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Posts posted by PETI258

  1. So my point with this to make the PoE better to play for all new and veteran players.

    The grind would be better/enjoyable with these changes:
    1. Lotus should stop throwing missions 50m from you if you have the fishing spear equipped because the grineer AI will magically know where you are and start running towards you (they may get alerted too not sure why if you have spend the last 3 mins on the shore fishing).
    2. Mining should be more rewarding if you are cutting on the symbol also gems should give standing. A 4/5 cut will reward you only 1 rare is not acceptable while the 0/5 still gives you 1. 
    3. Don't lose from the cutting progression if you check out the symbol again or an enemy knocks you over and you want to kill it first.
    4. Make the drops consistent. If you go in solo you get 1 Iradite/Iradite Formation while you go in with a friend or on public you get 3 or 5. Not sure about Cetus wisps but I felt like there are more spawning if you have some extra players next to you.
    5. The Eidolon shard is a resource which is only used for creating some Arcanes. So it's either the required 3 shard/Arcane should be lower or every material which is in the game should be doubled by the resource booster. (note that cores are not resources which needed for anything in the foundry)
    6. Make it that like every 15 mins the Cetus wisps and resources regenerate in areas where all the players are 200m away.

    These would help the veterans:
    1. Partially get rid of the day/night cycle. Make a very hard quest like capturing a lvl 100+ eidolon solo during a night to unlock the day and night choose able options if you plan to enter the plain directly from your ship. If you enter from Cetus you will get the current day/night.
    2. More sentient is coming I know but there is no point why we have to leave the plain and reenter again to kill an other Eidolon. As soon as it is killed it should spawn an other.
    3. During higher bounty missions players should have more chance to get more/greater chance of rare items (not speaking of the bounty rewards) just the collectables that spawns on the plain.
    4. We could also get 1-3 higher missions added to the list which could be MR12 locked so players not geared enough can't enter and slack around.
    5. The random nature of the missions doesn't always the best. While in star chart you could choose from mission type to fractions in plain you are limited do do what kind of mission rng gives you. I personally appreciate it if I could select each stages mission from a random generated 3 that way we have more options to do missions we like and less of those boring ones.

    Quality and life changes:
    1. Get rid of the mine doors (or maybe make a new one which is always open so we don't run into host/client related issues like "you shall not pass" or generic "We are closed").
    2. Exterminate missions shouldn't stop spawning enemies while the timer is running (in ghoul mission there was an issue that you needed 24 kills but 20 spawned)
    3. A mission should never ever fail because you are far from it (it should fail if the timer runs out or objective gets destroyed).
    4. The area control mission should mark the enemies inside the area so players could kill those that spawn inside the caves (or don't spawn enemies there).
    5. The fishing spear going above if you aim at a close fish and going down if the fish is far that should be fixed.


    Feel free to discuss it in the comments or add new ones of your own down below.
    Thanks for reading.

  2. I rather do 3 spy then do one Intercetion with 3 rounds it is so boring:

    Capture all towers cast nova 4. kill the enemy that is hacking then repeat for the rest of the mission casting 1 ability and killing a couple of enemies.

    But as long as they aren't adding sharkwing and achwing to the mix I am fine with the current system although it could have some other reworks like reward or extra mission like up to 30 stages and if you do all 30 that day you get a LC .

  3. 10 hours ago, Vs-Anna- said:

    oh okay, hope so... *crossfingered*

    Maybe Shy will get a universal code too as lot of the other content creators have already.
    Mine first glyph was Mogamu's, I was just browsing youtube as he uploaded the first video that contained glyphs in the descrition. I was so lucky back then to grab one and now he has a universal so it isn't that special to have one.

    So I hope they either change it so everybody will get a universal code or it will be buyable ingame for 10-50p (and the partner could get some plat after the purchased amount).

  4. Got a riven close to what I needed but still interested to buy Guandao riven it has to be a V polarity but I can only give 150p for it.


    Looking for a fresh one or a better then my current (dmg+crit dmg).
    Stats I am looking for:
    - Range is a must
    - Crit stats (any of the 3), Dmg (can be elemental too) or Combo duration
    Negative can be anything which is not mentioned above and not Slash or grineer dmg.

    Leave your offers down below or send me a pm.

