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Posts posted by Jokubas

  1. I don't know if I'd say sprinting is too slow, but I do feel like the game is overly picky about it.


    1) Do we really need sprint to drain stamina? Seriously. This is one of those things that you only even ever notice because it gets awkward, not because it appears to serve any gameplay purpose. In fact, I'm not really sure what the point of stamina is in this game at all. Blocking? Stamina should just be renamed "Guard" and be a bar only affected by blocking. I cannot think of any other place in the game where stamina accomplishes anything other than just being a rare nuisance. There's no balance or tactics to it.


    2) Why do different Warframes have different speeds? For the most part, you want to stay together in this game, at least when talking about a challenging mission. When talking about older missions everyone just speeds through, it's mostly irrelevant either way. But in a normal case, what does a faster or slower sprint speed actually accomplish? In a battle that's challenging enough for your stats to matter, the whole group is going to be there. In which case, we're probably talking about a single room, which is rarely that large in this game. In such a situation, does it really matter how fast you are? It's not like a fast sprint speed in this game allows you to outrun bullets and zip between cover unharmed. Bad guys in this game tend to be crack shots, and there really isn't a cover system. It's kinda like Alpha Prime in that way. Speed isn't really a defensive stat in this game, at least not notably enough for it to make up the difference, especially when a Frame like Rhino can compensate for it anyway.

  2. Yeah, as much as I want Archwing to be more tied into the normal game, I think this is one place it really just shouldn't be. It's hard enough to balance all of the Warframes against each other in their own game mode, it would be pretty much impossible to come up with a stat niche for every Warframe (or even a fair fraction of them) in a game mode that has different expectations (and hopefully creates even more distinct game modes in the future).


    Besides, what really matters about Warframes to me is their abilities (and really, it's the main way they make them distinct). I don't play Volt for his stats, I play him for his electricity. If I can't have the electricity, then I'm not in any hurry to borrow any stats.

  3. I just want to point out that Caelus can be beatable and it can be broken at the same time.


    I've been posting a lot about how I've been able to solo it, I've been in a couple of groups that could do it, and some of the ways in which we've accomplished that. But that doesn't change the fact that a single, common enemy being able to one-shot you with a single attack, is just plain broken.


    I was in a group with someone the other day who was just an expert at this map. We were in a group and they were practically soloing it. It was pretty crazy watching them zip around, flying directly into the heart of the swarm, meleeing a bunch before escaping unscathed, and killing several point capture enemies on the move with their gun while the swarm tried to follow them out. And I still had to bail them out once, when a single hellion straggler snuck up from behind and downed them without warning.


    The missiles are it (and to be honest, it's a problem with the enemy in any mission, Caelus is just the mission where it's the hardest to ignore). They're not challenging, they're just completely out of balance. The damage needs to be severely lowered, and the knockdown should be removed. There are other enemies that provide knockdown, let them do it. Charging into a swarm of a hundred guys alone should be suicide, because it's a swarm of a hundred guys, all contributing their damage and abilities. A single common enemy shouldn't be deadly, and they make the swarms utterly redundant. If anyone's doing that kind of damage combo, it should be the Ogma, nothing else.

  4. Maybe this wouldn't be a problem if other issues were addressed, but after using this weapon for awhile, I like this idea. Taking the time to charge doesn't seem worth it in close-medium range, with how rapidly you can fire it without charging, and in long range, two things become a problem. First, the lack of hitscan. This means that it can take several charged shots to even hit a guy once, especially if they're flitting around oddly. Second, the fact that, unless you're one heck of a sharpshooter, you're going to be sitting still, which makes you a sitting duck for Hellion ambushes. Then, if you compare it to the Imperator, it really does both of those things better.


    And comparing it to the Lanka doesn't really change my mind, because I think the Lanka could use something like that as well. The game's simply too fast-paced at the moment for a single target gun that takes any amount of time to set up.

