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Posts posted by lukinu_u

  1. From what I remember (already had this conversation with a friend), about 80 kills per minute (without looting abilities) should be enough to prevent the life support from dropping.
    If you can't achieve that, there is probably something wrong in your loadout and/or playstyle).

    Here are a few advices that could help

    • Make sure you understand and play around enemy spawns.
      Maybe you kill fast enough, but at the right place and right time. Enemies spawn in large groups far away from you, and do it depending the current enemies count (less enemies = less spawn). So if you miss one group that spawned, it will impact the overall spawn rate and will impact your killing potential.
      If it's not already the case, I recommand using radar mod to be aware of these spawn and clear them from the source, rather than waiting.

    • Applying specifically to Kuva survival where you move for the Kuva harvester, make sure you kill enemies around you before moving, otherwise they will take time move toward you and will make a huge gap where you kill nothing and life support gets time to deplete.
    • Focus on long range AoE to clear enemies groups (This joins the two points above).
      Since you need to clear large enemies group early, it's good to do so with long range AoE that can do that in a single click.  Stuff like glaive with flight speed, any rocket launcher or AoE warframe ability if you're willing to choose a specific one for the mission. Just be aware the larger the AoE is (especially for nuke warframes, the more spread out the life support will be if you are not 100% aware of the positions of the kills.
    • Mod for long term effective DPS rather than one hit than on hit that fall off with scaling.
      A big mistake many people do is modding for corrosive/radiation to kill fast, rather than trading a bit of direct damage for long term and/or AoE DPS. When dealing with large group of enemies, I highly recommand modding for electricity/gas (or slash/heat/toxin on AoE even if the two other can work there as well). This will often lead to more damage per shot even if it's spread out over time and will scale much better on tougher and larger groups.

      Il y a 1 heure, ComedyCorpse a dit :

      Kuva Harvester should give a decent Life Support boost upon completion, or when activated.

      About this, it's supposed to be part of the difficulty of the game mode. You aren't necessarily meant to get Kuva from every life support you convert, you're supposed to chose between life support or Kuva, meaning the amount of Kuva you can effectively gets directly depend on your ability to sustain the life support without the capsules.

      You should see it a bit more as a growing reward that scale with your effiency on the mission, rather than a set amount you're supposed to get.

  2. As you mentioned yourself, this in a an endgame activity, which imply any player taking the challenge is informed and equiped for such activity.
    If you unlocked Deep Archimedea, you did the entire quest line and mostly likely the entire star chart, which imply you did spend quite some time and earned some platinum along the way (or bought some, it would be resonable if you spent that much time on the game).

    And from there, even if we consider you didn't, you can :

    • Go farm some prime parts to earn those platinums and get your slots. You can earn them for free by trading, so it's not like there is some sort of P2W involved (or buy them).
    • Simply play without the modifiers and not get the full rewards. It's still a better alternative to simply spending those on Netracell.
    • Not play the gamemode every week because you're not forced to. Ok you "lose" some rewards but you don't meet the requirement, so you actually don't deserve these ?

    Remember this game mode isn't intented for everyone, so you shouldn't complain about not meeting the requirement, simply work toward it.

    • Like 2
  3. il y a 1 minute, Museigen a dit :

    What is there to explain? You seem like a troll. You main the still undisputed strongest nuker in the game and don't have hands on experience in what is being talked about, which is Dante. You're out of your depth. It's as simple as that.

    I never said Saryn was fine. She deserves many nerf as she is undisputably one of the strongest is many field, and it's exactly the reason I play her.

    Regarding Dante, I have absolutely no need for experience to provides an opinion because it's just simple maths, there is nothing more involved. Do you need some testing to say 1000 is bigger than 3 ? No (at least I hope) and the same applies here.
    I would totally understand you view if it was a bit more complexe, such as a projectile with travel time something dependent on enemy group to chain, or anything that largely vary depending on the setup, but it's absolutely not the case in this situation.