  5. First of all my biggest issue with this is that you can create mandatory mods and everybody is going to use those instead the regulars so it doesn't solve the problem you are aiming for.

    Second of all the slots are fine how they are right now but if they were to add new slots I would suggest them to add something like exilus slots (maybe 2 each) to the weapons and you will be limited to equip only utility mods. I'd also change the Forma system that you can't remove a polarity but you can add extra to it like 1 slot can have a D and V at the same time and it would mean that it will half the mod if it's a D or a V. If you were to put 4 Forma in a same slot you would gain a * that would 1/4 the taken capacity of the mod no matter what kind of polarity it is having. (we do already have some capacity issues that 8 Forma is not enough on the weapon)

    Not a bad idea but don't think it would change anything. I would not see more Auras with like Sprint speed+Enemy radar rather I would see the most op one the Energy Siphon+Corrosie so it should be done in a different way. (But I would love to get new mods and maybe take out some old ones forever or introduce some never returning ones that will drop for like 1-3 month)

  6. That mod might be unique but not a top1 god that worth the 60k price tag so I am sorry to disappoint you.

    Take my riven:


    That was 2.5k and lets compare it with your builds:


    Point strike: Mine has +100k raw dmg with a slightly higher crit chance and multi although you can shoot 40 more arrows then I do in a min but considering it's only has 6 ammo total and you need to pick up ammo to actually use so it's kind of not noticeable at all.

    Split chamber: You still have that fire rate speed and got almost the 3x chance multiplier all of the time while I only have 25% but I can fire almost an extra arrow each time.

    And last but not least the Primed Chamber can not be farmed while Lenz rivens will drop daily.

  7. I am not counting them but recently I have been getting only those boosters from sortie and as log in rewards.
    The only time I got something good it was a  week ago a 3 day affinity booster but the rest was that useless Drop chance booster..

    If I go play on PoE Solo I get 2 Iradite form Iradite Fromation if I do that in a public squad I get 6 or 10 (note I have a booster active) not sure but that  Drop chance booster probably not increasing the number of fishes or the rare mines that spawn so technically if you are not killing on the PoE that is just a waste of money if you buy it.

    Can we get like a system that gives this booster a meaning on the plain or a trade option I would rather have 1 day (or 1 hour) of any other booster then this 3 day (or 3 hour) I am getting like non stop.

  8. We all know that some of the mods are very useful like Heavy Caliber, Narrow Minded, Overextedned but most of them is just garbage.

    For example: Magnum Force takes 14 mod capacity gives +66% (and minus some accuracy) but take the newly added Augur Pact mod it gives +90 damage and only takes 7 capacity with some extra fancy overshield capability.
    Or consider the secondary critical chance mod we already have the primed version of it but the Vault mode Creeping Bullseye only gives 1/4 of it with a negative fire rate.


    So I think those mods needs a little bit of love.

  9. That 3 day boosters looks very short at least give the new players 1 week but 2 would be much better.
    Please do not give them the modpack thats horrible.
    Give them less plat or not at all and more slots, forma.
    And the cosmetic is fine.

  10. IPS changes hope you will put that idea of yours into the garbage and will try it again in 2018.

    Kora not really related to IPS so not sure why can't we get her.
    Also the *lysts should have been released this year or at least one of them killing of Teralysts 6-7 times a night starts to get boring.

    Also I hope you are thinking about giving us more options to get Kuva then the current siphons because those 100kuva/missiion reward on the plain is a bismo considering a siphon can be finished in 2 mins while a MD on the field takes 3 mins  and you do get 6 times more doing the siphons.

  11. I am looking to buy a not overpriced Lenz riven.

    I have 1k plat for it so hit me up with your rivens that you are willing to sell for that price.

    Also If you do sell unrolled one I might buy that too.

  12. Guys you are not helping I know that there is an ingame button in the market but can't take my home pc everywhere like a mobile phone and not every content creator is doing giveaways (I get a specific code) some of them just drop the codes in twitch chat in a time frame when I am at work...

    Also my 6 year old laptop takes 5 mins to load in so the game is not really optimized even if I don't intend to play.

    So either they should remove tha page or make it so players can actually use it.

  13. If I am on a potato PC I can't use the game but 99% of the time when I try to use the webpage for redeeming a code I get this:

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