  5. I feel like Interception works for Archwing better than I thought it would, but you're right about most of it.


    The biggest problem for me, is that our current Archwing sampling just feels like a proof of concept prototype. And, well, in some ways it is, but the problem is that it went public like this, and it is definitely not selling Archwing to people. I only put up with it as it is because I can see the potential, and the freedom of movement and melee attacks are just so exhilarating that I don't really care yet.


    Though I have to say, the biggest problem with Interception is a symptom of a larger issue with the game right now. You could just ignore that game mode if you weren't fond of it, if it weren't for the fact that it's currently the only Endless Archwing mission type, and Endless missions are the only place to get reasonable amounts of Affinity or rewards.

  6. Depending on how they build it, a city tileset could easily obscure the horizon to not have to load anything we're not dealing with. Warframe isn't the kinda game that's just going to have a completely open city zone anyway.


    Even without civilians, I'd love to see a tileset like this. It would help make it feel more like there's sane people outside of our missions, which is something the game is getting better at, but could still use work.

  7. I could reliably 4-wave it solo before this patch [and yes, that's after the powers patch], I haven't tried it since. I don't use restores.

    Group play... not so easy.

    On the other hand, I have close to fully modded archwing gear.

    Same here pretty much. Used to solo, no restores, essentially maxed out gear.


    The biggest problem with groups for me, isn't that it's innately harder, but that it's easier to get distracted. With a group, it's much easier to make sure you start with all the points, giving you a better buffer, but it seems pretty much inevitable that someone isn't careful and gets downed. Which causes everyone to rush over to them, and if they aren't all killed, it at least kept them distracted enough for the enemies to get the upper hand on the points.


    One other thing I want to mention, is that the enemies are pretty OCD. In my experience, they tend to focus on one point. If you find a safe spot away from a point and just occasionally snipe the guy trying to capture, it's almost too simple (I think the enemies should spread out more in Archwing Interception, but they need to fix the missiles and stuff first, otherwise it would really be impossible).

  8. I don't see why it Ordis can't just "bring you back to the mission" instead (fade to black, teleport you back within bounds). There's still a problem with enemies being way past that barrier, but that's a spawning problem that shouldn't be happening to begin with and needs fixing itself.

  9. In general, I think the whole "all or nothing" reward system of this game needs to be looked at. The fact that you get literally nothing if your internet connection hiccups, or you get a host migration bug, or any number of other things, is really frustrating. Some people might argue that games in general are a waste of time (I'd disagree, but that's another topic ;P), but what is undeniably a waste of time, is doing a defense mission for an hour, you get a power surge, and you get literally nothing from it (okay, maybe a handful of affinity, if something isn't maxed, but it's just going to be a handful).


    I don't know what the best solution would be. I don't know how well the game can detect if you legitimately got disconnected and such, or if there's some other compromise where you simply just don't get all the rewards, but I'd rather let some exploiters through than have to face more losses and time wastes from issues beyond my control.

  10. If you ignore the enemies and just recap what they take after they move on, it's not impossible.


    But it's still broken. It seems to primarily be the missiles, but they're broken in almost every way.


    1) There's no warning (Keeping an eye out in two dimensions might be feasible. In three? No).

    2) The only sure defense is costly.

    3) They both stun and do massive damage.


    Honestly, I think the last point is the most important. Grouping strong utility and strong damage is completely unnecessary, and actually makes things less tactical. There should either be different kinds of missiles, or the stun should come from somewhere else, like Temporal Dregs. Then there would be more tactics from the enemy, and more ways to approach fighting them. But the damage is pretty broken on its own. One enemy's volley is enough to down from full health and shields. That kinda damage should only come from one-off enemies, like the Ogma. Having swarm enemies that each have an ability that can one-shot is simply broken.

  11. I'd like to add, that when it comes to enemies, this happens to me with the Dreg family more than the others. There's definitely something wrong with the Velocitus, but the Dreg thing implies there might be some hitbox issues as well.