    • Like 1
  4. il y a 7 minutes, Waeleto a dit :

    Yes of course but saryn who passively kills level cap enemies while armor stripping and provides insane weapon platforming buffs is balanced

    Did I say Saryn was balanced ?
    Absolutely not. She has never been balanced and it's the reason she is my most played.

    Saryn shred through literally any content in the game without much effort, and many nerfs would be welcome, starting with line of sight check for Miasma.

    I think all AoE nuke warframe should get this treatment to make the game more enjoyable, but it sadly won't happen when we see the reaction of the mass on the Dante deserved nerf (I would call it a fix, more than a nerf).

    • Like 2
  5. il y a 1 minute, Museigen a dit :

    Wrong. It's an ability that needs eneblers. It needs two casts of another ability, and its damage depends on status. So, yeah, the ability is not that simple. You didn't play him and it shows.

    Oh no you need to spend 100 total energy (unmodded) and 2s cast time (negated by cast speed shards) to do 6500 slash AoE that will also detonate DoTs on top.
    It's basically the strongest AoE nuke with additionals effects.

    So yes, I don't need to test it because it's already a ridiculous AoE ignoring the additional effects, the cast requirement are ridiculously low for the outcome.

  6. 1 hour ago, Rihenwn said:

    You actually realize there are other warframes that do this, do you? Have you ever played Warframe? I'm just asking, since you haven't even tried Dante and yet you're here giving feedback on this. (Yes, profiles are public, maybe you're not familiar with the game's UI as well).

    Ah yes, because I need to play the Warframe to judge an ability that is literally just AoE around the player that kill stuff. Very deep mechanic that need testing to get a grasp of how it work.

    59 minutes ago, Stomno said:


    As I've just answered to someone else in this post, I don't need to play a Warframe to judge an ability that is literally just damage in AoE.
    There is nothing to understand or learn about it, it's simple enough to know exactly how it works just by looking at the numbers.

    • Like 1
  7. il y a 19 minutes, TwistedEventide0666 a dit :

    You clearly haven’t played Warframe, either that or are still so new to the game that you don’t know what you’re talking about and don’t realize why nuke frames are necessary. Not to mention the fact that several frames have nuke abilities: Saryn, Equinox, Gauss, Xaku and many others that DONT have LoS checks on their nuke abilities. Saryn has TWO between Spores and Miasma. Even Hydroid can nuke now with his recent rework. 

    Nuke frames aren't "necessary", they are the flaw that make the game unfun and cause all the powercreep in this game.

    Line of sight check should be on all abilities (aside from very small AoE intended to work this way). It would make the entire game much more enjoyable and make placement matter more when using such abilities.
    The only viable way of killing an enemy out of light of sight should be bounces or precise attack with penetration (Zenith).

    • Like 6
  8. The issue is, if you're allowed to use your fully maxed loadout, the gamemode won't ever be difficult because the game isn't balanced around it.
    If you want to make it challenging for fully maxed loadout, it will be too easy for a portion of players, or literally impossible for the other, there is no way to balance that without balancing the entire game first.

    Therefore, the only way to bring challenging content is :

    A) Limit the player outcome to a fixed value, no matter their loadout choice (was attempted with damaged attenuation, and proven to be wrong).


    B) Challenge the player instead of their loadout. This mean their mechanical skills and ability build around specific restrictions, including loadout.

    • Like 5
  9. So first of all, I want to say thank you for this game mode.
    Over the life of Warframe, there as always been controvery about difficult content for 2 main reasons :

    • Difficult content generally involve very specific objectives, that make them easily cheesed by a unique meta loadout (AoE nuke for most content, CC for old Raids, etc). This not only remove the challenge, but also make it extremly boring to play because it's always the same.
    • To attract players despite the difficulty, most difficult content used to feature unique reward, making it extremly frustrating for casual players interested in the rewards, but can't complete the challenge.

