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Posts posted by Jokubas

  1. Archwing is certainly different enough from the base game to like one and dislike the other, but I wouldn't really say it's a different genre. It seems to play extremely similarly to me. Start the mission, rush through it as enemies blow up around you, get to extraction. Interception plays a lot like defense, since right now the enemies seem to swarm only one point at a time. The biggest differences to me right now are clearly bugs and balance issues.

  2. Yeah, I'm sure they'll get around to the obvious ones, but I just wanted to put my two cents in about this one, since the electricity element holds a special place for me.


    By the way, I updated the original post with concept images. As I say in the edit, the look isn't what matters to me, but I thought I'd put something together to make the thread more interesting.

  3. They already said that there wasn't going to be a 'Stealth 2.0.'


    They want to add more features like Rescue 2.0 into the game instead.

    That's unfortunate, because without a Stealth 2.0, Rescue 2.0 is broken. We need more control or at least information on the variables before stealth is reliable enough to expect from us in a mission. Rescue 2.0 is artificial difficulty when there aren't things like a light/noise indicator, because you have no way of knowing how the game is reacting to your actions in any kind of intuitive way.

  4. Being able to put the Sigils where the Emblems are would be neat, but I still think Sigils shouldn't have any gameplay relevance at all. If the Sigils you have unlocked were purely cosmetic, then you'd only have to wear them if you wanted to. Changing which Syndicate you're assisting can easily just be done on the Syndicate menu.

  5. I posted this in another thread, but that forum is moving so fast that it's already a million pages back. I wish there was an Archwing feedback subforum, but until then, I want to know my feedback isn't instantly buried. Plus, most of these points are relevant to Archwing missions as much as the mode itself.


    To start off with, I have to say I love this mode. It's just a rush for me.


    Obviously, some of these things will be addressed over time, but I want to point out some other suggestions I have as well.


    1) It needs Auto-Loot

    Loot piling up on the ground in the normal game is fine. It's satisfying to run through a treasure hoard of items dropped by a wave of enemies, it encourages exploration, and it positively encourages the group to mostly stay together. Archwing is different though. A lot of people are suggesting a built-in Loot Radar and such, but I don't think that really solves the problem. The maps are massive and they have a new axis. It's just not feasible to hunt down loot in that situation. All the reasons to have manual looting are pretty much irrelevant in Archwing, and there are plenty of reasons to do the opposite. Health, Energy, and Affinity Orbs can still drop in the world, but I think everything else should auto-loot. Getting resources from the asteroids you can destroy would be kinda fun, too. ;P


    2) It needs more loot.

    I was so busy trying to absorb the new experiences, I didn't realize it until I came to the forums, but... Archwing doesn't drop anything other than mods. In a game that requires so much resource grinding in order to do most things, that's kind of a problem. Maybe there was a fear that running around collecting such loot would make Archwing awkward... but it's necessary. Just put in resource drops and use my previous suggestion.


    3) It feels a little too separate

    For some reason the streams stick perpetually loading for me, so I don't know a lot of the behind the scenes for this, but I was under the impression that Archwing was originally pitched as something that would occasionally happen in missions, interrupting your mission. I understand some of the reasons this was changed, but I almost feel like it went too much in the other extreme. Right now Archwing feels completely tacked on, and almost pointless to play, especially with the previous point. I understand some people aren't going to want to play Archwing, but I feel there needs to be at least some overlap. Perhaps consider reintroducing your mission being interrupted as a rare occurrence, but as a trade-off for people who don't like Archwing, make it where you will keep anything you gained up until that point if you fail the Archwing segment. For that to properly work, however, there needs to be more crossover between mods (and maybe have some emergency Archwing for people who haven't done the quest), which I think needs to be done. I can't help feel that the hard split between the Warframe and Archwing was not made for gameplay reasons. Having a segment of your game feeling tacked on will only cause problems in the future.


    4) Allowing Sentinels would be cool

    This isn't any kind of necessity, but I think it would help with my previous point, plus, it would just be kinda neat. Just have the Sentinel attach to the Archwing like it attaches to us, and focus more on covering our backs than normal. The only problem with this is how it would conflict with my first point, but I think having to figure out what to do with the Carrier Sentinel is a small price to pay for everything else. Plus, we could always get some new Precepts, like a countermeasure one (maybe Carrier could use Vacuum to deflect missiles? ;P).


