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Posts posted by Grimm

  1. On 2018-04-24 at 11:18 PM, Tyceus_Saclain said:

    been quite awhile and it's still a problem, i'm surprised how little there has been about it.

    it really needs touched


    On 2018-04-25 at 1:09 AM, osbornia said:

    Bit troublesome, but are you certain it's not intended? the projectile type seems to do the whole disintegration thing quite deliberately as its not the only time we see projectiles of this type "dissolve" bodies

    it is not the only time we see bodies disappear from weapons but this is the only weapon that removes them instead of leaving an invisible for desecrating.


    On 2018-04-25 at 7:17 AM, Hobie-wan said:

    Indeed, it's a microwave shotgun, not something that does physical damage. It is obviously intended as the bodies disintegrate instead of gibbing like they do when you cut them up with physical damage.

    it is the current only weapon that does it this way. nova and other things used to do it the way arca plasmor is currently, but they were changed to leave an invisible body for desecrating. 


    8 hours ago, tastic said:

    After a google it was first reported Nov 2017 and still not fixed in Aug 2018, I was wondering why my recent Eris runs were rubbish for loot with Nekros.  So now I cant use it or allow players with it in team when using Nekros

    its been an issue since the weapon was released. when we previous had things that deleted bodies like this the player base complained and it was changed as it created synergy issues.

  2. they are leaving because they hit level 30. thats the problem. you have to pay attention to the host if your not it, to see when they leave. myself i prefer to be host as i dont like to leave but thats because im an old player who likes playing endlessly.

    the game mode shows why it is good they have never implemented solo extraction. they need to atleast heavily change hosting or look into preventing host from leaving without taking the rest of the group so rewards arent lost etc as that is a reoccuring issues

  3. my girl friends having the same issue. upon putting in login info the game logins and then crashs as the warframe unkneels. she has tried reinstalling the game, now shes trying to install the stand alone. 

  4. can we please see the rest of the quest replayable soon. i would really love to replay through them, but vor's prize and natah currently arent that are on the "get ready" list of quests. and i would like to for the dialogue and immersive stories.  

    EDIT: also the warframe launcher still deletes the "dxgi.dll" from the warframe file director stopping reshade from working.

  5. the current accessories is a kavat armour and operator suit. this is the second pet armour and the second operator suit we have gotten through prime access. we dont know when we will get an other prime operator suit, if you want it for that dont expect one in the next access as we cant be sure if de will do another. 

    next prime access should be in a little over a month i think but i havent check the last date. i know my boosters still have a good while on them.

    if their is accessories you like i suggest grabbing them, but by your post you seem unsure on the current accessories, so i would suggest waiting till close to the access when we get told what we are getting and make your choice then before they enter the cosmetic vault.

  6. 4 minutes ago, SilverZs said:

    No, he isn't. Check your facts.

    back in my early days when account migration was about i was told by a founder who was leaving us and moving to console his excal prime was moving across. i guess he lied or lost it?? idk i dont care. its what i was told back when it was a thing.

  7. umbra is coming. he most probably will be statistically better. leave excal prime and the lato prime skana prime to the founders.

    if you missed out feel proud your here now and show your support with prime access. wear your pride from those accessory bundles before they get rereleased and you lose that pride.

    founders paid for a symbol that will never fade. thats what they got. dont ask for their symbol.  

  8. images to provide better understanding of  the difference

    top stream of particles is from targis armour, lower stream is from my melee weapon, both use the exact same orange colour but the amour provides a more peach colour over the intended orange the melee provides xWN7t6F.jpg

    *reshade is used on my game, me have different level of detail and less saturation on standard game the point is still there.

    the flames coming from the vents are also the more peach tint vs the orange tint even tho both use the same colour.

    about pyra prime, since the cloth update it has always had clipping issues with animations and being forced through hips commonly. when it was more ridged it used to have less clipping issues tho they were there. i would rather it have the ridged state then the cloth state, on plains it always tend to be forced clipped and moves around by the directional wind, pyra prime is energy not cloth.

  9. On 2018-05-25 at 4:56 PM, DeyjaVou said:

    set the dxgi.dll to read-only by right-clicking it

    this can cause warframe launcher to never get past checking for content, even after removing the dll the game will not reach play. i had this happen and had to reinstall the game twise because of another issue that was coming from something they fixed in the latest hotfix.

    having a second copy of the dll to paste in after launching the launcher is best option so far until de fix the launcher deleting dxgi.dll as it has not bugs that i have seen yet

  10. warframe launcher is currently deleting dxgi.dll that reshade uses.
    attempt to fix by making the dll read only lead to launcher stalling at checking for content
    after removing the dll warframe launcher still stalling.
    currently reinstalling warframe.
    warframe launcher now comes back with "some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers
    restarted launcher
    restarted computer
    still unable to update game
    rereinstall warframe, prompt came up this time allowing it to update
    install reshade
    launched warframe
    watched the dll get deleted
    reinstall reshade well the launcher was open
    hit play, reshade work.
    copied dll
    restarted warframe, pasted dll after warframe deleted it
    reshade worked

    wait for de to add an exclusion for "dxgi.dll" so the launcher does not deleted it

    temp fix
    keep a copy of the dll and paste it into the warframe file directory after the launcher has reached play.