    Deep Archimedea solves both with the randomiser causing a different meta each week and some attractive but not exclusive rewards. It also provides flexibilty on both the difficulty and reward to match every player skill level and reward them accordingly.
    The weekly nature of the gamemode also encourage player to try the hardest difficulty rather than aiming for the most profit-making outcome (many people will prefer a 5min mission, rather than spending effort a 15min mission with double reward, because the 2nd is 1.5x longer for the same reward).

    The whole concept of this gamemode is super interesting and is finally a piece of content that challenges most experienced player's ability to think and make the best build out of specific restrictions, which makes it the best challenging gamemode we've every had in this game.

    However, (I wouldn't make a feedback post if there wasn't a "however"), there is 3 major issues that completely ruins all of that. But thanksfully, the fixes are easy :

    I - Randomisers are per player :

    I'm not sure the about the debuffs, but the loadout choice is per player, which make the experience very uneven across all players.
    Not only some players have huge advantage due to the more interesting gears available purely based on luck, but it also mean some players will be prefered in squad due to their better gears available.

    I think a simple change would be to increase the choices per item to 4 and make the randomiser shared among all players. It ensures every player get the same tools in their hands for the sake of consistency, but also encourage more comp building around said choices.
    The shared choice also make it easier for people who don't own the gears to find farming groups to get said gears during the week.

    II - The lack of choices in terms of modifiers makes it less interesting to build around.
    I get the idea of "you stack all modifiers" for all rewards, but I think at least one additional choice for debuffs would help.
    Given this is intended to play with a team, the ability to chose one modifier to ignore per player would lead to more defined roles across the team and encourage teamplay a bit more.
    I know it's already the case for elite if you don't care much about the Vosfor, but it's not the case for non-Elite and if you need to do both each week (I heard it's a one time unlock but I'm not sure), it's not very good.

    III - Rewards are based on personal modifiers, independently from the rest of the team.
    This one is the biggest issue to me.
    At first, it make sense because every player chose their loadout and modifiers independently, but it cause one big issue : You can cheese entire gamemode by having one player without modifiers doing the mission while the others just watch.
    Given the difficulty there entirely depend on the modifiers, this one issue completely erase the difficulty if your willing to do the mission 2 time (given one is where you get carried, and the other is where you carry without modifiers).

    There is one possibly controversial, but very simple solution to this :
    The reward tier solely depend on the players with the least amont of research points when the mission start, and only player with higher research points can join the squad and will get rewards according the mission start research points.
    Basically, it mean you are only able to play in squads with the same level of research points to ensure you cannot get carried by people playing on easier difficulty and carry them in return.

    Of course, this would lead slighly harder matchmaking for players in the middle range, but most players who need a squad are going with max level anyways so it shouldn't be much a problem.
    Regarding this, the research level of the mission would always be displayed somewhere on the screen, so you can ensure you are playing in a correct squad, and when joining a squad through matchmaking, the game will first attempt to join a squad with the same research level, and if it fails, try to join squad with lower levels and warns you about the difference and lower rewards you are about to get.

    DL;DR : Deep Archimedea is good but has major flaws regarding the consistency across players and ability to cheese.
    The solution I'm proposing are :

    • Same "random" choice for everyone.
    • More modifiers choices than you need, to encourage teamplay choices.
    • Force same research level across the squad, to prevent one player on "easy mode" to carry the squad on "hard mode".
    • Like 3
  10. That boost is meant to get new/unexperienced players to hop back into the game, not give more resources to the people already playing daily.
    Affinity boost is much more valuable for early players so it make sense to promote that, especially with free aniversary weapons that need to be leveled up.

    • Like 8
  11. It doesn't work on subsumed abilities.