    5) Progression is inconsistent

    I want to point out that this is not just an Archwing problem, but it's exaggerated it. When trying to level, doing anything other than an endless mission is pretty much a joke. Right now, Archwing only has one such mission type. That may not be seen as too much of a problem right now, because leveling up your first Archwing/Warframe doesn't really need to be fast, but the speed becomes a grind pretty quickly upon repetition. I'd suggest perhaps adding some "Veteran" buff that speeds up affinity gain for an equipment type you've maxed before (Warframe, Rifle, Shotgun, Sentinel, etc.), or perhaps make it where mastery ranks give slight increases to affinity gain. In general though, the rewards for non-endless missions (for Archwing and normal gameplay) really need to be looked at. I love the interior Archwing missions, but it just feels pointless when I can just sit in Interception for awhile and get so much more out of it.

  6. I'm still of the mind that mods shouldn't "drop" in Archwing, and just be auto-looted. The nature of giant, 3D maps makes loot collecting simply infeasible, and the other reasons that it exists in ground missions are irrelevant in Archwing.


    Health, Energy, and Affinity Orbs make sense to still be drops, and they're generally visible, but mods, and anything else that might be added to Archwing drop tables should just automatically gather for everyone in the squad.

  7. I thought this was odd as well. Obviously Archwing will be added to over time, but it seems like a pretty glaring gap even for a basic release. Then again, I think the biggest problem is more a balance/bug issue than strictly level.


    I just finally found someone to do the Uranus Interception with, and I was immediately one-shotted. At first I assumed this was because of how high level it was, but after I revived and ran into some more enemies, I realized their bullets were doing damage that was actually fair. I have to assume it was missiles that were killing me, which leads me to believe they're either bugged or simply overpowered. There's simply no good defense against missiles right now. If I only can assume that's what was killing me, then my number 2 isn't exactly helpful, because I have no idea when to use it. And with the sheer number of enemies, there's no way you're going to be able to avoid them all anyway. At the very least, a missile lock-on indicator needs to be added, but their damage almost certainly needs to be looked at.

  8. When I did the Archwing introduction quest, I had Helios "with me" in space (he was dead, but on my UI). When I saw that, it immediately occurred to me... why can't they be with us? Like others have said, just let them attach to the Archwing. They might have slightly different roles, but I think most of them could remain relatively intact.

  9. I noticed Kappa had switched last time I looked, but assumed it had something to do with an invasion.


    This is horrible. If there was only one thing in the game that cost over a handful of Oxium, I could understand, but this will be absolutely devastating for new players. Good luck if you happen to want even one thing that requires Oxium, let alone more. I'll keep saying it, because it's true. If your players are not having fun, they'll sooner leave the game than spend on the market.

  10. - everything beside derilect, void, survival and defense is a total waste of time since no rewards involved whatsoever. 417h into the game and i still couldn't manage to motivate myself to play through all the planets beside 4 for maximum extractor capacity (which i currently can't use btw because except for 2 planets the bloody archwing missions just won't count as finished no matter how many times i play through them... thanks for that.)

    Yeah, this one really bothers me. I don't really enjoy those modes very much, but I feel like I have to play them because the rewards from pretty much everything else are negligible. Maybe time-wise it actually evens out, but it's really not satisfying to make it through a Sabotage only to get a small handful of dust.


    sure you can blame me for forgetting that little matter because you hid it very very deep in the appearance menu instead of having a flashing bright red light on the front page of the equipment screen when no sigil is equiped. but yeah, why would you make it so easy for customers right?

    It being a little matter is exactly why I think it's a big deal. It may just be a little crack in the sidewalk, but every time you get a customer to trip on it, you risk them turning around and finding another route to their entertainment. In general, it's a problem a lot of cash shop games face and ultimately fail over. They're so desperate to market the products to you, they forgot to make sure you were enjoying yourself enough to care to spend money. So far, I've found Warframe to be pretty good about this, but the Kubrow and a lot of U15 stuff are starting to trip up.

