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Posts posted by (PSN)NewYorkGameflow

  1. Despite some debate, there's a big correlation between Dark Sectors and Warframe.

    In Dark Sectors Hayden Tenno got infected with the t-cyte virus and developed various abilities.

    His armor towards the end of the game is the Excalibur Proto Armor.

    Excalibur was the first warframe.

    Dark Sectors takes place way before Warframe.

    In their final attempt to defeat the Sentients, The Orokin sent their kin in to the void, and the ones that came back were fitted in warframe suits.

    The Orokin void has a Neural Sentry device that is used for mind control. In the case of the Corrupted, it is said that they had mind control devices implanted in them that the Neural Sentry was able to tap in to and make them guard those areas. Perhaps the Tenno had these devices implanted in them as well in order to be controlled to fight the Sentients.

    What I dont quite understand is where exactly the abilities came from.

    Hayden Tenno didnt enter the void, or a frame, and had developed abilities due to his infection from the t-cyte virus.

    In Warframe lore it is suggested that the void has something to do with the development of these abilities.

  2. Id like to see extractors get a buff as well. It doesn't make any sense that my extractor pulls less resources in 8 hours than I can get off an exterminate mission in 5 minutes. With the exception that once every couple weeks I might get around 8 orokin cells.

    I dont remember my extractor ever pulling neural sensors. Maybe... once in a blue. I have the distilling prime.

    I read that the void trader will bring a Prisma Extractor... I hope I can choose what type of resources it goes after.

  3. Not too long ago I submitted a very heart breaking ticker for the request of the proto armor. DE Support regretfully replied that it was a time sensitive promotion, which by definition makes it exclusive, and that they are unable to give these items out to people who could not participate in the event.

    Now.. I didn't just ask for the proto armor, I asked for its return. That part they did not address. So perhaps we will see the proto armor again.

  4. I can see how slowing down on Warframes will keep their abilities that much more unique as opposed to having to introduce a new frame so often... but still, keep em coming. (edit: its really not that often.)

    As for Universe building... I like it. Particularly, the Earth Cities sounds great. Having archwing missions on top of cities, flying between buildings or running through streets on earth sounds cool. It would be a nice environment change.

  5. Paying to have superior items early in the game doesn't make it pay to win when these items are accessible by everyone else as well.

    IMO pay to win means I can buy a weapon thats superior to everyone elses, that can only be obtained via purchase.

    I helped my buddy farm for the soma prime, and it took about a week. A week is not bad for one of the best weapons in the game. He was also able to sell some of the prime parts he got during the farm, and made some plat and ducats on top of it.

    I dont see any pay to win here, just people who want things fast. All you gotta do is play.

    This is of course my opinion... thats all.

    edit: People who want things fast, And, people who choose to support the developers.

  6. Im not sure why some people think that Warframe is pay to win.. must be people that hardly played the game.

    With the exception of a few Cosmetic items, you can obtain everything the game has to offer just by playing it.

    I put this game toe to toe with any shooter game out there. Weapons, Characters, Abilities, Parkour Gameplay, Clans, Alliances, Custom Emblems, Dojos, Social Areas, Unique Customizations on practically everything, Companion Support, Space Shooter, Solo, CoOp...

    100 free platinum downloadable starter pack.

    PvP is getting a nice makeover with added modes such as CTF. Mechanics are getting a polish.

    Soon to have 8 person Raid missions.

    Only thing most people are not aware of is that Warframe actually has an awesome story behind it. I just dont get why it seems to be concealed.

    Just tell your friend that rainbows will shoot out of his tv with unicorns break dancing on top of em. This game rocks.

    edit: AND ITS FREE!

  7. Im trying to find some clarification on this.. The closest i found is posts stating that score is for the leaderboards, but i cant find any post specifying that defending the relays depends on how many times you complete the event.


    im down close to a million nano spores and 10s of thousands in cryotic... if defending the relays depends on how many times the event is completed.... too much farm n grind.

  8. Everyone knows what to do since it is based on completions. Damage only matters for the credit bonus and bragging rights.

    Damage matters for saving the relays as well.


    edit: Unless saving the relays depends on how many times the mission was completed and has nothing to do with damage.... which would be weird.

  9. I dont really care who does better. If it was possible id rather see every relay saved across all platforms. Its about having fun.


    The majority of people trying to save relays dont know how to go about attacking the core. They use up all their resources and end up doing minimum damage. Then they have to go farming so they can get back and do more minimum damage.


    If everyone spent a bit of time in the Balor core checking things out, adding formas and ranking different Archwings and weapons up, they would know what to do... and saving the relays would seem like a walk in the park. But this can also be considered a luxury of time and resources that not everyone has.

  10. I always thought that Excal has been overlooked. I use his Dash and jump as mobility tools. His Dash will be blocked by higher lvl enemies leaving you standing in front of them. His jump has to be spammed in order to work when youre swarmed by enemies. The Jumps stun has a sad range. His Jav is not powerful enough to be considered useful over its long animation. His Radial Blind is definitely his most dominant ability, even after its recent adjustment. RB is what I focus on, primarily, when I set Excal up for action.

    The majority of people using Excal have been using him from day 1, becoming very experienced with him. I believe that new players look at other frames as favorites over Excal because there are a lot of frames that make an easier gameplay, where Excal requires a bit of experience.

    The above is just an opinion, and I dont claim to be an expert with Excal, so I could be wrong.

  11. As for cataclysm and drops I think that is unintentional. As for not being able to carry datamasses, that is an intended feature.

    I was referring to the initial posts trolling section, where cataclysm is viewed as a trolling plus. You subject yourself to the same situation.

    I understand that not being able to carry certain items while rift walking is intentional, i just dont agree with it because it limits Limbos use in such missions. 

    If his weapons can join him in the rift, so should carry items such as datamasses and power cells.


    Cast banish, with max duration, on the last enemy on a defense mission and go make yourself a sandwich, while the poor Loki peasants cry in your squad chat.



    That would be funny for some, but definitely an effective way to troll others.

  12. I like Limbo (a lot), but solo play just does not suit him. When he is with a group, he is amazing, but it is just so much of a hassle to use him for solo when Loki just does it better for me.

    thats how i feel about em... and about loki

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