    However, given it's additional flat damage affected by critical multipier that can proc status (I believe ?), you can exploit :

    • High critical multiplier to maximise the value of the flat damage buff, with critical chance for reliability.
    • Large direct AoE and/or punchthrough. A rocket launcher (Ogris for example) is a small projectile that produce AoE on impact, meaning the small projectile will benefit from the electricity damage but not the AoE. What you want is something like the Arca Plasmor that directly shoot a big projectile.
    • High status chance, potentially above 100% to get multiple procs from the same shot, ideally with status duration as well.
    • Faction damage (including Roar) for double buff on electricity status.
    • Damage buff based on the intial hit, which can either be Toxin Lash (exclusive to Saryn) or Xata Whisper, which is the only available choice here.
    • Movement speed ability to charge the buff faster, which include Molt, Infested Mobility and possibly more.

    Based on these, without deeper research I would advise either something like Catchmoon or or a beam that trade raw DPS for critical/status chance and a high Riven disposition to maximise critical and status stats. With this, Roar is probably the way to go (if it work), unless you prefer speed abilities to charge each shot faster.
    Also keep in mind only one projectile will get the buff, so multishot (both innate or from mods) is not recommanded, leaving more room for other mods.

    Also make sure you test all of that to make sure it's true, because I haven't tested all of these myself recently so I can't guarantee it's still true.

  12. They mentioned in the past that they don't want to give incentives to do 20+ min runs aside from very specific missions (weekly or event) that rarely exceed 30-40min. I don't know if this vision still hold because it was a few years ago, but it seems healthy and appropriate to the game.

    Also, as you can see yourself from doing such runs, "Endurance" runs are not hard, they are just long and there is nothing to reward here.

    A better alternative to this are different mission type with a different objective, some constrains and higher level enemies as an extra layer of difficulty.
    This is what Sorties, Netracell, and other similar content aim for. I agree that most of these aren't enough of a challenge and we need stuff that goes further, but the weekly mission coming next update might be a step above and we could expect more in the future if people like it.

    About that last one, I think the way you can customise difficulty and get different rewards accordingly is the thing warframe needed for year and might actually be the door to actual hard content that challenge experienced players without frustrating casual players too much.

  13. il y a 20 minutes, Tiltskillet a dit :

    Have a cap in mind?  And no decay except when visible?

    It seems like with all the Confusion generation you've got built into the abilities, he's just going to max this out unless he runs out of enemies for a while.  Maybe a short CD on the finisher generation, so that he can't just use ground finishers to cheese it.

    Mmh yes that's right.
    Maybe a constant 5% decay on top ?

    For finishers, the amount of confusion points could depend on the finisher type ?
    For exmaple finishers from back or opened enemies would be 5, while front (from combo) and ground finishers would only be 1.

    il y a 26 minutes, Tiltskillet a dit :

    I'd suggest it persist for at least a couple of seconds before exploding.  Nice to see Decoy to its thing for a few moments, and otherwise it could be quite annoying when trying to Switch Tele with it.

    Yeah it could instantly blind on hit, but disapear 1-3 second after so you can switch TP and it still draw some aggro even if triggering instantly.

    il y a 28 minutes, Tiltskillet a dit :

    So just to be clear, Vanish is always dispelled by attacks that aren't headshots or finishers?

    No, the Vanish effect isn't dispelled by attack, the temporary invisbility from headshot is dispelled when Vanish ends.

    When you cast Vanish, it stays for 20. If you land a (non-kill) headshot while Vanish is active, you gain invisibility that stay until your next attack.
    If Vanish ends while you are still invisible because you didn't attack, the invisibility effect will stop as well.

    So basically, if you land a headshot and get invisibility from Vanish, it will stay until Vanish end, unless you attack and don't headshot/finish with said attack.<

    I will edit to make it more clear.

    il y a 33 minutes, Tiltskillet a dit :

    Not sure about the numbers here, but I like the general idea.

    What change would you do ?
    Increase/decrease the intial stats or bonus from passive ?