  11. I'm more interested why Lotus interferes with Syndicate missions.

    Probably just reused code, unless there's something specific I haven't seen. Just like how Lotus warns you about foot soldiers in Archwing missions.


    Some dialogue/interaction from Lotus about the Syndicates is something that should probably happen, but personally, I like her. After my whole time playing this game, they've managed to never make her come across as sketchy. That's impressive, because "mysterious mentor that doesn't divulge much turns out to be evil" is an annoyingly prolific cliché. I think even Dark Sector did it (it's been a long time since I played it). I'd like to believe we follow her for more than "she woke us up therefore we must never question her." Otherwise it makes our characters look like complete morons.

  12. Regardless of the number of slots, I think most of these are good ideas. Situational abilities will always lose out to straight bonuses if they're similar. The only way for situational abilities to compete is to do it very well, or with other things.

  13. I'm guessing this is an inflation problem and not a cash shop one (although I admit that the latter might be influencing the former).


    DE wants things to be rare or take effort when they're introduced, but there have been players building up larger and larger hoards the more they play. Thus, DE makes the new things start costing more and more so that they remain rare and require effort for everyone. It's a problem, though, because it means a smaller and smaller percentage of your playerbase is able to reasonably experience anything new you introduce. It's the reason why games like World of Warcraft started using badge and reputation systems, where new things can only be purchased with currencies unique to the reward or are occasionally wiped.


    I don't think there's a perfect solution, but DE needs to make up their mind.


    Do they really need these things to be difficult recipes for even veteran players?

    >If not, then make all recipes balanced against each other, rather than the players' treasuries.


    >If so, then introduce some kind of badge system. A currency that is capped, wiped, or unique to rewards that will guarantee everyone starts on an even playing field each time. Then, go back and convert what's already there, so the game remains consistent.


    Because right now, we're stuck in a bad spot in between, where everything's balanced for people who have been grinding for a long time, breaking the game for everyone else.

  14. This is... actually, a really good idea.


    I've been saying for awhile that snipers will always be difficult to balance as long as Warframe remains a close-quarters game where most enemies are fodder. Long ranges and aimed shots are the reason to use snipers, and both are things that are mostly irrelevant in Warframe.


    Archwing solves the range problem, and while aimed shots specifically aren't much more relevant, the larger maps mean precise firing still has a use (enemies are more spread out, so AoEs won't as easily obsolete snipers).


    I'd even be daring enough to suggest that snipers and their mods as a whole simply get converted into Arch-Guns, but that'd probably be a hard sell. Regardless, some way of allowing them in Archwing is just begging to be done. Of course it would require some tweaks, Lanka couldn't have the travel time, but some of those things could probably do to be tweaked in the normal gameplay anyway.

  15. I'm not exactly sure what the best solution would be, since 3D maps are hard to do by the very nature of the monitors they're being presented to us on being 2D, but you're right.


    I just did a trench run I was convinced was actually bugged for awhile (since that wouldn't be unexpected so soon after the patch). The objective marker was just way off the map, in an area with no level at all. Turns out I had gone the wrong way, but the objective marker didn't portray that in any way.


    To be perfectly honest, I'm not actually sure how necessary a 3D map is, even for Archwing. So far even Archwing seems fairly linear (not a complaint, just an observation). The objective marker in this game is pretty powerful and I follow it pretty subconsciously at this point. But there is something in its logic that sometimes breaks in ways I think should definitely be looked into regardless of what's done for Archwing.


    Certain rooms have the marker flip out in ways that are really unnecessary. When the exit I need to use is at the north end of the room, but on the second floor, the marker should just be on the north side of the room, with the little arrow. But every once and awhile there is a room where, for whatever reason, it's decided that it needs to direct you to stairs or something first, so the marker is in the middle of the room or even the south side. Most of you probably know what I'm talking about. I wish I could remember a specific room.