  12. It was past the halfway mark in my current overall playtime before I even found out these mid-mission events even existed, and it was only from reading about them. Oh, I'd had the occasional fire break out in a mission, but it never felt like it was anything special. It's a really neat idea though, and I really hope to see it expanded at some point.


    I think a few things need to be done. More events that feel like actual events and not just small details like the fire should be added. I think it should be more common to see events (although anything that drastically change a mission, like mission type or enemy group should be rarer). Finally, certain small details need to be set up better (it would be neat if the fires would show up after the place getting rocked; maybe it was a bug, but when I did the Archwing intro mission, I was being told the place was under attack, but it sure didn't feel like it. Successive rooms just had more fire, which just feels like someone's setting fires ahead of me, not like the place is actively being destroyed).


    One thing I still really want to see, are combined missions. I know there are concerns about people who don't like Archwing (and it's a legitimate concern), and right now there's no guarantee you'll even have it, but I really want to see Archwing missions where your goal is to reach some place and continue on foot, and more missions like the intro mission where you're fighting and the ship you're on blows up (whether that be because the other faction showed up, the same faction hoped to sacrifice their ship to get you, or something else like they hit an anomaly).

  13. i think all the velocitus needs to make it usefull is a trade of accuracy/projetile stats with the imperator. give the heavy machinegun the projectilespeed and low accuracy and the velocity hitscan+100.0 accuracy, add a scope and i'm fine with it...

    I think this is a key point. The problem isn't just that the Velocitus has a lot of hurdles to face in order to fulfill its supposed role, it's that it must be compared to the minigun alternative... which doesn't even have those hurdles. The Imperator might need some damage rebalancing if the other features were switched, I'm not sure, but otherwise I think that would solve most of the problems (between those two at least).

  14. I like using the inner and outer planets as a distinction.


    There are some legitimate concerns about mixing in Archwing too much... but I really want to see it in some capacity. It's that fluidity that makes the game so enjoyable, not to mention the fact that keeping them entirely separate just feels wrong, like it was stapled on later, like it was. You don't want a part of your game to feel like that.

  15. The trick to this mission is to only ever engage the enemy if you run into stragglers. Otherwise, grab as many points as you can at the beginning of a round, and just keep ahead of (or behind) the enemy. They tend to only ever attack one point at a time, so after they take one, wait until they've moved toward the next one, and retake the one they left behind. This can keep you at 3-1 the whole time. You can even keep four points most of the time if you keep an eye out for the guy capturing another point and can snipe him (remember, the Imperator is hitscan). It's actually a kind of rush once you've got it down (and I rarely say that about difficult things).


    All that said, I think it's a sign that survivability does need a pass in Archwing. You pretty much get one-shotted if you get touched in this mission, which begs the question what any shield or armor mods are for.

  16. You have to wait for the proc to wear off completely before it can be applied again, at least in my experience. This means that if you don't time things right, you can waste a proc right as they recover and begin reloading while they're unfazed.


    I'm not enough of a min-maxer to know the details on whether or not the Castanas need to be buffed, per se, but the nerf was kinda harsh. The Castanas chew through ammo pretty quickly, and sniper ammo is rare. It's not terrible (as long as you're not being affected by that sniper ammo bug), but it makes it iffy to even call it a secondary weapon in a tough situation with how quickly it will be out.


    Also, as a completely serious question, why would you want Multishot on the Castanas? They fire fast and have a really fast reload. I actually had Multishot for awhile, but I took it off when I realized it was the reason why my guy would randomly refuse to throw out his whole clip. It's pretty much impossible to be tactical with them when you'll randomly throw an extra one out that still counts toward your limit without you knowing it.

  17. I appreciate the idea of Tactical Alerts, but so far they've almost been the definition of artificial difficulty. The worst part is that the primary reason for introducing something like this is to bring down min-maxers, that bust the harder content, down to everyone else's level, but pretty much by definition, min-maxers are the ones most suited to avoid the issues in such content.


    Conclave rating limitations.