    • Like 1
  14. il y a 24 minutes, Fred_Avant_2019 a dit :

    This just dropped, someone just dm'd it. I'm not sure a full in depth Loki rework is coming, but light changes so he's less irrelevant.

    Oh interesting

  15. Problem with the current Loki :
    Right now, Loki’s gameplay is too passive.
    It wouldn’t be a problem for certain Warframes, but early on he was specifically advertised as “hard to play trickster to Warframe”, which is the reason he was swapped with Volt as the beginner choice.
    The problem is, instead of encouraging a trickster playstyle and rewarding the player for that, it simply does the job for you by being invisible and removing enemies' weapons.

    Goal of the rework : 
    The goal of this rework is to prevent all of that, so rewarding you for that trickster playstyle, not being seen and playing well around his kit.

    Passive - Confusion (New)
    Loki fills the Confusion Meter with various actions. Every point of Confusion grant +1% headshot and finisher damage.
    The Confusion Meter rapidly decays at a rate of 50% per second while Loki is seen by enemies.

    Goal : Due to the fast decay when seen, this passive meant to encourage not being seen at all, and further reward careful aim and attacks from behind as the effect grows.

    1 - Decoy (Tweaks) - 25 Energy : 

    Loki deploys a holographic copy of himself for 20s, drawing enemy fire.
    Multiple Decoys can be cast simultaneously.
    When a Decoy is shot, it instantly explodes and blind all enemies looking at it for 3s and grants 2 points of Confusion for each enemy blinded.

    Augment - Deceptive Bond (Reworked)
    Only one decoy can be placed, but now has the total health pool of Loki and will take 50% of the damage received by Loki. Explode and blind if either him or Loki’s health gets below 50%.

    Augment - Savior Decoy (Tweaks)
    Switch to the closest decoy (since multiple can exist now) and blind both enemies looking at Loki and the Decoy.

    Goal : Decoy is more active and rewarding, as it’s stronger but has a short effect needs and reacted on quickly.

    2 - Vanish (New) - 50 Energy : 

    Loki enters the Vanish state for 10s.
    While the effect is active, Loki gains the following effects on headshot and finishers.

    On headshot or finisher : 

    • Become invisible until your next attack (refreshing on headshot) or until Vanish end.

    On headshot or finisher kill :

    • Become invisible and double the effect of Confusion for 7s
    • Refresh the Vanish timer
    • Gain 5 points of Confusion

    Augment : Invisibility (New)
    Vanish grand invisibility for the duration, but no longer provide effects on headshot and finisher. (It’s basically the old invisibility on a slightly shorter timer)

    Goal : Make Loki’s invisibility much more interactive and reward players for using it well. If you land only headshots and finishers, the ability functions the same on a slightly lower duration, except kills refresh the duration, which is very strong but requires consistency.
    Also, the speed at which the Confusion Meter decay forces the player to only strike when they are sure to headshot to not suddenly become visible and lose all the bonus.Switch

    3 - Teleport (Tweaks) - 15 Energy :
    Switch teleport instantly swaps positions with a target.
    When switching with an enemy, open them to finishers and gain 10 points of Confusion (once per target).

    Augment : Safeguard Switch (unchanged)

    Goal : Lowering the energy cost and allowing finishers makes it widely more useful for the cost (single target, slowing you down, and energy price), and synergize well with the new passive.

    4 - Radial Disarm (Tweaks) - 100 Energy :
    Disarm enemies in a 5m radius.
    Every point of Confusion grants 1% of additional range, and disarmed kills grant 1 point of Confusion when killed.

    Augment : Irradiating Disarm (Unchanged)

    Goal : Lowering the range and getting range through Confusion synergize with the passive and it makes it very strong, but only if you’re already dominating, rather than being an easy escape tool.

    • Like 1
  16. Because it would make the mechanic pointless. This just just basic game design.

    Why would you design an ability use a resource (shield) and provide benefits, if you can completely erase the cost with another button ?
    It's not like using ult before 2 is a deep mechanic, it's just an obvious thing everyone would do because it's obviously better with no downsides.