  11. On 2018-05-25 at 10:19 AM, Mad-Shad said:

    For now it looks like the only way to use reshade is to run the reshade installer after you run the launcher.

    Edit:Go into your Warframe folder, find dxgi.dll, right click it and select "Properties". Then, check the "Read-only" box at the bottom. The launcher seems to be deleting anything that isn't part of the game, or a configuration file, which is strange. This will *hopefully* keep it from deleting the file, unless you're running the game as administrator deliberately.

    after trying this the launcher sits on checking for content. 

    best solution so far is keep a copy of the dll and pasting it in every time you launch the game till de fix the issue.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    Honestly I would prefer they remove the indicator of what side each dialog choice represents, as when you say things in the moment you don't know the effects they will have. 

    i would agree but during the glast quest the choices at the end are told to you to be good vs evil by lotus but they ui disagrees with her, which is to show up lotus isnt always right on what is good vs evil. i think the story telling that provides would be lose my now letting us see in the moment.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Mohiten said:

    Immutable Choice: I'm frankly disappointed that I'm not able to replay the quest to alter the alignment choices made during said quest.

    it does suck you can replay with the choice of wanting to change your choices, but you can replay it to view the alternative out comes they it may be small. 
    maybe when de decide to make the balance meter have some function they might allow you to change your choices.

    myself i would rather more of the quests be replayable.

  14. 1 minute ago, Valiant said:

    Well I'm rather glad they got the object punchthrough thing out of the way so it's one less fire to burn when the other changes come as people would be used to it.

    fingers cross they touch it up alot, right now you can not kill things that spawn on your back until you look at them, aswell as you can lean around corners and still kill things through walls. (its fake punchthrough, its all line of sight based)

  15. de are working on alot of stuff right now. we never know exactly when someone is coming out. you just have to wait and hold out. but it should be soon tm as in this year atleast. not sure if before or after tenno con, as we know they are working on sacrifice to be out before the end of the month, venus plains to be ready enough to show of at tenno con and a secret project for tenno con aswell. plus other parts of de are working on other stuff, we also have a ui overhaul on the way. you just have to wait it out. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

    I thought maybe it is the PVP nature of the other game. With players being beaten by another player so they then ask for nerfs.

    ah yes, warframe is a primary pve based game, not many play pvp and pvp has sperate systems to pve.
    warframe is a game about being overpowered and is normal to when a build is complete be strong enough to subdo nearly all enemys you encounter

    we are space ninjas driving evangelion space ninjas 

  17. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

    Are there really no Overpowered warframes? 


    what is your mr?

    i ask this to understand your content experienced in the game, mastery rank reflects how many warframes etc you have used.
    as your current question implies you have not used many or do not have the means to mod them correctly. a correct build can lead to game breaking.
    there are many loadout configurations that can allow you to do some stupid stuff in this game. some intended some unintended. 
    example trinity as at this post can be paired with damage reduction mods and castanas to output aoe death to nearly all content that exists at this time, and when she hits a wall can be supplemented by other warframes. 
    saryns current stat allows her to drastically decrease effective health well doing dots, and can be paired with % damage weapon mods to scale up very well high overly high level enemys

    there are more but i cant be bothered typing more.
    if you feel you are missing out on builds like this then it could be some of the meta configs dont get into the console builds because of nerfing. 
    or could be you do not yea have the resources or ingame community to achieve such builds or squads.


  18. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

    Clearly you misunderstood what I’m saying by the word shared. As in if you gain 100,000 focus you can use that on which ever focus tree you want or split it evenly 20,000 for each tree, aka share. And when I mentioned the max pool I was putting in details about completely maxing out a tree and that includes the pool size and unbounds. By asking DE to make focus universal you are asking that it can be shared among the trees instead of focusing on one tree at a time. Do you not know what share means? I DID NOT say that if you get 100,000 focus for one tree then all the other trees also get 100,000 focus. I said that all the focus would be shared. As in SPLIT between the trees if you so desired. 

    then your problem makes less sense. as the current state is what you think universal would course. right now most people dont max their focus. people play one focus and farm one way. eos has made it alot less play one way. but making affinity focus universal would not effect that negatively

    considering you said


    43 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

    Imagine if all the affinity/XP was universal. Where you could use a maxed out frame to level up other frames.

     as that implies what i got from your reply in the first place, which you then said was not what you meant. please spend more time making your explanations less confusing.
    even if they made it if you equip a focus you gain in it would be better. that would force people to use other focus's, but they still wouldnt. 
    current state of focus is not like that. you dont have to have the focus you want to gain in equipped to gain in it, you jsut have to have a lens with it on, which doesnt effect gameplay in anyway 

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