    My point is, though, it seems to be a problem where certain rooms have their waypoints flagged in places that are logical, but end up being more confusing than if the waypoints were further away. In most cases, even in Archwing, the most important place to put the marker is the exit to the room. Common sense and the elevation arrow is usually enough to figure out where the door is. But every once and awhile there's a room that decides it needs to show you how to get to that door, which ends up causing you to run in circles because if you leave that path, it directs you to the start of the path rather than the end. I guess my trench run problem was the opposite. The rooms didn't have enough waypoints, so the closest waypoint it gave me was too far away to help me figure out which of the many doors would lead me there.

  16. This is pretty funny, but it works pretty well.


    The one suggestion I'd have is to tweak the humanoid models a bit. I didn't notice the rest of the scale until you got me looking at it, but I notice that the Corpus became rich enough to hire giants every time I melee them. It would be nice if the people could be shrunk down a bit while keeping their jetpacks or whatever more or less the same, so they're still visible but they're not giants. ;P

  17. This is my first time posting something like this. I hope this doesn't end up too boring. I just love Volt and want to have a thematically similar moveset while doing Archwing gameplay.




    Space Volt-Mag

    The Electromagnetic Archwing




    1) Electromagnetic Pulse

    Unleashes an electromagnetic pulse from your Archwing. Dealing X electric damage and guaranteed electric and magnetic status effects to enemies within Y meters.


    (Odonata's Repel is already an EMP, but I think there's room for both, especially in a more specialized theme. I'd differentiate this by it being cheaper, weaker, and having no disarm. More about quickly scrambling everything around you rather than repelling them long term.)


    2) Accelerate

    The Archwing projects electromagnetic currents through and in front of itself, accelerating it to extreme speeds. This increases the Warframe's attack speed and agility, allows you to crash through non-solid obstacles and enemies unimpeded, and creates a damaging shockwave if you crash into a solid obstacle (you still take damage from such crashes, but your recovery is quicker).


    (Unlike Volt's Speed, I did not have this affect the group. I figured that the differences in Archwing maps make it less feasible to do so. In exchange, I hoped to make it a little more versatile for the user. Also, in trench run missions, an AoE speed could easily be used to troll your squad, and even for yourself it might get out of hand, so I wanted to offset the drawbacks if you found it too fast to control.)


    3) Magnetist

    The Archwing projects an electromagnetic field, grabbing and disabling any enemies caught in the radius, forcing them to orbit you in a sparking sphere. Enemies caught in this way can be launched by a powerful electric blast, becoming electrified projectiles that arc damage to enemies they pass before exploding on impact. Pressing the button once unleashes the field, grabbing nearby enemies, and each successive press launches one enemy until there are no more, upon which the button will once more release the field.


    (I realize the enemies are pretty big in Archwing compared to us, so perhaps this one could be changed to just attract space debris that it generates, as I also suggest for the following ability.)


    4) Railgun

    The Archwing magnetizes a random piece of debris (spawned for the ability) and charges a massive attack. The wings fold forward to form the rails of a large railgun and an electric charge is built up. During this time, the electromagnetism building up around the Archwing deflects attacks. When the charge is complete, the piece of debris is launched from the railgun in a devastating attack that does massive damage to anything in front of the Warframe.


    (This would differ from Velocitus by being an Archwing ability, and being on a whole different scale. Instead of holding a gun, it would be like temporarily transforming your Warframe and Archwing into a capital ship's cannon.)



    Concept Art


    Here are two concepts I drew for this Archwing. I did this just for fun. The visuals really aren't why I made this thread, but I had some spare time and I had some paper handy.



    The first one I was a lot more wild with:


    This one was all about the Jacob's Ladder arcs. Everything here is fully charged and just waiting to arc some of that energy toward your opponents. If you notice, the "wings" aren't even connected except through the sheer electromagnetic power of the Archwing. Unfortunately, the colors didn't come out too well. My attempts to reflect the electricity in the copper/gold just made it look kinda sickly. Also, I'm not sure I quite got across that the "wings" have several blades arranged around a circle, like a hollow Elytron, but I hope you can get the idea. I took inspiration from various sources here, but overall I wanted a psuedo-Orokin look. Instead of boxy or rough, everything's sharp like the electricity it forms.


    The second one was a more focused design:


    For this one, I primarily referenced the Amprex. This one was intended to be more of that boxy tech look, with the power safely enclosed in insulation and reactors, except where it emerges for combat purposes.