  17. il y a 24 minutes, Cadetwolf a dit :

    The whole blade is one texture. The script is already in place on the texture atlas. Flipping the image would not increase the file size at all.

    The entire model has mirrored texture.
    It mean whatever in one side of the model is replicated to the other. So what you call "flipping" is actually "allocate UV space to unmirror that specific part", which either mean increasing the texture size or lowering the overall quality of the texture (to allow more geometry into the same texture).

    If you want to save as much space as you want you can just cut the smallest piece possible around that text (with the area depending on the actual geometry) to unmirror only that part, but then you waste time instead of texture space, which isn't really worth for a weapon that people won't even buy because it's actually free.
    Edit : Forgot to mention this type of cut will often lead to visible UV seems unless it perfectly match the pixels at all LoD levels, which can be out of your control depending on the compression algorythm, so it could still be a loss of quality even if perfectly executed.

    Also, in case you didn't notice, this exact same "issue" exist on literally all guns that do have text, so good luck fixing them all as well for consistency.


    • Like 1

    Il y a 2 heures, Cadetwolf a dit :

    It's most definitely correct on the other side, since there are also many cases of flipped textures in the game. It's just lazy.

    It's not lazy, it's optimisation. No one care about the text on the weapon, and spending extra resource to make the text right on both side is just a waste.
    Stuff like that is what make 80GB+ games instead of the of below 30GB Warframe have.

  19. If you really need heat to kill stuff, you can always get it from another such as a weapon (so not a specific weapon, just specific build).

    But anyways, I think the slighly longer kill time you get from the lack of heat can actually help landing more status to better benefit from the effect on the long term, by landing more successive hit on a target, that will translate to the others and kill everything.
    It's not necessarily better but is worth questioning depending your weapon and playstyle.

    Just keep in mind this arcane is situational and will not always lead to good results on every loadouts. It requires some conditions to be met, so you need to know what you're and will definitely need to build around it for maximum outcome, rather than just slapping it onto your build and hope it works. 

    il y a 58 minutes, quxier a dit :

    At this point I don't think it's worth to put on weapon UNLESS it has huge electric status capabilities. Am I missing something fun out there?

    About this, the way you talk about like you don't understand how the arcane work, and the description is phrased quite weirdly, so I will explain just in case
    "On Melee Electricity Status: 20% chance for elemental Melee Status Effect to apply to enemies within 20m for 18s"

    A slighly longer but easier to understand way of phrasing is : On electricity status from melee weapon, you have 20% of triggering the following effect : "status from melee effects apply to enemies with 20m", and said effect applies for 18s and cannot refresh.

    In practice, what it mean is, you need to land one electricity status to get all your melee status effects to spread in a 20m radius for 18s. And while you would benefit from more electricity chance to refresh the effect faster once it's over, you can largely benefit from the effect even with low electricty values that results in a proc every 4-5 seconds.

    There is much more to say about it, but I think it's enough for you to get a good grasp of what the uses of this Arcane are.

    • Like 1
  20. il y a 5 minutes, BiancaRoughfin a dit :

    No it cant. What you failed to consider is that Dark Split Sword`s base status change significantly from Dual Blade to Heavy Blade mode/stance, one having lower damage, higher attack speed and crit chance wile the other having more damage and more status chance. You have to build accordingly with each stance.

    Incarnon Weapons usually rely on the weapon`s base stats when it shifts form and you also build accordingly to how it performs when it changes.

    Significantly different stats in the two forms doesn't mean anything, we already have weapons with 2 fire modes that have drastically different stats and would benefits for a build per fire mode (Cedo, Euphona, etc).
    The difference act more as a balance to brings the choice between versatility or specialising, which would totally work for the Dark Split Sword.

    The reason it probably won't happen tho, is because it would reduce how unique the new Incarnon weapon is, so it will probably stay like that for a while.

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