    I have a million problems with Conclave Rating Limitations. Not only does it tell you that you can't use all the neat things you've earned throughout the game (pretty much the opposite of the feeling you want to generate for long-term interest), but it's pretty arbitrary and awkward. The first time a Tactical Alert came up, I tried it once, had a horrible time, and gave up. I had never had to pay attention to Conclave Rating before, so I had no idea any of what contributed to it, so I made a really awkward build. As I read more up on it for the next Tactical Alert, I still found it extremely cumbersome to lower, since you have to do it all manually. Having multiple builds you can switch between now helps, but it's still so awkward it feels completely unintended.


    I felt like I had a pretty decent build this time, but the other points really messed me up. I got yelled at for not destroying the Guardian ospreys twice (same guy, he aborted the mission and we both ended up in the next one), even though I was trying (and did destroy one), but my build was not prepared for such a thing. In a mode like this, it makes sense that not every build will be perfectly effective, but there's a problem when it's so hard to make a build due to the arbitrary limitation, that it's more of a metagame balancing act than a "tactical" challenge. This is where a min-maxer will easily be able to find a way to squeeze out the Conclave Rating while still blowing everything away, while the average players have an even harder time than normal.


    Ridiculous amount of energy drain.

    I feel like the game in general has a weird relationship with energy. Its often either very stingy, or handing it out like water, and that just doesn't work with the variety of Warframes we have. I heard someone say these all or nothing challenges are what makes it tactical. I say tactics is about figuring out how to confront the challenge with what you have. Telling you there's only one option isn't tactical or challenging, it's metagaming, telling you to just look up a guide on how to make it not impossible.


    *Enemies that give other enemies invincibility.

    I actually think this idea was pretty clever in theory, but all of the elements together just made it ridiculous. Having to take down a shield before you can assault your target is a fairly standard concept, but putting multiple shield generators, making them nigh-indestructible themselves (it seemed like they were shielding each other as well), making their target pretty offensively powered themselves, and sticking this all in a place with tough enemies was often an impossible choice (at least later on). When you can't get to the shield generators without going through the deadly enemies, but you can't kill the deadly enemies until you've gotten the shield generators, the only option you have is to die. Making an encounter so strict is not challenge, it's artificial difficulty, because what makes it hard are things out of your control, like who you end up being matched with.


    *Getting stuck because there is no hack panel.

    I never got literally stuck, but this was annoying. I have to assume it's just because the map has never been used for a gamemode that can lock you out before and will get fixed at some point.

  18. Yeah, I've been trying to do Caelus a lot, and it's a nightmare.


    The average Warframe player doesn't seem to know what to do in a mission where you have no survivability. No offense to them (especially since I think Archwing survivability needs a balance pass anyway), but it makes the mission nearly impossible. When you have people who know the tricks to staying alive, it's fine, but that's all a gamble on who's playing at the time, and has nothing to do with challenge. I actually had an easier time doing the first round solo than the last time I had a full group of four.

  19. The foggy Halloween map was a bit oppressive. The biggest problem for me is the Infested themselves. In Dark Sector, they were creepy. They started out as zombies and became more Warframe-like over time. The designs for the Infested in Warframe have two problems for me. The first is that they're too colorful. If it was just one color they shared, I might have been able to accept it, but each enemy is some other bright shade of a primary or secondary color. My second problem is that they're too mutated. I know they all have elements to their design that suggest what they mutated from, but it's just too subtle in the fast-paced nature of this game (and especially the fast-paced nature of the Infested). My mind just registers them as crazy bio-tech aliens, not diseased zombies. I wouldn't have a problem with them if they were supposed to be crazy bio-tech aliens, but when they're supposed to be this disturbing, creeping threat, they really need to look more... human.

  20. I took a bit of a break, and was excited to see this weapon on the launcher. Then I heard it had travel time. Not only does the name and description imply it should be faster than the other weapons, but its use as a long-range weapon is held back by a lack of hitscan, especially when the minigun does have that. Things simply zip around too much in Archwing. It would be great if this could be changed.

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