the crash. I tried it 4 times already and yesterday it just worked fine.


  10. This auction will be closed on this Sunday (5th of March so one day left) around 6pm CET and I will contact the highest bidders about the trade.
    The platinum prices shows the minimum amount that I will sell them anybody who wants the mod right away the price is 10 times that amount.
    Put your offers below or send me a pm (note that I will post the thread each day with the newest bids).

    The Rivens:





    Akbronco: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)
    Akzani: 50p current offer 55p (RoninJed)
    Ballistica: 20p
    Buzlok: 40p current offer 50p (Primed_Noob)
    Detron (ampitak): 10p

    Detron (vexi): 10p current offer 15p (RoninJed)
    Furis: 20p
    Gammacor: 20p current offer 20p (No longer have it)
    Gorgon: 40p current offer 55p (Vademar306)
    Kunai: 15p

    Nukor (geli): 50p current offer 70p (Akerx)
    Nukor (argi): 10p
    Paracyst: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)
    Pox: 40p current offer 50p (Primed_Noob)
    Stradavar: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)

    Twin Grakatas: 40p current offer 100p (Ryukogu)
    Zhuge: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)

    Note that the Endo=(Mr locked-8)*100+Rerolls*200+5760 (if the mod is maxed)

    Also if you have an Akbronco or Kunai riven for trade I might trade a mod with you.

  11. 10 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Does the 'What does the Top 10% of Clans per tier getting the research mean?"
    It means that per tier, the top 10% of scores for clans get the research. If there are 1000 participating Moon Clans, the top 100 scoring Moon Clans will receive the Ignis Wraith Research for their clans.

    Can we get like a daily update on the last clans position that will get it because I can check my own clan but have no idea where we are for that actual reward.
    Or add it under this: http://content.warframe.com/dynamic/pacifismDefect.php as an SQL query.


    Edit: Thank you DE. :)

  12. 16 minutes ago, RoninJed said:

    Hmm I would go 55p on the Akzani riven and 15p for the Detron.

    I updated the akzani.

    Which detron because there is 2 :)

  13. This auction will be closed on this Sunday (5th of March) around 6pm CET and I will contact the highest bidders about the trade.
    The platinum prices shows the minimum amount that I will sell them anybody who wants the mod right away the price is 10 times that amount.
    Put your offers below or send me a pm (note that I will post the thread each day with the newest bids).

    The Rivens:





    Akbronco: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)
    Akzani: 50p current offer 55p (RoninJed)
    Ballistica: 20p
    Buzlok: 40p current offer 50p (Primed_Noob)
    Detron (ampitak): 10p

    Detron (vexi): 10p current offer 15p (RoninJed)
    Furis: 20p
    Gammacor: 20p current offer 20p (Vademar306)
    Gorgon: 40p current offer 50p (Primed_Noob)
    Kunai: 15p

    Nukor (geli): 50p current offer 70p (Akerx)
    Nukor (argi): 10p
    Paracyst: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)
    Pox: 40p current offer 50p (Primed_Noob)
    Stradavar: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)

    Twin Grakatas: 40p current offer 100p (Ryukogu)
    Zhuge: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)

    Note that the Endo=(Mr locked-8)*100+Rerolls*200+5760 (if the mod is maxed)

    Also if you have an Akbronco or Kunai riven for trade I might trade a mod with you

  14. 10 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    HARDCORE TIER: THE IGNIS WRAITH weapon research in your Clan Dojo at the end of the Operation:
    Ghost Clans must earn a score that puts them at the top 10% of scores within Ghost Clans.
    Shadow Clans must earn a score that puts them at the top 10% of scores within Shadow Clans.
    Storm Clans must earn a score that puts them at the top 10% of scores within Storm Clans.
    Mountain Clans must earn a score that puts them at the top 10% of scores within Mountain Clans.
    Moon Clans must earn a score that puts them at the top 10% of scores within Moon Clans.

    First of all it would be nice to know where is the exact line for the 10% not just know the first 10.
    Second the clans that exists but none of their members take part of this tactical alert or reach minimum points at tier 3 still be on the list as 0 points reached clans or not?

  15. This auction will be closed on this Sunday (5th of March) around 6pm CET and I will contact the highest bidders about the trade.
    The platinum prices shows the minimum amount that I will sell them anybody who wants the mod right away the price is 10 times that amount.
    Put your offers below or send me a pm (note that I will post the thread each day with the newest bids).

    The Rivens:





    Akbronco: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)
    Akzani: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)
    Ballistica: 20p
    Buzlok: 40p current offer 50p (Primed_Noob)
    Detron (ampitak): 10p

    Detron (vexi): 10p
    Furis: 20p
    Gammacor: 20p current offer 20p (Vademar306)
    Gorgon: 40p current offer 50p (Primed_Noob)
    Kunai: 15p

    Nukor (geli): 50p current offer 60p (TheMostPowerfulGoat)
    Nukor (argi): 10p
    Paracyst: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)
    Pox: 40p current offer 50p (Primed_Noob)
    Stradavar: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)

    Twin Grakatas: 40p current offer 61p (Vademar306)
    Zhuge: 50p current offer 50p (asis_)

    Note that the Endo=(Mr locked-8)*100+Rerolls*200+5760 (if the mod is maxed)

    Also if you have an Akbronco or Kunai riven for trade I might trade a mod with you.

  16. This auction will be closed on this Sunday (5th of March) around 6pm CET and I will contact the highest bidders about the trade.
    The platinum prices shows the minimum amount that I will sell them anybody who wants the mod right away the price is 10 times that amount.
    Put your offers below or send me a pm (note that I will post the thread each day with the newest bids).

    The Rivens:





    Akbronco: 50p
    Akzani: 50p
    Ballistica: 20p
    Buzlok: 40p
    Detron (ampitak): 10p

    Detron (vexi): 10p
    Furis: 20p
    Gammacor: 20p
    Gorgon: 40p
    Kunai: 15p

    Nukor (geli): 50p
    Nukor (argi): 10p
    Paracyst: 50p
    Pox: 40p
    Stradavar: 50p

    Twin Grakatas: 40p
    Zhuge: 50p

    Note that the Endo=(Mr locked-8)*100+Rerolls*200+5760 (if the mod is maxed)

    Also if you have an Akbronco or Kunai riven for trade I might trade a mod with you.

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