    Sound Design


    It occurred to me while hearing some thunder, that it could be interesting to make this Archwing more thunderous than Volt, especially considering the wider expanses this game mode entails. You can easily overdo thunder, so my sound ideas are as follows:


    Electromagnetic Pulse: Being a more spammable abilitiy, this one would have a lighter sound than thunder. I'd imagine something more like Volt's Overload.

    Accelerate: Upon activation, this one would have a loud, thunder-like crash.

    Magnetist: Again, to balance the heavy thunder sounds, this one would be more passive upon activation, and would sound more like Volt's Shock when launching enemies.

    Railgun: While charging this one, you could either go for something sparky, or a gradually building hum, but when the ability fires, I imagine this one to be another thunder-like crash.

  18. I was hoping to find a sticky for Archwing feedback, but I guess this will have to do.


    To start off with, I have to say I love this mode. It's just a rush for me.


    But, like this thread says, it's a bit bittersweet. Obviously some of these things will be addressed over time, but I want to point out some other suggestions I have as well.


    1) It needs Auto-Loot

    Loot piling up on the ground in the normal game is fine. It's satisfying to run through a treasure hoard of items dropped by a wave of enemies, it encourages exploration, and it positively encourages the group to mostly stay together. Archwing is different though. A lot of people are suggesting a built-in Loot Radar and such, but I don't think that really solves the problem. The maps are massive and they have a new axis. It's just not feasible to hunt down loot in that situation. All the reasons to have manual looting are pretty much irrelevant in Archwing, and there are plenty of reasons to do the opposite. Health, Energy, and Affinity Orbs can still drop in the world, but I think everything else should auto-loot.


    2) It needs more loot.

    I was so busy trying to absorb the new experiences, I didn't realize it until I came to the forums, but... Archwing doesn't drop anything other than mods. In a game that requires so much resource grinding in order to do most things, that's kind of a problem. Maybe there was a fear that running around collecting such loot would make Archwing awkward... but it's necessary. Just put in resource drops and use my previous suggestion.


    3) It feels a little too separate

    For some reason the streams stick perpetually loading for me, so I don't know a lot of the behind the scenes for this, but I was under the impression that Archwing was originally pitched as something that would occasionally happen in missions, interrupting your mission. I understand some of the reasons this was changed, but I almost feel like it went too much in the other extreme. Right now Archwing feels completely tacked on, and almost pointless to play, especially with the previous point. I understand some people aren't going to want to play Archwing, but I feel there needs to be at least some overlap. Perhaps consider reintroducing your mission being interrupted as a rare occurrence, but as a trade-off for people who don't like Archwing, make it where you will keep anything you gained up until that point if you fail the Archwing segment. For that to properly work, however, there needs to be more crossover between mods (and maybe have some emergency Archwing for people who haven't done the quest), which I think needs to be done. I can't help feel that the hard split between the Warframe and Archwing was not made for gameplay reasons. Having a segment of your game feeling tacked on will only cause problems in the future.


    4) Allowing Sentinels would be cool

    This isn't any kind of necessity, but I think it would help with my previous point, plus, it would just be kinda neat. Just have the Sentinel attach to the Archwing like it attaches to us, and focus more on covering our backs than normal. The only problem with this is how it would conflict with my first point, but I think having to figure out what to do with the Carrier Sentinel is a small price to pay for everything else.


    5) Progression is inconsistent

    I want to point out that this is not just an Archwing problem, but it's exaggerated it. When trying to level, doing anything other than an endless mission is pretty much a joke. Right now, Archwing only has one such mission type. That may not be seen as too much of a problem right now, because leveling up your first Archwing/Warframe doesn't really need to be fast, but the speed becomes a grind pretty quickly upon repetition. I'd suggest perhaps adding some "Veteran" buff that speeds up affinity gain for an equipment type you've maxed before (Warframe, Rifle, Shotgun, Sentinel, etc.), or perhaps make it where mastery ranks give slight increases to affinity gain. In general though, the rewards for non-endless missions (for Archwing and normal gameplay) really need to be looked at. I love the interior Archwing missions, but it just feels pointless when I can just sit in Interception for awhile and get so much more out of it.

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